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Rulumomo Garden 3

Rulumomo Garden 3 WalkthroughRulomomo Garden 3 is the third episode of English version of a point and click escape game. You again have to find a way to escape. Good Luck and Have Fun!

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Rulumomo Garden 3 Walkthrough by Jenny:

Click Right Arrow, Dad is standing right there, turn back to door and click it to get back in.

Go left. You will see a dresser with a snake in an aquarium, books, & a stuffed animal. Pick up grey diary from behind books, cell phone from bottom middle right drawer, take note of the numbers from bottom middle left drawer and pick up ruler from left side behind cabinet.

Turn left once. You will see a large cabinet and a small fridge on top of a table. Pick up water bottle in fridge, another piece of paper under bottom left side of table.

Turn left again. Number paper behind curtain & poem above window.

Left once, piece of paper in dog’s ear. Solve puzzle in box under cabinet. Missing one puzzle piece. Take pliers from bottom drawer, syringe from top drawer. Use ruler to get orange key on left side of cabinet.

Go back to cabinet with aquarium. Use pliers on double doors in middle to pick up tape and screwdriver. Use orange key on left door to pick up scissors.

Turn to the window and use scissors on bottom of curtain to pick up a blue key.

Go back to the aquarium cabinet again and open right door with blue key to pick up gold medal.

Turn right and pick up pieces of paper from trash.

Right again to a screen with a table. Take water from glass with syringe. Piece of paper in chair top left of table. Click on picture. Poem from above window will have 4 directions on it. Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast. Use screwdriver to remove screws in order corresponding to the poem. Pick up little cream colored square in middle of picture.

Turn right once and place missing puzzle piece in puzzle to pick up squirt gun. You can fill this up with water from syringe, but it is never used. Use diary to get 4 digit code from text to open up locked cabinet. Place gold medal in box at the top of cabinet to get red key.

Go back to cabinet next to mini fridge. Use red key to find game. You will need two chips and three marbles for the game. The pieces of paper from the trash can tell you that you have to break the bottle to get the marbles out but if you click it three times you can get the marble. Once to remove the water, again to remove the cap and the third time will give you a marble. The second marble is underneath the dog’s feet. You can now pick up the ladle from the table and put that together with the ruler and tape to remove the third marble from the tank. You can also now pick up the chips. One is behind the box holding the silver medal in the cabinet and the other is underneath the mini fridge.

Place marbles in 3 holes at the top of the machine, chips in two cream colored slots towards the bottom of the machine. When rotating lever comes back up and is in line with bottom ledge for second marble, press middle circular button on right side of machine. When that marble falls onto the rotating ledge, press top circular button. The second marble should end up falling at the right time to pass over the ledge the first marble pushes up then fall down to the next ledge taking it to the left. Right before it passes over the big black vertical stick, press bottom circle to release third ball. This should be timed correctly to release green key at bottom. This may take a few tries. The grey box below the circles will restart the game.

Now you can open up the double locked door next to the window that leads to the kitchen. Use the numbers you found on the 5 pieces of paper around the room and the numbers on the last page of the diary. The first numbers on the pieces of paper are 1-6. Put them in order for the code. Use the green key, pick up phone battery, use it to call boyfriend.

Note: After you put water from syringe into squirt gun you can pick up Tabasco sauce from the fridge, but you never use that either.

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  1. i thought we've play this game before?? May be last time was in jp??

  2. Yeah, I remember this one too!

  3. Got nipper, driver, scissors, ruler, scotch tape, bottle, marble from bottle, syringe (refilled bottle), diary, phone (no battery), 2 notes, 6 clues (used to unlock keypad), key (used to open left cupboard).

    Ran out of places to look - using the driver on picture results in bad ending. Anybody got any suggestions?

  4. Also, cant get marble from under the dog or in the fishtank.

  5. anyone knows the combination to the lock? and how we get the other marbles?
    the other key for the other cupboard is on the curtain,u have to cut it off.

  6. you cut the lock on the cabinet off with the scissors. the keypad lock changes with each game but is easy to figure out from the tabs of paper - the numbers are in the format 1-7 for instance meaning number 1 is 7. You need to find 6 tabs to get the 6 digit number.

  7. put medal in box in cabinet but nothing happened

  8. i havent found the 6th pieace of paper...i cant figure out the code.damn,im really dumb:P

  9. There is not a sixth peice of paper, the last number for the code is in the diary.
    There is also a peice of paper on top of the window, that tells the order to take the screws out of picture, to avoid the bad ending

  10. above the curtain there is a piece of paper, wich guides you about the order you have to take the screws out the picture.
    After that, you can get the last piece of the puzzle, and after you put it in the right place, you get a water pistol. Fill it with the water contained in the glass at the table (use the serynge for it). After that, I'm stuck)

  11. I don´t know how to play the game in the wardrobe. I got the 3 marbles and the 2 pieces. help

  12. After fill the pistol with the water, you're able to get the tabasco pepper.

  13. How did you get the marbels and the chips, felfel?

  14. You can pour the tobasco into the cup on the table and then fill the syringe. but i dont know what to do with it

  15. After getting the tabasco pepper, use it with the empty glass at the table. After that you'll be able to put the pepper in the serynge. I guess you should mixture the pepper with the water in the pistol, to attack the guard (or use it with the dog), but I didn't figure it out yet.

  16. I think that you have to get the key before and then you can get the marble and the chips. To get the marble in the aquarium you have to use the spoon and the ruler with the adhesive tape. sorry for my english

  17. I can´t get the tobasco. why??

  18. tem alguém ai que fala o portugues???

  19. What key, felfel? The only keys I've got until now, I used to open the doors at the cupboard. And I definitely cannot use the rule, the tape and the spoon together... how did you do that???

  20. Eu falo português, Vivi. Mas tente escrever em ingles, para que todo mundo possa ler. Se for impossível, o que posso fazer por você?

    (I do speak portuguese, Vivi. but try to write in english, then everybody can read your comments. If that is impossible, what can I do for you?)

  21. you have to put a medal in the machine in the cupboard and you get a red key. I think that you can't get some objets until you get others. I neither can continue...:(

  22. ai até que enfim ,mas ai eu vou ter que ficar traduzindo,vc me entendendo tah bom....
    aonde eu encho a pistola....
    tenho um alicate chave de fenda tesoura regua
    parece um microfone
    uma bolinha
    um quebra cabeça com umas escrituras
    abri o quadro e empaquei!!!!
    o q faço please!!!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I have to go away. later I will try it again

  25. ai until at last, but ai I go to have that to be translating, you understanding me you the good one….
    I have pliers, key of crack, shears regua
    it seems a microphone
    a small ball
    one breaks head with Holy Writs
    April the picture and empaquei!
    the q I make please!
    alemão para francêsalemão para inglêsárabe para inglês Betachinês para inglês Betachinês (simplificado para tradicional) Betachinês (tradicional para simplificado) Betacoreano para inglês Betaespanhol para inglêsfrancês para alemãofrancês para inglêsinglês para alemãoinglês para árabe Betainglês para chinês (simplificado) Betainglês para chinês (tradicional) Betainglês para coreano Betainglês para espanholinglês para francêsinglês para italianoinglês para japonês Betainglês para portuguêsinglês para russo Betaitaliano para inglêsjaponês para inglês Betaportuguês para inglêsrusso para inglês Beta
    Sugira uma tradução melhor

    Obrigado pela sua contribuição ao Google Translate.Usaremos sua sugestão para melhorar a qualidade da tradução em futuras atualizações do nosso sistema. ai until at last, but ai I go to have that to be translating, you understanding me you the good one….
    I have pliers, key of crack, shears regua
    it seems a microphone
    a small ball
    one breaks head with Holy Writs
    April the picture and empaquei!
    the q I make please!

    Traduzir uma página da web

  26. damn,i have figured it out!=) im not english so sometimes i dont understand what ppl mean (lol,excuses!)
    thx for the tips!
    (tmb falo português!)

  27. essa merda viu!!!!

  28. I go nobody even so I help me!
    then, kisses for all!
    they amuse… alone….

  29. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad ending, but if you do this, at least the game is over ...

    Chg fperjf onpx va gur cvpgher. Gura hafperj gurz va gur jebat beqre. Fdhveg Qnq va gur rlr j/ gnonfpb!!!

  30. To Vivi fiuza - please don't be alone, I'm stuck too - the fun bit is to try again (and wait for more tips from others)

  31. After I put the medal at the grey machine, in the cupboard, it gives me a message: "no reaction". For Christ sake, how do I get the red key??? I restarted this game four times, already!!! Help!

  32. Oh... I give up! For this moment, at least... tomorrow I'll see if anybody smarter can figure this thing out.

    Good Luck!

  33. I give up jack… nobody says to my language ai is difficult… leaves when to go for the "yada yada" one, ai I game with the staff…

  34. I give up too - for tonight, sleep calls and I have to work tomorrow, maybe someone will post a walkthrough.

  35. Don't cut the lock on the cabinet!!! Use the numbers that appear in the diary as the lock combination. This way will give you the red key after you put the medal in the machine.

  36. First post & first walkthrough. I used the ROT13 converter though so as not to spoil. First room escape I got through without help. Made me quite happy :)

    Pyvpx Evtug Neebj, Qnq vf fgnaqvat evtug gurer, ghea onpx gb qbbe naq pyvpx vg gb trg onpx va.

    Tb yrsg. Lbh jvyy frr n qerffre jvgu n fanxr va na ndhnevhz, obbxf, & n fghssrq navzny. Cvpx hc terl qvnel sebz oruvaq obbxf, pryy cubar sebz obggbz zvqqyr evtug qenjre, gnxr abgr bs gur ahzoref sebz obggbz zvqqyr yrsg qenjre naq cvpx hc ehyre sebz yrsg fvqr oruvaq pnovarg.

    Ghea yrsg bapr. Lbh jvyy frr n ynetr pnovarg naq n fznyy sevqtr ba gbc bs n gnoyr. Cvpx hc jngre obggyr va sevqtr, nabgure cvrpr bs cncre haqre obggbz yrsg fvqr bs gnoyr.

    Ghea yrsg ntnva. Ahzore cncre oruvaq phegnva & cbrz nobir jvaqbj.

    Yrsg bapr, cvrpr bs cncre va qbt’f rne. Fbyir chmmyr va obk haqre pnovarg. Zvffvat bar chmmyr cvrpr. Gnxr cyvref sebz obggbz qenjre, flevatr sebz gbc qenjre. Hfr ehyre gb trg benatr xrl ba yrsg fvqr bs pnovarg.

    Tb onpx gb pnovarg jvgu ndhnevhz. Hfr cyvref ba qbhoyr qbbef va zvqqyr gb cvpx hc gncr naq fperjqevire. Hfr benatr xrl ba yrsg qbbe gb cvpx hc fpvffbef.

    Ghea gb gur jvaqbj naq hfr fpvffbef ba obggbz bs phegnva gb cvpx hc n oyhr xrl.

    Tb onpx gb gur ndhnevhz pnovarg ntnva naq bcra evtug qbbe jvgu oyhr xrl gb cvpx hc tbyq zrqny.

    Ghea evtug naq cvpx hc cvrprf bs cncre sebz genfu.

    Evtug ntnva gb n fperra jvgu n gnoyr. Gnxr jngre sebz tynff jvgu flevatr. Cvrpr bs cncre va punve gbc yrsg bs gnoyr. Pyvpx ba cvpgher. Cbrz sebz nobir jvaqbj jvyy unir 8 qverpgvbaf ba vg. Abegujrfg, Abegurnfg, Fbhgujrfg, Fbhgurnfg. Hfr fperjqevire gb erzbir fperjf va beqre pbeerfcbaqvat gb gur cbrz. Cvpx hc yvggyr pernz pbyberq fdhner va zvqqyr bs cvpgher.

    Ghea evtug bapr naq cynpr zvffvat chmmyr cvrpr va chmmyr gb cvpx hc fdhveg tha. Lbh pna svyy guvf hc jvgu jngre sebz flevatr, ohg vg vf arire hfrq. Hfr qvnel gb trg 8 qvtvg pbqr sebz grkg gb bcra hc ybpxrq pnovarg. Cynpr tbyq zrqny va obk ng gur gbc bs pnovarg gb trg erq xrl.

    Tb onpx gb pnovarg arkg gb zvav sevqtr. Hfr erq xrl gb svaq tnzr. Lbh jvyy arrq gjb puvcf naq guerr zneoyrf sbe gur tnzr. Gur cvrprf bs cncre sebz gur genfu pna gryy lbh gung lbh unir gb oernx gur obggyr gb trg gur zneoyrf bhg ohg vs lbh pyvpx vg guerr gvzrf lbh pna trg gur zneoyr. Bapr gb erzbir gur jngre, ntnva gb erzbir gur pnc naq gur guveq gvzr jvyy tvir lbh n zneoyr. Gur frpbaq zneoyr vf haqrearngu gur qbt’f srrg. Lbh pna abj cvpx hc gur ynqyr sebz gur gnoyr naq chg gung gbtrgure jvgu gur ehyre naq gncr gb erzbir gur guveq zneoyr sebz gur gnax. Lbh pna nyfb abj cvpx hc gur puvcf. Bar vf oruvaq gur obk ubyqvat gur fvyire zrqny va gur pnovarg naq gur bgure vf haqrearngu gur zvav sevqtr.

    Cynpr zneoyrf va 1 ubyrf ng gur gbc bs gur znpuvar, puvcf va gjb pernz pbyberq fybgf gbjneqf gur obggbz bs gur znpuvar. Jura ebgngvat yrire pbzrf onpx hc naq vf va yvar jvgu obggbz yrqtr sbe frpbaq zneoyr, cerff zvqqyr pvephyne ohggba ba evtug fvqr bs znpuvar. Jura gung zneoyr snyyf bagb gur ebgngvat yrqtr, cerff gbc pvephyne ohggba. Gur frpbaq zneoyr fubhyq raq hc snyyvat ng gur evtug gvzr gb cnff bire gur yrqtr gur svefg zneoyr chfurf hc gura snyy qbja gb gur arkg yrqtr gnxvat vg gb gur yrsg. Evtug orsber vg cnffrf bire gur ovt oynpx iregvpny fgvpx, cerff obggbz pvepyr gb eryrnfr guveq onyy. Guvf fubhyq or gvzrq pbeerpgyl gb eryrnfr terra xrl ng obggbz. Guvf znl gnxr n srj gevrf. Gur terl obk orybj gur pvepyrf jvyy erfgneg gur tnzr.

    Abj lbh pna bcra hc gur qbhoyr ybpxrq qbbe arkg gb gur jvaqbj gung yrnqf gb gur xvgpura. Hfr gur ahzoref lbh sbhaq ba gur 0 cvrprf bs cncre nebhaq gur ebbz naq gur ahzoref ba gur ynfg cntr bs gur qvnel. Gur svefg ahzoref ba gur cvrprf bs cncre ner 3-9. Chg gurz va beqre sbe gur pbqr. Hfr gur terra xrl, cvpx hc cubar onggrel, hfr vg gb pnyy oblsevraq.

    Abgr: Nsgre lbh chg jngre sebz flevatr vagb fdhveg tha lbh pna cvpx hc Gnonfpb fnhpr sebz gur sevqtr, ohg lbh arire hfr gung rvgure.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. did anybody actually figure this freakin thing out its buggin tha hell outta me

  39. I really can´t find the scissors... Where is it??

  40. angie:

    Jenny's walkthrough is in code if you go to
    or just web page you can copy jenny's code and then paste that code and it well give you the walkthrough in english it worked for me.
    need any help just ask

  41. Paulo a key is on one side of the dressers you need the ruler key with the key you can find the scissors

  42. I can decode, but still can't figure out the code to the lock on the cabinet. Please help.

  43. get code from the book on the shelf look through it has four numbers in the story thats the code for the cabinet

  44. I didn´t understand how to know which code to use on the double lock... And in which order I use the numbers on the pieces of paper...

  45. Here is the walktrough...
    1)first , you need 2 go to the cupboard and click at drawer below n get syringe and a nipper
    2)go to the smaller cupboard n get a grey diary(where put beside all the book) and use nipper to cut the wire and get scotch tape and screwdriver
    3)take a cellphone in the lower drawer and click on the left down of the cupboard and get a ruler
    4)go back to the big cupboard , DO NOT USE THE NIPPLE TO CUT THE LOCKER!!!check out the numbers in the diary and use it on da locker
    5)click on the left down of the big cupboard and u will saw a orange key , use ruler to get it
    6)go back to the smaller cupboard , use the orange key to open the left big drawer and get a scissors
    7)go to the curtain there ,take a piece of paper and click on the down of the curtain , and you will see a key inside . Use the scissor to cut it and get a blue key .
    8)Look at the piece of paper get from top of the curtain , remember the northeast , southeast,southwest ,northwest all this is the way to open the screw on the photograph .
    9)Follow the instruction of the piece of paper , open the photograph and get a piece of panel
    10)GO back to the big drawer and click on the box at the bottom of the cupboard . Fix the box and fill it wif the piece of panel and you will get a water gun
    11)Use the blue key to open the right drawer of the smaller cupboard and get a medal.Put it into grey box on top of the big cupboard and you will get the red key
    12)Use the red key to open the yellow cupboard beside the refrigirator
    13)GO back to refrigirator and get the blue colour soda.And go to the dustbin and get all the pieces of paper .LAter u fix da paper , u can get the mable in the blue soda
    14)Get the second mable at the dog leg
    15)get the spoon on the table and put the ruler on it and use the tape to combind it.
    16)go to the aquarium and get the third mable .
    17)GO to the refrigirator and click under it and get a orange piece another is at the big cupboard behind the grey medal .
    18)Use this two orange pieces and fill in the hole in the mable game.
    19)Insert the mable and play the mable game and get green key
    20)Look at all the 6 pieces of paper 1st-on the top left of the table 2nd-the dog ear 3rd-on the window 4th-below the refrigirator 5th-on the left smaller drawer of the smaller cupboard 6th on the last page of the diary
    21)get all tis code and 1-3 means that first number is 3 , so you will get the 6digit code .unlock the code and use the green key to open the kitchen
    22)take the battery and click the cellphone and call your boyfriend and end!!!
    Wish ALL goodluck

  46. Instead of calling the boyfriend, you can exit a different way. After removing water from the glass, syringe it into the empty bottle that held the marble. Then fill the glass with Tabasco. Syringe that into the water gun. Reassemble the wall hanging with the alarm and remove the screws in the wrong order. Blind the dad with Tabasco and leave.

  47. Please help me I don't have a clue how 2 even get in the door I'm usually good at these games please someone tell me at the start I turn round and it just keeps on telling me oh dad is right there???

  48. I can't get the ruler ball and tape 2gether can any1 help me please


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