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Ethan Haas Was Right

Ethan Haas Was Right WalkthroughEthan Haas Was Right is another challenging puzzle game with really nice graphics and sound effects. Solve each puzzle in the game to complete levels and continue for next puzzle thing. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Has anyone had any luck with this game? I can get past the first puzzle, but am stuck on the 2nd.

  2. One of the stars gives you an e-mail address...use it.

  3. Walkthrough

    1) The first lock will test your memory. Follow the trail of light and sound, but be careful -- one wrong move will send you back to the beginning.

    2) For the second lock, you may need to look to the stars. They will help you find HAAS who will lead your way.

    3) The third lock will require you to extinguish all lights but one. Only with one light remaining will you be able to proceed.

    4) The fourth lock will let you move all 4 pieces through the control of one. However, unless the three key pieces are simultaneously placed into position, you will not be granted access.

    5) The fifth lock will be the toughest. Seek help again from the stars to reveal your key and the message that you must decode. The two working together will open the way.

  4. How do you extinguish the lights? All I can do is drag them around.

  5. trust HAAS for the answers

  6. Hey,

    I'm stuck at the second level... this thing has no sense to me. ;(

    "Haas will lead your way", "trust Hass".... yeah and what?!

  7. the 2nd puzzle gives you a way to change that "alphabet" into ours. Spell out the key to pass.

    I got that one, but Im stuck on the lights. i can only move them around.

  8. 2. spell out HAAS using the alphabet
    3. jump the lights (like the old peg game) till there is only one.
    4. use keyboard to move the blue circle and in turn get all the other greens to land in their 'pocket' at the same time and light up.
    5. 54312? nmsm, eitd, enie, hige, tgnh, descramble to match? (still solving)

  9. er 'the beginning is the end' :D

  10. Okay, I was able to get the third puzzle so that there was only one light left.. but then it started me over. Is there a certain order I'm supposed to do them in?

  11. I can't get the fourth one... any help as to the movements needed to be made to get the balls into the right pockets?

  12. I'm stuck at five puzzle. I decoded words for 54312, type them on buttons but something is wrong, because nothing heappened :(


  13. What are you sposed to do with the 3rd puzzle? theres nothing to click on the sphere and all i can do is click on the stars to either make it black (2 of them do this), make the alphabet come up, or go to email...i can't drag or move any of the lights

  14. Ok, for the second puzzle you need to spell HAAS. There are two columns in the middle, the one on the left you need to move to the symbol that represents "H" and the one on the right "A" and the spinning thingy must be the "A" and "S". If you haven't figured it out yet, if you scroll over the star farthest to the right on the site will reveil an alphabet that shows you that the first symbol is A and the last is Z.

    As for the third puzzle. Think of it as chinese checkers and click on one light and "hop" it over another. Of course you have to start with one that has on open spot by it.

    Now, the fourth puzzle is what is going to kill everyone. I've been doing this motherfreaker for almost 3 hours and am about to shoot myself! If anyone figures it out for the love of god, HELP!

  15. anyone figure out puzzle 5 its a pain to do it im lost

    there really isnt a way to solze puzzle 4 you just gotta get lucky took me 2 hours trying to figure it out then i just started moving without thinking and i got it..

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I'm on four...seriously there has to be some kind of pattern..there just has to be...I'm gonna lose my gulldang mind..I've spent all day obsessing about this..


  18. 4th puzzle: use arrow keys. tap it once to change the direction arrows on the green and blue balls. tap and hold the same key to move it.

  19. Puzzle 4 Solution: press and hold these keys in order. if you've already started hit your reload button


  20. puzzle 5 is a bunch of flashing symbols and anagrams that made my head hurt. in the end you have to spell out "the beginning is the end" using the glyphs. check your symbols carefully or it won't open

    letter key

    afterwards you will see an email screen and i guess well get emails around august 1st.

    this was fun, like jkrowlings harry potter site!

  21. Ok, so, that code you gave ciji, do we hold those keys down till they stop moving? Or do we only hit them once?

  22. for puzzle 3, it's a peg jumping game. click and drag a light to jump another light, but it has to jump into an empty space, like chinese checkers. start at the bottom and move up. you can always bring more pegs down to the lower ones. several combos should work.

  23. witch... you click on them until you land on the right letter/glyph

  24. I didnt mean for the 5th puzzle. I meant the arrow codes you gave for the 4th.

  25. Yeah with 4 you just hit it til it moves so you hit it once, to get the direction, then hit it again in the code that ciji gave us. I love having people to share this experience with. I just had a baby two weeks ago and all we've been doing is going to the drive in me and him. We went and saw Transformers last night and today all we've really done was sit here and search information on 1-18-2008 12:36..

    okay anyway thanks a bunch, now I'm on five..

  26. witch... oh, push and hold until they move, let go as soon as they do. you only want the balls to move once for each time you press the key.

  27. Alright, cool, thanks, I got it. Im watching the last video now.

  28. So we'll all see August 1st.....(that's my 21st b-day.)


  29. need help with lvl 5 i can't fiqure it out

  30. Yea, i most deffinatly dont get number 5. I spelled out all the words in the two lines, and nothing happend. What the hell do i do?!

  31. Ethan Haas Was Right Complete Walkthrough:

    Puzzle 1:
    As the hint email says, this is a memory game.
    When you click on any button, the game pops out each button in a sequence.
    The sequence is invariant.
    There's a reason for that.
    Ever play the game “Simon”?
    This is similar. You have to push all the same buttons in the same order. If you press some other button, or get one out of sequence, it shows you the correct sequence again.

    Puzzle 2:
    Incidentally, you can right-click to zoom in and out, which is really handy for being able to make out the letters in this puzzle.
    You need to enter some text.
    The game has its own alphabet; roll over one of the stars to make an alphabet key appear. (Or use my easier-to-use version.)
    You need to enter a specific word.
    The word you need to enter is four letters long.
    Get your mind out of the gutter. This is a kid-safe game!
    See any four-letter words in plain sight?
    The word you need to enter is “HAAS”.
    Obvious problem: That's four letters, and you seem to only have two characters to work with.
    What's two plus two?
    Rotate the two inner rings such that they spell “HA”, then find “AS” on the outer ring.

    Puzzle 3:
    This one's a classic game.
    It's a simple capture game.
    See those two lights at the bottom that aren't lit?
    Specifically, this is the game of Pegged.
    You need to capture all of the pegs except one.
    You capture a peg (= light) by dragging another peg over it to an empty space. This removes the captured peg from the board (extinguishes the light). You can't move a peg without capturing another peg. If you have more than one peg still on the board and no possible moves (e.g., two pegs separated by an empty space), the puzzle resets.

    Puzzle 4:
    First, I'll point out that this game is controlled with the arrow keys. You may not need any more hints to figure this puzzle out, now that you know how to operate it.
    This is a programming game. (Don't worry, you don't need to learn a programming language.)
    How many gear-shaped things are there (counting the one that the blue circle is sitting on top of)?
    How many green circles are there?
    You need to program in a course that results in all three green circles (which I think of as vacuum-cleaner robots) ending up on the three gear-shaped platforms.
    Ah, but the robots don't seem to go the same direction you tell them to. They go every which way.
    More precisely, the blue one goes in the direction you tell it to, but the green ones go in different directions. Also, if the blue robot is blocked, your move is rejected out-of-hand, but if it isn't, the move is allowed, even if one or more of the green robots is blocked. And as you may imagine, robots can block other robots.
    Also, the squares above the top two platforms are blocks; the robots can't pass through them.
    WARNING: The next hint gives one solution. Thanks, Labyrinth.

    Clue in the video before Puzzle 5: This flashes for just a fraction of a second during the cutscene video. Just in case you missed it (maybe you weren't looking at the screen during the movie), here it is:

    Puzzle 5:
    Zooming helps with this one, too.
    This is not a crypto puzzle.
    At least, not in the sense of having to decrypt something that's encrypted. You do have to work out a password, though.
    Have you figured out the significance of that one screen with no letters on it?
    It's a separator.
    It's a separator in the telegraphic sense. You know, like the word “stop”: “Hello stop we are doing well stop the weather here is good stop unfortunately there is no punctuation stop …”
    You need to figure out the message.
    Start by counting letters everywhere they appear.
    This means the rotating messages as well as the letter-board underneath.
    There are 20 spaces on the letter-board (hopefully, you didn't need me to tell you that part). The number of letters in each message varies on the first line but is always four on the second line.
    The messages are not random.
    Have you written them all down yet? (Not that you need to; they're in the next hint.)

    1. FIVE (new line) BNSN
    2. FOUR (new line) EITD
    3. THREE (new line) ENIE
    4. ONE (new line) HIGE
    5. TWO (new line) TGNH

    Note that the order is important.
    No, it's not 12345. That would be too easy.
    Remember the clue from the most recent cutscene?
    No? That's OK, it was only on the screen for a brief flash. It said 54312.
    The messages appear in that order: “FIVE BNSN”, then “FOUR EITD”, then “THREE ENIE”, then “ONE HIGE”, then “TWO TGNH”.
    The significance of this is that the numbers aren't part of the message. They're just sequence information.
    It's also important that every message's second line is four letters.
    What do you get when you multiply 4, the length of every clue, by various numbers?
    Like, say, the number of clues?
    You have five clues, and they're four letters each; 4 × 5 = 20, which is the length of the letter-board.
    Except that the letter-board isn't a single line; it's a rectangle, 10 × 2.
    What if it were a 4 × 5 rectangle instead?
    It'd look something like this:

    * BNSN
    * EITD
    * ENIE
    * HIGE
    * TGNH

    Unfortunately, that arrangement doesn't help you much.
    Try playing with the order. (Next hint shows the correct order.)

    * TGNH
    * HIGE
    * ENIE
    * BNSN
    * EITD

    Columns are rows and rows are columns.

    * THEBE
    * GINNI
    * NGIST
    * HEEND

    Still haven't figured it out? The next hint gives it away.

  32. I looked at that already. I dont get it.

  33. I get the hint for #5. How do I input it?

  34. In #5 use the alphabet you get by placing the cursor over the star to the right and spell out THEBEGINNINGISTHEEND replacing the letter with those (just like you did to spell out HAAS)

  35. Have you found any other truths that you need to share??

    We all need to help!!!!

    I have seen the demon!!!!

  36. i got the code now. so do i email it to haas or do i wait till whatever happens on august first

  37. Ok, for the second puzzle you need to spell HAAS. There are two columns in the middle, the one on the left you need to move to the symbol that represents "H" and the one on the right "A" and the spinning thingy must be the "A" and "S". If you haven't figured it out yet, if you scroll over the star farthest to the right on the site will reveil an alphabet that shows you that the first symbol is A and the last is Z.

    I don't get it, what "star farthest to the right" are you talking about? I only see two stars on the left, a white one and a blue one, clicking the blue one opens an email and clicking the white one just replays the first video.

  38. ok I did all 5 what?

  39. Jessem: There's a "star" on the extreme right at the same level than the "Ethan was right" writing. If you don't see it, check your resolution, it may be outside your display window.

    "Now what?" wait until 8/1/07.

  40. Uh did I miss something? I noticed that others who have done all 5 keep talking about a code...what code? And what does DIVINUS mean?

  41. If anyone needs help with puzzle #4,

    Here's the solution:


  42. OMG have you noticed that on the Transformers posters, the robots have the same symbols like on the puzzles!


    has anyone noticed this on the throwing games site?

  44. can sombody plz tell me what key code this guy is talkin bout? I solved all five puzzles and he says that i got a key code...but all i know is..."The Beginning is the end" and he says to use this key code to do somtin but iono what. And i gotta do it before agust 30. help plz? my email is

  45. On puzzle 5, not all of the necessary characters are showing up on my letter board. For example, I've entered "T", "H", "E", "B", but the "I" doesn't appear on the board. I've reloaded and had different configurations of characters appear, but never the ones needed to enter "The Beginning Is The End". Sometimes the "T" doesn't even show up to get started. Am I missing something??

  46. place the letters from left to right, not randomly.

  47. Yes, I've tried placing them left-to-right (sequentially). On my second most recent attempt, for example, I entered "T", but then there is no symbol for "H". My most recent attempt left me missing the "E". Confusing....

  48. Yes, I've tried placing them left-to-right (sequentially). On my second most recent attempt, for example, I entered "T", but then there is no symbol for "H". My most recent attempt left me missing the "E". Confusing....

  49. Yes, I've tried placing them left-to-right (sequentially). On my second most recent attempt, for example, I entered "T", but then there is no symbol for "H". My most recent attempt left me missing the "E". Confusing....

  50. This probably sounds lame, but I can't even get past the page. Help?

  51. For the last puzzle keep clicking on the symbol-letter until it comes up with the right one, then move to the next. It needs to be spelt out


  52. Could this movie be a U.S. version of Gwoemul? The creature in this film sort of looks like the 'thing' when you put those 2 pics from 1-18-08 site together. And since the U.S. loves to do their own version of foriegn films like The Grudge, The Ring ect

  53. The following appears in the source code. What significance?
    war came, no longer from the elemental nor from the star's rain of fire. The world was again remade, and the glow was as the coming of the sun upon the Earth. The children of the gods were again too few, scattered and divided and among them walked the ancients and those whose thoughts were not as to the towers and the marvels, but to the End and the destruction of the Earth and to the fires from which nothing could escape.

  54. I just finished all the puzzles and the code Divinus comes up. I keep hitting remind me and it says try again. How do i enter my email address and my name? Am i doing something wrong?

  55. Here is a picture i made to help you decode the letters. enjoy.

  56. i cannot seem to move any lights on the 3rd game. the peg game. I clicked on the lights but nothing moves, can anyone help, is there specific keys i need to press? Please help!

  57. AAAAAAAAaah, same problem as hitman. After finishing #5, how do I proceed? Hitting 'Remind Me' only brings up 'Try Later'.

  58. on level 5, each time you click on a symbol, they rotate in alphabetical order, so if you can recognize "A" (it was easier for we to spot "T" each time) just keep clicking and say your alphbet as you do.

  59. ok i need help people plzz
    the website is giving me trouble
    as some of you may know you can move the pictures around in there
    basically from what i understand there is a sort of combination of two elements in both pictures that make up something else
    also if you look in the piture with the two people looking scared there is something like a goat in the back

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. I think we have to wait until Aug.1 for this part to work Kathy unless anyone else can tell us what to do on the final part after completing puzzle 5. I do know this that JJ Abrams has spoken and said that Ethan Haas has nothing to do with the 1-18-08 thing. dont know if he is trying to throw us off.

  62. ok so i have done all the puzzles...i entered my name and email and clicked on reminder me...all that happened was the word "Divinus" changed to August 1 2007. is that it or am i missing something???

  63. I guess we'll meet back on the first of august

  64. iim on level 5 but i cant get past it!!! =[ is there ny1 who can help mii!!! plz!!! email mii on plz nd thank u

  65. i figured the answer for puzzle 5 out a while ago... but its still not working for me... nothing happens...


  66. Check the second last video, a sequence of numbers flashes for a split second. Watch it again and pause it.

  67. As far as that CKROX thing goes this is all I could's pretty weird:

  68. This is so great!!! I love puzzles .. that ckrox site is really weird!!! Another clue!????

  69. bethc how do i call?
    i no im slow but please help

  70. If you print screen the video on where there is a red light, kind of looks like a robot, it says backwards "More to come soon"

  71. I have also solved all 5 puzzles and dont know what key or code, im supposed to get... did i miss something? email me at

  72. oops misspelled email

  73. On August 1st, you will recieve a free coupon for 1 free Oreo Blizard at participating Dairy Queens. Not valid in Hawaii, Alaska, or in the 7th level of hell.

  74. So there's been a lot of talk about whether the guy in the trailer says "It's Alive" or "It's a Lion." I'm not going to say one is right but did anyone notice that once you've beaten the five puzzles and the site shows thumbs of each puzzle (on the right where you enter your name/email), that the fourth puzzle looks strangely similar to a Lion's face???

  75. Ok some posted this but in the source code of it says, "...war came, no longer from the elemental nor from the star's rain of fire. The world was again remade, and the glow was as the coming of the sun upon the Earth. The children of the gods were again too few, scattered and divided and among them walked the ancients and those whose thoughts were not as to the towers and the marvels, but to the End and the destruction of the Earth and to the fires from which nothing could escape."

    Now lets break this down... most are assumming the monster is something big. But what if wasnt or it was something that could morph..

    Ok i am saying this because:

    1) "and the glow was as the coming of the sun upon the Earth" now compare this with the picture on The picture is taken at 12:48am But it is looks like the people are standing under a huge light bulb.. are these two related?

    2)"The children of the gods were again too few, scattered and divided" All the picture and trailer showing people running away.. And like normal there are always people hiding and two few are coming together to solve the problem

    3)"and among them walked the ancients and those whose thoughts were not as to the towers and the marvels, but to the End and the destruction of the Earth and to the fires from which nothing could escape." Ancients walking among use? hmm meaning that they might look like us. Well there is a picture of an erie looking person in the background of the girl. Could this be an ancient?

  76. not sure this about "cloverfield"...ain't it cool says that Abrams sent them an e-mail denying a connection (but that could of course be a lie)...wikipedia draws a stronger connection to the video game coming out called Alpha Omega (the beginning and the end)

  77. has anyone else had problems after they completed the puzzle? meanign when they try to enter their email + click "remind me" it clears everything + says TRY AGAIN. how do you get it to remidn you?

  78. OMG I've just finished all 5 games (thanks to all the cheats I found!) There's no way I could've done it without a little help though - parts of it are VERY tough! I think this is the best viral marketing tool I've ever come across - may win a Grande Prix at Cannes in 2008. Can't wait for August 1, and the movie (that's if they're even related?)

  79. It has been confirmed that this is an ARG for the game Alpha Omega by Mindstorm and has nothing to do with the Cloverfield Movie. Just so everyone knows.

  80. i just finished all the puzzles, wasn't i suppose to get a code or something? i entered my name and address but it do anything except clear the boxes! please email me at

  81. thanks for the help with number 5
    i'm worthless at that sort of puzzles
    but this is a great and entertaining way to promote a new game
    i think i still have an old game from mindstorm somewhere a maze-puzzle, loved it
    if this is a taste of the game it's going to be the first game i buy for myself in a long time ;)

  82. "If you print screen the video on where there is a red light, kind of looks like a robot, it says backwards "More to come soon""
    dude...its a mirror....if you move to the opposite side it says that normaly...

    this is clearly a site for the game Alpha-Omega("I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end." (Revelations 22:13)), go to Wiki and look up this site and you'll see how...and this isnt there but i noticed this as well
    "war came, no longer from the elemental nor from the star's rain of fire. The world was again remade, and the glow was as the coming of the sun upon the Earth. The children of the gods were again too few, scattered and divided and among them walked the ancients and those whose thoughts were not as to the towers and the marvels, but to the End and the destruction of the Earth and to the fires from which nothing could escape."
    ok, thats that message some people got, now this is from the Alpha-Omega website
    "Our planet is about to become the battleground for otherworldly creatures of incredible power as they wage an ancient war. The End of Times seems to have arrived. Are angels and demons walking among us, or is there a larger chain of events unfolding? All is not lost... Alliances are forming and mankind is learning to evolve and unlock its hidden potential... Heroes are emerging... heroes like you"
    and lets not forget that the guy in the videos are talking about man being almost extinct and the rise of an Alliance....
    so this site has nothing to do with that movie

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Listen guys... I'm gonna tell you what the cloverfield movie really is..
    Are you ready.
    Its about someone opening pandoras box in new york city.
    The Sphinx creature is just one creature that is released. The creature can be seen in the pictures on the 1/18 site.

    I know this because the Video game is being made for this movie.. Its called Legendary The Box.

    Here is a link to a teaser on the game...

  85. Listen guys... I'm gonna tell you what the cloverfield movie really is..
    Are you ready.
    Its about someone opening pandoras box in new york city.
    The Sphinx creature is just one creature that is released. The creature can be seen in the pictures on the 1/18 site.

    I know this because the Video game is being made for this movie.. Its called Legendary The Box.

    Here is a link to a teaser on the game...
    dont forget the H t ml after that period

  86. Okay everybody, it's August 1st. Where are all the Ethan Haas was Right people??? And what are we expecting to happen?
    @Jessica: Happy 21st Birthday!

  87. I emailed Van again today. All I got was "ng out!

    If this is the first message you have received from me do not give up hope!
    There are others that have gone before you, the way has been found, you only
    need to search and you will find the answers you seek. We will all have a role
    to play. We are getting stronger, our voices will be heard!

    I have more of Haas’s writings, I found a secure way to
    transmit them but I cannot make it easy to find them. There are others who
    would destroy them if they could.

    know the stars of Cassiopeia and you will know when you've reached your

    The more I read the more I realize Haas was right………"

    Has he been saying that?

  88. Hey hey, check this out. After looking through that e-mail from Van I took those numbers and letters at the end and stuck them into a url.

    But I'm very bad at reading cursive, I can barely make out what it says on that paper. I know that at the end it says "The Beginning and The End." A reoccurance of the Alpha and Omega theme.

  89. Some more links after looking through the Ethan Haas Was Right domain.

    Pitty I can't read any of these.

  90. @Miashin: I can read parts of those links you posted. I am working on that right now. The handwriting is just hard to understand. Stick around.

  91. This is what I have so far:
    June 2 1?49
    I awake - the ? was of a flaming ? falling to its ? ? as water. All ? it ? ? of fire and ? as the ? of a flame twists the ? ? it.
    I felt so ?. The ? ? round me and I saw ? beneath ? the surface ? many ? balls of fire and of light ? to no end and I know now that ? and ? ? its purpose.
    The cycle.
    The Beginning and the End

    Still so many words I don;t get. If anyonw could help, it would be great. Working on the other 2 right now, will let u know.

  92. From
    June 2 1849
    I am no longer (slup?). My ? (burn?) my ? and flicker at all times like a candle wick left too long. I was asked to ? the ? this (morning?). I am no longer ? ? ?. I sat for hours in the park unable to close my eyes for (from?) the ? would ?. It is the only place I have left, the only place I can be ? (others?) and ? the ? of the ?. I insist again so I may calm my mind and find a place in which I can allow my mind to ? that I might find ? (slup?).

  93. From
    June 9, 1849
    ? - I have the (wand?) in my ?, ? whispered to me as I sit on the park. They are coming. The (wand?) is spoken. I can no longer close my eyes. The visions come to me in flashes with even the slightest blink of the eye. I know I cannot hope to hide. I ? now but my mind ? spinning and fluttering like a stone cast into the abyss. They will come upon the eatrh in fire and light bringing with them only war.

    Okay, I have no idea what this all amounts to...anyone has any ideas?

  94. here's what i could make out From

    June 2 1?49
    I awake - the dream was of a flaming ring falling to its center turning as water. All around it were (basins?) of fire and energy as the heat of a flame twists the (world?) around it.
    I felt so (feel, fro?). The ring turned around me and I saw ? beneath it the surface ? many rings balls of fire and of light ? to no end and I know now that creation and (destruction?) were its purpose.
    The cycle.
    The Beginning and the End

  95. June 2 1849
    I can no longer sleep. My dreams burn my eyes and flicker at all times like a candle wick left too long. I was asked to leave the church this morning. I am no longer welcome there within. I sat for hours in the park unable to close my eyes for fear the visions would return. It is the only place I have left, the only place I can be ? others and ? the (wantings?) of the world. I insist again so I may calm my mind and find a place in which I can allow my mind to clear that I might find dreamless sleep.

  96. June 9, 1849
    (Elain?) - I heard the word in my dream, was whispered to me as I sit on the park. They are coming. The word is spoken. I can no longer close my eyes. The visions come to me in flashes with even the slightest blink of the eye. I know I cannot hope to hide. I write now but my mind turns spinning and fluttering like a stone cast into the abyss. They will come upon the eatrh in fire and light bringing with them only war.

  97. Found two other site with a letter at and
    Both seem to have the same letter

  98. From
    June 1 1849
    I have decided that I must keep a journal that I may (well?) and that I may once again ? to those ? ? know that I am a sane man, a man of reason and willfull thought. The ? have become ?. My joints ache with the might of my dreams. I pray that what I see is not the future, that it is some nightmare, the ? ? of a man whose mind has failed him. I may never know the truth of what I see. A world in flames. The wars of men - the return of the gods to a world I cannot know. And so, I will recover my ?.

  99. is the exact same letter as

  100. Yall know this has nothing to do with "Cloverfield" or the movie, 1-18-08 right?

  101. k this might be weird but wat if it's Godzilla?
    like it's an animal has a screwed up yell and it could cause an explosion
    it could be considered an ancient animal?
    probably not though

  102. ok, it is about pandora's box everytin makes sense,
    the claws from the statue of liberty as the shynx or watever
    seriously think about it

  103. and by the way, August 1st wen he's sayin he'll meet us and that stuff is the freekin movie date
    god man not this august

  104. Ethan Haas was Right people: The website ( now displays a new message and redirects to a new page with a game in it. Just in case you are interested.

  105. working link:


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