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Daymare Town 1

DayMare Town Walkthrough[REPLAY] Daymare Town Episode 1 is a point and click type puzzle and escape game from Mateusz Skutnik, who is also the creator of the Submachine game series. You are stuck in a town and you have to find a way to go out. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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Daymare Town Walkthrough

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  1. first! i have lighter,sall coin,book,screwdriver and cloth where i made a small torch and a plate where i used to get a small piece. now i'm stuck....

  2. Use small piece on one of the machines in city hall, there is also a puzzle in the library (pacman faces like :p) for which you can find a hint in the Armory.

    Further more I have a key, found by the stone in the first screen :)

  3. Where is the coin? and how / where did you make the torch?

  4. thanks!also, use the torch to the hole of the pasage(first screen)ligth it and give the coin to the man. he will give you a piece

  5. the coin is on the well and just click on the cloth and then on the screwdriver

  6. Ok cool, I have now 3 of the 7 pieces collected. I also found 3 of those birds of which you can see an image in the book in the library. Don't know what they mean though.

    Places where to find them:

    - First screen left bottom corner somewhere
    - In the armory by the night-window right corner in the ceiling you can click to go to the chimney
    - By the big machine at the end of the city hall you can click behind the fence and see the thirth bird.

    They seem useless until now, but I guess they will be usefull though :)

  7. used the key to the door where is left to the city hall and found someone tied.sorry for my english..i am greek

  8. Fourth bird:

    Look up the horizontal wood thing in the hall of the cityhall, then you see a lot of wood layers, somewhere in between there's the fourth bird ...

  9. i have 4 pieces.have you checked the puzzle to -2 floor?

  10. See the drawing of the bird with the egg :o

  11. ok!i couldn't understand what was that!

  12. Yes that was the one which I meant with the pacman faces. I have the pieces from:

    - puzzle on floor -2
    - guy in the passage
    - stone used on wall of armory and then there is a piece on the column on the first floor

    - (piece that was already in one of the columns)

    You have any others?

  13. Fifth bird, look through window by the guy that is tied to the wall :)

  14. oups..i forgot the piece that already was on the column...

  15. does any one know how to open the box in the second room on the right of the city hall???? must be important

  16. No, there is also something stuck in the sink in the armory, neither have anything found yet to use on this. Also the drawing on the wall, which opens his mouth must be important.

  17. do i click something to the window next to the guy for the bird? i cant find it..

  18. Yes, got something important yes. There is a column at the far left of the game (by drawing with open mouth guy) and then one further to the left. There is a counting system with white and black dots. When you find a new bird, a white dot turns to black. There must be 10 birds hidden in the game, which causes all dots turn to black and give you a new piece. I have six birds right now (count the one in the book as well). Only 4 left to be found :)

  19. Yes click somewhere inside the tree and you'll get a zoomed in image of the tree where you will see the bird :)

  20. also the is a column next to the face with the mouth.i think that counts the birds that you find!

  21. Found piece of paper in library on first floor behind the painting of the bloomfield house!

  22. Yes posted that above Κωνσταντίνα, we must have found it around the same time :p

  23. Got new puzzle piece!

    Use piece of paper (noted above) on the falling rock and floor -2 of library, you first click the rock, when it is up, place the piece of paper underneath it and it will fall apart with a new puzzle piece ;)

    3 to go!

  24. where did you find the bird in the book house themer?

  25. So far I have
    first scene.
    -Key behind rock
    -coin on well
    -lighter from hole in the wall
    in armory
    -screwdriver,cupboard in stairs
    -(note the buttons in photo)
    book house level 1
    -book on desk
    book house level -2
    -puzzle on wall(note of buttons)get puzzle block 2
    book house level -3
    -plate in dark room put plate on armory wall and go upstairs to get puzzle block

  26. There is a wall full of books (floor -1), one of the books on this wall is clickable. It will show a bird, play the sound and will count as well.

    Six birds of 10
    Five pieces of 8

    Places that must be important for now:

    - sink
    - box in office
    - bird count column
    - guy with opening mouth
    - guy that is attached to wall
    - night window
    - sewer
    - big machine behind city hall(guess all columns have to be activated)
    - other places not yet noted

  27. found another bird. first screen click the sky and there is clickable area near the chimney

  28. book with bird in it in library is 4th shelf up about an inch from the left

  29. another bird is next to the screen with the big machine. clickover the "hole" and find the clickable area

  30. Thx :p Where are the other three :p Hate those birds! :P They look ugly :P

  31. i'm only missing 2 birds....where are they??

  32. found a hook near the well!

  33. Where have you found the eight bird?

    I have now the birds:

    - bird in book
    - bird between wood in cityhall
    - bird by chimney in sky
    - bird on chimney in armory
    - bird behind the fence by big machine
    - bird out of window by guy attached on wall
    - bird around corner of beginning screen

    Makes only 7 :(

    Thx for the hook

  34. kwvaravriva what hole by the machinary. i cant find it please help, i only have 6 birds

  35. Κωνσταντίνα you already have the puzzle piece from the crushed stone with the piece of paper? :)

  36. i found it thank you!!!

  37. Oh the hole, but it isn't clickable :(

  38. Oh above, found it as well :P

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. yes themer!i have the piece from the stone!but now i'm stuck...

  41. where is the hook on the well and do you know what it is for.

  42. Found one bird more: when you are by the big machine go one tume back. Klick somwhere on the wall with the round window to zoom, then klick on the right small window to zoom again.

  43. OK, i have key from sink, piece of puzzle from the man by sink for the book.

  44. i think we need some sort of string for the item in the sink!anyone found something?

  45. zuzana how did you took the key from the sink?

  46. Opened the box in city hall. next piece of puzzle

  47. With the hook by the well combinated with string

  48. Use hook with string. Then you can use that to get a key out of the sink to open the safe. 1 more puzzle piece!

  49. Used the hook on sink on the sewer, last piece of puzzle

  50. where did you find the string?

  51. how did you get the key from sink

  52. I am out, but didnt find all birds... so not the exactly escape

  53. string is on main place by stone

  54. Got all puzzle pieces! Use hook with string in the sewer drain too.


  56. Whow, that guy by the sink (after you find the string) scared me like hell :p Anyway got the puzzle piece from him by giving the book :)

  57. Hi guys, I have got all puzzle pieces and all birds. The machine is working and mam is free.

  58. can someone post location of puzzle pieces? i am missing one

  59. for the hook : click the well.on the left you will see a clickable area
    for the string : click th stone on the first screen and on the left you will see the string

  60. So I'm out too, but a bit too early :( I had only one bird left to find. The hook is on the left of the well - look carefully!

  61. Ok two pieces at one time is nice. Still one piece missing :) And I guess the game is longer, then finding those pieces ;)

  62. never mind the guy had my last piece

  63. there's a bird in the bloomfield house picture too,sitting on the house roof (use tab)

  64. gorka where are the other birds?

  65. Gorka, where are those two other birds then?

  66. OMFG, this game works with tab x| How lame

  67. never mind got it thankyou

  68. Did you check on the house on te picture (level 1)?

  69. Last bird, last office in city hall at the left right corner top :)

  70. Gave the egg to the guy, but still one puzzle piece missing, this can't be the end of the game. Something with the painting with the opening mouth must be there, let's go on searching :p

  71. oooooh i got a golden egg. not sure what for thogh.

  72. the egg is for the poor guy in that lonesome room

  73. Completed :p You have just left daymare town ... I hope there will be a sequele in the castle :p

  74. I have all birds and done egg thing and i have only one puzzle piece left and it is driving me insane.AAAAAARGH

  75. completed before but i had to play it again to find the last birds!it was nice! thank you all!!!!

  76. has anyone worked out what to do with the opening mouth man?

  77. All birds and out. I'm pretty sure the picture with an opening mouth is just a red herring. It isn't needed to complete the game fully.

  78. oh, I might as well cross the bridge, then. Thanks Themer! Great game.

  79. Right. pieces of the puzzle

    one that is alleady there
    one piece in sewer
    one in puzzle on level -2
    one in armory(after piece fitted)
    one in box in city hall(when key found)
    one with rock paper scissors
    one off man in cage.(after given him coin)



  80. Themer, who's writing a walkthrough? :)

  81. Found new bird:
    In place behind the machione, with a hole in the wall see up, and then in the right hole.

  82. Flyby, check te picture of the house (level 1)

  83. gorka did you mean the piece of paper behind the picture. if so i allready have that one. that leads to the rock and paper yeah. if im wrong please let me know, i just cant find that last one.

  84. Yes, normaly when you have the string and you go to the sink, there is a heary man :p Give this man the book you found in the library (first floor) he starts reading and a piece will fall out of his clothes :)

    You may if you want to Gorka :)

  85. Use hook/string on sewer too.

  86. I'm working on polish walkthrough, so I'm leaving english one for you :)

  87. I wrote english almost completely above already with Κωνσταντίνα :p

  88. thank you guys im out. finaly.

  89. Argh, this is annoying.

    I am only missing one puzzle piece (the 'L' shape).
    I don't know what the bird and egg picture is supposed to mean
    I still have two white dots on the 'bird count' column
    And I have no idea what I'm supposed to put in the tribal man's opening mouth.

    Please help!!

  90. Lol write the posts above, everything is clearly explained somewhere at least once :)

  91. Ahhh, nevermind.
    Have everything now, although still confused about opening mouth man...?!?!?

  92. Thanks - by the time I wrote my comment and signed in, you'd already given the answers!

  93. where is the golden egg?

  94. If you find all 10 birds, an egg will appear on the top of the column, although from what people have said, you don't need to get this to complete the game...

  95. looks like its been drawn by an autistic child

  96. I'm missing 2 puzzle pieces.
    The one that is shaped like a squared packman, and the one that is a rectangle with a square cut out of the center.

    I also only need 1 more bird.
    I tryed to find a bird out the window where the man is caged, but it's nothing is clickable.

    And who do I give the coin to?

  97. @marfwah, it's ok when you don't like its style, but please leave comments like that behind ...

  98. This game is great. It looks like b&w submachine.

  99. Hi Gorka, this game is super. Pozdrawiam!

  100. Damn,I'm almost gone dead with the guy next to the sink!

  101. Yo,this sink-guy really shocked :))) Beautiful game! Like that kind of style very much

  102. Walkthrough

    Click on the well
    Click on coin located on the left ledge of the well
    Just to the left of the well and very small is a hook
    Click back to the main screen
    Click on the sky
    Click to the right lower half of the chimney, see 1st bird
    Click on the stone down left of the well
    Left and a little up from the stone is some string
    Click to the right of the stone, but still on it and you go behind the stone
    Take key
    Go back to main screen
    Click on the left most building’s ledge, see 2nd bird
    Go back to main screen and go to Amory
    Click on door and look at base of staircase at small cabinet door
    Open doors and get screwdriver
    Click on sad clown looking man
    Notice the position of the packman like buttons
    Go up stairs and look to the right of the column and get cloth
    Go downstairs then click on office area to the right
    Click on area to the right of the window where it looks like the wallpaper is rolling down
    Click in the light part of the chimney area to see 3rd bird
    Click back to original screen
    Click on Book House
    Just to the right is an opening, click it
    Get lighter
    Go in Book House into elevator
    Go to floor 1
    Click on house picture
    Click to the right to see something behind picture
    Take scroll
    Click back to close up of picture
    Click to the right of the chimney where it looks like a string is there
    See 4th Bird
    Click back to larger view of floor
    Click to the right and collect book
    Go to floor -3
    Turn around
    Go towards black passage
    Collect round pie shaped piece
    Go back in elevator to floor -2
    Click to the right of the damaged light switch to get puzzle
    Put packman looking pieces in same order as clown picture in armory
    Collect triangle piece
    Go to the right where the scissor and rock are
    Click on rock and put scroll under it
    Rock breaks to reveal square piece
    Go back to elevator and go to floor -1
    Click to the right where the bookshelves are
    Click on book with the small dot fourth shelf down quarter over from right
    See 5th bird
    Take elevator back to 0 floor and go to main screen
    Combine screwdriver and cloth
    Combine string and hook
    Click on sewer grate above the well
    Use hook/string in sewer,
    Get round piece
    Click back to main screen
    Click on passage
    Click passage again and see hole branching from grate
    Put screwdriver with cloth in hole
    Light with lighter
    Give coin to man
    He gives you Square holed piece and takes torch
    Click back to main screen
    Click on Armory
    Click close up on missing round piece to left of door
    Place round piece in slot
    Click in Armory and go to top floor revealing an L shaped piece
    Go downstairs
    Go through door to basement
    Go to the left of the hooks revealing a sink and a scary bearded man
    Give the book to the man and he starts to read and a reverse L shape falls out
    Click on sink and use hook and string to fetch key
    Click back to main screen
    Click on city hall
    Go in and click on back most left door
    Click top right to view long chimney type area
    Click on nest to see 6th bird
    Click back to hallway with all doors
    Click above wooden plank at top
    Click to the right part between wood planks in the middle to reveal 7th bird
    Go back to main hallway
    Click on second door on right
    Click on box to right of the desk on the floor
    Use key to open box
    Get U shaped piece
    Go back to hallway
    Click on middle of screen by railing
    Go to the left
    Go downstairs
    Go downstairs again
    Click on top of circle
    Click on right circle
    See 8th bird
    Click back to circle
    Go right see machine
    Click on left part of banister
    See 9th bird
    Go back to front of city hall
    Go left
    Go upstairs twice
    Open door with key
    See chained man
    Look out window middle top left in tree
    See 10th bird
    Go downstairs facing bottom of staircase
    Go left and left again
    Take golden egg from pedestal
    Go back up stairs
    Give egg to chained man
    He disappears
    Go back to city hall
    Go down the hallway to the right and place pieces and push buttons
    Go back up and to the left and place remaining pieces and push buttons
    Go downstairs to big machine
    Pull handle
    Click on handrail at top of staircase

  103. why, why, why can't I put the paper under the stone????

  104. First click in so it lifts up and then be quick and put the paper underneath it

  105. Sorry but the face on the wall near to the column , whee you find the gold egg ... how i can Use that???

  106. What a fun, creepy little game. Thanks for everyone's help.

  107. Alta,

    The face that opens his mouth by the column is a red herring meaning it is just there to drive you nuts. The egg will be on top of that column after you find all the birds and there are ten of them. Refer to my walkthrough if you have trouble. When all the white dots turn black, the egg should be on top of that very column where the dots are. You give this to the prisoner up the steps and he disappears.

    Anna, make sure you are using the rolled up scroll that you got behind the painting and not the cloth that goes on the screwdriver to make a torch which looks like a piece of paper. Then when it is in the air, do as Themer said and put it quickly under the rock and it should break the rock.

  108. Thank's Viper !!!

    Another Question ... Why out from the Armory window is night??

  109. difficult game.. thanks for the walkthrough.. if not would not have completed i guess..

  110. This must also be a red herring, there are some other places that haven't been used and realy take your attention, like the room that's completely black and says scary :)

    It could be that there's a third puzzle (puzzles = 1, birds = 2) however, there aren't much things that are clickable anymor, so if there would be a third puzzle it must be a quite well hidden one, but I guess there isn't :)

  111. Alta,

    I am not really sure. I think maybe to get you to look at the sky on the mail screen thus finding the bird by the chimney. That's the best I can come up with.

  112. Hi all.

    I managed to finish the game properly; spotted all ten birds, got the golden egg, freed the hairy chap who was chained to the wall, got all the puzzle pieces, etc, but can anyone explain the significance (or insignificance, perhaps) of the head with the opening mouth on the wall of the yard?



  113. Ross,

    I think the head with the opening mouth is just a decoy to distract you from the real stuff going on.

  114. I couldn't get the scroll to break no matter how fast I tried. :-(

  115. To stone has to break on the scroll, not the scroll :)

  116. right...I'm new in it..! Got the screwdriver, got the coin, got the cloth and the hook...Any ideas what to do next???


  117. on the second seems easier..everything is going smoother.

    Nevertheless I'm stuck on the scissors & stone must be doing something, but what ???

  118. ..escaped...but "looks I forgot to save the secret puzzle" - I guess that's the bird thing !

    I'll try ones more !

    Nice game tho

  119. theres a very small hook by the well

    combine this with the string to get a key from the sink =]

  120. Ooops forget that has alreay been said :)
    anyway I'm stuck on the puzzle in the libary, i put them in the same order as the soldiers bttons buts nothing seems to have happend...
    will this give me my last peice?

  121. i really need help so please help me cause i'm cute :)Serously help. i can't click on the birds and i really to get them to finish the game & stuff so if you just click on them do they just stay there or are they suppost to stay there ? i've alredy found like 4 or something and i didn't use any cheats so :P to those people how did lol

  122. Yes click on the birds, when you get to the pedastal it has buttons down the middle and they turn black for each bird, so you must find them all

  123. omg thank-you you are soooo sweet i'll just try it out

  124. And what do I do with the other key i have already used one of them on the box, so what do i do with the yardstone key if you know ?

  125. The walkthru has it all your answers...

  126. I hate to admit this but the walkthrough was my saving grace.For those of you having problems give it a try. I don't think I would have finished with out it.

  127. wow this is a beautiful game. i liked it alot.

  128. great game!
    anybody knows about another games like that? (except submachine:)
    serdecznie pozdrawiam!

  129. i cant get the part of the Click on the stone down left of the well
    Left and a little up from the stone is some string
    Click to the right of the stone, but still on it and you go behind the stone

  130. hi everybody, thanks for all the tips here, i found the 7 puzzle pieces, 9 birds, its only i cant reach the 10th one in the closed, the key didnt open it the first time i played, then it was gone in the second time after i used it with the box. how many keys r there?

  131. You guys are Great! I would never have found that last bird without your help. Giving that poor guy the egg was pretty neat. :D Kudos to you!!

  132. Spoiler: It was such a great game, I just can't believe it ended without any explanation! Just a thanks for playing the game. Like, why were all the people dirty-looking and hiding undreground?? Hope there is a sequel coming with explanations!!!
    and 10x guys, u were a lot of help :D

  133. this game is mind fuckin!!!!!

  134. this game is awethooooooooooome



  136. Where is the man that is tied up? I only started today, and I can't find him.

  137. there!beat it,on to number two!

  138. :O I almost finished the whole freakin game and then OOPS - forgot to finish a puzzle? ggggrrrrrrr

  139. I know this might not be read, but just in case:
    I think the picture of a man refers to the man by the sink. The picture was labeled "The Librarian" so I think it's just a clue as to what to do with the man by the sink which was give it the book you picked up.

  140. caught this one from the random section

    working link:

    thx for all your creations, Mateusz ☺

    & thx Viper for the WT


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