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Mental Showtime

Mental Showtime  HelpMental Showtime is sequel of Mental point and click escape game by Free World Group. After escaping from a mental institution with 2 of your buddies you become separated. You search for your buddies, but cannot find them. Eventually you find yourself outside of a travelling circus and go inside to see if your friends are there. As you wander around the circus you are spotted by the evil ringmaster. An orange square-headed freak like you is just too much of a temptation for him. He traps you in a glass prison and adds you to his freak-show line-up. Your objective is to get the heck out of the circus and find your friends! It's a click click click fest. Timing is very important for some things to happen. Good Luck and Have Fun!

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  1. I have no idea what I'm doing but hte music is driving me crazy.

  2. All I managed to do was make the bird on the wire fly down to the table with the hat. Go in the hat and made a paper airplane fly around. I got part of the clown pyramid up. *shrugs*. Will come back when I'm in the mood for a click fest.

  3. This is certainly a weird game and i have no idea in wich order to to what

  4. After part of pyramid, make bear dizzy above them. Lte him constantly back and forward.

  5. Take key and you're out

  6. To get the rabbit out of the hat, you have first to click the clown with the drums. He plays a sequence which you have to repeat. After that the rabbit comes out oh the hat, disappears in the courtains - with the dog lol ^^

  7. i cant do anything, pls help!

  8. Oh I forgot: Let the dog bark after the drum-clown-thing...

  9. Stuck on lvl 2. Can only click the guy on the horse 3 times and he goes away.

  10. Cneg 3

    Pyvpx gur pybja ba gur qehzf naq cnl nggragvba gb gur beqre ur uvgf gurz
    Pyvpx gur qehzf va gur fnzr beqre gur pybja qvq gb trg evq bs gur qbt
    Pyvpx gur gnoyr gb gur evtug bs gur ung
    Pyvpx gur oveq ba gur jver
    Jura gur oveq vf ubirevat arkg gb gur ung pyvpx gur benatr thl va gur pntr
    Jura gur pybja vf ba gur evtug fvqr bs gur frrfnj pyvpx uvz
    Pyvpx gur benatr naq lryybj pybja arkg gb gur yvba pntr
    Pyvpx gur orne naq cbfvgvba uvz bire gur checyr qbbejnl
    Jura gur zna ba gur gencrmr uvgf uvz naq fghaf uvz pyvpx gur orne fb ur snyyf
    Pyvpx gur cncre nvecynar arkg gb gur ung gb frg bss n punva ernpgvba
    Jura gur xrl vf arkg gb lbhe pntr pyvpx vg gb rfpncr

    Cneg 7

    Pyvpx gur vpr-pernz pneg va gur onpxtebhaq
    Pyvpx gur jver oruvaq gur pneg
    Pyvpx gur vpr-pernz pneg ntnva
    Nsgre gur oblf gnxr gur vpr-pernz pyvpx gur pneg ntnva
    Pyvpx gur onyybbaf
    Pyvpx gur zna ba gur ubefr frireny gvzrf gb trg evq bs uvz
    Pyvpx gur Sreevf jurry gb evqr vg
    Pyvpx gur benatr thl jura gur ebyyre pbnfgre cnffrf ol

  11. Stuck at the clown pyramid. Any help?

  12. See my ROT13 post above for a walkthrough

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. After the pyramid, here's what I think I made happen:

    - Click the bird to make him fly over to the hat.
    - Click on yourself in the box to throw a rock at the bird. The bird falls into the hat, turning into an airplane.
    - Click on the airplane. It'll light it self on fire, scare the lion, and cause the ball to roll out into the middle.
    - The ringmaster will trip on the ball and lose his key. Click on it, and you're out.

    I've gotten to the ice cream part of Level 2, and now I'm stuck

  15. Aha. I was doing everything in the wrong order.

    Level 2:

    - Drag the ice cream machine out by the handle.
    - Click on the cable to plug it in.
    - Click on the machine to make cones. The kids will come over at eat it.
    - Scare away the pony man by clicking on him three times.
    - Go back to the ice cream machine and make more ice cream. Click on it to throw a cone at the clown's head. He'll come over and escort the kids out.
    - Click on the balloons to take them.
    - Click over near the ferris wheel. Click on the hot spot to fly between the cars. It may take you a few tries. You'll grab the flags and fly over to the platform.
    - When the roller coaster goes by, click on your dude's body to make him hop in.

    To be continued...

  16. How do you get the bird off the wire? All I've been able to do is glitch the bird in mid-flight by clicking the bear too much when it is about to take off.

  17. Also, how do you get the last clown on top of the pyramid?

  18. how do you get the last clown on the pyramid?
    Anyone playing?

  19. to get bird off wire you have to click you then click right side of table then bird hope that helps

  20. walkthrough part 1
    click right side of table food will go on
    click bird
    when clown to go up on board after 1st one as ready to jump
    when he jumps click clown on far right to go over to others
    after jump let bear get hit in head 3 times he will fall
    watch drummer clown and follow what he plays you have to repeat him
    rabbit will come out of hat and dog will chase it
    click bird again and click your hand to hit bird with rock
    bird will go into hat then paper will come out
    click paper
    click lion
    click key
    first walkthrough here hope it helps

  21. I clicked the paper then the lion but it still doesn't work!

  22. I made the plane fly around but I'm gonna come back when I feel like a room escape.

  23. I cant' make the bear fall either. -.-

  24. i can't get those kids to take my ice cream. maybe my computer is too slow?

    i hook up the machine & make 2 cones & the kids ignore me. they talk to one another, then one has a confrontation w/the balloon guy & the other steals his balloons & floats away.

  25. wuahhhhhh!!!!!

    i manage to have a pyramid but the other clown keeps on destroying it.And the bear only gets dizzy,and he doesn't fall.And the paper plane doesn't light itself it just keep on flying in a circle......HELP ME PLEASE I'M DESPERATE!!!!

  26. help me please!!!!
    just wanna finish the whole series

  27. how to throw the ball on the hat i watched on yt walktrough and it doesn't even work i tried i tried nothing happens the ball is still going back


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