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Labyrinth WalkthroughLabyrinth is another old French point and click escape the house type game. Enter the house and search around to find items and clues for figuring out the game. Because of its language, it may be problem to solve this game. But, it may be solved by using any translator. Be sure to have the sound on when playing it as you'll be getting hints via the telephone. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Themer]

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  1. there is a bug on this game.
    or it's just me???

  2. "La porte du sous-sol"?
    I get a white screen after using the key - don´t know what else to do,except using phone-number 0936617252 for getting the numbers "5 + 9"...

  3. odd nothing happens'can't open doors,can't find items,can't speak french o,dear

  4. Not sure what is going on...after I turned on the garage light and went to the laundry the program disappeared....

  5. There's a key in the dinning room, in the vase, use it to open a door in the garage near the laundry room...

  6. pffff, what a game.....
    sorry for my englisch, i'm from holland, and i hate french language, so it's a very hard game hihihi

    upstairs on a door is a little line, click on it and you have a "vous le cle" whatever that will be...

    find the door where it say's "le sous sol" and than click on the V buttom in the screen...

    the game will load again, and when it's done, you are in the basement or something...

    now i'm going to look what i have to do there.

  7. ok when the screen turns white. its not a bug its just loading more of the game.
    am in the basement. i didnt do any of the things sandra said though to get there, i just used the key on the door next to the large fridge. in the basement is a ladder. and u can use the ladder to go up the the ironing room. which if u look at the floor plan by pressing the question mark is a room next to the laundry room.

  8. and then u can find your way in to other rooms. if u walk into the bedroom. someone will ring u up, u have to go back to the computer room to answer the idea what they saying though.

  9. actualy when u get the hang of it seems an ok game.
    object so far is to find didfrent ways inot locked rooms.
    a lot of loading though.
    so far u need the key to get inot the basement. use the laddres to get upstairs. then press some things up there to open bedroom doors and possibly other doors.
    now am going back down to see what i opended

  10. in the basement if u open the second door it kills u. dont despair thoguh u can alsways right click and play and it takes u back to the bottom of the stairs.
    but now am lost because i cannot talk or understand french

  11. step one.
    get key out of vase and use it on door next to fridge.
    when u go into basement there is other rooms to look into and buttons to press, but not sure what they open yet, if u go to ladders, and turn round u come into the ironing room.
    u have to press the button in there and it will take u into another room. click the radio thing then go back into the ironing room.
    leave that and go into bathroom and click the switch there. that will open the door that leads downstairs.
    now if u go through that door and look at it, if u press the arrow key it slams shut on you. so u would have to do all that again.
    basicaly thats where am at now. i know there is doors opening and closing when i press certain swithces or push certain buttons.
    but need to find out where they are.

  12. This game takes an age to load, does anybody know of anymore room escape games I can play? I have played nearly all the ones on this website, I like the scary and adventure games...

  13. Actually I'm French, I was so happy to see at least a french game. But, now I'm really disappointed... I'm exactly as all non french speackers, I don't understand anything in this game...
    May be a clue, if you answer the phone, a woman voice says "7 C 1" but it s not sure... it s not clear even for a French.
    a seond clue when u r upstays in the laundry where there is an iron, click on the plug, after that u can go down for fixing up the electric box...
    Sorry for my English...

  14. i got that thx,
    what i was thinking is when she rings you up. maybe u can go down and click the phone and get her number she rang u from.
    i know if u click the bottom of the stairs in the basemnt it mentions a garage.
    and a door opens .am just walking through things and trying to figure what opens what

  15. I used the key to open a door in the garage, it started loading up to 70% and stopped.Been 70% for half an hour now...So much for broadband if the website server doesnt work. Dont know if i want to wait much longer, loosing my patience with slow loading games, they seem to grow in numbers these days...

  16. the vase is in the dining room. on the cupboard left of the dining chair

  17. hm
    not in my game,
    first the telephonenumber worked, it made me continue outside, but now i cant find the right code,
    nor anything else to do...

  18. @sioux (really late but)

    "La porte du sous-sol" means the door to the basement

  19. Hi!
    I speak french so if you have any questions, please write my name in your question and i'Ll answer them. I'm going to try to do a walkthrough after this!

  20. Done it!!!
    I just used the code to open a random door and it said THE END. Is that right?
    C'est très bizarre comme jeux, mais c'est bien d'avoir quelquechose qui n'est pas en japonais. (excuse mon francais)


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