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Concert 3 - Where Is My Ticket?

Concert 3 WalkthroughWanna Go To A Concert 3 is the third part of Concert Japanese point-and-click type room escape game by Choko-Chai. In this game again, you want to go a concert, but you have forgotten where kept your ticket in your room. Search the room to find it and go to concert. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I have 2 keys, a mouse, a stick, a screwdiver, a box with 8 squares on top and 5 of the squares to fit in, 7 pieces of paper, a bottle of water, cat food, a knife, a watering can and what looks like a remote. Some items are used but I'm stuck now. There's something under the bed and on the fridge but I can't get them.

  2. Break off the tail of the cat by the front door and use that to get what's under the bed. But I'm not sure how to get what's on top of the fridge.

  3. Also, after you use your water bottle, you can break it down and throw it in the trash.

  4. 5 squares? I just have 3 (1-the star 2-the tree 3-the flower)... where are the others?!

  5. how do you break the cat's tail?

  6. How do you break off the tail of the cat? I have a cotton swab that I got my clicking the top of the curtain after it was open, but I don't know what to do with it. I also have a battery that I got after I broke down the water bottle and put it in the container beside the cat dishes in the kitchen. I put the battery in the remote but I don't know what to do with the remote?

  7. I broke the cats tail by clicking like mad!
    To get more blocks you need to get rid of your trash.

  8. rob... you have to use the control on the cat-board... a cat'll appear... then click again on the cat-board

  9. Thx gime. I still can't break the cat's tail. Do I need to have a specific item highlited before it breaks? Anyone know the code for the computer?

  10. I finally got the cat's tail. You just have to keep clicking!

  11. you have to read the dairy first and click on the nose of the cat, and then the tail fall of

  12. how do you open the diary i got no keys help anyone

  13. What's the glass cutter for, and does anyone know where to find the code for the computer?

  14. turn on the kitchen sink, put the watering can from under the sink in it, and it will fill up, then go pour the water on the plant

  15. I think the key to the diary was in the trash when you throw out the empty can of cat food. By the way, you have to rinse the can first in the sink before you can throw it away.

  16. i cant find any keys!!! help?

  17. I've read the diary, clicked on the cat's nose and all over the tail. I still can't get the tail to break. It shouldn't be this difficult to get it to break. Is there a specific area on the tail that must be clicked?

  18. the key in the trash was for the desk draw not for the dairy anyone knoe were the key for the dairy is

  19. i rinsed the can out but i cant put it in the trash!! how do you do it??

  20. i found out how to get a key! click on the cat on the bed so he stands up, then click the curtains a few times and he will cling to them. then click the bed where he was and the blanket will lift up and theeres a key under it

  21. once you rinse the can put it in the draw with purple pic on it, still need key for dairy help

  22. does anyone know the code for the cash box?

  23. Gary, I got the tail by clicking to the left of the cats tail. I only clicked once and it gave it to me

    I can't get my battery to go into the remote, any help?

  24. key for diary--click on the cat on the bed so he stands up, then click the curtains a few times and he will cling to them. then click the bed where he was and the blanket will lift up and theeres a key under it

  25. okay still cant get the tail i've clicked every where on the cat and nothing any help please

  26. CASH BOX: 5961824

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. i found a third key. you take the toy mouse from the trash and open the door, not the front door, the one that only opens partly. put the mouse inside and the cat will move. key on floor!

  29. i need help with cat tail every1 help me please, and cant put battry in remote

  30. gime- how did you figure that out??

  31. third key opens drawer in kitchen- takes you to a link with a puzzle. i am doing it right now

  32. Well... you clik the first drawer of the kitchen and will appear a puzzle...then click again on the puzzle... do the puzzle... and then you get the code

  33. anyone know what to do with the multicolored necklace?

  34. has anyone gotten the puzzle/paper peice off the top of the fridge yet?

  35. ok, i dont get how to break the cats tail off either... help?

  36. I got the cats tail by clicking on it in the dark

  37. nevermind, you have to click next to the tail, not on it..

  38. i dont see anything under the bed!!! please help!

  39. To break the tail just click to the left of the left eye, in the border of the face with the wall

  40. trevor... the necklace is under the bed.....the key is under the cat (on the bed)

  41. i still cant get the thing under the bed!!!

  42. it want let me put battery in remote any help

  43. ok, i got it. thanks. now for the thing on top of the fridge

  44. put the battery on the other end of the remote, not the end with the hole in it

  45. omg!!! i must ahve clicked on an ad and it restarted teh game!!!!!!! grrrrr

  46. lisa.. you must open it first...

  47. How do you get the little block out of the fan in the kitchen? I already used the screwdriver to get the screws out but the grate wont come off.

  48. renee... try some click after...

  49. thanks giota...i feel so stupid i was stuck on that for a while lol

  50. i am stuck too...snifffff

  51. I cant get the puzzle paper from the fridge. Ive tried with the cotton stick, but nothing. Any hint?

  52. where are all the little papers? i forgot when the game restartd.

  53. i cant find the last few little papers!!! where are they??

  54. sorry, I dont remember exactly. One was in the diary, other on the selves, I think where the books are...

  55. where is the last little piece of paper??

  56. I think the last one is on the fridge, but Im not be able to get it...

  57. has anyone found the computer password?

  58. thanks sony. i found another square tile thing. cut open the little stool thing in front of the desk with the knife. it is in the bottom right section.

  59. does anyone know what to do with the mouse

  60. i wonder what the necklace thing and the remote control are for.. has anyone finished it yet?

  61. i have the tail of the cat, but I can't use on the bed...any help?

  62. look on back side of the picture of 3 cats

  63. Thanks Trevor, I already had it. I only need the last tile... and the thing is on the fridge... and the computer code... I need sleep...

  64. open the door next to the hall to the kitchen and put the mouse in the crack. then take the key

  65. thanks John!!! And now what?...

  66. im thinking that the blue piece of paper you get from the cat bord is the password for laptop i've translated som og it and got the letters,
    dose any1 know wat the rest are

  67. jem328- first you have to turn the lights off and look at the glowing spot under the bed, when u see text, turn the ligths back on and try again in the same place.

  68. jem turn lights off and then click the pink spot and then u will be able to get under bed

  69. my blue piece of paper now has four colored circles on it

  70. how do you get the thing off fridge??? and what did watering the plant do?

  71. I think that the color code is for the necklace, but first we must to do something else...

  72. ive read the diary but i still cant gat the tail

  73. what was the point watering the plant?

  74. has anyone beat the game yet?

  75. i noticed that you can click on the hanging purse(my pointer turns to a hand) but im not sure what to use on it, ive tried everything

  76. thers something in the cup by the mirror too

  77. well i still havent used the knife. not sure why i watered the plant. and havent u the swab either.

  78. thanks tevor!...also, if you look on the back of the blue slip of paper, there is a green, red, yellow, and blue circle, not really sure what they are for though

  79. use the knife to cut open the stool and get a tile

  80. what blue piece of paper? i wonder what you do with the clock...

  81. thanks what 1 more to get.
    i got all the paper and stuck it together any idea what thats for or is that to be the code for the pc?

  82. and what do you do to the plant in the bathroom? --sony- whered u get the 7th tile? i only have 6

  83. lift the plant in the bathroom u will get another one

  84. i gotta go soon. hopefully there will be a walkthrough by tomorrow...

  85. how do i get the cats tail or what ever ive tried clicking everywhere

  86. thanks carol. did anyone beat it yet?

  87. ok got 7 tiles. 6 papers.
    confused why the number 3 on the clock is red. and why i watered a plan for nothing.
    i still need last tile of top of fridge. but no luck so far.
    i danced naked in the garden but that didnt help ...

  88. odic- click over on the left side, next to the cats tail, not on the tail

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. lets try to reach 100 comments!!

  91. on the top of the bookshelf click the mouses left ear

  92. odic, how did you get the eighth?

  93. read diary till last page and get paper.
    then click cats nose then the left of his eye it falls off

  94. anyone have the tile on top of the fridge, or figure out something new??

  95. i meant seven srry im still having problems with the cat tail thing

  96. just click right next to the cat on the left side

  97. wooohooo i got the 100th comment lol

  98. am thinking maybe we need to make a lasso type thing to get the fridge tile..
    just my pennys worth

  99. ok, i have to go. ill finish it tomorrow morning. bye!

  100. am thinking maybe we need to make a lasso type thing to get the fridge tile..
    just my pennys also thinking the 6 peices of paper will give us code for the pc. and maybe get something else to help us

  101. finally i got it but now im stuck i dont know what to do with the swab

  102. The seven pieces of paper when put together spells out a phrase like the game show
    So chinese character + waterfall + fish + pit + leaf + blade tip?

  103. i'm one houre with the nechlace, 7 tiles, a cotton stick.......... time to bed...its 04:19... goodluck

  104. what does the remote go to?

  105. that code does nothing for my pc

  106. the code opened my pc but it doesn't really do any good when you cant read japanese

  107. clcik the cat board with turns up click it again

  108. 5F25CDL24

    io non conosco inglese (((((

  109. thank you same number and the second time worked.

  110. lol still didnt help me though, anyone understand whats on the computer?

  111. When you check the tiles in zoom mode some do not show, that's wierd

  112. I've found 7 blocks has anyone found the 8th? I have the cloud, rain drop, tree, flower, moon, sun & star Wheres the eight?

  113. anyone have all 8 tiles?

  114. I think the code for the PC is how you sit the blocks into the brown box

  115. we assume the last one is on top of fridge..

  116. i got the same thing but i still have a cotton swab or whatever and a piece of paper whith japanese on it and a necklace thing

  117. the cotton bud thingy is a cat toy that the japanese use....tried it on all the cats, not action so far, but is one of the things I have left

  118. it says on the fridge that a hand cant reach it so i assume you need to get something long

  119. rember last game had cotton ear bud u used it to pain flowers. with

  120. How did you get the password to the computer?

  121. swab of cotton wool 1 time to the cat, then on szafke, then on szafke on the left, then on lodowke- the cat will lose the last cardboard box - with the cat

  122. sorry mira i didnt understand that...what cat are u refering to?
    and does anyone understand what she ment?

    thanks mira

  123. Why is 5F25CDL24 the password to the computer? Mira, how did you get that?

  124. ok i googled szafke its a bookshelf or cabinet and lodowke is a refrigerator

  125. i think its the cat on the bed but i dont know szafke? lodowke?

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. i cant seem to translate them. i just need last piece of tile and figure out what the computer is all about. mira gave me pw for the pc no idea how she got it.

  128. can someone tell me where the battery for the remote is?

  129. the password for the PC comes from the notes on the bulletin board. They are the only English looking characters among all the japanese

  130. after poring the water from the bottle that you got in freezer open it in and throw in recycle bin

  131. wonder if she ment the pins in the cat board?

  132. click cat in kitchen once then click right hand part of kitchen counter, then left hand part og kitchen counter then fridge cat will knock off the tile on the floor

  133. And how do u crush the water bottle to put it in the trash can?

  134. lodowka- refrigerator
    szafka- chest of drawers

  135. The code is from the back of the blue paper. Green, red, yellow, blue dots correspond to the push-pins on the catboard. Red is missing but it is in the diary entry. If you pull out the numbers and letters you get 5F25CDL24
    I got the piece of paper from the top of the fridge. If you wake up the cat and then use the cat toy (which looks like a cotton swab) on the corner of the kitchen table, the cat will jump up there, then use the cat toy to the left of the sink and then on the top corner of the fridge. The cat will knock down the piece for you!

  136. now just got to get them in order.

  137. you zoom in on the bottle and click the cap and then the wrapper and throw it axay and collect battery

  138. The necklace also has similar colours....oh if only I could read Japanese....we must be so close...

  139. A (rough) translation of PC hint.

    The cat loves the flower and always sits next to it on the right.
    The sun is between the star and the moon.
    The rain and the cloud is sitting next to each other.
    The rain can't sit under the sun.
    The flower is looking up the star.
    The cat is looing up the tree.

  140. rid of the bottle and got the battery

  141. Thank you for the translation, it is easy to follow and got the ticket

  142. what do tou do with th ticket??

  143. open the front door with it

  144. ok its 3am thx guys for help was fun

  145. and after all that. the concert sucked. lol

  146. Thanks for the help. This was a good one.

  147. Despite what Chris said about walkthru (see Poco 2 comments) this really does need a list of helpful hints to finish. Any comments? Do you want a walkthru?

  148. i can't make the stupid kitchen cat knock down the tile ;.;

  149. you got to click on the corner of the counter with cat toy then on other side of sink then on corner of the fridge then on the piece

  150. jem328 switch off the light, go to bed, see the glow. turn on light, use cat's tail where you saw the glow.

  151. Where is the cotton swab/cat toy??

  152. Ohhhhhh....with the toy!!! Thanks!

  153. Thanks for everyone's help. Finally made it out.

  154. I still cant find the eighth tile. I have the sun, moon, star, cat, tree, water drop, and flower. any suggestions?

  155. km77 click on the bottom of the
    flower pot in bathroom to get cloud tile

  156. the cat toy is in the curtain rod when the curtains are open right hand side

  157. hi guys, this is interesting...more than 100 comments...
    can you help me with this? whats the use of the necklace? tnx...

  158. Walkthrough:

    Click on mouse – bottom right corner of bookshelf
    Click on box – middle of bookshelf
    Click trash can – several clicks to get piece of paper
    Click right arrow – get piece of paper from under door
    Somewhere near left side of cats eye to get the tail
    Turn off light
    Click right arrow 2 times to see glowing pink light from right side of bed and click there (you don’t get the object yet)
    Go back and turn the light back on
    Click right arrow one time. Click on toy mouse and click on the door handle. Then click at the bottom opening of the door. Cat moves and you get the key
    Click right arrow
    Get remote from under the desk, the piece of paper from under the bed, then click at the bottom right side of the bed and use the cat’s tail to obtain the jewelry
    Click the cat on the bed then click on the curtain (cat will jump up)
    Click where the cat was laying Get the gold key
    Click left and click the forward arrow
    Click on the fridge and get the cat food, click on freezer to get bottle
    Open cabinet under the sink and get water can
    Using the orange key click on the top drawer and finish the puzzle to get a code
    Open middle drawer to get the screwdriver
    Feed the cat and give it a drink
    Crush the bottle (click the bottle and zoom in – click the cap then the label then the bottle to crush it)
    Place it in the recycle bin
    Get the battery
    Turn the water on and wash the cat food can then recycle it as well – get the silver key
    Click on the fan to zoom in – use the screwdriver to get your 1st tile
    Leave the kitchen
    Click on the bathroom door and get the 2nd tile from the slipper
    Click the bottom of the plant for the 3rd tile
    Leave the bathroom

    more to come......

  159. do we have to use the remote + battery? 'coz i manage to get out without using the remote

  160. I have all pieces of paper, 7 symbols, box, blue card with coloured circles and diary - all other i used. Still empty 4 places in the list - i think white symbol on the fridge, dont know how to get it. Paper puzzle solved, 6 symbols there, dont know what to do with them...

  161. I've been working on a rough translation of the file on the computer with my friend and this is what we have come up with... Please keep in mind that it is ROUGH! But maybe some one can make something of it...

    1. the kitten loves the flowers and always sits to the right of them

    2. the moon and the stars fight at night but the sun makes them friends when it rises the next morning.

    3. the rain and the clouds are very friendly and are always next to each other.

    4. the rain doesn't like the sun and cannot live under it.

    5. the flowers are always looking up and admiring the stars in the night sky.

    6. the kitten looks up at the big tree and thinks "when I am grown up I will climb to the top"

    again, this is a super rough translation but I hope that it helps. Going to go try to work it out now. Great game! Good luck!

  162. GOT IT!!
    I am off to the concert in true Charlie Bucket style. Come on Grandpa Joe!

  163. i can´t break the cat´s tail¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ ahhhhh

  164. Tail..turn the light off and press nose...

  165. Things to find...
    Pieces of paper - Under dressing table, back of photo, bin, bottom of door, toilet paper, under bed and diary.
    Tiles Top of fridge, mouse on shelf, kitchen fan, cash box, shoe, under plant bathroom, in dressing table stool (cut side), in top drawer.
    Three keys - play with mouse and cat near kitchen, wash cat food can and put in drawers near cat food, cat on bed get it to climb curtain and get key from under blanket
    Codes - puzzle on computer for cash box and board above dressing table with notes
    and see translation by Junko

  166. Ok. I have it. Click with the piece of cotton to the cat in kitchen. Then click on right side of the counter. Cat will jump on it. Then click to the left of the sink, then on the fridge. Cat will give you the last symbol (cat).
    Use the text about the sun etc written here... The order of symbols on box is:
    Moon, sun, star, tree, rain, cloud, flower, cat.
    Get the ticket and go out through the door. Finished.

  167. i think that the sun tile is in the mouse but the cat have the mouse, how can i get the mouse again? please help me.

  168. jajajaja, i GOT IT ¡¡¡¡¡ i was stuck for a while¡¡¡ thanks to everybody¡¡¡¡¡

  169. can anyone tell me where the rain tile is?

  170. Please, can anyone tell me how to get the sun tile? I assume it's the one that has something to do with the mouse on the shelf, but how?

  171. i got the sun tile (the left ear of the grey cat on the top shelf).
    I got the golden ticket. but i still can't get out of the door. Is it because I still haven't got the necklace from under the bed?
    I gave up on that because I couldn't get the tail no matter how madly i click all over it. Please help!.

  172. You have to have all 6 pieces of paper in order to get the cat's tail.

  173. I have 7 pieces, rearranged them, still can't get the tail.

  174. to get the tail you DONT click on the tail!!! you click over to the LEFT of it. that is explained in an earlier post!

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. I have solved everything and still haven't broken the cat. Without the necklace I can't get out. Help. I have clicked until i have blisters

  177. This sucks I have clicked left, right, centre, on, beside, before, after, up, down and inside friggin' out to no avail. I even restarted the game in case there was a bug. What gives?

  178. i finally got the tail by a)putting the ripped up pieces of paper together b) turning off the light clicking the nose and then clicking to the left of the eye

  179. TY Beth that was the secret.

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