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Bon Voyage Escape

[REPLAY] Gotmail - Bon Voyage Escape is another Japanese point and click escape the room game developed by IDAC for Gotmail. In this escape game, you try to escape from the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Bon Voyage Walkthrough

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  1. There are two room when you go down the well..the switch will let you in to either the room with the stars or the room with the podiums

  2. vanessa, u mean there is second room inside the cellar? i'm stuck inside the well where i can fix in the fossil... there are 26 word and i cant do anything with it.. theres a switch on top of it. but seems nothing happen when i switch to left o right? is that wat u mean the second room entrance?

  3. hello ... I'm back :)

    Did u manage to get out, Red?

  4. ELEMENTO, where were u? how many item u get? did u get the camera? and the photo u get from the camera?

  5. Jennifer or red can you help me figure they sequence on the shapes in the cellar wall. i did the turn lights out and see the drawing in the floor but still not the sequence. =(

  6. Kelvin - you need to click on the clues/alphabets which you would have found on the photo & above the orange lighted globe in the main room.

  7. nah kelvin still stuck. how do i get the cam?

  8. why can't I get the laptop open?

  9. ELEMENTO, use the the password sequence where u get the UV paint & the painting sequence... theres where u get the password for inside the room!

  10. ELEMENTO, the camera is inside the battery. use the screw driver to open it.. then capture 2 pic from the throgh the window....

  11. Elemento -

    1. Write down the sequence of the coloured lights which you have used earlier to crack the colour puzzle.

    2. Use the torch on the floor (on the screen with the multiballs) You will see another pattern. Write it down.

    3. Tally the sequence of the coloured lights to this 2nd pattern and you will get the order to the push the shapes.

    Hope it helps :P

  12. I am missing a power adapter. Where do I look for that? What area of the room?

  13. Maybe I'd better give up but I won't .... so, if someone could help me with this ... colour code ... i'm sure there's something to do with the coloured painting but I don't know what ...

  14. Kelvin but i dont have any password sequence thats what im looking for...

    ok right all i need is either the painting password. or the sequence for the cellar wall. =( how do i get the painting password then?

  15. Jennifer,i've a "M" inside the photo and "travel I" above the orange lighted globe. i've try to click the alphabet and theres nothing happen....

  16. ELEMENTO, have u got the 2 photo which taken by u using the polaraid camera?

  17. Kelv, no not yet...

    wheres the camara at?

  18. ok....I found the power adapter and got the laptop open, but not sure what to do with the red letter code and the boxes.

  19. ELEMENTO, btw.... did u get the UV paint yet?

  20. ELEMENTO, have u got the GOTMAIL battery? how many items u had? list it out so i know what u need to get in order to lead u...

  21. you mean the one i got from the color sequence that spell all over the floor... yeap.

  22. Kelvin - can try randomly clicking all over the board. thats what I did and it opened :)

    elemento - the painting password is a number which may be different for all. get the polariod cam and take 2 pictures of the big picture window looking out into the sky. password is in one of the pic.
    Click on battery (found outside the double door) to get the cam.

  23. Jennifer, thanks! ive got the laptop...

  24. 01. Multi-Adapter
    02. Light Bulb
    03. Cellphone
    04. Stag Beetle = UBS Device
    05. UV Torch Light
    06. Screw Driver
    07. Extension Adapter
    08. UV Paint
    09. Door Handle
    10. Battery
    11. Fossil
    12. Haven't Found
    13. Haven't Found
    14. Haven't Found

  25. jennifer, im clicking the battery but it dosent give me the cam do i need to do it somewhere spesifick?

  26. What the heck are you guys talking about? What beetle-USB? What Mobile phone? I've been opening and closing that little blue window for ages.

    All I have is a Surge-Protecter looking thing, a lightbulb(used) and this thing with a lot of plugs and sockets in it.

  27. ELEMENTO, 1st click to enlarge the battery. then click on the screw driver to open it. then u will get a camera inside the battery!

    Hoshi.EXE, u still need 2 work out some more... the little blue window will lead u to get the screw driver where its drop down. u can find it under the chair...

  28. elemento - try using the screwdriver on it .. my apologies I forgot to mention earlier

  29. Okay. I've done the thing with that stupid beetle..I still don't know how to use the surge protector and the plug thing. Still can't find the screw driver, and I think I have the mobile phone, but it's sortof dead..

  30. Jennifer, what i need to do with the red alpabet inside the laptop? ive figure it out "". but where to use it? & where to get the password for the second room?

  31. How is that window going to help? I've opened and closed it about a hundred times, nothing. I even looked where everyone said it was, nothing.

  32. Hoshi.EXE - how many items u have with u?

  33. Please, I really need help .. maybe my english is so weak that I don't understand where to find this coloured code ... i don't understand where i have to look !

  34. There ya go! THANX it was the screwdriver =) now i did everything now im underground with a new puzzle lol =)

  35. Six. The beetle(I used it) that freaky plug thing, the surge-protector, what looks like a really old mobile phone and a battery that I found one the one side of the double doors.

  36. i've got everything including the blue key! what should i do next & where to get the password for 3 thrones?

  37. AH! Found it! Got this camera out of the battery..

  38. Kelvin - if you use the URL and translate the website, the final password is somewhere at the bottom. You only need to open 1 box out of the 3.

  39. 01. Multi-Adapter
    02. Light Bulb
    03. Handphone
    04. Stag Beetle = UBS Device
    05. UV Torch Light
    06. Screw Driver
    07. Extension Adapter
    08. UV Paint
    09. Door Handle (use screw driver on the door handle then u get it.)
    10. Battery (use the screw driver to open it, & get camera)
    11. Fossil (On the top of the ball, use screw driver to get it)
    12. Camera
    13. Laptop (click on between the alphabet where u get from the photo and above the orange lighted globe )
    14. Blue Key (use the beetle and put inside the hole behind the urn. move away and go back, then u can get the blue key)

  40. I feel dumb. Alphabet?

    I'e put that beetle in and opened the hole that said 'Closed' behind one urn..but if I take the beetle out of that little thing, then the door closes.

    Maybe you can be more specific..

  41. ok im completely stuck,have opend single blue door and seen symbols on wall but unsure what to do with them,no i need to find fossil and a handle but cant find them anywhere,have plugged in extension lead and have glowing red stone have the cell phone but unsure what to do with .jp, please can someone point me out of the dead end im in...;-)

  42. Okay..UV paint? Are we playing the same game? How are you guys finding this stuff? I'm either really dumb or my game's glitched. I have no idea what you're talking about.

    And where's the cellar?

  43. ok scrap that i have camera now and just got the handle off door where should i be heading now?

  44. hoshi - the UV paint is in the cupboard where the pink cups are. click on the lowest shelf & you will see a colour puzzle.

    cellar is the single blue door. no keys needed. just click on knob. might have to use the screwdriver though.

  45. I give up, i can't find this coloured code and it's boring me now .... i think i will try a child game, i'd better indeed ...

  46. finish!

    im the 2770th person to beat it.
    4:00.53 damn! took hella long lol =) great game. lots of thinking.

  47. Jennifer, im lost... i did go to the web & try diff password... but still wont open... can u just give me the password? im stuck on this game more then 10 hours...

  48. I think I may be good from here. Can someone help me with the laptop, hooking up the adaptors?

    Is the Blue Key really important, cause the description of how people are supposed to get it is really..confusing.

    I feel like such an idiot.


    password is "crete"

  50. kelvin, the password is at the bottom of the page. when you put on the computer in the drawer the pass starts with C and when you put the pass in the box u need to put it all lowercase

  51. Smile.. once you've turned off the water.. look out the window (near double door). the light will flash and give you colour code...

    I'm stuck on the lap top with all the letters and boxes... I can't figure it out ??

  52. Jennifer, thank you so much! ive key in "crete" be4.. but still didnt work out... did i miss anything?

  53. worked for me on the machine to the left :)

  54. Where do I plug in my surge protector thing and my multi-adaptor?

    And I'm still missing the laptop, torch light and the key.

    DOes the phone open?

  55. ELEMENTO, cool.... u finish already... but im still stuck @ here.. dont get what u mean.. ive key in the password "crete" all in lower case & its still wont work... did i miss something?

  56. hey, im still stuck @ here... the password "crete" wont work! somebody pls help me!!

  57. is crete

    type in all 3. it work in da middle for me. remmeber all lowercase

  58. Sorry Kelvin, I'm not there yet. I can't help you. I'm still with the adaptors, looking for the laptop.

    I'm like, really slow or something.

  59. hi can someone help me out with finding the fossil and i have handle but i cant find where to put it,please help??

  60. ELEMENTO, yes! ive key in "crete". all of them, but none of them workout! ive get all 14 items... what did i miss? & some of the items will be disable when its useless... but i still got the beetle, torch light, screw driver, mobile phone & the blue key functionable.. did i miss something?

  61. help me! i can't find multi adapter!!!

  62. If you've found the cellar, look for that little slide-looking thing on the left side of the well-type thing. Stick the handle in the two little grooves. Kel, do you have the adaptors plugged in yet, have you found the laptop?

  63. Still can't plug in the multi and the surge protector..

    I'm thinking of giving up and going on to a different game. This game has too many random items and no sensible place to put them.

  64. kelbabybel, pls refer to the discussion early that ive post in an item list.. the last 1 ive post...

    Hoshi.EXE - thanks anyway... good luck on ur adapter... in under the chair where u get the screw driver... u need to rotate till the correct way in order to plug in.... then plug in the extension adapter...

  65. Where do you put/paint the room with the UV paint once you have it.. and where are these pink glasses everyone is talking about..

    I have most the items.. just cant make sense of what to do with them.

  66. Oh, Multi First! I was trying to jam the surge in there! Thanks.

  67. Jim J - pour the UV paint into the large urn beside the door..

  68. OK.. I've gotten the well to drop, been down there, put the fossil on the wall, lookedup and flipped the switch..

    1) What exactly do you do with the laptop? I just watch the guy jump from . (period) to "J", the to "P".. and he repeats. Is there something specific to do there?

    2) The beetle. Do you take him off the switch and then put him in the hole? When I put him near/in the hole, nothing happens.

    3) What/where do I look for the code for the wall down in the well?

    Thanks to everyone. Love/Hate these games!!

  69. OK..
    Finally figured out which thing on the board in the well to push,
    got the laptop,
    plugged it in on the table,
    put the usb in
    got the 'gotmail' message.
    put the bug in the hole
    went away, came back, he gave me the blue key..

    back down the well, tried to type 'crete' then enter in all three areas.. and nothing has happened.

    What do you do with the blue key?

  70. GoodGod! Finally out.
    have to unlock the drawer, find another area, type in, hit the red space key.. takes you to the website..

    THEN back down to the well.. type 'crete' in the middle one, and your out.

    Holy Schnikeeees I've wasted 2 hours this a.m.!!

    Fun though! hehe

  71. Where are the laptop and the phone?

  72. Dammit my pc has crashed and had to strat again after getting laptop and everything arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
    ok someone help me out, i cant find torchlight anywhere...i need that to illuminate the uv paint!!!Ihave evrything again except the laptop as need torchlight to get symbol code,dont have blue key either plese help this had consumed my day!!!LoL

  73. helppppppppppppppppppppp meee please lol

  74. Kelly..
    I found the UV Light (torchlight) in the top of one of the urns.. I believe the one near the blue door.

    If you want to email me questions I could help you through it..

  75. ok have torch now im back to down the well but before i randomly clicked letters and door opened now that doesnt seem to be happening any ideas why?i have all objects bar laptop and blue key

  76. OK, I've clicked the window numerous times and I still can't get the screwdriver to fall down.


  77. The beacon only has a white light, the screwdriver won't open the single blue door, no laptop, no paint, and I don't know what to do with the unicorn and the water. Someone plz help!

  78. Bon Voyage Walkthrough:

    ~ The table to the right side of the big picture window, there the is a plug adapter
    ~ The big dark color cabinet contains a power bar located in the bottom right inside
    ~ Scroll left until you get to the wall left of the big picture window. Click on the top of the urn in look in to find what looks like a LED Flashlight.
    ~ Collect the light bulb from the lamp near the urn where you got the flashlight. Scroll right once and you should see the table left of the big picture window and a blue door. Click the large round thing near the wall, to the right of the door. Click until you can see something behind it. Use the light bulb wit it. The large round thing should light up now.
    ~ Now, scroll left until you see two blue doors. Click on them to open them. Click on the door to the right (the one that doesn’t have the lock below the handle). There is a battery behind it. Scroll left once and click on the top left of the window (the rectangular smaller window) the part that opens. Open it and close it and click near the right of it until you see a screwdriver upon the ledge to the right of the window. It will fall down
    ~ Go around to the other side of the table and collect the screw driver. You may have to click on the chair first.
    ~ Click around the wall where you found the screwdriver until you’re close to the wall. You should see something on the wall. Use the plug adapter on the wall and use the power bar on the plug adapter.
    ~ Click on the doors beside the window and they should open. Click on the right door (the one that doesn’t have the lock below the handle) and click around. There is a battery behind the door.
    ~ Use the screwdriver to open the ‘battery’ to find a camera inside
    ~ Collect a stag beetle from the bottom right door inside the large dark color cabinet, near the right table of the big window.
    ~ take pictures of the lighthouse to get a letter and a code. The code switches painting to unlock mode. The photo reveals the letter ‘N’. Thats all I have for now. Can someone tell me what to do?

  79. How the heck do you get down the welll????

  80. I can't figure out the Color code. I've tried everything everyone has said and still nothing. What am I missing???

  81. Dragon - go to the window by the double doors... look out and you will see a flashing light. IT CHANGES COLORS!!! there ya go!

  82. The screen with the Unicorn on it? I don't see a flashing light.

  83. no... by the DOUBLE DOORS behind you!


  84. The window where I took the pictures of the lighthouse to get the code and letter?

  85. Dragon... Back up and click around until you can see the DOUBLE DOORS with 2 blue chairs on the left. Click on the WINDOW behind the chairs. Then click on the window again. on the left is a flashing colored light with the sequence.... You should write that down.

  86. Did post a comment but it's gone I think.... I want to know where to find the laptop. Did already find the well and stoped the water. And what did I exacly opend with the colorcode (thanks to Xoandre)???

  87. I did exactly what you told me to do and there is no ******* flashing light. I see nothing.

  88. I saw the colors and I fixed the puzzle. But what did we open with it???

    The lights apears in the left window outside. At the place Xoandre told us!!

    Do you have all of the other things already Dragon??

  89. I've got everything except the stupid lights. Oh well I guess I'll never get it.

  90. How do I get the UV paint??? Cant find it under the pink cups... Do I miss something???

    Where is the laptop?

    Do I need paint to figure out
    the shape puzzel for the wall in the cellar???

    DRAGON: do exactly as Xoandra told us the first time.... Look throug window exactly besides blue doors. In the building in front of you (left of unicorn) the light will change colors. In my game the sequence is: blue, yellow, green, white, red. Try it in the glass cabinet and then the bottom of the color puzzle opens and.... I finaly got the paint. Moving on....

  91. Iris, I know exactly where you are talking about and there is no changing light. I'm not sure if there was something I'm suppose to do to get the light to show up but there is nothing for me. I also don't have the laptop so I can't help you there.

  92. dragon the lights arent flashing for me either. dont have the laptop but that can't be it if iris doesnt have it and she saw the lights. her code doesnt work for me.

  93. Do either of you have the Blue Key?

  94. no i didnt even get into the cellar and the screwdriver wont open it

  95. what does changing the painting do?

  96. o nvm just got into cellar. the door never opened because you have to click it more than once with the screwdriver. i just kept walking away

  97. Hurray now the light changes. You have to get into the cellar before the light will change.

  98. is anyone else playing..i have the thing loaded..but it wont do anything..arrows wont move from scene to scene...any am i suppose toclick somewhere to get it going..? have clicked on everything!!!

  99. So I know I have to click an 'M' to get the laptop but I don't see any letters anywhere in the game. Where do I go to click on the 'M'?

  100. I AM SUCK i am in with the celler i did get the uv pain and pored it in the vase i turned the lights off then i seen the shapes on the floor but i can not figure out the combination seqence. i even tried thinking what i saw first
    circle (gowing rock)
    square (windows of the two doors or in the safe)
    star ( shooting star)
    Triangle (that you seen in the painting)
    x ( marks the spot)
    now i am stuck
    help me pls i started this game @ 145pm and now it is 442pm lol

  101. how did u guys get arrows wont bring me from scene to!!!

  102. how do i type in the code in the cellar under the well?

  103. did u guys have to click something to get it from scene to at the very beginning scener here...??/

  104. Amy, have you cracked the color code and the number code to get the colorful painting?

  105. nvm dragon type the m in when you move the well down.

  106. Dragon....I have the same problem as you....there is NO flashing light in the scene at the window with the unicorn!Let me know if you figure out what is wrong.

  107. you should have a window before you start that says Japanese or english then it should say loading then the game should start

  108. Oztiff, get into the cellar and turn the water off using the fossil and then the colored lights should show up

  109. Dragon yes i did when you zoom into the window with the two tables just click once on the window then click on your camera it will go fuzzy then it will take a pic but i think all the numbers are in sequence cause some one said they got a letter M and i got a D but then you click again and take a pic again and that will give you the number
    remember go to the window
    click once on the window so you are looking at the windowsill
    then click your camera so it is highlighted
    then click on the window again
    one shuld come with a letter and one should come up with a number
    then when you use the code move the pic on the wall to your left with your finger on the mouse button
    then turn to your left in the window with the two doors and click on the chair then click on the window you will see colors flashing wait for the pause in the sequence then remember how the colors go or write them down that will give you the code for the colors

    now i am still stuck with the shapes on the wall?

  110. the stag beetle is moving now that its charged but i cant put it in the hole.

  111. OzTiff
    you have to put the coder in the pic on the wall and slide the pic over i said in the above to dragon follow that and it will help

  112. oztiff, you need the fossil on the right side of well and the handle from double doors on the left to see the light sequence at the unicorn

  113. oh you have to close it first

  114. can someone please tell me anything...???? do i have the game loaded right..?or is there somewher i should be stuck at beginnign scene with painting..looked thru all the posts..and nothing tellsm e..oh well giving up

  115. amy said...

    you should have a window before you start that says Japanese or english then it should say loading then the game should start

  116. if you are just at this page look by at the top on how it disribes the game and click on play game

  117. ok..thanks amy..for responding..but i have loaded the game..hit english.ive played gotmail before ..not sure what the hell i swrong..anyhow..hit english..then the scene is there with lighthouse, chairs and arrows are loaded at the sides to manover around scens..but nothing is working..cant hit they wont move..just wonderin if thats how the game starts or what..and u have to click somewher in scene?

  118. in the beginning of the game it will tell you a story then you have to keep clicking through till it is over then you should move the mouse to the left or the right and see the arrows

  119. WALKTHROUGH: (Thanks to help from all previous posters)

    1. get battery by opening double doors and looking behind right door.

    2. get screwdriver to drop by opening and closing small leftmost top window.

    3. pick up screwdriver by going to other side of table w/ tablecloth and moving the chair all the way in.

    4. get camera by examining battery and using screwdriver on it.

    5. take TWO pictures of lighthouse beacon with camera.

    6. Use 5-digit code on one photo one bottom of painting near double doors, then drag painting to left to reveal another geometric painting. Note locations of colors in pentagon in middle of painting.

    7. Get light bulb from lamp next to that painting.

    8. Put light bulb into round stone to the right of single door.

    9. Examine newly lit area for the word "travel" and a letter.

    10. Get stag beetle by opening right side of bottom left cupboard and clicking on back wall of the cupboard.

    11. examine stag beetle to reveal it as a USB device.

    12. Put beetle back where you got it, and mechanism unlocks.

    13. Look behind urn immediately to left of single door to see what was unlocked: open chamber, then open the smaller area in back wall to get mobile phone.

    14. place mobile phone on the table you can't get under to reveal another clue: ".jp"

    15. Attached to one of the rocks on the floor (not the lit one) is a fossil. get it with screwdriver.

    17. get handle from double door with screwdriver.

    18. Single blue door opens with repeated tries with screwdriver.

    19. go to right side of well, near floor, and insert fossil to stop water.

    20. get fossil back.

    21. go to left side of well. Inside trench are two holes. Insert handle.

    22. go back to main room. Look out window with horse statue visible, and note order of colors from beacon.

    23. Go to cupboard with cocktail glasses, and open that cabinet by clicking on the little knob.

    24. inside bottom shelf of glass cabinet, enter color code from beacon.

    25. get UV paint.

    26. Look inside urns: one will have a UV flashlight.

    27. Examine flashlight and turn it on.

    28. Put UV paint into urn nearest single door.

    29. Move lamp resting on cabinets to turn off lights.

    30. use uv flashlight on floor near spilled UV paint, and note location of symbols in pentagon.

    31. turn the lights back on.

    32. cross-reference symbols on pentagon with colors on geometric painting and colored beacon to get order of symbols.

    33. go to single door and examine wall directly in front of you when you open the door.

    34. Use mobile phone to see symbols, and press them in order from step 32.

    35. go down well.

    36. put fossil in depression.

    37. examine your OTHER photo to get another letter, and click little square at intersection between the letter from photo and the letter from step 9.

    38. get laptop from center podium.

    39. get multi-pronged adapter from beneath one of the tables.

    40. get surge-protector from tall cabinet (second to right). Click near the bottom of the cabinet to see it.

    41. go under table with yellow cloth on it. near wall, see receptacle.

    42. examine multi adapter and click it to orient it so that two round prongs are pointing AWAY from you.

    43. insert multi adapter to 2-hole receptacle under table.

    44. attach surge protector to multi adapter.

    45. go back to bottom left cabinet to get the stag beetle/USB device back.

    46. Examine laptop and use beetle on it.

    47. Use laptop on surge protector.

    48. in laptop interface, click on beetle icon to get letter grid. click letter grid to see staircase configuration. This gives you the clue: "gotmail"

    49. exit laptop and get beetle back.

    50. put beetle back together (no usb visible).

    51. move urn near laptop to reveal mousehole. insert beetle.

    52. back away, then examine mouse hole again to get beetle back, now in possession of blue key.

    53. get blue key from beetle.

    54. open middle leftmost cabinets.

    55. use blue key on one of the drawers right below that cabinet.

    56. from steps 9, 14, and 48, enter "", and new browser window will open. Scroll to bottom to get clue "crete"

    57. back down well, look above stone letter grid and flip switch to reveal darkened room.

    58. with flashlight, examine ceiling above each podium, looking for triangle. Note which podium is marked with triangle.

    59. back out and flip that switch again.

    60. go to triangle-marked podium and enter code "crete".

    61. Enjoy anti-climactic ending.

  120. I left. But only speak Spanish or a terrible English translator, if I may post in Spanish and someone can translate, I can give you the solution

  121. THANK YOU!! ok its obviously not loaded right..cause i saw that scene with that..then it brought me in there..but couldnt manoever..sat there and stared at that stupid lighthouse for an hour..clicking everything..amost lost my everyloving fu**ing mind..thank.gonna try it in firefox...takes so long to load didnt want to do it

  122. this is really bugging me have tried to plug in adaptors plugs whatever and its not accepting any, even tried turning the plug around

  123. thanks for the walkthrough it still took me awhile to do the symbols but then i drown the pentegram on a peice of paper with the symbols then i written the color seqence and it helped. from then on it was pretty easy the after the symbols

  124. thanks for the walkthrough nirav

  125. okay...i need help with the alphabet thingg

  126. The address that I type in the drawer keeps giving me an it or just

  127. Those stuck on the flashing light thing....go to the window with the horse, NOT the lighthouse....

  128. finally finish...

    5779th person to finish



  129. DAMN IT!!!! It's JUST NOT FAIR!! DAMN IT!!!! Why can't I get the flashlight THIS time around! I got it before!!!!! Nirav, I am TRYING, TRYING! I am following your walkthru VERBATUM!!!!!! I clicked on BOTH URNS!!! One will only let me click the bottom, revealing a mousehole. It will NOT let me click the top! The other will let me click the top, but NO Freakin' FLASHLIGHT!!! DAMN IT!!! DAMN IT!!!! SO NOT FAIR!!!! Please help me!!!!!

  130. Does anybody see words scrolling across the screen when they try to combine the giant batter with anything? It says "spank me!" and "lol lol lol lol" as well as other things.

    This is weird...

  131. Hi freeway trouble again...the torch is in the urn that has the mobile behind. You need to go up a couple of time until you are lookin down into the urn..

  132. red=x
    tried that no luck

  133. mark it changes with each game...pointy top of pentagram go clockwise from the top right..

  134. mark the colours are blue, yellow, red, green & white in the cabinet, so using the picture and floor plan you get a colour for each figure. Then place those figures in the order of the cabinet

  135. I can't get the battery It's behind the door right? Why can't I get it?

  136. They couldn´t have choosen a better title for this game:
    BON VOYAGE, the game takes longer than a return ticket by plane from Amsterdam to New York ;)

  137. Bon Voyage Walkthrough: (So Far)
    This is how far I got.

    ~ The table to the right side of the big picture window, there the is a plug adapter
    ~ The big dark color cabinet contains a power bar located in the bottom right inside
    ~ Scroll left until you get to the wall left of the big picture window. Click on the top of the urn in look in to find what looks like a LED Flashlight.
    ~ Collect the light bulb from the lamp near the urn where you got the flashlight. Scroll right once and you should see the table left of the big picture window and a blue door. Click the large round thing near the wall, to the right of the door. Click until you can see something behind it. Use the light bulb wit it. The large round thing should light up now.
    ~ Now, scroll left until you see two blue doors. Click on them to open them. Click on the door to the right (the one that doesn’t have the lock below the handle). There is a battery behind it. Scroll left once and click on the top left of the window (the rectangular smaller window) the part that opens. Open it and close it and click near the right of it until you see a screwdriver upon the ledge to the right of the window. It will fall down
    ~ Go around to the other side of the table and collect the screw driver. You may have to click on the chair first.
    ~ Click around the wall where you found the screwdriver until you’re close to the wall. You should see something on the wall. Use the plug adapter on the wall and use the power bar on the plug adapter.
    ~ Click on the doors beside the window and they should open. Click on the right door (the one that doesn’t have the lock below the handle) and click around. There is a battery behind the door.
    ~ Use the screwdriver to open the ‘battery’ to find a camera inside
    ~ Collect a stag beetle from the bottom right door inside the large dark color cabinet, near the right table of the big window.
    ~ take pictures of the lighthouse to get a letter and a code. The code switches painting to unlock mode. The photo reveals the letter ‘N’.
    ~ Put in the code that is on the photo you took on the picture to unlock it. The picture is on the wall left of the bench. Once you’ve unlocked it. Drag the picture over to reveal another one.
    ~ On the bench (towards the right end) there is a shall underneath sticking out between the bench and a small rock) use the screw driver to collect it.
    ~If you’ve collected the stag beetle, put it back where you’ve found it. Now click on the square thing o the wall, behind the urn, right of the bench. Collect the cell phone.
    ~ Collect the Stag beetle again.

  138. @redroobar, I AM clicking the top of the urn near where I got the cellphone, but I CAN'T GET THE FLASHLIGHT!!!! WHY? WHY???? NOW, damn it to hell, I will have to start ALL over again!!!! I AM ANGRY & FRUSTRATED!!!!! >:( PLEASE HELP ME!!!

  139. I'm going to have to start again and wreck my saved game, which I worked so hard on! :(

  140. help
    i can't open the drawers whit the blur key

  141. Help! What's a WELL?? I don't speak english very WELL, so maybe I'm seeing it but I don't now it! Where is it?? Thanks.

  142. where execatly must i use the beetle on the laptop???, I try everywhere,please help me¡¡¡¡

  143. Bon Voyage Walkthrough:

    ~ The table to the right side of the big picture window, there the is a plug adapter.

    ~ The big dark color cabinet contains a power bar located in the bottom right inside.

    ~ Scroll left until you get to the wall left of the big picture window. Click on the top of the urn in look in to find what looks like a LED Flashlight.

    ~ Collect the light bulb from the lamp near the urn where you got the flashlight. Scroll right once and you should see the table left of the big picture window and a blue door. Click the large round thing near the wall, to the right of the door. Click until you can see something behind it. Use the light bulb wit it. The large round thing should light up now.

    ~ Look where the light hits the wall to reveal the word ‘Travel’ and a letter.

    ~ Now, scroll left until you see two blue doors. Click on them to open them. Click on the door to the right (the one that doesn’t have the lock below the handle). There is a battery behind it. Scroll left once and click on the top left of the window (the rectangular smaller window) the part that opens. Open it and close it and click near the right of it until you see a screwdriver upon the ledge to the right of the window. It will fall down.

    ~ Go around to the other side of the table and collect the screw driver. You may have to click on the chair first.

    ~ Click around the wall where you found the screwdriver until you’re close to the wall. You should see something on the wall. Use the plug adapter on the wall and use the power bar on the plug adapter.

    ~ Click on the doors beside the window and they should open. Click on the right door (the one that doesn’t have the lock below the handle) and click around. There is a battery behind the door.

    ~ Use the screwdriver to open the ‘battery’ to find a camera inside

    ~ Collect a stag beetle from the bottom right door inside the large dark color cabinet, near the right table of the big window.

    ~ take pictures of the lighthouse to get a letter and a code. The code switches painting to unlock mode. The photo reveals the letter ‘N’.

    ~ Put in the code that is on the photo you took on the picture to unlock it. The picture is on the wall left of the bench. Once you’ve unlocked it. Drag the picture over to reveal another one.

    ~ On the bench (towards the right end) there is a fossil underneath sticking out between the bench and a small rock) use the screw driver to collect it.

    ~If you’ve collected the stag beetle, put it back where you’ve found it. Now click on the square thing o the wall, behind the urn, right of the bench. Collect the cell phone.

    ~ Collect the Stag beetle again.

    ~ Put the cell phone on the table (the one near the glowing ball there you used the light bulb earlier) and it will reveal the letters ‘JP’.
    ~ Using the screw driver, click on the handle of the left door where the two doors are
    ~ Using the screw driver, click on the handle of the single door a couple times and it will open.

    ~ Open the single door using the screw driver; you may have to click in a couple times. Once inside, go right and click the floor pat the stair to the right. It goes on the fountain wall near the floor.

    ~ Collect the fossil again

    ~ put the handle in the two holes to the left of the fountain stairs, near the floor.

    ~ In the main room, look out the smaller picture window; you should see a horse statue. Look at the flashing lights near the horse statue. They will go in an order and will pause and re-continue. Write the colors in order as the go in you address bar in case you forget.

    ~ Go to the cabinet with the glasses on the on the right wall from the big picture window. Open it ad click near the bottom inside. Look at the addres bar (or wherever you wrote down the colors) and press the colors in that order. Click back one so you can see the bottom of the inside of the glass cabinet.

    ~ Click on the bottom of the glass cabinet and collect the paint bottle.

    ~ Put the paint bottle in the urn near the single door.

    ~ Turn on the flash light by clicking the switch on it (first double-click the flashlight in your items list).

    ~ Near the cabinet where you’ve got the paint, there is a lamp on a shelf. Click and it will move, now click the light switch behind it to turn off the lights.

    ~ Use the flashlight on you floor near the urn where you put the paint in. Move around the floor with the flashlight the reveal what looks like the painting on the wall, the colorful one.

    ~ Now, after you had a good look at the floor with the flashlight, turn the lights back on.

    ~ Use the code of the letters and put them in order. I’ll try to explain:

    The color: Blue, Green, Clear, Yellow, Red

    Look on the painting and look where the colors are (going clockwise): Green, Yellow, Blue, Clear (white) and Red.

    You may want to right that down, it would be very helpful. I wrote it down in my address bar so I can see it easily. Now if you use the flashlight on the floor, it shows the painting, well sort of, instead of colors, it shows shapes. So I wrote the shapes in order of the colors on the painting. So like: green (star) yellow (triangle) blue (circle) clear (square) red X.

    I had the colors and the shapes matched with the colors in my address bar and the color order in my search bar. I matched up the color order with the colors and shapes from the painting. Like:

    Blue (circle), Green (star), Clear (Square), Yellow (Triangle), Red (X).

    So the order the shapes go in the room with well are: circle, star, square, triangle and X.

    ~ Now that you’ve put the shapes the right order, the well should disappear, revealing an entrance. Go down the well.

    ~ On the door, you should see a spot for the fossil, place fossil on the door.

    ~ You see the letters next to where you put the fossil? Remember the letter and on the light on the wall where the ball lights up and the letter in the photo. Those letters have to match up. Ex. My letters where the N and S. The Letter S was in one column and the letter N was in another going. Find one of the letters and move the mouse of the hole with one letter until see. Once you find the whole where both letters match, click on it and the door will open. Enter, if you dare. Ha ha.

    ~ Click back so see the door and click up and move the switch on the ceiling. Enter the room and you should see 3 stands, 1 left, right and center. Click the left one and get laptop. Congratulations, you got a free laptop.

    ~ Go back to the table where the power bar is on. Place the laptop there.

    ~ Click the stag beetle and click the laptop. Click near the bottom left of the monitor but on the outside of the laptop. It may take a few tries. You should now be seeing the laptop screen. It may take a few tries to get the beetle into the laptop. You got to click on the edge. Once it’s in, click on the beetle icon. If you look at the boxes on the next screen, it shows you where to look. It has the word gotmail running diagonally.

    ~ leave the laptop and collect the beetle (just click on it to collect it again).

    ~ Click on the beetle in the item list and re-attach it.

    ~ By the table, is a urn, click on it to move it and you should see a hole in the wall (near the floor). Put the beetle in the whole, move away from the hole and go back to it. You should see something in the hole, click on it. It’s the beetle plus a key. Click on the beetle in your item list, double-click it and the key will become a separate item.

    ~ Select the key and click the middle doors in the big dark colored cabinet. Click around until in shows more of the draws below the cabinet door. While still have the key equipped. Click the right draw. A box will pop up on the screen. Type and “” and click the red thing beside it. I new window will popup now (on your web browser), don’t worry it won’t do anything to the game, it will open as a new window or tab. It will say the password to the end of the game which is ‘crete’.

    ~ Go back dow to the room where you got the laptop, and on the same plateform where you got the laptop, click it and there will be something where you type in. Type in ‘crete’ and click the botton below it.

    Congratulation, you won!!!

    I master this game now. I beat it a couple times already under 12 minutes. My current record is 10:10. It takes approx 12 minutes of your a pro at it.

  144. Bon Voyage Notes:

    ~ You won't get the screwdriver unless you have the battery first.

    ~ The platform with the password is always the one where you've got the laptop from.

    ~ You can't get the phone without the beetle on the thing, dunno what it is.

    ~ The fossil usuailly moves to a different rock during new game, but is not on the one that glows.

    ~ Latters on the photo: Here is what the letter in the wall will say depending on the letter of the photo. I'll put the first letter as the letter on the photo and the second is the one on the wall.


    I'll probably add more later.

    Also, if you look at the floor while looking out the big picture window (between the chairs), you can see a dot on the floor, anyone know whats thats for?

  145. i'm not sure how to 'use' things...for example the plug-in outlet i click on on the wall..nothing....the beetle-usb i click on on the grey i missing some simple way of 'using' the objects??

  146. can someone tell me how to get the plug adaptor to fit :You should see something on the wall. Use the plug adapter on the wall and use the power bar on the plug adapter.

  147. reddc are you under the table with the plant? When you zoom on the adaptor and twist it and close it, dont forget to click again it so it is selected (red square) before trying to put it in the socket

  148. i have the laptop how do i open it up?????

  149. I type in the and it says error in the drawer...what am i doing wrong? i tried i still get error. I just bypassed and tried to type crete for the password and what am i doing wrong?

  150. How do I get the surge protecter? I've tried clicking everywhere around the tall cabinet. I see something yellow, but I can't get it....grrrrrr!!!

  151. Thanks everyone for your help there is one thing bugging me though (sorry couldn't resist it) were is the stagnant beetle?

  152. Where did room go that you enter crete. I go to basement but it is not there.

  153. I'm having the exact same problem as 'cats'; entering the password ( into the computer in the drawer gives an error, and just entering 'crete' into the password box in the basement makes the error sound.

  154. HELP! I don't know how to use the beetle on the computer, i click everywhere!!

  155. Can anybody tell me where this "handle" thing is?? I really need it but cant find it!! thx.

  156. Hello, I thought I would post a few helps, since even with the walkthrus some things are left out. This isn't a walkthru, but may help if you have trouble even with a walkthru.

    1. some items aren't revealed until you do something else; screwdriver doesn't fall until you move and look under the chairs, etc.
    2. you need the screwdriver to open the single blue door(use between the doorjam and door) and the battery, and to take the handle off the double door.
    3. take the beetle apart and highlight the beetle before sticking it in the laptop.
    4. The flashing lighthouse may be a problem. I didn't have it for a couple of games. The horse(not unicorn) should be to your left as you gaze out the window.
    5. The flashing lighthouse gives the color sequence for a couple of puzzles. The unlocked painting shows in what order the symbols will be. The UV pattern on the floor(after dumping the paint in the urn) shows the symbols when the lights are out and the UV flashlight is on. The flashing colors from the lighthouse are different with each game. If they are red blue yellow greeen white(RBYGW)and the painting shows red at the point of the pentagram, then the UV symbol at the point will be the first one to press on the brick wall behind the single blue door. Be sure and match the point of the pentagram on the floor with the point of the pentagram on the painting.
    6. The are several computers in the dungeon, only one is removable as a laptop.
    7. The spot on the floor in front of the window just shows from where you take the 2 photos.
    8. The puzzle on the wall under the fountain doesn't light up, but when you hit the button that is intersected by the 2 letters from the clues(the letter "travel" above the lightbulb rock and the letter in one of the 2 photos) then a door falls away.

  157. Pls. Help!! D': Where do i get the stag beetle?!! D:

  158. Yey!! I escaped!! x3
    I used 5 something hours lol
    i had to take breaks though..
    shower and ironing clothes :P
    i was 7000 something x3 haha
    It was fun!

  159. Where is this painting... im stuck on the part that u have to match the shaped of the pentagram with the order of the objects..

    anyone help me

  160. how do i use the items? they dont drag

  161. caught this one from the replay

    another toughie, was thankful for the WT left here, however it took me a pretty long time to figure all out

    thx Gotmail for all your brill creations, they're always challenging, but nevertheless fun to play ☺

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