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Bloons Players Pack 1

Bloons Players Pack 1 SolutionsBloons Player Pack 1 is the first pack of Bloons player-designed levels on Bloons World from Ninja Kiwi. Again you try to pop the balloons by using darts to clear each level and continue for next one. Good luck and have fun for your challenging puzzle!

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  1. don't understand this game, got to level 4 whats the point,to me this is not an escape game it is 2.45 in the morning i must be cracking up i'm off to bed, night all

  2. Poor Foxy....this is just a fun game to rest the brain from pointing and clicking. I love the challenge....

  3. Got up to 25...must go and do some work...there are some wicked minds out there, some of the hardest & most imaginative bloons ever played.

  4. is there any hints that I can get to pass level 11?

  5. Okay, I must be doing something wrong. I can't seem to beat level 13. No matter where I start, the stupid ice balloon always freezes one or the other, and then I lose. Anybody wanna clue me in?

  6. Any hints on 39? I keep freezing too many no matter what I do.

  7. 13 this is hard...45 degrees to left aim between blue and pink balloon. Tiny boost to arc down to other javelin balloon. Immediately move pacman over to right to chew those ballons and activate pacman and immediately up to finish off head for the javelin (third from right)- pacman eats ice...

  8. Help! Can't pass level 33. How do you do it?

  9. here's a walkthrough

    Lvl 1: hit the pin bloon at the bottom, it clears out everything but the one behind you, then with your next arrow hit the last bloon.

    lvl 2: keep aiming for pin bloons until you have some stray ones left. then get the boomerangs and finish the rest.

    lvl 3: I beat the level by aiming for the bottom left corner of the triangle and then having the dart bounce over the bomb and hit the second and third corners. As long as you hit the bottom two corners before the bomb, you will pass.

    lvl 4: first hit the bombs in the middle. then hit the bombs on the bottom (don't hit the ice). then hit any of the pin bloons. the last bloons of the heart should look like this:
    o o
    o o o o
    o o

    make an arc to hit all of them but the two on top.

    lvl 5: pop the first single mine. (not the couplet)

    lvl 6: aim for the top pin bloons and hit one of them. then when the pacman comes up, eat the last normal bloon and then the bomb.

    lvl 7: aim to the right while hitting the triple dart. then with the triple dart, aim for the bigger pile on the left.

    lvl 8: hit the lightsaber, and then get through the hole and hit the mine.

    lvl 9: aim a full power shot through the normal bloons, then a full power shot through the ice bloons.

    lvl 10: aim a shot straight up so that it hits the mine and the first wooden block

    lvl 11: aim a kind of straight arc so that it hits the first triple dart bloon, but nothing more. There should be two clumps of bloons. aim for the pin clump. you will get the other triple dart as well. then aim for the other clump.
    If you get 92 or 93, just keep doing it until you pass.

    lvl 12: I hate this level. I got it by throwing the darts vertically and getting them column by column. also, you have to hit the 4 in the back to pass, so don't forget that. if you have a better way, then use it.

    Lvl 13: start at the right most pin bloon. when pacman appears, go and get the pin up top btwn the bomb and lightsaber. when the second pacman appears, eat the pin, then the frozen lightsaber, then the normal lightsaber.

    lvl 14: with your dart, aim at the top pacman, and throw it so that it hits the pins in the back as well. with the top pacman, eat an ice. soon the second pacman will appear, and you will have to eat as many bloons in the "ship" as possible.

    lvl 15: with the first dart, throw it over the bomb so it hits the pins and bounces back to hit the bomb. the second throw should hit the light saber, the third hits the boomerang, then throw the boomerang over so it comes back and hits the pile. with your last dart, get the last 2 bloons.

    lvl 16: just trial and error. aim straight and keeptrying until the dart bounces into the bloon, or hits the side rubber, then the bottom then the bloon.

    lvl 17: hit the first bomb, then the second bomb, then a staight arc to hit all the mines.

    lvl 18: for each throw, hit the dart bloon, then make the thrown dart bounce back and hit a normal bloon. after you have no more "reloads" aim a vertical shot to hit as many of the rest as you can.

    lvl 19: for each throw, aim for the third rubber block from the center(monkey) you just need the right power, and like lvl 16, just keep trying.

    lvl 20: your shot should go through the lightsaber, top left corner and mine bloon first, then come back to hit the top right corner and the third to the left from the same corner on the way down. (sometimes the pin doesn't pop one on the left side, but you can't do anything about that.

    lvl 21: the ice bloons make the three paths that you should throw. (Each throw should bounce off the normal bloon).

    lvl 22: first, throw the dart through the top gap. the dart should fall in and pop alot of bloons, and also at least four or five on the "stairs". then with your next darthit the bottom wood block, and with the last one go into the passageway to get the remaining bloons.

    lvl 23: go one by one clockwise starting from the one right under the monkeyand hit the pin. you should have enough by the time you get to the last one, and if not, aim for a clump of ice bloons.

    lvl 24: throw it at the right power, so it hits all of the bloons and doesn't skip any or die out on you.

    lvl 25: with the first dart, aim to hit the boomerang, and over the mine, so it bounces back and takes alot of normal bloons from the bottom. then with the boomerang, hit the mine, and make it come back to get more at the bottom. with the last one, bounce it off the wall to get as many as you need.

    lvl 26: bounce the dart off the wall so it hits the mine, bounces, then hits the triple, the hits the other mine. with the triple, aim for the clump of normal bloons at the bottom. with the rest of the arrows get whatever stray bloons you need.

    lvl 27: with your first throw, hit the two mines and the extra arrow, and let the dart bounce around in the little pit. with the second dart get all of the rest of the bloons in the pit. onlt the frozen lightsaber should be left at the end.

    lvl 28: you have to get the perfect power to follow the path of bloons.

    lvl 29: with your first throw, go through the pins tin the two leftmost clumps at the top. then go through the clump on the bottom left next to the monkey. with the last throw, go through any remaining clumps to pop the rest.

    lvl 30: throw it over the topto hit the middle mine. when the bomb breaks the hole open, hit the pacman and get the rest from the bottom.

    lvl 31: throw the lightest throw at the bottom to get the first pit. then a medium one to get the second one, and then a hard one to bounce off the wall into the last one.

    lvl 32: aim a straight line right over the left wood and under the right wood. it should hit all of the pins, and leave you with just a few. For me it was 53, and with the next throw, I got my last bloon.

    lvl 33: you have a lot of darts. first hit the lone ive at the bottom. next, bounce the dart off of the newly frozen bloons to hit the pin. then with the rest, you just have to hit the two lightsabers.

    lvl 34: with the first dart, go through the mine and the bloons on the left. with the second one, hit the lightsaber on the right. then with the rest, bounce the dart to get the ones under the monkey.

    lvl 35: you have to be ready for the pacman. hit a powerful shot off the rubbers to hit the mine. right whrn the pacman gets hit, you have to move it to the pin. to finish the level bounce your darts into the ice bloons that look like a lake.

    lvl 36: first throw: hit the mines and the extra arrow; with the pacman, eat every bloon in the bottom. Second throw: hit the extra arrow in the back.third throw: hit the bomb on top. fourth throw: hit the boomerang. fifth throw: hit the arrow in the middle top and a bomb in the back. sixth throw: hit the three bloons and the last bomb.

    lvl 37: a high vertical-ish throw to go under the ice and hit the bomb. then finish the rest of the bloons you need.

    lvl 38: you need to throw it straight up, so it hits the top of the side, falls in, and keeps bouncing straight up and down, in and out, until it hits the third pin.

    lvl 39: you have to go through the pins at an angle where the ice bloons are exactly parallel with the dart. the two left most groups get one dart each, but you have to pair two groups together on the right side.

    lvl 40: sraight up, full power, so it bounces over every wall to the bloon.

    level 41: go through the pins, not the bomb, and land falling into the bottom right bunch with the pin. with the triple, aim so that one of the darts hits the pin in the top left, while the other two bounce off and hit the top right. with the last pin hit the bottom left.

    lvl 42: with the first throw, make an arc through the pathway and hit the mine. thenhit the boomerang and the rightmost wooden block. with the boomerang, get all of the bloons in the rectangle. then with the last throw, hit the rubber wall full power, and let it bounce until the bombs.

    lvl 43: first throw: hit the five bloons on the right side and let it bounce down and hit all ten bloons in that line. next, a soft throw off the corner of the single block and back down the line of four. then hit the remaining horizontal line.

    lvl 44: you have to hit the normal bloon first then the ice. on the bottom one, bounce it off the block, to hit the normal ones, then hit the lightsaber.

    lvl45: you need to hit the first pin bloon and make an arc to hit the back pins without hitting the lightsaber.

    lvl 46: go through all of the mines, then bounce the dart from the fist and second ones togeter.

    ill stop at 47 so I can think tomorrow

  10. i beat 33. shoot the single bloon below. thenshoot above the top three. thy not to hit an ice bloon. bounce off one of the frozen bloons and hit the pink one. after that try to hit the lazor bloons hit them both without hitting an ice bloon and u beat it.

  11. level 48 - trifunctional:

    oh dear god... how!?

  12. Does anyone have any better hint for level 39 I keep on freezing a couple too many baloons.

  13. Lets us all congratulate Daniel for his takes a lot of time to get this kind of thing down, so we should all give our thanks.

  14. i need help with level 50 its amazingly hard

  15. On 48, go 30% in the middle of top rubber piece, dart will bounce down and then back up to hit the baloon burried. To get the other go about 10% towards the top left of middle rubber and it will bounce into it.

  16. Wow, 50 was a bitch.

    You need to go 100% just clearing the rubber on top. You need to hit the green baloon (2nd from the right) on top bunch. This will bounce all the way to the end and take out the right hand side and activate pacman. Go right for the bomb.

    Next go 100% straight for the pacman, will go through the rubber and take out the shield block. Go again and hit pacman, be sure to hit pacman low so you dont bounce into the ice. Guide around the ice towards the top bombs.

    You should now only need 7 or so bloons so shoot straight to the right raising it a little so it will bounce and hit a pin.

    This should give you enough to clear the last level to win.

  17. Jamie,

    On 39 theres no other way to do it. Since you only have 4 darts you need to take the 2 on the bottom right out together. and then arc one for the top 2 on the right. The bottom left is easy and the top left just takes a lot of luck.

  18. How you get past level 48??????? I can't get the middle balloon. someone please help

  19. ive tried every frikin thing for 48 nothing works but for trys use ulimited darts then use limited. plez help someone!!!!!

  20. here's a walkthrough

    Lvl 1: hit the pin bloon at the bottom, it clears out everything but the one behind you, then with your next arrow hit the last bloon.

    lvl 2: keep aiming for pin bloons until you have some stray ones left. then get the boomerangs and finish the rest.

    lvl 3: I beat the level by aiming for the bottom left corner of the triangle and then having the dart bounce over the bomb and hit the second and third corners. As long as you hit the bottom two corners before the bomb, you will pass.

    lvl 4: first hit the bombs in the middle. then hit the bombs on the bottom (don't hit the ice). then hit any of the pin bloons. the last bloons of the heart should look like this:
    o o
    o o o o
    o o

    make an arc to hit all of them but the two on top.

    lvl 5: pop the first single mine. (not the couplet)

    lvl 6: aim for the top pin bloons and hit one of them. then when the pacman comes up, eat the last normal bloon and then the bomb.

    lvl 7: aim to the right while hitting the triple dart. then with the triple dart, aim for the bigger pile on the left.

    lvl 8: hit the lightsaber, and then get through the hole and hit the mine.

    lvl 9: aim a full power shot through the normal bloons, then a full power shot through the ice bloons.

    lvl 10: aim a shot straight up so that it hits the mine and the first wooden block

    lvl 11: aim a kind of straight arc so that it hits the first triple dart bloon, but nothing more. There should be two clumps of bloons. aim for the pin clump. you will get the other triple dart as well. then aim for the other clump.
    If you get 92 or 93, just keep doing it until you pass.

    lvl 12: I hate this level. I got it by throwing the darts vertically and getting them column by column. also, you have to hit the 4 in the back to pass, so don't forget that. if you have a better way, then use it.

    Lvl 13: start at the right most pin bloon. when pacman appears, go and get the pin up top btwn the bomb and lightsaber. when the second pacman appears, eat the pin, then the frozen lightsaber, then the normal lightsaber.

    lvl 14: with your dart, aim at the top pacman, and throw it so that it hits the pins in the back as well. with the top pacman, eat an ice. soon the second pacman will appear, and you will have to eat as many bloons in the "ship" as possible.

    lvl 15: with the first dart, throw it over the bomb so it hits the pins and bounces back to hit the bomb. the second throw should hit the light saber, the third hits the boomerang, then throw the boomerang over so it comes back and hits the pile. with your last dart, get the last 2 bloons.

    lvl 16: just trial and error. aim straight and keeptrying until the dart bounces into the bloon, or hits the side rubber, then the bottom then the bloon.

    lvl 17: hit the first bomb, then the second bomb, then a staight arc to hit all the mines.

    lvl 18: for each throw, hit the dart bloon, then make the thrown dart bounce back and hit a normal bloon. after you have no more "reloads" aim a vertical shot to hit as many of the rest as you can.

    lvl 19: for each throw, aim for the third rubber block from the center(monkey) you just need the right power, and like lvl 16, just keep trying.

    lvl 20: your shot should go through the lightsaber, top left corner and mine bloon first, then come back to hit the top right corner and the third to the left from the same corner on the way down. (sometimes the pin doesn't pop one on the left side, but you can't do anything about that.

    lvl 21: the ice bloons make the three paths that you should throw. (Each throw should bounce off the normal bloon).

    lvl 22: first, throw the dart through the top gap. the dart should fall in and pop alot of bloons, and also at least four or five on the "stairs". then with your next darthit the bottom wood block, and with the last one go into the passageway to get the remaining bloons.

    lvl 23: go one by one clockwise starting from the one right under the monkeyand hit the pin. you should have enough by the time you get to the last one, and if not, aim for a clump of ice bloons.

    lvl 24: throw it at the right power, so it hits all of the bloons and doesn't skip any or die out on you.

    lvl 25: with the first dart, aim to hit the boomerang, and over the mine, so it bounces back and takes alot of normal bloons from the bottom. then with the boomerang, hit the mine, and make it come back to get more at the bottom. with the last one, bounce it off the wall to get as many as you need.

    lvl 26: bounce the dart off the wall so it hits the mine, bounces, then hits the triple, the hits the other mine. with the triple, aim for the clump of normal bloons at the bottom. with the rest of the arrows get whatever stray bloons you need.

    lvl 27: with your first throw, hit the two mines and the extra arrow, and let the dart bounce around in the little pit. with the second dart get all of the rest of the bloons in the pit. onlt the frozen lightsaber should be left at the end.

    lvl 28: you have to get the perfect power to follow the path of bloons.

    lvl 29: with your first throw, go through the pins tin the two leftmost clumps at the top. then go through the clump on the bottom left next to the monkey. with the last throw, go through any remaining clumps to pop the rest.

    lvl 30: throw it over the topto hit the middle mine. when the bomb breaks the hole open, hit the pacman and get the rest from the bottom.

    lvl 31: throw the lightest throw at the bottom to get the first pit. then a medium one to get the second one, and then a hard one to bounce off the wall into the last one.

    lvl 32: aim a straight line right over the left wood and under the right wood. it should hit all of the pins, and leave you with just a few. For me it was 53, and with the next throw, I got my last bloon.

    lvl 33: you have a lot of darts. first hit the lone ive at the bottom. next, bounce the dart off of the newly frozen bloons to hit the pin. then with the rest, you just have to hit the two lightsabers.

    lvl 34: with the first dart, go through the mine and the bloons on the left. with the second one, hit the lightsaber on the right. then with the rest, bounce the dart to get the ones under the monkey.

    lvl 35: you have to be ready for the pacman. hit a powerful shot off the rubbers to hit the mine. right whrn the pacman gets hit, you have to move it to the pin. to finish the level bounce your darts into the ice bloons that look like a lake.

    lvl 36: first throw: hit the mines and the extra arrow; with the pacman, eat every bloon in the bottom. Second throw: hit the extra arrow in the back.third throw: hit the bomb on top. fourth throw: hit the boomerang. fifth throw: hit the arrow in the middle top and a bomb in the back. sixth throw: hit the three bloons and the last bomb.

    lvl 37: a high vertical-ish throw to go under the ice and hit the bomb. then finish the rest of the bloons you need.

    lvl 38: you need to throw it straight up, so it hits the top of the side, falls in, and keeps bouncing straight up and down, in and out, until it hits the third pin.

    lvl 39: you have to go through the pins at an angle where the ice bloons are exactly parallel with the dart. the two left most groups get one dart each, but you have to pair two groups together on the right side.

    lvl 40: sraight up, full power, so it bounces over every wall to the bloon.

    level 41: go through the pins, not the bomb, and land falling into the bottom right bunch with the pin. with the triple, aim so that one of the darts hits the pin in the top left, while the other two bounce off and hit the top right. with the last pin hit the bottom left.

    lvl 42: with the first throw, make an arc through the pathway and hit the mine. thenhit the boomerang and the rightmost wooden block. with the boomerang, get all of the bloons in the rectangle. then with the last throw, hit the rubber wall full power, and let it bounce until the bombs.

    lvl 43: first throw: hit the five bloons on the right side and let it bounce down and hit all ten bloons in that line. next, a soft throw off the corner of the single block and back down the line of four. then hit the remaining horizontal line.

    lvl 44: you have to hit the normal bloon first then the ice. on the bottom one, bounce it off the block, to hit the normal ones, then hit the lightsaber.

    lvl45: you need to hit the first pin bloon and make an arc to hit the back pins without hitting the lightsaber.

    lvl 46: go through all of the mines, then bounce the dart from the fist and second ones togeter.

    ill stop at 47 so I can think tomorrow

  21. my bad... the walkthrough was resent again for some reason.

    thank you to redroobar for acknowledging my walkthrough. took me almost 3 hours to write, but its worth it to help the gaming world.

    by the way, 48 wtf!!!!! i cant get the middle one, and for some reason I forgot how to do 47.

  22. 49 is pretty easy. The first dart you shoot has only one objective, to hit the balloon above and to the left of the light saber and ice. The second shot should arc through both pins, not sure why this works because you would think the ice would freeze the lightsaber, but it does.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. i am no longer a slave to Level 48 - Trifunctional!!!

    are you freakin' kidding me?

    "Bloons" has so severely ruined my life that "Level Complete" is now as sacred as "You graduated with a 4.0" or "Congratulations, it's a boy" or "We made a mistake, you have forty YEARS to live, not forty DAYS. Sorry for the confusion."

    I'll attempt to alleviate any frustration fellow Blooners may be having with this hellspawn that is 48.

    Level 48 Walkthrough (in THE most detail i can possibly give):
    Go for the tough one first - take your cursor "hand" and line up the black outline of the pointer finger right beneath the dead center of the bottom border of the upper rubber square. that's a mouthfull. Now see the "C" shape that contains that tricky balloon? there's three steel blocks on top, one on the left and then three on the bottom. Imagine a line cutting those bottom three block in half. Right around there is where you want the tip of your "power" arrow to stop. It may be a pixel more, a pixel less - as it is an imaginary line, it was tough for me to gauge exactly where. All i can tell you is that it'll take quite a bit of patience to test that one out - but i assure you, eventually it'll bounce down and back up right into that "C."

    Then the top ballon:
    Line up the black border of your "hand's" right side (so the side your "pinky" would be on) with the left border of the upper rubber square. so basically right next to it. Make sure your pointer "finger" lines up evenly to the top border of the rubber square. Your power arrow should stop just below the bottom three steel blocks.

    now the last arrow:
    point your "finger" smack dab in the center of the upper rubber square and just wail on it full blast. it should come right back down.

    Again, i hope this helps - but it definitely will take some fine tuning and a little patience to get it right.

    ...on to level 49... damn.

  25. Thanks so much Evan, for level 48!

    I'm soooo happy I finally got past that.

  26. I have been playing Level 36 for more than a day now. I am following the walkthrough for this level, but maybe I'm just not understanding it. It says for one of the last throws to hit the middle dart and the back bloons with the bomb. The problem I'm having, is that this throw is being made with the boomerang, and the boomerang wont reach the top right set of do i do this?????

  27. Im on level 50 and it seems so freakin impossible. Any suggestions?

  28. can't beat level 33. can't get the freakin lightsaber close to bomb. its pissin me off.

  29. help on 36 boomerang wont reach the bomb

  30. Level 36 - one step is wrong in the walkthrough, here is revision: first throw: hit the mines and the extra arrow; with the pacman, eat every bloon in the bottom. Second throw: hit the extra arrow in the back.third throw: hit the boomerang. fourth throw: use the boomerang to hit the bomg on top. fifth throw: hit the arrow in the middle top and a bomb in the back. sixth throw: hit the last bomb.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. thank you to whoever just gave the revision to 36,

    but my problem is,
    how do i GET the boomerang?
    when i shoot an arrow up there,
    it hits a bomb first, and therefore doesn't give me the boomerang?

    do i have to try and get it from the top?

  33. for number 36 i do it differently, i think its easier. 1st shot: get the boomerang (shoot up so it goes past first 2 rows and curves in to the boomerang) 2nd Shot: get the bomb on top with the boomerang. 3rd Shot: hit the extra arrow and lower bomb. 4th Shot hit the mines and use the packman. last shot hit the bomb in the top right corner.

  34. you dont even need to use the boomerang. if you shoot a strong shot almost striaght up then it will get the first three and hit the bomb.

  35. Could somebody please help me with level 50?

  36. This is the hardest bloons ever...and you cant cheat with extra darts on some! (which I have resorted to to save my sanity).My contribution to 44 get the two lowest ballons first by bouncing off the black brick, then the top two middle balloons at the same time allowing it to drop on the light sabre below. This gives you extra darts. Full power to top outermost balloons (45 degrees) to skim the bottom.

  37. 39. (unlucky number) has been giving me a hard time..this is how ive been doing it:

    first of all you must aim for the pink "pin" balloon in the center of each set.

    on the right you have 4 sets of balloons. the top 2 sets you can get with one dart. the bottom 2 sets also get 1 dart. in order to pass the level you can only have 1 balloon left between each combined sets (when you are done popping balloons on the right side you should only have 2 frozen balloons -- 1 from the top 2 sets and 1 from the bottom 2 sets)

    the balloon sets to your left each get 1 dart.

    you should do the bottom dart first so as not to accidently "drop" the dart and mess it up while doing the top set.

    when you hit this bottom set you must pop all the ballons. in order to pass the level.

    for the upper left corner (the hardest one in my opinion) you must angle slightly and aim up. You are only allowed to freeze one balloon in this set. tricky level.

  38. 39 with the bottom sets give full power so you burst the whole lot...

  39. This is a terrible combination of player created levels. The majority of these levels are fucking retarded. I believe that the people who made these levels are fucking idiots.

  40. so i think that level 43 is pure evil...i am really feeling like one of those shots are impossible...the shot having to bounce off the single black bouncer....i always get left with one balloon (bloon) frustrating!!

    i know no one can help too much, but thought id share my frustration.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. lvl 12 is so hard i tried 50 time a can not figure it out!!!

  43. I finally got it! What a nightmare! Why is it that I find it so darn addicting! :)

  44. The boomerand shot on Level pretty much near impossible. I've tried almost every angle with almost every amount of power...i've gotten it down to one bloon left in the bottom rectangle...but can't get all of them. anybody have any tips?

  45. On level 45, I did what it said but it still didn't work. What's the deal? How do i ACTUALLY do it?

  46. 1

    first of all there are at least 2 Daniels on this blog from now on, my messages will have a 1 in the beggining to show that I'm the one who made the walkthrough.

    Matt: sadly, sometimes it doesn't work like some of the other levels, but whats supposed to happen is that one of the pins in the chain will pop the lightsaber later. you have to do this because if you pop the lightsaber with your dart at first, then the bomb in the blocks won't detonate

  47. Yo daniel. In 42 you have to aim your boomerang horizantaly at like the middle row of bloons. Power should be almost full; the boomerang should be able to hit all three rows w/ a one way ticket.

  48. Marlin - any advice on how to get the pacman in level 50?

  49. sometimes you can go under rubber things if you shoot the dart under them hard enough!

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  51. Any hints on 50? all i get is the pacman.

  52. on lv. 50 my high score is 61.

  53. ok everyone, i figured out how to beat level 50! most of it is luck but i'll explain my process.

    start off by firing a shot slightly to the right at high power. i got lucky with my shot, hit all the balloons on the top left there, then fell down and hit the wooden block on the left.

    i tried my best to keep my mouse in the same spot, and fired the same shot, so this time it went along the top, then down the space there hitting one of the pin ballons to clear out all the balloons right there.

    next, i fired as far to the right as i possibly could without having to bounce back off of the rubber squares, with full power. my dart bounced along the top hittin the lone black square and NOT THE ICE BALLOONS, then falling down the right side, bouncing back up hitting the mine balloon, which for some reason only took out the wooden blocks for me.

    so, one again i fired that same exact shot, not having moved my mouse from last time, and was able to hit the pin balloons, eventually triggering that pacman. moving very quickly i got all the regular ballons moving up and finishing with the bomb balloon.

    after many previous tries i knew the mid closed off section would be hard, but i finally figured out the secret, firing directly to the right, the dart will go through the rubber squares and hit the wooden block, with another shot i hit pacman, and moving as quickly as i could, got the balloons in there, trying not to hit the ice balloons.

    once my pacman ran out, i had 76 of the 77 balloons =\ but i fired one shot and with luck hit an ice balloon past the once enclosed middle area.

    hope this helps you guys, i know how frustrating this level was lol.

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  56. Here's a walkthrough if anyonee needs one, I am pretty good at explaining I think, so I hope it helps :)

    Level One: Simple. See the pin balloon to the right of you? Hit that, which will hit all the other balloons except the one above you, with your next arrow hit that one.

    Level Two: I'm sure you can do this in more ways than one, but first, hit all the pin balloons you can, that should clear all the balloons except the ones on the top and maybe a couple other floating ones, simply just hit all of those, and if theres boomerang balloons then, get those, because it would be easier to finish it off.

    Level Three: Basically aim below you, maybe slightly to the right, to get the bottom left corner balloons, then most likely the arrow will bounce over the bomb, get the other bottom corner, and then hit the bomb.

    Level Four: aim downwards, for the last two bombs, try not to hit the ice, i say lean your arrow more so towards the right, so it almost hits the last ice balloon, then launch it, so it will hit the last two bombs. Then, hit the middle bombs. Then, hit one of the pins in the heart, leaving only a few of the top ones behind, then try to make an arc across the last two rows, if you get them all, you'll pass, forget about the top two.

    Level Five: I'm sure everyone gets this one, but if not, just hit the first mine thats by itself, not the ones over the bombs.

    Level Six: Hit one of the top pins, it will pop almost everything, and then pop the pacman, use that to eat any stray balloons and then the bomb.

    Level Seven: Aim your arrow to the right or the left, getting the triple dart along the way, then use the triple dart on the bigger pile on the other side.

    Level Eight: Requires some luck, hit the lightsaber then try to get through the hole to get the mine. When you hit the lightsaber, leave your mouse in the same spot, then shoot again with more force.

    Level Nine: Aim inbetween the bottom too normal balloons, use lots of force to get all of the normal balloons, then aim at the bottom frozen one, use same amount of force.

    Level Ten: Aim slightly to the right, with enough power to hit the mine and the first wooden block.

    Level Eleven: I don't know how other people did it, But I aimed for only the first triple dart, then used that one to aim for the top half, getting the pin, getting the other triple dart, then i used that to get the bottom half.

    Level Twelve: This ones like, basically just luck, i first threw it straight up, then kept slanting it a bit, eventually getting every collumn, then, i hit the four in the back, you need those to pass the level.

    Level Thirteen: Hard to explain. Get the rightmost pacman first, make him eat the top pin between the bomb and lightsaber, activating the second pacman, get that oen to get the frozen lgihtsaber, and the normal one near the bottom.

    Level Fourteen: You only have one dart, so make sure to aim your arrow so it hits both the first pacman, and a pin on the far right. Before the arrow hits the pin, make the pacman eat some of the iceballoons. After the second pacman comes out, try to eat as amny of the balloons in those two rows as possible, avoid the ones inside the steel blocks, it jsut wastes your time.

    Level Fifteen: Dont hit the boomerang first. First hit one of the pins on the right, so it bounces back and also hits the bomb. One the second throw, try to hit the lighsaber. Then hit the boomerang, and use it to get themound of bloons beside the bouncy blocks. you should get all of them but two. onme near the top of the mound, and one on the bottom of the mound. use as little force possible, with your arrow slightly tilted to the right, and sure enough it should hit both the top and bottom bloons.

    Level 16: This is basically just luck, but what i did is aimthe arrow towards the middle of the blocks onlining the bottom, and launch it with very little force, this causes it to bounce to the ones lining ther side, bouncing back down near the first three blocks lining the bottom, into the bloon.

    Level 17: Ignore the bombs for the first two turns, and try to get both the bombs. After that, hit every single mine bloon in one shot.

    Level 18: Get every free arrow, then bounce them off the top two blocks, and one off the bottom block, getting the bottom bloon.

    Level 19: Aim each arrow between the 9th and 10th bounce block, and the 14th and 15th bounce block.

    Level 20: Make the arrow arc through the top left corner(lightsaber,mine,blooninbetweem) and fly to the top right hand corner (lastbloon on first collumn)

    Level 21: Aim for all the normal bloons, by following the ice paths, your not gonna get the normal bloons, your gonna bounce off them, which is good, cuz it gets the rest of the ice ones.

    Level 22: Always aim through the top hole, first straight through, then a bit slanted , and with more force, until you get all the bloons. Sounds confusing, but basically its just shooting it through the top hole and hoping you get all the bloons.

    Level 23: Just aim for all the pins, except for the bottom right clump of pins, instead of hitting that one, hit the clump of ice bloons above it.

    Level 24: Move the arrow so its tilted to the left, and only use about 10% power. the arrow should bounce along the top ones slowly, then hit every single bloon.

    Level 25: Hit the boomerang, but make sure you angle it so it flies over the mine after hitting it, and bounces off the wall getting some normal bloons. Then, use the boomerang to get the rest, avoiding the mine+pin again.

    Level 26: Aim the arrow off the wall so it bounces up and hits the mine, then the triple dart,thenthe other mine. Use the triple dart for the clump of bloons at the bottom, and then use the last arrow for any bloons you missed.

    Level 27: Make an arc, getting the first two mines, and the extra arrow, but having the arrow still fall in the pit and get some of the bloons, use the next arrow to get the rest of the bloons.

    Level 28: Luck. Get all the bloons on top, and after the arrow will fall down and get the rest on the bottom.

    Level 29: just aim for the 4th pin on top, then the 4th on thebottom.

    Level 30: Simple, just aim upwards with much force to get the middle mine on top, it will fall down and zap the wooden block beside you, shoot the pacman, and get all the bloons on the bottom with it.

    Level 31: Light. Medium, and hard throws. Light will get the pin closest, and medium will get the one almost beside it, and the hard one will bounce off the wall into the last one. I HATED that one.

    Level 32: When I did it, I aimed for the middle pin, and it got all of them on the first try. but if it doesn't for you, aim a different way, and it will get the rest.

    Level 33: This looks hard, but it isnt. First get the ice bloon thats by itself, that freeezes rhe bloons on top,except the lightsabers. bounce an arrow off of that, hitting the pin. Then, hit the other two lightsabers.

    Level 34: Hit the saber and ice, hitting the mine, gettinfg all the bottom ones, then hit the arrow though the mine to the left of you, and through all the bloons on the left also. then use the rest to hit the ones below you. It was luck for me. might take you a few tries.

    Level 35: Aim the arrow towards the middle of the two bouncy blocks, so it bounces off the right wall, then flies to the left, bouncing off that one and hitting the mine. It will activate the pacman on the bottom left, use that to get to the pin on the bottom right. that will give you all the rest of the bloons, except for one. Simple, just get an ice bloon on the top left side.

    Level 36: Get ready on the first through, hit themines and extra arrow this activates the pacman, so eat all the bloons on the bottom. For the second throw, hit the extra arrowinthe back. Third throw, you hit the bomb on top, then hit the boomerang, before hitting the rest of the bloons in that clump, then, throw the boomerang at the topclump, then it will circle around the bottom.

    Level 37: Tilt your arrow to the right , and use about 50% of your power, and get inside the clump of bloons without hitting the ice, and prefferably hitting the bombs.

    Level 38: throw it directly up, with a bit of a slant, with full power, it should bounce and get the first two lonely ones, and then keep hitting all the pins.

    Level 39: The bottom leftone is easiest, just aim at the pin, exactly parallel from the two ice bloons. Then for the top left one, shoot upwards at a left slant too hopefully do the same thing as the bottom one, this could take quite a few tries. then. you have to group two of the clumps together, both the bottom right ones, and both the top rightones. For the top ones, make and arc hitting both pins at exactly the same spot as the left groups. Do the same with the bottom group, but do it straightly above the first groups pin. Sorry if that's a bit confusing.

    40.really tiny slant to the right, straight up with fullpower, it will end up hitting the bloons at the end.

    41. Don't hit the bomb when going upwards, only hit the triple dart and the pins with full force, also getting the bottom left clump. Then, use the triple dart on the top left hand corner, then get the last two clumps.

    42. First, hit the arc of bloons till you hit the mines. then hit the boomerang and the block above it. Use that to get everysingle bloon in the rectangle. With fullforce, Shoot the arrow through the hole where the boomerang and block once were, so it bounces off the walls and onto the bombs.

    43. First. hit the bloons on the top right side with little force so they bounce off the wall hitting the big line on the bottom left side. Then,attack the horisontal line above the line you just demolished. Then, with almost no force bounce the arrow off the corner of the lonely bouncy block, hitting the bloons beside it, AND bouncing off hitting the four across from it.Tpok me a few turns.

    44. This isn't that bad. first, you have to move your curser ( little hand) so the finger thats pointing upwards is just slightly over the center of the bottom line of the bouncy block. Using almost full force, launch your arrow, hitting the two bloons under the ice. Then, hit the lightsaber. Now, get the two free arrows above you. Remember, only get them AFTER you cleared the bottom. Group together the normal bloons and ice bloons on each side. First, get the normal bloons, On the left side, get both at the same time, and both the ice bloons at the same time, Same with the other side.Don't give up if it takes awhile!

    Level 45. In full force, hit the first pin bloon, and arc it so it flies to the back pin and hits that, without ever hitting the lightsaber. this is hard. You really have to be in the right place,perfectly.

    Level 46. Hit all the mines. Then, its basically just trial and error, try to hit the first pin , i would sya go up straight with full force. and maybe it'd hit them all. That's what I did.

    Level 47: Firstmake and arc, demolish the whole first clump, starting with the lightsaber, and then hit the mine beside the wooden blocks byitself, activating the pacman. Eat allll of the bottom half and then wack into the bomb with it. Then use the boomerang you got to hit somemore bloons. If you have another life, try to get more bloons/icebloons.

    Level 48: Omg so HARD. I'll try to make this as non-confusing as possible. First, get the one in the middle of the steel . Put the bottom line of your cursor( if its a hand) exactly on the bottom line of the bouncy block onthe top. use about as much power as the corner edge of the end steel block, and it should bounce on the bottom bounceblock, and into the bloon. Then, for the one right below you, place the cursor so its bottom line is on the bottom line on the block again, but this time on the bottom left corner and use a lot of force. For the top one, just place the cursor a bit to the left of the bounce block, and use about 25% force. Hope this helps!

    Level 49: Place your arrow so its slanted to the right so that the monkeys hand is just barely past its first eye. Then use a small bit of force, so that the arrow arcs and hits both the pin and the lightsaber,without touching the icebloons and without missing the single bloon inbetween the two. You have to do that in one shot. Then, hit the remaining pin bloon in your next shot. : )

    50. TRICKY TRICKY TRICKY! At least you DO have 9 darts. Okay, with the first one, aim it VERY SLIGHTLY too the right, so the monkeys hand is almost about to cover its left eye,and use full power, so you will hopefully get the bloons along the top and then the left wooden block on the bottom. If you follow that, it should happen.

    Next, do the exact same shot, slanted maybe A REALLY TINY bit more, and with the same amount of force, and it should go down and hit one of the pins on the leftmost clump, demolishing all the bloons there.

    Then, This gets pretty hard, tilt the arrow as FAR as you can right,with it still flying over, with as much force as possible, so that it bounces far enough to hit the bouncy block thats surrounded by icebloons, fall off and bounce along the bottom bounce blocks, and then eventually hitting the mine, either just hitting the wooden blocks or maybe some bloons too.

    DON'T MOVE YOUR MOUSE! now, fire the EXACT same shot, it should get the pin bloons at the bottom, triggering a pacman. Move as fast as you can left and upwards, getting all the bloons andthen hitting the bomb.

    Now, fire right, up a slight bit, into the wall, it should go through and hit the wooden block blocking off the middle section. Now, fire again, you should get the pacman, so get all the bloons, except the icebloons.
    Now you'll hvae only one bloon left.
    Hit an ice bloon surrounding the black block, and you should pass. : )

    Yeah that took me quite awhile. I'm sick so I had nothing else to do anyways haha, I really hope it helps you guys !

  57. Thanks SD, your Walkthrough is very easy to understand. I am, however, stuck at number 12, and have been at it for like an hour. You said it was a matter of luck...I guess I'm just out of luck right now, LOL.

  58. Lorena ;
    Basically, just try to get the four pins on the bottom left corner. then keep slanting your arrow to the right, adding more and more power, then , for the back four, slant it veeeery much to the right, and use about 65% power. I dont know if that will help but try I guess : )

  59. Thanks. I think I'll take a break from this for today and come back tomorrow. I'll definitely keep your description in mind. Thanks a lot.

  60. wow guys - great level 50 tutorials. it was that darn trick pacman. Thanks!!! i just got 82!!! i guess i just wait til bloonsworld is back up and pack 2 comes out.

    ...or try to beat previous scores.


  61. dude, this is so messed up. these people who made this are so stupid, it pisses me off, i bet you that THEY can't even beat their own freakin levels!

  62. FINALLY FINISHED 48!!!! Only took me 3 days...

  63. I know how to get two bloons on level 48. for the one thats on you, shoot the bottom of the rubber thingy and it will come back at you and hit it. for the bloon that is above the one in the metal cave, hit the side of the rubber thingy SOFTLY, and it wil bounce and hit the top bloon. i dont know how to get the one in the cave..........

  64. how do you get past level 47?

  65. wow.
    i spent FOREVER on 44.
    and yet, i think it'll take even longer for 45. gosh, what is wrong with the people who make these?

  66. Everyone on this website that are trying to help with level 4 only give you the hard way.( NO AFFINCE ) But, This is an eaier way

    First: do an arch above all the ice and bomb ballons but make sure that you build up enough power to hit a dart ballon.

    Second: hit the bottom two bomb ballons. avoid the ice or you will have to reset level.

    Third: take out the middle bomb ballons.

    And Forth: Make an arch and try to hit the left over heart ballons.

    For the second thing if you hit an ice ballon just hit reset level and try these tips again. i hope everyone can beat it. im here to help with anymore levels needed. hope these help!

  67. OMG i got it!! i got 48! i must have tried that level like 20 times yesturday and like 20 today! thats by far the hardest level...adn i think it has 50 levels! boy thats a tuff one

  68. jess here again...i got through it all! i love the bloons games. yes they can be difficult...but hey...more challenging that way. really helps time pass by!

  69. Okay, I am stuck at #50 and will keep working on it later today or tomorrow. But, I wanted to take some time to post a comment and thank those who have posted walthroughs or hints, which have really helped me, a lot. Daniel first, for his walkthrough which, even though it was sometimes a bit unclear for me, must have taken a long time and he really did do a good job. Also to SD, your walkthrough was very, very clear (most of the times, lol) and was definitely incredibly helpful. And last but not least, to Evan, whose description of level 48 was SOOOOOOO precise and clear that I finished the level in like 5 tries. I would have never made it to 50 without you guys. Thank you soooo much!!!

  70. i need MAJOR help with level 50...been @ it for DAYS!!

  71. i need MAJOR help with level 50!! ive been @ it for DAYS!! :'(

  72. wow i need major help on level 36! ive tried everything! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me!

  73. im having trouble with getting the boomerang over to the top right sets of balloons in level 36. so far ive gone through the mines and got the pacman to get all balloons then got the purple one in the back and then the bomb and the boomerang but i cant get the rest! PLEASE i need help or im gonna go insane! thanks in advance =D

  74. i need help on level 33 i cant hit the pin email me if you can help

  75. im stuck on lvl 37 plz help cant get the bombs

  76. hey,
    im on level 50 and stuck. i have all the bloons except for the ones in the middle section. i cant get the pacman bloon and i know thats what you have to do. i have taken out the wooden block and the bloons next to it but i have tried for hours and cant get the pacman one is there something i dont know? i need some advice, please help me.

  77. on level 50...shoot the black thing right in front of the will go through to get to the middle packman but don't eat the frozen balloons or the yellow ones at the top...then shoot the daart to the other side and use that packman to get to the bomb

  78. I DID IT I BEA EVERY LEVEL!!! YESSS!!!! if anyone needs any help please let me know and email me at and ask!! YESS

  79. It's really hard to get the boomerang ones in level 2 bc they're both all the way at the top

  80. heres a tip... put it on unlimited darts mode when you are first starting it

    go to the main menu
    (bottom right corner)
    click the box where it says unlimited darts mode


  81. EVAN VERY nice job with the tutorial on 49, got it 1st try!!!

  82. for lvl forty-eight place the bottom and right side of your cursor aligned with the the inner bottom and right side of the bouncy block. Apply enough power that the left edge of the arrow is almost align with the steel block. It may take a few tries but it works.

  83. your walk through is rubbish on level 40 - no matter how straight up or powerful you hit it it always hits the metal walls at the side!

  84. ..Level 37 is rank impossible, i need a tip right now to defeat it please, anyone, ASAP!

  85. Evan, your tips for level 48 were awesome!! Thanks so much!!!!

  86. Ok after wokring on 45 for the longest time and not being able to hit it, i decided to try my own plan, which was a very soft shot at the first pin bloon, and letting it bounce on the black blocks to hit the pin inside the box. This way works, it just took me a few times til i got the bouncing right!

  87. I struggled with level 37 for a while, and the previous posts were of very little help, so here goes mine. The monkey's thowing hand should be completely covering his right eye (the one on your left). Hold down the mouse button for roughly a count of "one mississippi" (going old school) and release (that should be a little over half power). it should bounce and hit the bottom of the first non-ice baloon, arc up, and hit the bomb. keep the arrow in the same position and use almost full power to shoot the second, and it should avoid the ice and hit enough baloons to get you to pass it. You may need to tweak your count/power on the first shot, and make slight adjustments to the throwing angle, but as long as his eye is covered, you are getting close. Hope this helps a bit.

  88. I can't beat level 42! I've been stuck on it a little while now... read the how to but damn...

    I can't get the boomerang to hit every balloon... i feel like its impossible.. any tips on where to aim and how hard to throw?

  89. all i can say is, thank god for unlimited dart mode.

  90. good game but can someone please tell me the unlimited darts cheat because for bloons 1 and bloons 2 i have had a cheat which gave you 500 darts for each level and i dont no how to find it for bloons christmasy thingy so plz can someone tell me the cheat

  91. i cant get through level 10 because my arrow doesn't hit the bomb for some reason.


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