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Jobpico Escape

[REPLAY] Gotmail - Job Pico Escape is another Japanese point and click escape the room game developed by IDAC for Gotmail. In this escape game, you try to escape from the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. First! woot what do i plug into the pc usb thing?

  2. i hate slider puzzles with a passion... under the middle blue table

  3. I finished the slider puzzle and got website but its all in japanese. Dang, I should studied that as a 3rd language!

  4. Can you give us the link? I'm never that good at slider puzzles.

    I found the hose, connected it to the fireman and sprayed water all over the jacuzzi. I also turned up the temperature to melt the ice outside.

  5. heres another website from the arcade game: can someone translate it please?:

  6. I am playing the yellow machine now. Have inserted SIMcard into cell phone.

  7. still dont know what to do with the jacuzzi. you can go in if you click the towel first but i can't read the entire message.

  8. what do you do with the phone afterwards? I can't plug it into the pc or look at it's screen anymore.

  9. All it said was I could control the remote helicopter

  10. i got a hose and put it in the fireman's hand
    and play it when i get home

  11. Where is the towel and how do you start the yellow game machine?
    Ive melted the ice outside and there is a gold coin for the viewscope thing. It gives you a sight where the numbers 9 and 5 are hidden. Also behind the ice is a remote for heating of the road. Road??

  12. Heat the road, and when the snow on the left has melted, you get a coin

  13. Im not getting any answers from the websites that the minigames give. I used google translator.

  14. I doubt the Japanese websites have anything to really do about the game; usually if there's an English translation, there's an English site (or a given workaround).

    Does anyone know how to get the coin off the string in the ceiling of the jacuzzi room? Or the codes to either the blue bin with the slide puzzle or the yellow bin by the door to the jacuzzi room?

  15. LOVE Gotmail games. Here I go!

  16. I'm assuming you need to get the remote controlled helicopter, attach the blades to it, fly it to cut the string

  17. Yeah, that's what I kinda figured; I'm assuming the H there is a helicopter launch pad or something like that.

  18. Id assume the helicopter is under the table and that youll get the rest of the combination from the scene after you get the coin with the helicopter.
    So we need a password.
    Also is there any place to put your towel? It wont let me in the jacuzzi with it... i think, thought the text is cut off.

  19. So far, I have no idea what the thing under the coin slot is for nor the dripping icicle

  20. LOVE GOTMAIL happy..pray that it loads for me..hey Diana..!..ok here i go too..

  21. I found 23 through the telescope-Doesnt seem to work though. Where do I find the hose for the fireman?

  22. I take back my comment about the worth of the Japanese sites. For the one (slider puzzle), there's a bit of text under the picture of the left that says "キーワード: Got job?". "Got job?" is the password of the blue bin!

    The dripping icicle... the one of the door right of the viewscope? If you have the roof's heat on long enough (the control to the left of the jacuzzi door), you can get a gold coin from the bottom icicle and have access to the road heating controls.

  23. Cell phone not working either- even w/sim card

  24. I tried Got Job? a ton of times... oh well here goes.

  25. The slider puzzle took away the fun from the game. Do I look like the kind of person that plays slider puzzles? Have I mistakenly come to "Slider puzzles 24"? There isn't a way to walkthrough a slider puzzle, therefore it does not belong in an escape game. End of rant.

  26. Its "Got job?" The j has to be undercase.

  27. Gotjob? not working neither is the web address Some help please...

  28. Yeah, I already found the gold coin before the ice stalagmite melted completely. So it's just there now for show, I guess.

    Any idea on what the four digit number is?

    And I tried "Got job?" but it didn't work. Tried other combinations, but failed

  29. Just to let you guys know, you can't finish the game without finishing the slider puzzle. You need to click on the URL for "Got job?" to work

  30. the helicopter can hook up to the computer. Still needs a battery though. Nanako, youre out?

  31. There are walkthroughs for slider puzzles. Helped me through this and the slider puzzles in Zelda: Wind Waker. You just have to hope that it's not an impossible one.

  32. Oh.. I was wrong. Just wait a bit. I forget that these games have timed triggers.

  33. Not yet. Just got the key mold from the locked yellow cabinet. I got 9287 as my code after inserting the second coin into the scope.

    When you connect the helicopter, go back and return to the computer

  34. The button for heating the road to melt the snow doesn't seem to work... looks like the is a hole for something my coil thing doesnt work, did anyone find anything. Anyone get the coin from the string yet?

  35. I think im out.. Just waiting on a few temperature remotes.

  36. Where can I find the helicopter?

  37. The helicopter's in the blue bin under the table with the red chairs. Solve the slider puzzle, click the link that's created, enter "Got job?" (the same capitalization) as the password underneath, and you have a propeller-less, battery-less helicopter.

    Okay, for coins I have/had: the gold one from the icicle and the silver one from the rest of the roof. I put the gold one in the binocular and the silver into the game system. Where's another one to put into the binocular so I can get the rest of my code?

  38. Nevermind about the coins. Got the helicopter working. :D

  39. why is the roof not melting

  40. have a key mold...any1 knows what to do with that?
    put the helicopter on the H.let it fly to the roof and get the other coin

  41. I need help!!! How I come to the silver coin and where the second coin is for the telescope. And where do I find the battery?

  42. out!

    the helicopter recharges instantaneously. set it down on the H pad. select the cell phone and then click the heli and it should take off (i hope). then click it toward the coin to get it to fall.

  43. one coin is in the ice if you go outside the roof.the other you get with the helicopter.there is no batterie...put the helicopter with cabel to the notebook..
    but what to do with the kex thing?it doesnt work at the locked door

  44. Is it normal that nothing is zooming in for!!..i can go from screne to screen but nothing zooms in..not the telescope i have to hit something first..

  45. Out. Thanks for the help!

  46. Ok, so i beat the game on the arcade machine but nothing happens. It drops nothing, does nothing, i just have a green screen with You Won or something...

  47. got it...ive put the key mold under the icicles...

  48. For people stuck with the key mold: the motif is a snowflake, right? Meaning ice? Think about how you could make a key out of ice and check out the roof. It's easy to miss.

  49. Diana are u there..u would be the only one who would answer me..should items that u click zoom in..? this game loaded right for me..i go from screen toscreen..thats it..clicked everything..even this slider puzzle isnt coming up..u there..?

  50. Now I have the siberne coin and have put them in the telescope. My figures were 3212, but it is not taken as a code. Where is the coin for the slot machine?

  51. maybe you better try to load again mercedes.

  52. My first walkthrough. Hope it helps

    1) Open the second cabinet from the right, open left door, get towel.
    2) Go right twice, click red mat, click yellow table, finish slide puzzle. Click URL, will open new window. Click black bar on the bottom, and type in Got job?. Get helicopter.
    3) Click between the first and second blue supports to get memory card.
    4) Click last red chair, and get cell phone.
    5) Insert memory card into phone, press top right button.
    6) Go right, click on telescope. Get USB.
    7) Go right, click on light on table, get propeller.
    8) Go right, click on silver door, click to the left of the door, and press the up button to raise the green bar to the top. Also get the hose next to the bottom left of the door.
    9) Go left, open the door, go in, then go back. Open the door again, and notice that the ice melted.
    10) Press the button on the heat remote so it's red. Get coin from stalagmite icicle.
    11) Go back into room, and open door again to enter roof.
    12) Go left, and walk to the edge. Get silver coin.
    13) You can insert silver coin into the yellow machine to play game. Gives URL in the end but does nothing.
    16) Attach propeller to helicopter, attach USB to computer, and attach copter to USB to recharge. Go back and click on computer then copter to get a fully charged copter.
    15) Go to room with jacuzzi. Click on fireman statue, zoom in and click near fireman's left foot. Open hatch, and connect hose and turn on valve.
    16) Go back to jacuzzi entrance, click left, and click between seats. Put helicopter to the H. Click on cell, then click on the helicopter. Enjoy mini-movie.
    17) Go back, click on towel, then click on water twice. Pick up Silver coin in water.
    18) Use the Gold coin in telescope first and zoom in to see two numbers. Insert the Silver coin and zoom in to see two more numbers.
    19) Go back to jacuzzi door, and click on the yellow cabinet in lower right. Enter the numbers you saw from the telescope. Get key mold.
    20) Go back to roof, set key mold to the place where the icicle is dripping. Go back to road remote, and click on the light to make it green. Go back to room, go into roof, and retrieve the mold. Double click mold in inventory and click on key to get key.
    21) Go to door next to arcade machine, use the key, and you're out

  53. Still working on the slider puzzle. Will have to come back to this game later. Good luck all!

  54. need to read the comments oztiff!
    already written there

  55. Seraphinchen ..thank u for responding..:-)

  56. Thanks for your walkthrough, nanako. ;)

  57. not sure yet...its still loading..takes awhile to load on this pc..dial up..which is why i was hoping it was just a click trigger..something i had to click to get game crossed..these are my favs..thanks again..was nice of u to respond :)

  58. now i got a black screen...shit..dont think ill be playing this game..this sucks..!..lately its been doing flash sickening..goodluck guys..gonna try it one more time..

  59. D'oh....I didn't notice the arrow to walk to the left on the roof!!! LOL!

  60. This game sucks badly, just because of this stupid slide puzzle!! I quit as I hate this puzzles tooo much and I will not get that old that I would be able to finish it! sad!

  61. I'm just getting started here, so I am going to try not to peek at the hints.

    I love the IDAC games, but they take FOREVER to load on my laptop!

  62. Help! I can't find any numbers when zooming in on the second telescope image. I'm going a bit mad sweeping over the picture continuously!
    Any hints to what area it is?

  63. Hey can anybody please help me with the translation for Wolfriemen...
    It says I have to look in foreign dictonary's but the word is unknown.

    thanks already


  64. wrong game heh, that's from fatal hearts!

    it's two words. wolf riemen. try putting 'riemen' into foreign language dictionaries.

  65. hey i have done everything but i cant find where to put the mould for the key I cant see anyhting dripping!!!! please help

  66. never mind Im out that was one of the easier Gotmail games the more you play the more you click on the where things are and what to do,

  67. came back to that slider puzzle and finally finished it. i don't see any numbers through the telescope

  68. Dem, the number on the second image are not typed (like in the first one). There is an ice looking sculpture right about in the middle of the image. The numbers seem to be sculpted on it.
    Hope this helps.
    GREAT GAME as usual from the Gotmail team.

  69. Slider puzzles do not belong in a P&C game! I'm not even going to waste my time with this game, because of the slider puzzle. Second, you can't even read all the text!

  70. where is the towel??? cant find it anywhere...

  71. Definitely the easiest of the Gotmail games but I have to agree, the slider puzzle was a bit annoying but I forged on. Still enjoyed it.

  72. I can't find the silver coin! Help!

  73. have to go in and back out.

  74. Sorry, I missed you mercedes! Hope you got out ok!

  75. I also cannot find the towel anywhere? Help!?

  76. It's in one of the yellow cabinets.

  77. Nevermind I finally found the damn towel. It was in one of the yellow cupboards. I had checked all of them earlier I thought. Guess I missed one.

  78. i dont see the numbers though telescope. can anyone tell me where they are.

  79. nvm found them power of posting.

  80. finally i am out without a walkthrough..
    the key point on the roof drove me crazy
    so can i got the job

  81. i love Gotmail games..there the best..but i HATE slider puzzles...anyways i'm out...thanx for the help everyone :)...11:25 in jamaica

  82. For solving slidepuzzles look at: - under the puzzle there is a link for a strategy. It helped me.

  83. hvere the ffff is that fire host help mee

  84. I'm the 20936th person to successfully complete the game!!!

  85. frodjo...the fire hose is to the left of the door leading to the is on the floor peakin out from behind the silver thing

  86. I am going to sqeem and sqeem and sqeem and pull my hair out at the same time, I can do every sort of puzzle but these sliding puzzles have to be the biggest pain in the ass and even the puzzle walkthrough was a puzzle it self as it's like sudoku, there was one point and click game that had one but it let you pass on it after a while by helping out, do you have to finish this one to be able to continue with the game?

  87. i hate to tell u but yes...u need 2 finish the slider puzzle and go to the website in the pic wen it is shows u "password: Got job?".. and if u dont complete the puzzle and simply insert wat i jus said it wont work cuz it knows ur cheating...sry....wen u complete the puzzle u get the helicopter which u need 2 beat the game...good luck!

  88. DEM,
    Actually, the numbers for the 2nd view with the telescope are on the buildings to the upper left.

  89. Alhamdulillah!!!
    finished d gAme on my own..
    It took me an hOur! very slOw...
    But hey, dis is d 1st time i've cOmpleted d slider puzzle!
    gembire rase d hAti..

  90. The puzzle is imposible
    Please Help me!!!

  91. went on to roof and my footprints were in the snow lol but now cannont find silver coin argggggggggg

  92. Maybe I forgot something, but there's no dripping icicle over here.
    Some help? Are you supposed to have done anything in particular to get the icicle dripping?

  93. Nvm, found it! Another problem: How to place it there.

  94. not sure what u mean?...want do u want to place?:S....the icicle is out on the roof/road....the control for the heater for that is by the door that leads to the it until all the bars are bright...that means ur turning the temperature up...the icicle will mealt...just wait a while and go out to the roof/road

  95. ur welcome reddc...o...and for u to see the silver coin on the roof/road u need 2 melt the smow where ur footprints after u melt the icicle click on the black switch that was inside/behind it..that heats the it and make it red...go back inside for a while..the snow will melt...walk down it again and u will see the coin on the floor :)

  96. Hello everybody..

    I'm getting annoyed i've been looking for that @#$%^!* dripping icecle.. please someone can tell me, Where?!?

    Thanks!! XxX

  97. Thanks Nanako! You really helped me out with this one! Bye!

    < Why do we kill people who kill people to show people that killing people is wrong? i>

  98. I can't seem to place the key mold inder teh ice thingy..HELP please. i've been clicking like acrazy person.

  99. u need to zoom in on the floor..under the icicle...not the icicle itself...zoom in on the puddle on the floor...put the mold there and and then go baq to the thermostat and freeze the roof area again..thats the key

  100. Out!
    Thank you so much!!

  101. I haven't been able to get to the key in the game arcade machine. I've got everything else, know that the key is in the freezer, but don't seem to be able to somehow melt the ice to get the key and finish the mini game.

    Also, I don't seem to be able to find the 2nd silver coin for the telescope from the jacuzzi pool. Thanks.

  102. i got ripped off... i cant find the it blend in or something?... you guys make it seem simple..but like my towel isnt there...!!! where is it?.. i cheaked the yellow drowers .. not there...found everything else... some1 answer me please

  103. I can't find the coin,i did what cheat said , where is it?

  104. And I'm out! I love Got Mail are beautiful and I enjoy the challenge. The slider puzzle took a bit but I finished without too much frustration! Now on to Strawberry Tomato!!

  105. lol, I don't remember this one.
    I have my phone with memorycard, a sharp knife, and a blanket.
    I turned off the heating of the roof, and hope it has effect on the hot jacuzzi.

  106. I'm stuck, of course - lol. The only person I recognize above in 2008 is irishenigma!

  107. YAY, found a blue box on the table with three red chairs ...

  108. What's the password for the slide puzzle under the red mat on the table? That's one of the first things Naneko's WT says, but not what the PW is.

  109. What did you do so far/found so far, Zoe?

    Some names stay longer in our memories than others ... :-)

  110. I have the phone with the memory card, a propeller from the speaker on the table with the 3 red chairs and the towel. WHere's the knife?

  111. Aaaaalmost done the slider puzzle ..

  112. Oh, and there's a coin on a string hanging from the ceiling in the jacuzzi room, but I can't get it. Maybe you can with the knife.

  113. the knife ... ah, is the same as the propeller! I just read the 'sharp edge' and drew my own conclusion.

  114. I didn't see that coin yet. Still working on that slider one on the table, below the cloth.
    I like the music.

  115. HOw did you get the slider puzzle to work? I tried "Gotmail" and "helicopter".

  116. OH, it works...I guess we enter the PW at the end of the slider?

  117. you first solve the slider puzzle and then click it. The site it takes you to shows you the keyword on the left.

  118. And there's the radio-controlled helicopter.

  119. I'm hopeless at this slider. I don't even know what it's supposed to look like.

  120. The large Gotmail is on top rows.
    the web address on the bottom one.

  121. It helped me to first do the top rows. But it's hard to give hints on these.

    Shall I give you the keyword?

  122. Aarrgh, no, it doesn't work. You have to solve the slider.

  123. Well, I'm working on it, but I may be here for a few years :-)

  124. If you look at the comments from Langer and Darla, you're not the only one, they still are not out ....

  125. It is nice though, the battery is charged with the help of the laptop, and of course, the helicopter is placed on the H.

  126. And there's another spot at the feet of the fireman, top right of what he is standing on.

  127. The helicopter made the coin fall down, but where did it go ??
    How are you doing Zoe?
    Btw, is your birthday in February? I don't remember ...

  128. There are a lot of remote controls. Now the road is heated, as well as the roof.

  129. Ah, and at that place the coin dropped!

  130. What do I do? There are two places you can use a coin. The one armed bandit, and the telescope.

  131. Yes, I'm still stuck on the slider. But thanks for telling what happens! It's like I'm playing the game through your eyes, lol!!

    How on earth did you remember my birthday was in February?

  132. Gotmail made the choice : this one goes in the telescope.

  133. Janet knew ... I have this written down somewhere, I know LNS is soon as well.

  134. OHHH...GOT the slider!!! And you're probably out, right?

  135. I'm a bit stuck now. Through the telescope I found two numbers, but we need two more for that yellow drawer.

  136. OK. so now can you tell me exactly what to type in the black box below the slider? I tried "got job?" "GOT JOB?" "got job!" "GOT JOB!" "GOTJOB?" "gotjob?" and more...nothing works.

  137. lol, Nini xD is playing this one as well Zoe, I just read that.

  138. heheh, take it litterally.
    Got job?

  139. LOL....I tried everything but Capital G and lower case j....thanks!!

  140. Yes, that's why I was laughing!
    Great you solved that puzzle.

  141. So, now I've got the hose and raised the temperature up..moving on.

  142. Huh..she's probably out by now. It's a good game, once past the slider. Some people seem to be so much better at those than I am.

  143. Aaahh, look at that! There's some sort of hose left of the door on the floor, going out to the jacuzzi!
    And of course it got the fireman working! Fun!

  144. lol, you got that one already.

  145. BUT, we got the second coin out of the water, right? Into the telescope.

  146. YES, the yellow drawer is open now.

  147. Well I got a gold coin from melted icicle and a silver coin from the edge of the roof after the snow melted. I know there's a coin in the jacuzzi room, but don't know how to get it. How do I drop it into the water?

  148. Why won't the fireman take my hose? Bad fireman!!

  149. And the road is now cold again and look, a third coin.

  150. I gave a hint for that, Zoe, lol, but you were busy sliding ...
    At his feet, down on the right, back, is a small lid. Open it and place the hose, turn the valve.

  151. I'm going to play with the one armed bandit now.

  152. Got the helicopter to fly!!! Took me a minute to realize I have control of it - lol!

  153. hahaha, a game in a game, allright, Mizzy needs to find a key.

  154. Oh...thanks for the place for the hose!

  155. So fireman cools off the water. Got the third coin.

  156. Mizzy cleaned up the mess below the desks, but doesn't know what to do next.
    We need to make a key.

  157. Put Mizzy's usb into the computer and it says there's a key in the fridge in ice. I think we have to use the boiling water somehow. There's a cup on the table, but can't fill it with water...

  158. OH, use the cup on the fridge first..then bring it to the hot water and get the key

  159. And look, (I left Mizzy alone for awhile), the thing that makes the key (how is it called again?) goes in the dripping ice, outside down in the corner.

  160. Got game what?

  161. And I turned of the heatings ... and took the mold back.

  162. LOL, you don't need to play that computer game with Mizzy.
    But it does tell you you need an iced key.

  163. I must be losing my mind. I dont see any numbers through the telescope, either with the gold coin or the silver one. Now that I've posted this, I'll probably see them!

  164. I can't find the USB for Mizzy.

  165. Click and hold the mouse, then move slowly.

  166. The city overview has two numbers in the middle, a bit to the right.
    The city streetview has two numbers, in the middle, a bit up; they look different from the other two.

  167. Use the broom under the messy desk.

  168. Congratulations arrie! :P
    Sorry, I didn't want to interfere with your escape. But yay! You were fast!
    You're almost there Zoe! There are 2 numbers on each scene, the 1st two are hard to see: they are on the mid left of the screen :)

  169. I'm still inside the room, playing with Mizzy.

  170. And now all of a sudden it works the way you described it Zoe, cup to fridge .. etc.

  171. lol, Mizzy is out too.

    What a great fun game!
    How are you doing Zoe?

  172. Yaaay ! \(^_^)/
    Congrats to Mizzy as well :P

  173. We're at 196 comments now, take care at 200 ...

  174. I just got the key mold. Pressing onward...slowly. But I'm enjoying this game a lot!

  175. Tricky spot for the key mold, but I'm out!!
    Fun game! Thanks Nini for recommending it!

  176. \o/ So congrats to you Zoe!
    Just can't believe we actually got back to this game after so many years.

  177. Yes! Seven years, in fact! I have new hope for my ability with slider puzzles now!! :-D

  178. You know what's interesting is this game has five stars, but only 4 votes for them.

  179. arrie - did you get out?

  180. Zoe! Out! Yes, this was a great one.
    And yes, strange 4 votes ... let's add ours, lol.

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