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Concertalino - Music Room

[REPLAY] DooDoo - Concertalino: Music Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Doo Doo. In this game, you should be the musician to solve all puzzles and escape the room. Search around to find items and use them to solve puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. nvm.. found the birdfood!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. does epkos and alpo mean anything?
    they are on the grey and white circle thingy...

  5. I don't think so.
    I'm totally stuck with the code in the closet!

  6. Oh I'm really stuck now with this puzzle in the wardrobe

  7. Ha! Looks like we're stuck in the same place addicted.

  8. me too... can´t figure out what to do with the latin text above it. Should we translate it into English or something??

  9. Ahhh, it's driving me crazy. I hate passwords

  10. I'm stuck there, too. VERY annoying.

  11. I dunno. I'm going nuts ><
    Has anyone solved it yet?

  12. Just had a look on Nordinho and someone's found the note translated as "The clever can solve the problem which confuses the donkey". Not that that helps much.

  13. I wonder why you can zoom in the inner circle

  14. My riddle is Discernit sapiens res, quas confundit asellus. Can anyone tell me what it means or where I can find an online latin translation site?

  15. The artist is different every game... now I have L. W. Beethoven (1770-1827) see the years under the picture.... but... where i find the safe??? (sorry for my english... i'm italian :) )

  16. We said it before. Basically, someone on Nordinho said it was 'The clever can solve the problem which confuses the donkey/ass'.

  17. Maybe asellus is an anagramm? I don't know. I'm not english

  18. Er..Latin. Latin. It's a language.

  19. In know, i learned Latin about ten years. I suggested it because confundit means "confuse"

  20. Oh, you said you weren't English and so I thought that you were associating the language with England or something.

    Let's stop and wait for a walkthrough..

  21. argh - it won't let me use the scraper on the potted plant. any idea what i'm doing wrong?

  22. Has anyone got that thing above the window. Resting on the curtain rod on the right-hand side?

  23. Yes, i have it. Use the wooden stick from the cage

  24. Did anyone foud the twelve peaces of paper? I have eleven...

  25. It's a bow. Dunno how or where to use it. You can take it with help of the wooden stick

  26. jay, which potted plant do you use? you gotta use the plan in the window

  27. The Latin says, roughly, The things the wise discern, confuses the ass.

    Don't quote me, I can't get it open either, still have nine items.

  28. what about the blanks in the two rings?? maybe they are important somehow??

  29. hmmm... has everyone left??

  30. I think they've got some importance, but I can't figure it out. Absolutely confused.

  31. How do you get the pieces of paper (I only have eleven) to stay on the music holder on the piano?

  32. Don't know what to do with the bow either :(

  33. I've use the scraper on the plant/tree and the pot but no key or bird seed. What am I doing wrong?

  34. Sorry wrong potted plant.

  35. The pot in the window. not the big one standing on the floor.

  36. Wrong pot granny. Use scraper on the pot on the window sill

  37. telecastro, zoom out of the piano and drag the papers to the piano standard. I have only 9 papers, but I can not switch them into the right order... maybe that is only possible when you´ve got all 12??

  38. I only get a three digit code on picture by piano. What am i doing wrong? Going Crazy!! Also, can't cut other picture! Have illuminated it etc... Please help me someone!

  39. Ok, I´m off for now. It is dinner time. But I will be back!! I can not stand the idea of not being able to figure out this game! GRRR.... frustrating!

  40. Oh.. and I´ve already googled the web for a walkthrough on some other site, but there isn´t one! So my deepest respect to the person who can figure out this ridiculous riddle!!

  41. If you have only 3 digits, put a 0 before them and use that as the code. Worked for me the first time. And thanks, Leanhe.

  42. Just got the wardrobe open. I don't know how, but the code word is right on the dial.

  43. dalton, how do you mean it?

  44. I would translate the Latin as "The wise discern what confuses the donkey." But my Latin is a little rusty. And I have no idea what to do.

  45. *lol* how many of you guys are staring at this site and wait that someone writes the Code?

    I'm Nr. 1 *hand up*

  46. Been looking around and everyone's stuck at the same point, and it seems we all have different letters on the dials and differing amounts of musicians! Gonna take a break for a while....

  47. I'm with my two hands up, too...
    My brain is tired... There's almost three hours that I'm thinking about this game...
    Sorry my English, I'm in Brazil...

  48. But I think that doesn't matter if some informations about our game is different... We need to use the same logic to solve the puzzle...

  49. selam arkadaşlar nolur aranızda türkçe bilen biri olsun takıldık Mussorgsky bestecisinin notaları nedir şifre nedir yazarmısınız teşekkürler...

  50. N° 2 xD
    It's sooo annoying. Can't figure out this ***damn code

  51. Putting the flowers in the vase and covering the birdcage are unnecessary. I've got to the same stage without doing either. Are they really pointless or is there a purpose they serve that we haven't found yet?

  52. There is another piece of paper in the closet, in Latin, with 2 circles, that says "From the outside to the inside." Does that help anyone?

  53. Nanaseed, the paper doesn't help... In fact, there was a lot of people playing the game since, but they're give up. I'm looking for the puzzle a one hour, and have no ideia how to solve. And there's no walkthrough on the internet too... I'm completly stuck (sorry my English, I'm brazilian):)

  54. Mandinha, your English is very good. I don't know what to do next, either. I was trying to figure out something about the H being substituted for the B in the scale, but if it means something, I don't know what.

  55. There is a link to a board with what looks like a walkthrough on the DooDoo site but it's in Russian :(

  56. Mandinha, have you found all 12 papers yet? I only have 10.

  57. If you enter Concertalino as the password, 4 notes of music blare at you, but I can't find that anything else happened and I can't shut the music off!

  58. Nanaseed, I have 11 papers... I'm still looking for the last one.
    And, Telecastro3, I sow the russian forum. I translate the last page, and looks like the they are stucked just like we...

  59. The Poem The Race is by Adam Lindsey Gordon. Aren't there letters on the painting above the code for the piano?

  60. Nanaseed, I don't understand. What did you do? And what changes??

  61. I've been sitting here about three houres and no idea...

  62. I put the word concertalino (the name of the game)in as the password under the lettered wheels and this choir is blaring the notes efaf over and over, and I don't find that it changes anything.

  63. Never mind, for crying out loud. I had the DooDoo site open in another window, and THAT seems to have been the source of the music. Odd that it matched so well, though. Sorry for the trouble.

  64. OK have been playing this game forever and have all but one piece of the twelve squares of paper. have them on the piano but can't move any yet. Have all done but the closet puzzle. Anyone have a list of where the squares of paper are located?

  65. what happend to dalton he said he got the closet open and then left hasnt posted since. damn him

  66. Can someone please help? I've been following along and I'm stuck at the piano code. I spilled the ink on the painting but I can't see the code.

  67. ghcarter: you need to turn the mirror in the bird cage to the far right and then turn out the light and then go look at the painting. it will show up then.

  68. Not to the far right. Three clicks to the right (the second-last position), then turn the lights out. Make sure the curtains are open, though.

  69. cant find bird food

  70. where is the bird food and how do you get in the closet pls ???????

  71. ok i think i know how to get in the closet safe! the number of white and gray instruments in the middle is the number of times you turn each circle, respectively. start with the clefs in the red boxes, then turn each circle. write down the letters you see, from outside to inside (like the paper says). you should get the name of a musical instrument (mine was "flauto"). type it in the box, then press the arrow and it should open.

  72. Sheet music is:
    On Desk
    On Windowsill
    In pillow
    Right desk door
    In Clock
    Under Carpet
    In piano
    In the safe
    In the bird cage
    In the far right shoe in the closet

    That is 10. Where are the others?

  73. where the @#$% is bird food? im getting frustrated

  74. Write down the letter you see???

    O don't know what you mean. Could you please explain it more exactlier?

  75. and the 12th piece of paper is in the drum in the closet

  76. say there are 5 white and 4 gray instruments. make sure you start with both clefs in the red boxes. you would turn the white circle 5 times and the gray circle 4 times, then look at what letters now show up in the red boxes. (i think i turned both clockwise, but i'm not sure, so you might have to try both ways.)

  77. The bird food is in the right desk drawer. Where is the 11th page of sheet music?

  78. whers bird food? whers bird food? whers bird food?!?

  79. Sorry I had trouble viewing the latest comments. I opened the wardrobe and found note 12 in the drum, also found the violin and the rosin. If you play the right violin when the parrot is covered, you'll get one of the door keys. Still looking for the other one. I think it has to do with the piano and the 12 notes, but no luck so far.

  80. I thin the bird food was in the right drawer of the desk

  81. wher key for right desk drawer?!?

  82. I played the violin with the parrot covered but no key! Any tips?

  83. can anybody tell me how to get key for right cabinet of desk for bird food?!?

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. one you get the 12 notes and arrange them, play them on the piano, then open the piano top for the other door key

  86. got the first key for the door, but I can't find the last sheet of music. Can anyone tell me where it is?

  87. how do u get the right cabinet fo rthe desk open? can't find key anywhere! <:(

  88. I think I used the scraper on the plant to get the key for the right drawer.

  89. what scraper?

  90. Does it matter which violin you play?

  91. Got the 12 papers... stuck with the piano, i'm playing the notes but nothing happens! (one paper in the kick drum in the closet, break with screwdriver)

  92. Maybe the parrot is giving a clue. Anyone translate?

  93. what "scraper" do u use to get key from plant for right cabinet of desk?

  94. Sorry--I still don't understand the wheels. I have 5 white and 2 grey, and I can't make words out of anything, whether I take just the two that end up in the red spots or use all the letters that pass through the red spots, no matter which way I go. What am I missing?

  95. where do you get the scraper???

  96. You have to turn the wheels in different directions. The outer one should be clicked on the right-hand side and the inner on the left-hand side.

  97. you will have to turn them more than once. turn 5 and 2, write down the letters, then turn 5 and 2 again, write down the next letters, etc. until you get a word

  98. Can someone PLEASE help me find all the sheet music. I already got the one in the drum, I'm only missing one. I posted where I found all the others. I'm just missing the one!

  99. got the notes... it was a nice game !

  100. I AM QUITTING!!! i have no idea how to get scraper or what it is and no 1 will help me

  101. Can someone please let me know how to see inside the closet safe?

  102. How do you get the final note? I completed the puzzle in the wardrobe and it moved to the side and disappeared, but when I click in the wardrobe again, I just get a dark screen. Are there supposed to be instruments? I'm not seeing violins or a drum.

  103. help i have no hair left where is the scraper?

  104. Grim, go through the first page of comments. Everything is there.

  105. The scraper is in the safe behind the dusty painting.

  106. grim, the scraper is inside the safe, which is behind one of the paintings. Instructions on how to open it are already posted.

  107. m - there's a light switch at the top left

  108. Belinda, got this from another site,maybe it will help you..I dont know, Im still stuck with trying to open the safe from reading piano letters...

    Cover parrot with cloth and play violin, you´ll hear a crush and find a broken flower pot with a key. ords..

  109. i cant get in safe. guy in painting is Wolgang Amadeus Mozart but what is second pass for safe

  110. Grim, you are probably stuck where I am...You have to open the safe first (with the piano hints)..I cannot help you,,,,I cant figure this part out either..

  111. I also have Mozart, but I dont know a thing about pianos....

  112. I played the violin with the bird covered in all the places I could. No crash. No broken flower pot. What am I missing. Also, the flowers you cut and put in a vase by the piano don;t seem to have done anything yet. Hmm...

  113. Hoaa I'm finally out... This game took me ages and drove me crazy so many times. Though it was a nice one.

  114. telecastro3, have you tried other violins?

  115. how get code for safe behind picture

  116. Telecastro3, on the other site, they said play all the violins at one time..if that makes since to you..Hope it helps..

  117. Yep, I think this is one of the hardest games Ive ever played...

    Grim, we have to figure out how to read our piano letters by listening to the green record..

  118. I guess my ears are not tuned in for pianos...Who

  119. mine plays six notes and its a five digit code

  120. Mine too..I cant figure out my notes though..

  121. I can't get the flower thing to break by playing the violin. The parrot's cage is covered, and I've tried playing all the violins. Nothing. Do you have to play a specific violin in a specific place to get it to work?

  122. well on 1st page it shows the keys and right down letters on the other pages the put the paper u wrote on under that and figure out what notes u played on the piano

  123. Got it and out! :)))) Walkthrough on its way.

  124. vbranam & grim, did you try playing the record while looking at the piano? i did that and tried hitting keys right after the sounds to figure it out. granted, i had to play it over and over and over... maybe that will help you figure out the sequence. then look in your book to see what notes go where. after that, it will give you your 5 digit intervals for the safe second code.
    i'm stuck trying to play the violins. it's awful sounding. any hints?

  125. good job telecastro3; thxs lot to when walkthrough comes

  126. Also, I'm having trouble getting the key from the piano. My notes from the cards are:


    There are more than one of each note (higher/lower octaves), but I'm having trouble reading the sheet music. I'm not sure which E I should start with.

  127. arc i alredy got the notes down its just that i have six of them FAFEDC and the code is 5-digit so im stuck

  128. I can't figure out how to play any violin. Do I need a bow? If so, where is it? I have one violin in inventory, and opened the rosin bag.

  129. The other site said you have to put rosin on your get that from the trumpet end...(in a little sack)...Maybe some of the people who finished can help out some....Im still stuck....Where are you at Addicted?

  130. M--me too! I'm very frustrated.

  131. Nanaseed, yes, the bow is on top of curtain rod..use stick to get it..

  132. grim, have you printed your notes on the music sheet yet?

  133. Thank you Arc,,Ive tried that over and over, but I just cant get it..I have I think so far cf--cf...Im gonna keep trying...

  134. @arc they always restart when i put them ALL on

  135. i am still missing 1 piece of paper. any hints? i have all the ones belinda listed

  136. I cant believe this game!!!!
    so much work and still noone opened the latin safe?????

  137. vbranam1--Thank you! I thought there was something there but couldn't get it, so I decided it was bad eyesight!

  138. Arc, did you use the scissors on the big drum??

    Still looking for more clues..

  139. grim, it did that for me too. i think you have to do things in a certain order for it to work. maybe try flipping through the book and doing it again?

  140. i do have the drum one

  141. Someone said the last one was in birdcage...but that depends on what order they found them in, you may already have that one to...

  142. M--I had the same notes as you. It is all within one octave and generally starts out with the E in the middle, goes down a couple of notes and then goes up. Hard to describe, but hope that helps if you haven't gotten it already.

  143. i found it! it was the one in the shoes! thanks for your help though

  144. I'm out! Thanks to everyone for helping!

  145. I think my notes are cfefac...Does anyone know what the numbers are for this?? I played so long ,I think Im going deaf (hehe)

  146. i just now realized the symbols in the corner of the music note pad thingy; record, piano, then wheel on safe

  147. Grim, did you get yours figured out yet?

  148. vbranam, which c's? high or low?

  149. finaly i found out that my first note was actaully E and now i got question marks above them

  150. is anyone still working on this? i haven't managed to get the bow yet. i'm guessing we do something with the empty bird feed cup? i tried putting the latin paper on the piano closeup but it won't stay there (disappears when i let go of the mouse)

    also, what's going on with those purple flowers in the vase? i find that i'm able to retrieve them...

  151. I believe both my c's are the same with the line going through the circle at the botoom...Dont know high or low..

  152. yes vbranam i have and now i see how its 5-digits i just dont no how to get the numbers

  153. grim, try 43222.
    vbranam, try 52233 or 42236

  154. Finally played the violin. I had to put lots and lots of rosin on my bow and the one that played corretly was the violin on the bottom shelf.

    I got the key from the piano, as well. I had to actually draw a diagram of all the piano keys and write which keys were which notes. After that, I looked at the puzzle with all the notes and determined which notes were higher or lower than the others and numbered the keys in the order I needed to play them. It was a pain, but it worked. My notes were:


    1st - High E (E farthest to right)
    2nd - Middle C
    3rd - Middle E
    4th - High C
    5th - Low F (leftmost F)
    6th - Low E
    7th - Middle D
    8th - Low G
    9th - Middle G
    10th - Low G
    11th - Low A
    12th - Middle H
    13th - Middle C
    14th - High C
    15th - Low C

  155. thx arc - it worked!

  156. yes, i am. i'm trying to help

  157. No, Arc still cant get safe open..I must be doing something completely wrong though...

  158. Thank you,Arc, hang in there and let me see..

  159. Godddd!!! I´ve got the notes secuence but my notes don't stay in the paper... maybe I need to do something before.... aghrrrrr

  160. now stuck on dial. i no its latin but ive tried all of the stuff from the comments and doesnt work!?!

  161. vbranam, did you get your notes on the music sheet yet? did you get the question marks?

  162. No, Arc I have not..When I place them, they all go back down to restart..

  163. ok i'm now having troubles with the wall safe - it seems i've tried clicking counter clockwise for one and clockwise for the other and still no word!!!

    i have six whites and four greys....

  164. I'm back again. I'm stuck on the piano. I'm absolutly not musically. I have no idea which notes I have to play or to set on the note paper. HELP! :-(((

  165. My notes dont stay on the paper either Spiderstone, thats why Im thinking I must not have them right..Arc is trying to help, but man Ive been stuck here for hours..

  166. so when you flip through the book, you can associate the keys that you're playing with the letters assigned to them and also the locations on the scale?

  167. Me neither babe,,dont know a darn thing about piano music..

  168. I am pretty sure Arc,not 100% but pretty sure they are cfefac, even moved these around a bit..but no luck..

  169. vbranam1, try placing the notes in this postion:

  170. so, your c's are the same key?

  171. anyone of u no how to do dial in wardrobe

  172. grim - check mari's posts at 11:33 and 12:04

  173. help! grim i'm stuck where you are...

    i guess we have to use the numbers from outside in?

    ah i'm a fucking idiot.

    i can't count. :)

    FIVE white and four grey...

  174. be back in 10,20 mins got eat lunch

    its 3:46 here

  175. vbranam - if m's diagram works for you, i have your code

  176. ok - click them circles clockwise.

    write down your white letter first, then the grey, then click circles again according to the number of basses or saxes you have, then write your white letter down, then grey again, and so on and so forth.

  177. o and arc i did that and typed in letters but didnt work i have 3 of each colors

  178. Thank you M, but its not working neither...Im going back to do what Arc said a while back...Gonna listen for a little while again, hopefully with complete silence around me..(hehe) Dang, that was great the way you had a picture of that image..

  179. the words i've gotten so far have been: violino, organo, flauto

  180. 1. Get adaptor from behind piano, put it in the socket and connect the plug.
    2. Take green record. Play once, remove and play again. You will hear static and a six-note tune the second time. This is for later.
    3. Bookcase - take book from second shelf down. Shake the last book on the right in the middle shelf until a note drops from one. This is will take a LOT of shaking (like the scissor sharpening later) so perservere.
    4. Click the vase in the middle of the shelf for the first desk key.
    5. Go right, get the screwdriver from under the sofa. Move the quill into the other inkpot and get the one you moved the quill from.
    6. Get the first paper from the desk, open the curtains and get the next.
    7. Use the key in the left drawer, open and get the scissors. Use the scissors on the cushion and get paper 3.
    8. Get the whetstone from the desk and use with the scissors by rubbing the scissors up and down on the stone each time before you use them. This takes a LONG time.
    9. Use scissors on plant and right-hand curtain in the middle to get flowers (still don't know what they're for) and cloth. Remeber to sharpen.
    10. Turn right, open the cupboard and get paper 4 from the shoes.
    11. Examine basket of flowers and get paper 5.
    12. Go right. Note dates on the painting. Check wiki or google to see which composer's dates these are. Different each game.
    13. Open the clock, use the screwdriver on the plate and get paper 6.
    14. Pour ink from pot on the missing corner of the painting back in the piano scene. Got to birdcage and click on the mirror three times. Make sure the curtains are open and go to the light switch. Turn the lights off and go back to the painting with the ink. You will see a code. If it has 3 digits, add a 0 to the front.
    15. Go to piano. Zoom in on keyboard and use the code to open the lid. Take paper 7 from the keyboard.
    16. Play green record and go to piano keyboard. Listen to the tune and copy it by pressing the piano keys. Remeber the notes.
    17. Look in the book. By clicking through the pages, you will learn which notes correspond to which keys (if you know music, this will be easy). When you have learnt to play the tune, worked out the notes and how to write them using musical notation (all the clues are in the book) open the paper that dropped from the book in the bookcase.
    18. Place the six notes in the correct positions. Remember the very low and very ihgh notes can be lower than the bottom E and higher than the top F.
    19. The question marks refer to the intervals between the notes. These can be ascertained from the last page of the book you took from the bookcase. You now have a five-digit number. Remeber this.
    20. Back to dusty painting. Sharpen the scissors A LOT and cut about a quarter of the way from the left-hand side to reveal paper 8. Sharpen scissors again and cut the same place to take a carpet segment. This takes a while so stick at it.
    21. Dip the carpet segment in the water in the birdcage and use this to wipe away the dust from the dusty painting. Hold the left mouse button down as you wipe, let go and repeat until the picture is clear.
    22. Use scissors to cut open the bottom-left hand corner of the painting, zoom in and enter the name of the composer you know from checking the dates in wiki-google. You have to enter the name and then use the left arrow at the bottom of the screen. When you do so you will hear a squeak. Go back and you will see a safe.
    23. Enter the five-digit code from the intervals and turn the wheel. Take paper 9, scraper and black bar.
    24. Right twice and use scraper in plant where you got the flowers to get the key to the right-hand draw of the desk. OPen this and get paper 10 and birdfood.
    25. Zoom in on birdcage, put food in bowl and get paper 11.
    26. Have a break and go for a cigarette. This is what I'm going to do now.
    27. Come back, open a beer and continue with the game.
    28. Take the bar from the bird's perch and zoom out.
    29. Use bar to get bow from the top of the curtain rod. Go to the cupboard.
    30. Use bar to prop open the clothes and get the hint. Note you don't need to know what this or the latin phrase coming up is but you can translate if you wish.
    31. Zoom in on the wheel. This bit is a little complicated.
    32. Left click and hold the centre wheel to count the grey and white instruments. Note the amounts and let go of the left mouse button.
    33. Turn the white wheel anticlockwise by the amount of white instruments you see in the middle. Write down the letter in the red segment of the white wheel.
    34. Turn the grey wheel clockwise by the amount of grey instruments you see in the middle. Write down the letter you see.
    35. Repeat the processes until you get to a space then enter the name of the musical instrument in the grey box. Press the left button and watch the cupboard open. Got in to the cupboard.
    36. Light switch is on the top -left hand side.
    37. Use the scissors on the drum to get paper 12. You now have them all. Get the bag from the bugle on the right and use the scissors on it to get the resin (misspelled as rosin). Use the resin on the bow and take a violin (any one).
    38. Go to the piano scene and do not zoom in. Put the black bar on the music holder and then all the 12 papers on the black bar. Zoom in and unscramble the papers to form a score. Zoom out and then back to the piano keyboard to play the notes on the piano. You will hear aclicking sound. Zoom out and click on the lid of the piano to get door key 1.
    39. Cover the birdcage and use the bow on the violin to play a tune (you may need to use the resin on the bow A LOT. Go back to the cupboard, change violins, back to the birdcage scene and play again. Repeat until you hear a plant pot breaking.
    40. Go right once, pick up the key from the broken pot.
    41. Go left twice, put the keys in the door and you are OUT!!!!!

  181. And out, finally.

    Tip: When counting intervals, include the notes.

  182. finnally got out!!!!
    thankyou everyone!!!

  183. vbranam, i've replayed the piano a dozen times and these are the music combos i've gotten. do any of these match what you're hearing?
    E(C)HEHA (C) is the high C
    if not, i'll keep trying

  184. Omg, I finally got the sheet right..It is CFEDAC,all along I had one letter wrong...So, now going to get my numbers hopefully..

  185. Yes, its in your codes Arc, ...CFEDAC

  186. ok, your number should be 42256
    [i really hope]

  187. Omg, thank you Arc!!! you are right and I finally got the safe open... Now I can move on...Oh, oh oh thank you...

  188. I'm back again. My code is 63532. But it doesn't fit on safe. And I put ENTER. Nothing. ???? What shall I do?? *HELP*

  189. whew! i am SO glad vbranam!

  190. This comment has been removed by the author.

  191. HELP! I get crazy. What shall I do in the closet. It's open now and I'm stuck again... :-(

  192. A break sound good about does a back in a few...

  193. The latin phrase "Discernit Sapiens res, quas confundit asellus" means something like "A smart man can understand a question which a donkey will get confused in".
    And the phrase on the piece of paper "Ab exterioribus ad interiora" means From external to internal. I think it applies to the solving the code in the closet.
    Did anyone figure out the code yet?


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