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Bloons Player Pack 3

Bloons Players Pack 3 WalkthroughBloons Players Pack 3 is the third part of Bloons Player Pack player-designed levels on Bloons World from Ninja Kiwi. Again you try to pop the balloons by using darts to clear each level and continue for next one. Good luck and have fun for your challenging puzzle! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. anyone playing......need help on 17

  2. You're both way ahead of me - help needed on 4 please

  3. 4:
    Bounce a dart off of the bloon on the left so that it hits the bombs at the bottom. Then bounce the second dart so that it hits the bomb at the top.

  4. 17: I don't know if its the best way or not but I got the balloons at the top first. Then got the triple darts and bounced them off the the icy balloons and eventually got 55 bloons exactly. It took quite a few tries though.

  5. on 17 im trying to get the triple then shoot it to where one goes up top and the other goes low .....ive gotten 54 3 times.

  6. 26 is the most annoying freaking level i've ever seen.

  7. 26:
    Slow dart to get as many bloons on the right as possible.

    Bounce dart off left blocks to get those bloons and some above you. Do the same thing to get more bloons to complete the level. I found it nearly impossible to get all 19 bloons, I usually leave one in the bottom right that gets frozen.

    Anyone figure out 31?

  8. 31: There's an ice balloon in the bottom right that you can barely see.

    Nevermind 40 is the most annoying level.

  9. Whoops... wrong button.

    14: Shoot through the left mine bloon, hitting some ice bloons and bouncing off to the tack bloons. Before it gets back around, shoot the bomb to your right, then you can shoot straight through to the other tack bloons.

    How about 33? I can't figure it out.

  10. 33: At a very high angle click fast so that there is no power on the throw. It will take many trys but you have to miss the bomb and the two ice bloons so that you hit the spread dart bloon first.

  11. Nevermind... got 33 but I'm stuck on 34.

  12. If you think 40 is annoying wait until 45... I can get all of them except the one right under me.

  13. I'm not seeing how 27 is possible but it is getting rather late over here. All help appreciated.

  14. need help level 24 on bloons please

  15. 27:
    Get the 2 Left Bloons and the bottom right with the first shot. Then hit the very top bloon on your second shot.

    Anybody beaten 49 yet? could use some help.

  16. any more tips on 14? my best so far is 49 bloons

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. (14) Shoot close to the end of the blocks so you hit the mine bloon next to the tack bloons. Don't shoot too hard because you want the dart hit some ice bloons and bounce back to hit the tacks. When the tacks get around the bottom left corner, you should be able to shoot the bomb to your right. After that, you can shoot right across, hitting the tacks to finish the level. I get 68 every time doing that.

    (27) I arc my first dart in a way that it take out the middle 2 bloons and the bottom one. Then you just have to hit the top mine to finish it.

    Any hints on 46?

  19. (24) You have to shoot a hard, high dart first so it goes down to the light saber in the black blocks.

  20. 34 anyone....i have no idea?

  21. (34) Throw a slow dart into the bottom bloons clearing as many a possible without hitting any ice bloons. Then bounce off the side to get the boomerang. Use the boomerang to get the remaining bloon(it's only ever been 1 left when I've beaten the level) and hit the mines(that's the tricky part - getting them all).

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. 28...take out the two rows of coloured balloons, then the lower group to get the boomerang, then using the boomerang get the lower ice and rest of bottom balloons, then the last arrow to take out the row of mines at the top

  25. I need help with 39!! It's impoosible! Thanks.

  26. Euh Jessica can you tell me (or someone else) how in gods name i do level 39?

  27. Ok what you have to do is:
    1. bounce your dart off the rubber closest to you, so that it hits the other rubber thing and then falls down to the light saber bloon below the wall.
    2. Once you hit that bloon, you'll get the Pac Man bloon. As soon as you get the pac, start going towards the bomb on the right side of the screen. If you don't start going there right away, you won't get the bomb.

    Hope this helped! Oh, by the way, it took me several tries before I could actually get the pac to the bomb. Don't give up!

  28. Woohoo!!! Finally beat the game!! That was pretty hard! the last few levels I had to use Unlimited Dart Mode.

  29. 47 is literally impossible without unlimited darts, along with 48.

  30. I am still stuck on 26... How do you get 8 ot of the 9 bloons to the right without freezing them?

  31. i really need help on level 20 any1 know how to pass it?

  32. 20..Get the top mine balloon first (have hand covering eye nearest tail and heavy boost), then the rest follows

  33. need help on level 37 please...
    i cant get the bottom left balloon

  34. 37 you need to get as many spears at once, by going up the middle and over the very top, slicing down the spears, so you have extra darts

  35. O.o I just did 40, I'm not sure what you're all talking about, I didn't find it that hard D: 34 gave me REAL problems, as did 29, I was stuck on both for over a day, but 40, once you hit the pacman bloon, hold down left as the nail bloons are popping each other, so you don't run out of him, and go pop the bloons under the ice ones so they can't be frozen (even if they are frozen, you can still pop them) and continue across to the 2 spikeball ones. You can just barely make it, once you do that, the rest is a cakewalk, hell, I finished it with a dart to spare.

  36. i have to admit...doing 40 a second time, i found it so much easier.

  37. Yay, just finished 47, still no unlimited darts mode ;D it IS possible, just extremely friggin' hard >< you can't make ANY mistakes, like all 5 darts (4 + boomerang) have to be dead on, and that stupid lance bloon surrounded by metal blocks took me forever to figure out.

  38. Holy s*** @ 48, I'm completely stumped @.@ 2 darts left, all bloons popped on the left side, but now what? XD I can't even get em over to the right side, anyone know how?

  39. Ok what you have to do is throw a dart so that it barely hits the right side of the rubber. this should effect it enough so that when it comes back down, it hits the rubber on the top row of steel. after that, it's just a matter of changing angles and power until you get the ones on the right side.

    Hope that helps. this level took me a while...the single bloon at the bottom of the screen is really hard to get.

  40. Okay, thanks @.@ that's more or less what I've been trying to do, but I haven't yet been able to get even one dart over.. I've been able to bounce one off the lone bouncy block, but it still doesn't make it.

    Keep trying I guess :s

  41. Like i said, it took me a while to get.

  42. so far i haven't found a way to do it other than with unlimited bloons...i may be wrong tho

  43. 46 is kind of lame, actually :/ it's possible to do it with the one dart, but you have to take advantage of the fact that sometimes the game glitches on bouncy blocks. Just aim a dart off the bottom bouncy block so that it hits the left bloon, and if you hit just the right spot, it ricochets off to the right at a weird angle and hits the second bloon. Kind of silly, imo.

  44. the way i do is:

    1. hit the mine bloon, but make sure you don't hit the ice bloon in the process. if you do it right, the mine should drop and get the group of four bloons below it. If it doesn't, reset...

    2. Have the hand on the far right rubber thing on the bottom. For the power, it doesn't need too much. If the power arrow touches the rubber, it will be too hard. that should get you that one bloon and then bounce off the rubber to the tacks at the bottom of the screen. That will finish off the rest of the bloons.

    I can get all the bloons like this with 2 darts.

  45. Ok for 24...

    with your one dart, you have to get in the narrow area surrounded by rubber. I've found that barely bouncing the dart off the top of the rubber will result in getting it in...

  46. Level 24 is so hard. I know what to do, I just can't do it.

  47. Level 48:

    "Jessica said...

    14/1/08 13:34

    Ok what you have to do is throw a dart so that it barely hits the right side of the rubber. this should effect it enough so that when it comes back down, it hits the rubber on the top row of steel. after that, it's just a matter of changing angles and power until you get the ones on the right side.

    Hope that helps. this level took me a while...the single bloon at the bottom of the screen is really hard to get."

    I've been able to hit every bloon with 4 darts, just not in the same round, so it's definitely possible. XD I'm still stuck on it myself *won't go unlimited darts*


    >___< so close...


  50. 46... for those that want to do it with one cursor hand just above B of Brown and play around with thrust..not too hard, but a reasonable amount

  51. I need help with 36! I'm going NUTS!

  52. for 36:

    put the hand so that the thumb is in between the 3rd and the 4th rubber blocks. It needs to be close to the top of these blocks. After that, just experiment with the power.

  53. (47) How in the world are you supposed to beat 47? The best I've gotten is 39 but I can't get that last balloon!!!

  54. I need help on the steel box in 47. I won't do unlimited darts, but also, no matter how I hit the steel box, I lose and never hit the balloon. IM me on AIM cyrex55

  55. on lvl 47 for the steel box you aim straight at the balloon and throw the dart using max power and it'll pop.

  56. On lvl 48, how do you get all the bloons on the left with only 2 darts? If I hit light sabre, the top bloon gets frozen, and if I hit top bloon, the freeze bloon gets hit and freezes light sabre. Please help :)

  57. Ok, also for 48...after you have all the darts to the right, you have to shoot a dart up through the bouncers to hit the balloon on top and have it angled to the left enough that it falls down and hits the three balloons, but not the ice balloon. Then you can finish off by hitting the light sabre.

  58. how do u beat 17 its impossible

  59. Anyone get 37? Its really dumb.

  60. 17: Don't even bother with the needle bloons. Grab the triple shot, launch it with a lot of power at the lower area. You'll get most of the bloons in the 2 rows, plus some at the bottom, then launch a dart into the bloons with the bouncy blocks around them. I got it just now in like 3 tries, don't try to be exact and avoid the ice bloons, they don't really matter.

    37: Hehe, you have to make some blind long shots on this one. Basically, angle the dart up at various angles and try to throw with as much power as you can and have the dart drop down on the saber bloons. If you can get more than one saber bloon with one dart, all the better.

  61. has anyone got 17?

    please help me :)


  62. What about 47? I can't get the metal block....:(

  63. help...stuck on 16....i know it shoulc be obvious, but HOW!!!

  64. AAARRRRGGGHHH!!!! Been on 26 for about 2days! Heeeellppp!

  65. sorry but can someone please tell me how to beat 40?? it's driving me nuts.... i've tried hitting the pacman first and then go for the spikes or the two extra darts first.... and then the rest of the other balloons and spike balls underneath i have absolutely no idea how to get other than shooting the dart up really high and hoping it hits....someone help me please?

  66. Hi all. i am now on 29, and it is driving me mental....any help much appreciated

  67. number 18 done and conqured

  68. Stuck on bloody 34. What a nightmare. I have followed the instructions of the earlier post, but just can't get the boomerang to hit the bombs up top

  69. How do you do number 42? I am stuck.

  70. same here...stuck on 42. monumental pain in the arse

  71. i know it is cheating really, but i looked on Youtube for a few solutions!

  72. on 47 i get the metal box but can i have a walkthrough of the whole level?

  73. (49) Anyone been able to beat 49?? That thing is crazy!!

  74. 49 isn't all that bad. Just requires 3 perfect shots. Watch the youtube video for the level (can be found here) and get the shots right. After that, it's just a matter of time.

  75. how do to 19???????????????????????????????????????????????????

  76. okay guys 14 is easy
    you need to get the the once at the top while bursting the pins and then you will be able to shoot a dart before all have popped then strike an arrow at the blocks of wood and just get the rest...

  77. i have been on 48 now for what seems like forever. it is a proper bastard of a level. i know what is required, but it just isn't happening

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Completed :)

  80. i will be forever stuck on 49....i give up has been just aint having it..i know where to aim the darts....but it just aint happening

  81. howdo u do no.25?????????????????

  82. help on 29!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im stumped!!!!!!!!

  83. I finally beat the whole thing without using unlimited darts. Level 50 took me forever, but it's finally done! check it out!

  84. How did you beat 50? I go there without using unlimited darts, but I can't get it. Any help?


  86. I NEED HELP WITH NUMBER 47 PLEASE!!!!! How do you get the one that is traped inside that little square area that is surronded by metal?

  87. The video for 49 has been removed and there's no way i'll figure this out by myself! Heeeeeeelp!!!

  88. HELLO I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO BEAT 42!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  89. anyone playing......need help on 18

  90. is it just me, or does level twelve only have 23 bloons, but the goal is 24, how can i beat it?


    someone please explain this to me!!

  92. Ok i have a soultion for 18 .... hit the pacman and go down and back up and eat the 3 from the bottom laser thingy and then go over and eat the laser in that row and go down eat the pacman and the go up the side and it the bomb and it will fall and pop everything!

  93. Hi,

    I'm really stuck on 24 of PLayer Pack 3!!!!


  94. (47)
    1) Throw dart to top right of screen so that it hits the pin bloon, then bounces of the bounce pad and then hits the bomb bloon.
    2) Throw dart to right so it hits the spike bloon and the ice bloon. Use pacman to eat all bloons possible.
    3) Throw boomerang to top left of screen so that it passes through both pin bloons.
    4) Throw dart to top left so that it hits both bloons and bounces of bounce pad to hit bloonon top of bounce pad on far right of screen.
    5) Drop bloon on bounce pad to bottom right of monkey so that it bounces back and hits the light saber bloon.

  95. HOW DO YOU BEAT PACK 3 LEVEL 47???????????!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M GOIN CRAZY WITH IT :'O( :O( PLEASE HELP

  96. I need help with 24 level... is it so hard

    from. miikka lindgren

  97. i ed help with 36 level ...... no 24 lvl xDDD

    from. miikka lindgren

  98. how do you do 14?!

  99. how do i beat 17

  100. hellllppp plz 20?

  101. help on level 4 please!!!1

  102. im stuck on 41!! help please!!

  103. level pack 3 level 47 is driving me nuts, i have absolutely no idea of how to do it:(

  104. I need help with 19

  105. level 19 in the Pack 3??

  106. help on lvl 37 plz

  107. I CANT GET LVL 37

  108. never mind i got it

  109. lvl 38 anyone

  110. 39- bounce your arrow of the block underneath you so that it hits the block to the right, bounces back and pops the blue balloon on the right. This will unlock pacman. Take pacman over & DO NOT EAT THE ICE BALLOONS. Go straight for the bomb balloon.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.


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