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Japanese Style Room

Capybara Room 2 WalkthroughJapanese Style Room is a Japanese point and click type escape the room game from creator of Escape Brother's Room game. In this game, you are trapped in a room and you try to escape the room by finding and using items. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by DoraDora]

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  1. well i came here to play some of the other escape games added today and saw this one was just added sooo here I go

  2. i'll join you. good luck.

  3. My inventory is full, but now I'm stuck!

  4. divinyl - i'm missing the middle item on the left side of the inventory - hint?

  5. wow you guys are fast im missing 3 items i have screwdriver pliers stick mathces paper index card with hols and numbers on it and a cup... i have opened the purple book with pliers put paper with the teapot lit the fire looked up and used stick now im stuck...anyone know what the computer says?

  6. nvm found it, but just from 'mad clicking' not sure how or where. . .

  7. I have everything (I think), have lit the fire, and opened the roof...stuck now...

  8. what items am i missing has anyone gotten into the dresser?

  9. I've inserted card into book, but what to do with conversion table in back of book?

  10. do your keyboard have to be able to type japanese characters to enter the code??

    figuring...sorry, wasn't quick enough with my reply!

  11. placed template in purple book, then used exacto-knife - looks like Chinese characters? stuck

  12. where did you find the knife?

  13. knife - used something on the top of the dresser - maybe the tape? then the top came off. . .

  14. tape? where did you find the tape? =( sooo stuck

  15. What to do with the tape?

  16. hmmm...entered what i thought was the code...and nothing happened!

  17. tape - top drawer of dresser - now you're going to ask 'where's the key?' and I can't remember!

  18. put tape on top of 2 drawer cupboard...

  19. lol...ok i wont ask...but if anyone else knows.... *hint hint*

  20. use screwdriver on sliding door handle.

  21. Use the screwdriver on the first door. You'll get the key

  22. key!! use the screwdiver on the handle of the first of the sliding doors, then back up from the doors and it should be on the ground. . .if I remember right. . .

  23. I'm completely stuck at the code. . .waiting patiently for divinyl to figure it out and tell me :)

  24. the opening on the roof shows a number, i entered that in the comp but nothing happened

  25. Getting nowhere fast I'm afraid Figuring...have tried the only 4 10 digit codes that would seem to make any sense at all, and now I'm completely stumped!

  26. i changed the book symbol with the code in the back of the purple book and got a 10 digit code and entered it into the computer and nothing happens

  27. my roof shows 14532. Book translates the associated figures for each number to be: 23, 34, 92, 41, 64. Computer may want ten-digit code, but above numbers don't work.

  28. you can read the book, but i can' t find out what to do with that numbers

  29. how would we get out of this room is the thing my the yellow flower the door? also has anyone used the cup?

  30. I'm missing the middle item from the left and I dont know how to start the fire. Help please....

  31. I'm wondering if the exit will be through the five sliding doors...

  32. the item you missing is the stick, you can get from the window

  33. drego - i have what you have, but for #3, the symbol doesn't match exactly, missing two little markings at the top - went to another thread on this game, and they're having problems w/the code also, that #3

  34. did you lite fire?

  35. hey dergo,
    maybe the numbers on the roof tell you what order your other numbers go in sequence? maybe?
    i'm pretty stuck with a full inventory. but see if that works!

  36. thx balu. Now how do I start a fire.

  37. put the paper you found behind the sliding door on the woods and then use the matchbox

  38. ok i may be way off but in the purple book where the examples are on one side it has 2 2-digit #s and the symbol for those #s are exactly the same as the chart...on the other page it has 2 2-digit #s and those symbols are slightly differnt than the ones from the chart there are words written above the examples and under the chart...does anyone know what they say?

  39. figuringitout - the book gives examples at the bottom that seem to indicate the additional markings are not necessary.

  40. how do u see the roof,- n- what do u do with the stick...i'm so confused!!!

  41. use the stick to open the roof

  42. velvetgunther...ok i must be really dumb. put the paper where? On what wood? Also use the stick to openthe roof where?

  43. drego - then 4/1 should work - but it doesn't - i hate stupid codes!! i'm just trying random ones now, assuming that the right are right. . .

  44. Ok obviously I cant find a way to get to the roof and moreover I don't seem to be able to start a fire. any chance I can get some real help around here...

  45. . . . sorry, assuming that the OTHERS are right (the other two-digit numbers)

  46. lvmywif....
    there are two screens that you cant get to by scrolling the side of the room with that mask like thing and the flower on the shelf, you can click down to the fire and up from there to the roof

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I've given up on codes for now and am just sitting waiting until someone else figures it out!

  49. red - where are you stuck? are you looking at the teapot by the purple pillows? put the piece of paper (bottom left inventory) under the wood under the teapot, then light it with the matches (inventory right over the mug)

  50. velvetgunther...great help...thank you! got roof open, now what?

  51. @figuringitout

    now I'm stuck like everyone else trying to figure out the code.... :( no luck so far

  52. I con't figure out the code, because I don't have Japan Language installed. Help lease!

  53. after you light the fire, you'll see a number in the sky, which has something to do with the code. which we're still trying to figure out

  54. has anyone noticed you can open the teapot? also what do you do with the green cup you got from the table?

  55. lvmywif...
    i couldnt open it anymore after i lit the fire..and i still havent used the cup

  56. just joinin in now if any1s playin...

  57. I'm stuck on The code I have the same numbers: 23, 34, 92, 41, 64 I have even tried to add and multiplie the numbers and then add or multiply ten to them and I still don't have anything. Also haven't used the green cup from the table

  58. i found a link not sure if it will help, but it is the Japanese version of an English Keyboard

  59. There's another series of numbers in the writing in the purple book - now I have twelve 2 digit numbers. Hmm. Anybody know what time Japan wakes up??

  60. got this on another site - doesn't help me much. . .still can't figure the code and have tried everything i can think of:

    Here are some translations:
    On the hanging scroll:
    一字引くこと: Take away one letter.
    In the purple book:
    Through the holes:
    1. ふ (FU). 2. み(MI). 3. ざ (ZA). 4. り (RI) 5. こ (KO).
    Second page:
    脱出のヒント: Hint for escaping.
    かけじくのことば: Words on the hanging scroll.
    ふすまのさきに: Beyond the screen doors.
    みんなであたたまろう: Get warmed up together.
    ざぶとんはかんけいない: Cushions has nothing to do with it.
    おわり: The End.
    Third page:
    Password decoding Chart.

  61. i also have the same numbers but putting them in the order the roof says isn't working. and if it did then i dont see any changes. =[

  62. found this too:

    Woops. One of the hints in the book (under the chart) says, "濁点は考えない", which means ignore the voiced sound symbols. In Japanese, when you put 「゛」 to HA (は)it becomes BA (ば). So, consider ざ (ZA) as さ (SA). Thus the code for 3 is:

  63. Is anyone here..gonna play this one now..woo hoo.lots of games..

  64. This game is really glitchy as hell..i could see bean post scene or whatever that was..with fire under it and now i cant..other stuff too..ive refreshed twice now and now i can hit the safe box on the shelf..grr..

  65. this game is gettin on my nerves.grrr why cant they just translate it 2 english?

  66. I like it when I can access the ones that are not coming from blocked site for my work (that have not been cached yet from google) doh!

  67. u can use screw driver on the door knob of closet and get a key..also paper at the back of same closet..the one u got screwdriver from..

    got pliers
    red book
    and cup so far..

  68. I think I might let you guys do all the work and come back later - I'm gonna see squiggly number charts in my sleep! Now work it out for me! *cracks whip*

  69. code is 2431959261 (not my work, found it on the nordinho site). Thank you VilainStephano

  70. thanks katia - i was watching that site too - out!! yea!!

  71. Thanks Katia i'm out YAY!!!!!

  72. Has any one figured out the code I have tryed adding and multipling the number and nothing happens I got the same numbers:23,34,92,41,64

  73. Explanation from Po-chan:
    1. ふ→ひ
    4. り→ら
    5. こ→け
    3. ざ→ご
    2. み→ま

    ひらけごま means "Open sesame!

  74. all my items are filled...but im sure i still need alighter..being as stheres a fire place there..have opened up roof of table...or whatever that is near fire place teapot..but can't do anything with it...hmm any one?? wheres lighter or matches...

  75. Merceds - matches is the box, right above the mug in your inventory :)

  76. never mine i figured it out..not a book in

  77. Thanks figuring it out..didnt think anyone was here..thank you:D just realized that book was a book of

  78. code for safe box is under table after u op;en it and start fire u will see code...did anyone esle see this..? tried it and doesnt seem to do anything..hmm will try something else.

  79. Mercedes if you mean the 1,4,5,3,2 they are the order you put numbers in the computer from the purple book.

  80. how do you enter codes into safebox, it doesn't seem to allow it ?

  81. not sure where the translation came from that Katia mentioned (letters from book into "open sesame"), but the characters yield the correct numbers: 2431959261

  82. ok came back and im out now...figured out part of the code...some look like letters and others look like numbers..but i tried to figure it out but had to look for it is..



    does anyone else have to input verification more than once...grr..

  83. How do you get the book out? Mine doesn´t do anything when I click it...

  84. code: 24 31 95 92 61 is correct.

    Reading the letters in the chart top-to-bottom, RIGHT-to-left, for each of the 5 letters, subract (go back) one letter and use that corresponding number for the code.

    (reverse engineering/hindsight 20/20 - lol)

  85. How do I put the converter thing in the purple book? I can't seem to do it!

  86. Shannon u have to do it right on the lines that are at top and bottom...hightlight paper and then hit top and or bottom line in book

  87. you may or may not be able to do it untill u see whats under table..near tea pot though..i was able to im sure of it..i saw tha after..but that could be a glitch..

  88. The red table? I keep clicking the fire near the teapot.

    Where do I click the red table?

    This is why we need to make our own room escape game.

  89. there is an arrow near teapot scene..that goes up..

  90. the code u see is not the whole code..u will have to look at blog to see it...:(

  91. I got that part of the code...saw the ceiling and the numbers and all.

    But I still can't get to the purple book. I keep clicking it with the index card highlighted but it's not working. I tried clicking under the red table but to no avail.

  92. you need stick to get the table under neath to open up (window) purple book by itself...i thought u meant u had opened it...its a small pixel..and i couldnt get it till i had almost all my items..cause i know i clicked there before..

  93. wait a minute...what red table..? the one with pot on u dont get anything under that one..the one i meant is the one u seen..with code under it

  94. Tell me what items u have shannon :)

  95. Thanks Mercedes.

    I hate pixel hunting, though. I'll still go at it cuz' I'm persistent.

  96. Items I have: a cup, a stick, an index card with holes in it, a matchbox, pliers, a screwdriver, a key, a piece of paper, a box cutter, and tape.

    I used everything except the index card.

  97. I used to be able to open the tea kettle but not anymore.

  98. I found the code in this forum and copied and pasted it into the suitcase thingy and got out.

    Thank you for the help Mercedes because I think it was you that came up with the code :)

  99. hehehe hey guys im new to adding coments and stuff and i was hopin for a walkthrough i kinda of got stuck on the code!

  100. For the code its in the blog already...@ 14:45

    This is it..but u may want to dbl check it.



  101. @ Katia thanks I'm out

  102. Thank you Katia and Sag, you both had the code right....

  103. spoiler

    click tapestry, get pliers
    With the pliers open purple book. Go right and take jug, open the walldoors, get screwdriver and papaer of the wall. Use screwdriver on left panel. Get key.Go right, use key on upper drawer, get tape.Get also paper left of drawers.
    Go right click head? and take matches. Take wooden stick from door. Go down and put paper under wood. Use matches .
    Go to the drawers and take upper panel with the tape, take cutter. Go back to the fire and teapot, open ceiling with wooden stick and see code.
    As we dont know chinese, or japonese: the code is: 2431959261


  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. @ Jo

    Actually, it's very hard to distinguish which language is being used when playing these games..especially when confronted with squares or lines or question marks for text.
    However, in games that they do used Japanese or Chinese characters..they use numbers..and that is very hard to distinguish between the two if you don't have all keyboards in front of you. I played this game and I searched online for a considerable amount of time to see which numbers were being used. In my find I found that there is different forms of each Numerals, Numbers,Characters,Traditional,Simplified , and more.
    So in essence, as an english speaking person who can read well, I found it difficult in distinguishing between all of them. I couldn't imagine what it would be like for a foreign speaking person.I've been coming here for quiet a while., and the people who post at this forum are both helpful and courteous, race has never been a factor. The ppl who post here don't even curse in their posts. That says alot for their characters. Of course you are free to post what you will. I myself don't have a racist bone in my body, and I take offense to this comment.

  106. i apologize for my ignorance and unfounded judgement, but it is very frustrating for me to see, especially when racism is an all too real factor. this forum should be about gaming, not race relations etc..
    i am sorry to tosca, and mercedes, and anyone who has or may be offended by my foolish deduction.


  107. what I love about this forum..every one gets along..:D..and I can understand where your coming is an all to real factor...:(

    See you next game..:D


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