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[REPLAY] Neutral - Vision Escape is a new point and click type room escape game from Neutral, who is also creator of RGB and Sphere games. In this game, you are in secret room with no exit. Solve mystery of this room and escape the room. You have to patient while the game loading. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Minna]

Update: Let's play this game, while waiting for new games!

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Vision Escape Walkthrough

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  1. I can't enter the number because it won't let me get up to the 2nd metal door.

  2. windmill - hexagon - cog - semicircle - windmill

    this is the order to do the code..u use the same number twice..windmill number twice..

  3. click on the ladder part..the first rung

  4. its the ladder u click..i know many didn't see that either..:)

  5. It won't let me get up to the 2nd metal door to do that.

  6. read my previous ladder..did u do ladder part?..

  7. Ok well I assume now u don't need any more help..and have gotten up the i'm off to bed..goodluck!

  8. i thought u meant u couldnt enter numbers..not that you couldnt get up there to enter numbers..sorry about that..:( for all my late here and i didn't read it right..sorry about that..

  9. That was a great game!!! Thank you Diana for the help..Definantely could not have done this one without help.. Dont know why I just found this game.. Looks like your first post was back in June. Anyway,glad I came across it and got to play, thank you.

  10. I've been following the walkthrough but every time I get to the wooden figure head key I can't get it to open the drawer. I'm not really sure why its not wokring. I also can't get the cabinet to open when i put my code in...but i could be doing it wrong. Just the wooden key I can get to work on the drawer. If anyone could help me that would be awesome. Thanks ^__^

  11. Neeptutter274...are u still here and stuck?

  12. how do you use the water marble on the box. I have the frog facing forward with yellow left eye and nothing on his right eye. I have tried clicking the water marble on the box but nothing happens

  13. you need both eyes to see what the frog sees when u place it..once u get both eyes..u place it there..and then eyes light up..and u follow where eyes are going too..

  14. By gods! I can't get the NEWSENSE compass code to work. I finally had to read the walkthrough to prove I'm not crazy, but I've entered that code into the compass umpteen times and no key yet. Is there something else I do after I enter NEWSENSE?

  15. i amn stuck at windmill key pad. my numbers are windmill 9, gear 1, semicircle 4, windmill 5. i entered 9-6-1-4-5. nothing happens.

  16. Make sure you check numbers really well..

    also are u at the top part of ladder..can't remember have to refresh me..where keypad is..

    maybe i can help..

  17. i am at the top of the ladder.

  18. thank you very much. i tried your numbers and it worked.

  19. Mercedes,

    Thanks for checking in with me! I took a long break from this, and came back to try again. I started the game fresh again, since I'm at the beginning and this time it worked like a charm. I had started it again before but no luck last times (I started over at least 3 times).

    I sure hope I punched it in correctly each of those times. Is anyone else experiencing an occasional glitch? I didn't see any post about such things in my quick lookover. Am I losing it or just discovering my newfound dyslexia?

  20. No i doubt that..lool

    This game has variables in it...sort of like a timed sequense..

    YOu can't do something until something else had been done first..
    so there is a good chance that perhaps the note you are supposed to pick up that said "Newsense" maybe you didnt check it in inventory..?...but just saw what it said..

    Make sure you check everything in inventory..this game is really well made..I don't think it had glitches..

    Be sure to check each marble you find as well in the contraption..or you won't move forwward either..

    I hope tht helps..:)

  21. pls..i need help.. im stuck at the part where i have to press the code.. which is at the windmill dat part..omg.. pls do help mi.. i dun understand this part ->Following the pattern in the sketch book and the code from the air marble, press the numbers accordingly.<-..???? how wad does it mean..thnx in advance..^^

  22. hello, ive found the sequence under the fly trap and put the sequence in the clock but i cannot move the piece in the middle aroindto where it has asked me too how do i do this

  23. here are some solutions that i had some trubbel with:
    in the end, when u have to write in a code with thoose romanian letters, u can use the windmill number twice, i had 16431(=windmill,that hexagon, cob, half round thingy and windmill).
    ((And the half round thingy is the number on the handle.)) lol
    and hm, to unscrew the frog, look under the shelf where it the frog stans on. unscrew thoose screw u see there.

    thxx diana for ur walktruh ! :D
    this was a great game :DDD
    have u tried the crimson room ?

  24. Wonderful artwork and a great game! Thank you, Mya! And as always, thank you, Diana, for all the help!
    Hey, did you read the credits? "...took about five months to complete." And tells you what I already discovered on the "out" scene. You can click on the three tiny colored dots to the upper right of that scene and change the time of day. Beautiful!!

  25. i've solved the puzzle at the end and have the marbles in the right spots, but nothing's happening. i've tried clicking on the red marble in the center, but again, nothing happens. i know this is the last step, so please help!

  26. after u beat the game look @ the top right cornor of the screen u can change the background color

  27. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllppppppppppppp mmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeee i cant get the dang frog off i got the scewdriver i click everywere but it still dow come off

  28. I do know what to do after pointing the light to the clock. Do I need to get back the yellow marble from the Frog's eye?

  29. For those stuck on the keypad outside - remember the keypad is not normal 1-9.. Look at the sketchbook for the numbers

  30. For those stuck on the keypad outside - remember the keypad is not normal 1-9.. Look at the sketchbook for the numbers

  31. Im stuck at the Windmill part, I have to put the numbers in the keypad, but it isnt working, and im getting frusterated!

    my #'s are:


    Great graphic + Surprisingly logic

  33. for those who are stuck at the windmill.. it seems that hexagon is not 6, it is the # on the wind mill (not the blade) and so my # turned out to be 95149
    9 = wind mill blade
    5 = wind mill
    1 = cog
    4 = semicircle
    9 = wind mill blade

  34. really trivial but i can't seem to remove the frog with the screwdriver?

  35. ok forget the last thing. can't seem to insert the earth marble into the frog's eye?

  36. Hat off to Author. The is BEST of the BEST game.

  37. This is the freaking best game ever :D Three times hurray for the maker! :D

  38. “Note where the light from the frog’s eye is pointing on the clock. Insert the reflective gem in that slot.” The light doesn't point anything on the clock.. I did two screenshots and did not notice any difference between them.. I can't understand. If you have an explanation..?

    But anyway, thanks Diana for your help :)

  39. That's okay now. I found out what was missing. :)

  40. where do you get the red key from after you have made all the shapes and put in the gems? I cant find it :(

  41. thanks diana, u saved me a lot of time lol

  42. Hey guys .. I am stuck on putting the green marble in the 5 O'Clock spot .. I cannot put it .. I can see the light pointing but cannot put the marble. HELP PLS!!!

  43. @Mitko, there are different marbles, and the one you need for the clock isn't the green one, but a more greenish blue, that looks a bit different from the other marbles, with kind of a ring around it. You get it from the lid of the box in the first view. After you open the box with a key you need to use the screwdriver inside to get the marble from outside the box.

  44. My code for the 4 letter code isn't working. Is there somewhere I need to click before the cabinet will open?

  45. Very great game! I did notice, though, that some of the answers were given out, and you were wondering why they weren't working. It's because you have to find the hint for yourself first. For example the formula for the three numbers doesn't work until you find the marble with the formula on it in the game.

  46. Best one yet! What a good finale.

  47. One of the greatest games of the escape genre, and one of the most missed developers. I wonder if they're ever coming out with a new one!

  48. everytime enjoy a Neutral game :) very nice game and very logical, but not easy :)
    When a new Neutral game ? I love these games :)

  49. She's working on one now! Hopefully soon, but according to her site she's already been working on it over a year and she says it will be like Vision. Can't wait!

  50. So, when you go outside at the end of the game there are 3 dots at the upper left. If you click them they change the lighting from Morning on top sunset in the middle and night on the bottom. Nice little touch of polish on an extremely well made game. This one is perhaps the best I have played.

  51. Man, i wish Neutral was still making games... He was one of the very best.

  52. Amrantomar,
    the latest "full" Neutral escape game was released in 2010... since then he onl yhad only a handful of "mini" (banner) escape games. So, I don't think we should hold any hope for a new one...

  53. c moon,
    if Neutral really comes out with a new game, it's gonna be a big day for room escape game lovers.

  54. Here's a picture of the last puzzle if anyone needs it. I struggled with it for quite a while.


  56. Here's her post, which has changed from what it was when I checked a few weeks ago:
    (I used Translator).

    I have a set of games I like to replay just when I want to unwind, and Vision is one, so I keep up with her site. The Orange-biscuit games are my favorites for that also, but I don't know if they'll ever make another.

  57. The game is 6 years old and better than anything I've seen in a long time....

  58. Such a great game, I wish they would make a new one.

  59. Very very talented game maker, I would say better than te-eeshi and that's saying something. It would be a shame to let a talent like this go to waste if she doesn't post another game.

  60. Interface hints without puzzle giveaways:
    1) You can remove the head of the stick figure.
    2) You will need to replace the head of the stick figure with something that (unfortunately) looks like a key later in the game.
    3) Look at bottom of the venus fly trap in inventory
    4) When you get the tray of seashells, you can remove one item
    5) When outside you can zoom into a stopped wind blade by the railing to see a number
    6) When outside click a part of ladder to climb, otherwise you just look up instead of climbing.

    Great adventure game, easy 5 stars!

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