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Poco2 Escape 2

Poco2 Escape2.0 WalkthroughPoco2 Escape 2.0 is sequel of first Poco2 Escape 1 Japanese point and click type room escape game from Zukku Works. As always, you are in a room and you need to get out of the room by searching, finding and using items with clues. Because of its large size, you have to wait while downloading the game. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I think i got myself stuck. I had like 4 corn (put them on the corn guy) got a screw driver (turned on tv) i got a bear and a fox. the number 6 right leg and left arm and a stick

  2. I can´t do nothing here...
    Pleaaaase help... hahahaha

  3. lovebug44047, where you it caught the crack key?

  4. well now i have a dog and got my lst corn made popcorn and that was cool, but now im stuck again

  5. what crack key, i just got one from pop corn

  6. screw driver is under the trash can

  7. any clue how to get the keys off the window and door, and what is up with all those drawers under the locked cabniet, and what about the drawing on the doll house.

  8. I put the right ear, right leg, and left arm on the bear, but stuck..

  9. ok got it use the animals faces with the tv and the calender with the boxes under the cabnit

  10. put 5 popcorn on con picture, it tuns to popcorn. Leaves key and dog tile. Key open locked cabinet to reveal a picture. Stuck again.

  11. how did you get the ear? How do you put the faces on tv and i cant get anything out of the cabninet? I figured the calander went to that

  12. is anyone getting anywhere? Im stuck

  13. I'm stuck too, can't do anything now

  14. idk what to do??? i cant find the last 2 kernels, or any more body parts? i have leg and arm. i used screw driver on blue thing next to couch. walkthrough??

  15. how do you get the thing under tv and the kernel behind tv??

  16. use the stick, i found that on the side of the doll house

  17. trevor...use the stick you get next to the doll house

  18. theres a red key inside the popcorn! just keep clicking

  19. there is a doll inside and a place to put the badge of six but i cant put it there..

  20. how do you open the drawer without a handle by the tv?

  21. ok i found something! the channels on the tv are the same as the circled days on the calender.

  22. You can put the 8 badge on the doll and the 6 badge on the next doll that pops out.

    Now I need a 5 badge.

    Totally stuck

  23. where did you find the 8 badge?

  24. i cant find the red key

  25. Where did you get the 8 badge?

  26. melijean! where is the 8 badge??

  27. to get the 8 badge:

    look at the red numbers on the calendar. They correspond to the boxes.

    Look at the tv channels to see what animal goes with the circled red numbers.

    Put the correct animals in the matching boxes.

    Then, open the box that matches the red starred number.

    Repeat with the blue numbers.

  28. the red key appears when the popcorn pops and you click on it a few times

  29. the days with the stars around them: 3 and 14, are missing from the channels...

  30. finally out!! thank you all!!

  31. Spoiler!!

    The first box is skipped. The second box is really 1, like on the calendar.

    Put bear in 5, fox in 17, dog in 29. Open 14 and get key.

    Put fox in 8, dog in 12, bear in 25. Open 3 and get 8 badge.

  32. thank you.
    any hints for the 5 badge?

  33. Please help.

    Put ear, leg, and arm on bear.

    Put badge 8 and 6 in.

    Have screwdriver, stick, three animals.

    What now?

  34. I jgot the 5 badge. thanks all.

  35. I am out. thanks to all that helped.

  36. Finally out. I am so unobservant. Did the coin have any purpose?

  37. You get to save it for later.

  38. got the ears, eyes, arms, legs on bear and all dolls have badges what next?

  39. Melijean Thank you for the hint on the boxes I was going crazy....

  40. OK guys thank you for your help...I will do a walkthru for the nightshift...

  41. Walkthru - select English and wait for restart.
    The first part is very easy - check everywhere to find items..

    1. Open drawers and retrieve three items.
    2. To sofa and get items under pillows.
    3. Get corn in bin and screwdriver under bin.
    4. Corner by sofa use screwdiver to get the fox badge and corn.
    5. Check calendar if you wish. Right to dolls house. In corner note diagrams and pick up stick.
    6. To TV and get bear badge under cabinet with stick and corn behind TV.
    7. Back to dolls house and click corner of picture. The corn man. Place your corn in the holes and get a dog badge and key.
    8. Back to TV and use screwdiver to activate. Watch pictures and note numbers with which animal.
    9. Right to the calendar and note the numbers in circle match your animals. Note the red circles which animal and red star number.
    10. Right to cabinet of drawers. Place the correct animal badge in the correct drawer EXACTLY like the calendar. Then check the drawer with the red star. Did you find a badge? If not then you need to look at the calendar again and note the position where the numbers start...
    11. Repeat with blue circles and star and get a key.
    12. Use red key on cabinet and place a number badge in hole. Get an eye. Repeat and get a handle.
    13. Back to the TV and use handle to open drawer. Remember the diagram on the dolls house. Get a badge and an ear.
    15. Back to the cabinet with the dolls and place the badge. Get a coin.
    16. Back to the TV drawer and use the coin to change the top button. Now enter the second diagram and get another badge.
    17. Back to the dolls and place badge to get a nose.
    18. Use yellow key on dolls house and repair bear. He will give you a key to get out.....

  42. Do it¡¡¡¡, i was stuck with the drawers but at the end i understand the problem. thanks melijean¡¡¡¡¡. sorry about my english, i'm spanish.

  43. Where is the 5 badge? I've looked everywhere. Thanks.

  44. you only talk about the badge of dog,fox and bear...but the tv shows two wheres the fourth badge for the cabinet of drawers?

  45. ok--should read carfully -.-

  46. Yeah, if I had looked more carefully, I'd have figured it out. I'm thru. Finally. 0_o

  47. I can't get the thing in the drawer to work. HELP!!

  48. Christine, is this the badges in the drawers? Big hint there are seven drawers per line (week), but the month starts on Monday...imagine calendar on the drawers. When finished with red circles take out the badges and start again

  49. I got that. I mean the thing in the dresser drawer where you put the handle on.

  50. Ah you mean the circle thingy....look on the side of the dolls house which circles to engage

  51. out finally... nice game.
    thanks for all the tips...

  52. can someone plz help..... ive got the game loaded and ready to go, but when i click arrows to chage between rooms it dnt move.. also if click on main pain it dnt got to draws or behind tv... any idedas how to get it going

  53. This is a great site for game lovers.
    Unfortunately, some self-centered individuals disrecpect the wishes of the game's author by writing the walkthrough, despite the author's specific request not to do so. It is okay to offer help and hints to your fellow gamers but it is rude to publish the walkthrough just to show you are smart.
    PLEASE, be civilized, since you play the game well, I am sure you read well too.
    Thank you

  54. Dear Chris, please note you do not need to read a walkthru, it only there as a guide. When I write a walkthru I try not to be too specific so the gamers still need to work it out. We all get stuck and a quick peek at a walkthru gets us going again.

  55. Hey, u know for Covert Front Eps. 1, what do you do after taking fuse and putting it on the machine. My first thought was to use the crowbar on the
    bars on the bottom of the pipe, but that didn't work....can anyone give a
    tip on what to do next?

  56. I cant put the eye on the bear!!! help please!!!there is one eye or two??

  57. W H E R E I S T H E 5 B A D G E ?? ¿¿ ?? ¿¿ ?? ¿¿

  58. I Can´t put the ears in the bear!!! Why!!!???

  59. @jason: you need to pull the round switch on the machine so you hear an alaem go off. then use the crowbar on the grate.

  60. @Christine: What is the point of being first if you have no help??

  61. OMG It's so frustating at the beginning!!!! I almost quit the game. I thought it was impossible but... I finally did it after 2 hours trying everything!!! Just a piece of advice, WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN, MAKE NOTES AND PAY ATTENTION TO THE COLORS AND YOU'LL GOT IT. And if you can't make it yet, email me at:

  62. it says that the green key is different!!!
    H E L P
    please, im going crazy!!
    sorry about my english, im from argentina
    thank u!

  63. i got it...:P
    im so stupid, i was trying to open the was the windows:P

    excelent game!
    thanks for the walkthru...

  64. which way do the numbers go on the little drawers?

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. what do you do with the coin???

    What badges go where.

  68. Nevermind I finished it. =D

  69. Where is the 3rd number badge? I guess its 5? i cant find it!!!

  70. yay! i'm out too!!!
    it's really cute.. all those matryoshka dolls and even the bear!
    you'll be an elf (which is called "good norm" in the game..) :lol:
    hehehe.. that was nice! and thank you to evrybody for the hints.. it was good to know you could ask someone when you're at wits end... hehehehehe.. :P

  71. im completely stuck. i have the bear, fox, and dog badge. a screw driver. a stick. i used the red key already and ifound a picture of a bear or something like that. i have the badge 6 and i turned on the tv already. and i have a right leg and a left arm. what now??

  72. thank u all i did it i beat it

  73. Please help me im really stuck i cant find the 5 badge ive found the 8 and 6 and used them but i cant find the 5 please help!!!

  74. great game, love the ending thank you redroobar for the walk through it really helped me:)also chris,you are completly wrong

  75. help me i cant do the badges in the drawer thing and i cant find badge number 3

  76. Thanks redroobar,
    i finally finished the game after a hour and a half!!
    Thanks so much
    Thanks for the walkthrough and everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  77. i cant get the badge or the key from the drawrers HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

  78. and wuts up wit the picture on the side of the doll house

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Whats up with the cabanate picture?

  82. they give u items(peices of bear, handel) if u give them badges... put them in the flower-y holes

  83. wow this game was confusing but i finally passed in my opinion it was much harder than the firdt one but thanks melijean! u gave great tips

  84. Hey guys i finished the game let me know if you need help. peace

  85. hey any body help me onescape culver have decoder key and hocky stick part

  86. hey what do u do in escape culver ijust started i havedecoder key heat gun and part of hockey stick

  87. Why can't I get the thing in the drawer under the tv to work? I already saw the thing on the doll house. please help me!!!

  88. ok. so i did all the steps and i got the yellow key but wen i put it in the keyhole the yellow key dissapeared and the dollhouse never opened! help!!

  89. i did all the steps and i put the yellow key in the dollhouse but it never opened and the yellow key disappeared! wat do i do??? helppp!

  90. you have to use the stick to get it!

  91. i have all the badges and i have put them in the correct boxes acording to the callandar but it wont let me get the number 8 badge from the box

  92. i cant get the bear badge i know that you have to use the stick but where do i even go to under the cabinet do i use the stick where the red box thing is or what

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. ok i cant put the left and right ear on the bear or the rigth eye . why?¿ and is there a left eye and if there is where or how do you get it

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. The game is actually pretty simple. Tell me if you have any questions, I can help.

  97. soccer5, to put on the ear, the teddy bear is actually a mirror image of your point of view. To put on the left ear, click on your right side of the bear.

  98. how do u put the body parts on the bear????????

  99. I put the 8 and 6 badges in but I didnt get the eye or the handle

  100. Thanks you guys really know how to give those hints lol.

  101. where is the 5 badge?
    please help

  102. HELPP
    i already used the 8th and 6th badges on the little doll things
    where is the third badge???/


  103. Badge locations.......
    6 bottom R drawer under TV
    8 solve multiple box puzzle
    5 solve puzzle bottom L under TV
    3 solve puzzle bottom L under TV

  104. Please, where are the dammed corns????? i only get 5

  105. Corns:
    1) upper left drawer
    2) behind TV
    3) under left pillow
    4) in bin
    5) under metal panel in the corner by sofa
    You need only 5 corns.

  106. It was hard but worth the effort. Thanks for all the tips everyone put forth it was much appreciated.

  107. HELP!!!, I have fox,bear,and dog badge and a star six what next

  108. i figured it out. i did all the stuff with the pictures and got a nose. now im stuck. HELP!!

  109. HELP!i cant find the what ver you have to find

  110. Walkthrough - (I appologise for the typos, typed this quickly.)

    Open each of the drawers, you will recieve a peice of corn, right leg, and badge of six.

    Go to the right, lift each pillow, you will recieve a left arm and another piece of corn. Look under the trash can to recieve the screwdriver, and in the trash can to get another peice of corn.
    Click to the left of the sofa and use the screwdriver on the panel there, you will recieve a peice of corn and a badge of fox.
    Click on the calander and take note of the red circles, and red star, as well as the blue circles and blue star.

    Go to the right, twice and click on the left side of the doll house. Take the stick and take note of the two diagrams.

    Go to the right and click to the left of the TV and use the stick to get another peice of corn. Also, click under the drawers and use the stick to get the badge of bear. Click on the tv and use the screw driver to remove the panel, turn on the tv and note what channels the dog, fox, and bear are on.

    Go to the left and click on the picture on the wall. Put all the peices of corn in the holes of the corn cob. The corn will give you the red key and badge of dog when you click to view the scene, not just the picture.

    Go to the left, click on the boxes and insert the corresponding dog, fox and bear badges into the red circle places you noted from the calender. Click on the place where the red star would be and you will recieve a 8 badge, take it. Do the same for the blue circles and stars. You will recieve a yellow key, take it.

    Go up to the locked cuboard and open it with the red key, insert the badge of 8 in the cut out and recieve a right eye as well as another place to insert the badge of 6. You will recieve a handle.

    Go left twice, and place the handle on the broken drawer. Open the drawer, and take the left ear. Also, click the corresponding boxes that you read from the diagram on the doll house. This will give you a 5 badge.

    Go right twice, open the locked cupboard and insert the 5 badge in the cutout. You will recieve a coin.

    Go left twice, open the lower left drawer again and use the coin to switch the circle with the line through it, at the top of the machine. Click the coresponding boxes again and it will produce a 3 badge.

    Go right twice, open the locked cupboard and insert the 3 badge into the cutout. You will recieve a nose.

    Go to the right once and use the yellow key to open the doll house, click on the damaged bear inside. Click on the right ear to collect it, and place the corresponding body parts in the correct locations to repair the bear and you recieve a blue key.

    Go to the left, and use the blue key to open the windoe to escape.

  111. im really confused i can't find out how the thingy in the draw where u put the handle at works,i don't know how to do the second part of it

  112. I cant put the ears on the bear..can someone pleasee help me?

  113. how do you get the right eye on?? I am confused it wont let me put it on the bear!!!

  114. the bears ears are on top of its head. the eye is directly across from the other lil black eye. that calender thing was a bitch.

  115. ok so to make it easy in the calendar thing, to do the animals thing,you have to start counting one after the beggining one, i mean, skip the first one and start counting from one by the second one, this is because the calendar first day its in monday in a sunday to saturday calendar, meaning that sunday its the first day. Then for the animals:
    Bear: 25
    Fox: 8
    then click the third box and the 8 badge should appear

    for blue
    Bear: 5
    Dog: 29
    Fox: 17
    then click box 24 and a yellow key appears.

  116. Sorry, small snag here: I used the yellow key on the doll house but for some reason it's not working. Now I have no key and the dollhouse is still locked up. What do I do? I tried redoing the part with the badges and drawers but to no avail. Please help?

  117. working link:


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