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Geek Quest 2

Geek Quest Volume 2 WalkthroughGeekQuest Volume 2 is second part of Geek Quest point-and-click type adventure game which takes place around a collage campus. Like in the first part, again you try to search around to find somethings for figuring out the game. Be patient while downloading the game because of its large size. Enjoy!

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Geek Quest 2 Walkthrough by Nolans_mama:

Also your suppose to talk to the Susie lagy a lot but I got away with only talking to her a few times plus you ise the golf cart to move to the different dorms if you see it on the top left corner of your screen then you can use it

-Ride the golf cart to North Dorm, observe the guards protecting the holy flask.
-Put the olympics on the middle left tv Mr. I love myself goes there
Turn middle right TV to the hamster races the blue shirt guy goes there,
Mr. Baldy likes hockey so turn the top one (next to box) to hockey
The earth shirt guy likes the rugby game (green field) bottom left tv in front of you,
Blondy likes basketball so turn the bottom right to the basketball game
-Lift up the Holy Flask of Norf. A secret elevator is activated. Take the gloves from the basement.
-There are no explicit instructions for how to open the reactor door, but you can play with it a bit and should get it open pretty quickly. If you look in the window, you can see a dangerous plutonium rod. Pull the shield controls down to lower a protective shield. If you look in the window again, you should see that the room is now safe. Hit the "All Clear" button. Do not touch the alarm button. Now that the safety alarm is off, the door can be unlocked. Turn the large wheel to unlock the door. Now, grab the handle to open the reactor door.
-Set the reactor to normal operating levels.
-Go to west dorm and see the huge Cannon? click the cannon then click the cannon balls to grab one

-Go to the dining hall. The Wannabe Ninja appears, Use cover and throw oranges whenever he stops running. Make sure that each time you duck down that you grab another orange if you're not already holding one. If you are hit by one of his throwing stars, retry to have another chance at beating him. If you choose to continue you'll wake up back in South Dorm. The way I did it was I waited for him to stop at the machine after he runs a bit and got him there then he moves down to your right throws some stars then he goes left and I got him there
-When you beat the ninja, you can explore the dining hall.
-Take the artillery book out of the lost and found box, along with the South Dorm maintenance key.
-Go into the kitchen. Take the cookbook off the counter in the foreground.
-Open the cabinet beneath the sink and take the bag of charcoal.
-Hit the musical utensils in this order Spoon, Strainer, Whisk, Tongs, and Spatula.
-Enter the crawlspace and follow the path to get to the boiler, which is raging out of control. Put on the protective gloves and turn down the boiler.
-Take the Platt control lever (happens automatically).
-Walk back to the dining hall entrance.

-Go to South and talk to Susan about the cannon. She will offer you a deal.
-Make sure you have a cannon ball (West) and the bananas (South kitchen) go left then go through right door
-Go to the field station. Enter the 8-digit codes: 7714-3838
do this by clicking the 7 button twice then the 1 button etc. etc.
-search the place for the flowers you should find one by going forward then at the Y in the road go left get flower (makes noise) go right get second flower
-Go back to fork in road and go right to the cabin go to the left side of it to see the dock
- use the Green lever to crank-start the engine and move the boat over to the other side of the lake. Now switch the control mechanism to "round trip" and prime the engine again. Jump into the boat when it comes and ride it across the lake. This puzzle operates in real time, so you can change scenes without disrupting it.
-On the other side, find the tree and the oar and row back. You can now travel in the boat without using the pulley, as long as you use the oar.
-Open the monkey's cage using the outer lever control mechanisms (next to the boat controls) with the Blue Lever (the + sign one).
-Let the dog loose by entering the four nucleotide bases on the letter combo lock to CATG. The dog will run into the cabin. The monkey has now moved onto the table to avoid the dog.
-Climb up the ladder, and drop the cannon ball into the chute. It will land on one side of the table and send the monkey flying into the rafters. Lure the monkey to the upper window with the bananas.
-Take the keys, open the cabin, and get the last plant. You can also retrieve the cannon ball if you want.

-Return to Susan. Talk to her to give her the plants. If you have the charcoal, she will prepare gunpowder for you now.
-Go to West Courtyard.
-Go left and beat the girl at her game. To do this, go first and place 1 beer bottle. Then, consistantly play the opposite of whatever she plays until you win.
-At the end you can do three things click the second one where it says key to the cannon
-Get the lighter in front of the flaming couch.
-Go to the cannon and load it with both the gunpowder and a cannon ball (you can use the same one you used in the field station, or pick another one up from the pile, but you can only carry one ball at a time)
-Go to the control platform.
-Put key in
-Change rotation to 36 and angle to 7
-Press go and confirm that you want to fire the cannon.

-Enter the Activities Center. Go into the basketball court on right. Talk to Derek and he will open up the secret passage for you.
-Switch the conduits in the electrical panel to power the lever cover, but not electrify the catwalk. The top ones I forgot how I did it but you have to send electricity to the lever cover TOP ONE but not the catwalk BOTTOM ONE
-Walk across the platform, open the safety cover, turn the lever, and remove it.
-Leave the area go back to the main entrance where it had the bathroom and go into the maintance closet it says employees only
click lock box and put in this code 4,2,9,1,3. Take the wrench set and leave.

-Go back to south dorm where susie is and click the air vent in the room it has lasers on it
-Use the wrench set to remove the grating in South Lounge.
-Use maintenance keys to turn off the security lasers.
-Go into room take pills from floor and red bottle from table

-Go to west dorm click the doors behind the rock lover guy
-Go to machine add grenadine
-Now on the laugh pade you see two things right? A rail and a box thing with blue rectangles next to them
-Click the box thingy so it goes down make sure the rail in at an angle instead of straight
-Click launch let it go through then when the bottom lever is at a right angle click launch again
-Click mix drink if it says its good you did it right if not try again if you get confused go by the recipe from the cook book for a westie
-give the drink to wes he passes out
-open door put blue lever on top, green lever in the middle, red/brown lever on bottom turn each to the position thats on the paper on the side of the door just turn each until it opens

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  1. Anyone have any help for the field station gate code?

  2. how do you get the drink for wes?

  3. Havent gotten that yet. You need grenadine though.

    Currently stuck trying to get the key from the monkey. I got past the dog and drop a cannon ball through the back but cant get any further.

  4. Ok after figuring out that I still needed to figure out Platt Matter I was able to get the keys from the monkey and finish the plant hunt.

  5. look at the order of the highlighted utensils in the cookbook. I think it's spoon, strainer, whisk, tongs, spatula. and you dont get grenadine until pretty much the very end. rather annoying ending, if you ask me.

  6. Also your suppose to talk to the Susie lagy a lot but I got away with only talking to her a few times plus you ise the golf cart to move to the different dorms if you see it on the top left corner of your screen then you can use it

    -Ride the golf cart to North Dorm, observe the guards protecting the holy flask.
    -Put the olympics on the middle left tv Mr. I love myself goes there
    Turn middle right TV to the hamster races the blue shirt guy goes there,
    Mr. Baldy likes hockey so turn the top one (next to box) to hockey
    The earth shirt guy likes the rugby game (green field) bottom left tv in front of you,
    Blondy likes basketball so turn the bottom right to the basketball game
    -Lift up the Holy Flask of Norf. A secret elevator is activated. Take the gloves from the basement.
    -There are no explicit instructions for how to open the reactor door, but you can play with it a bit and should get it open pretty quickly. If you look in the window, you can see a dangerous plutonium rod. Pull the shield controls down to lower a protective shield. If you look in the window again, you should see that the room is now safe. Hit the "All Clear" button. Do not touch the alarm button. Now that the safety alarm is off, the door can be unlocked. Turn the large wheel to unlock the door. Now, grab the handle to open the reactor door.
    -Set the reactor to normal operating levels.
    -Go to west dorm and see the huge Cannon? click the cannon then click the cannon balls to grab one

    -Go to the dining hall. The Wannabe Ninja appears, Use cover and throw oranges whenever he stops running. Make sure that each time you duck down that you grab another orange if you're not already holding one. If you are hit by one of his throwing stars, retry to have another chance at beating him. If you choose to continue you'll wake up back in South Dorm. The way I did it was I waited for him to stop at the machine after he runs a bit and got him there then he moves down to your right throws some stars then he goes left and I got him there
    -When you beat the ninja, you can explore the dining hall.
    -Take the artillery book out of the lost and found box, along with the South Dorm maintenance key.
    -Go into the kitchen. Take the cookbook off the counter in the foreground.
    -Open the cabinet beneath the sink and take the bag of charcoal.
    -Hit the musical utensils in this order Spoon, Strainer, Whisk, Tongs, and Spatula.
    -Enter the crawlspace and follow the path to get to the boiler, which is raging out of control. Put on the protective gloves and turn down the boiler.
    -Take the Platt control lever (happens automatically).
    -Walk back to the dining hall entrance.

    -Go to South and talk to Susan about the cannon. She will offer you a deal.
    -Make sure you have a cannon ball (West) and the bananas (South kitchen) go left then go through right door
    -Go to the field station. Enter the 8-digit codes: 7714-3838
    do this by clicking the 7 button twice then the 1 button etc. etc.
    -search the place for the flowers you should find one by going forward then at the Y in the road go left get flower (makes noise) go right get second flower
    -Go back to fork in road and go right to the cabin go to the left side of it to see the dock
    - use the Green lever to crank-start the engine and move the boat over to the other side of the lake. Now switch the control mechanism to "round trip" and prime the engine again. Jump into the boat when it comes and ride it across the lake. This puzzle operates in real time, so you can change scenes without disrupting it.
    -On the other side, find the tree and the oar and row back. You can now travel in the boat without using the pulley, as long as you use the oar.
    -Open the monkey's cage using the outer lever control mechanisms (next to the boat controls) with the Blue Lever (the + sign one).
    -Let the dog loose by entering the four nucleotide bases on the letter combo lock to CATG. The dog will run into the cabin. The monkey has now moved onto the table to avoid the dog.
    -Climb up the ladder, and drop the cannon ball into the chute. It will land on one side of the table and send the monkey flying into the rafters. Lure the monkey to the upper window with the bananas.
    -Take the keys, open the cabin, and get the last plant. You can also retrieve the cannon ball if you want.

    -Return to Susan. Talk to her to give her the plants. If you have the charcoal, she will prepare gunpowder for you now.
    -Go to West Courtyard.
    -Go left and beat the girl at her game. To do this, go first and place 1 beer bottle. Then, consistantly play the opposite of whatever she plays until you win.
    -At the end you can do three things click the second one where it says key to the cannon
    -Get the lighter in front of the flaming couch.
    -Go to the cannon and load it with both the gunpowder and a cannon ball (you can use the same one you used in the field station, or pick another one up from the pile, but you can only carry one ball at a time)
    -Go to the control platform.
    -Put key in
    -Change rotation to 36 and angle to 7
    -Press go and confirm that you want to fire the cannon.

    -Enter the Activities Center. Go into the basketball court on right. Talk to Derek and he will open up the secret passage for you.
    -Switch the conduits in the electrical panel to power the lever cover, but not electrify the catwalk. The top ones I forgot how I did it but you have to send electricity to the lever cover TOP ONE but not the catwalk BOTTOM ONE
    -Walk across the platform, open the safety cover, turn the lever, and remove it.
    -Leave the area go back to the main entrance where it had the bathroom and go into the maintance closet it says employees only
    click lock box and put in this code 4,2,9,1,3. Take the wrench set and leave.

    -Go back to south dorm where susie is and click the air vent in the room it has lasers on it
    -Use the wrench set to remove the grating in South Lounge.
    -Use maintenance keys to turn off the security lasers.
    -Go into room take pills from floor and red bottle from table

    -Go to west dorm click the doors behind the rock lover guy
    -Go to machine add grenadine
    -Now on the laugh pade you see two things right? A rail and a box thing with blue rectangles next to them
    -Click the box thingy so it goes down make sure the rail in at an angle instead of straight
    -Click launch let it go through then when the bottom lever is at a right angle click launch again
    -Click mix drink if it says its good you did it right if not try again if you get confused go by the recipe from the cook book for a westie
    -give the drink to wes he passes out
    -open door put blue lever on top, green lever in the middle, red/brown lever on bottom turn each to the position thats on the paper on the side of the door just turn each until it opens

    To be continued lol cool game huh

  7. ok.. so im in the west dorm and im trying to beat the west dorm president at her beer bottle game.. i cant figure it out! HELP PLZZZ

  8. plz help u know when u go to the basketball place and tht boy opens a secret passage plz tell me what ways to turn the yellow things

  9. i cant put the olypics on because the antena is broken

  10. i cant open the safety shield


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