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Concertalino - Music Room

[REPLAY] DooDoo - Concertalino: Music Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Doo Doo. In this game, you should be the musician to solve all puzzles and escape the room. Search around to find items and use them to solve puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. Help! I have both silver keys in the locks but the door won't open!

  2. babe, there's a light switch on the upper left

  3. That was the first walkthrough I've ever written. Perhaps it wasn't so good. Hope it helped some, though.

  4. please someone help me. I ve both keys for the door but can`t open it. What to do next?ww

  5. telecastrp thx to u i finally got the dial open and now im out! thx lots to everyone who helped me

  6. Have you put them both in the locks and got them the right way round?

  7. make sure the keys are in the black spots and keep clickind the door it might open if not idk

  8. It's a pleasure, Grim. Glad you made it out. Hope you stopped for a beer in the middle. I think this might be the key to it all lol.

  9. the ending is REALLY weird. i didnt no u were a girl through out the whole game; o and at the ending look at first row of crowd, left, woman in green has weird face

  10. hey telecastro, this might be an ackward moment but im only 13 years old

  11. how do i get the stick from the bird cage...what does the cover do over the cage..and i dont know how to read music or any of that but will i still be able to finish the game?

  12. Root Beer. I meant Root Beer. ;)

  13. The keys are in the holes but not moving at all....

  14. That is very odd. When I put the keys in the holes the door opened automatically. No need to click anything.

  15. plz there a real walkthrough where it says all the steps?

  16. You mean like the one I wrote? Go back a page.

  17. Hah, i spent more than half a day on this game and now the door doesn`t open. It`s f***** frustrating. Gonna quit now. But thanks for all your help.

  18. is there anyone still playing?? i cant get the key from the plant pot, where do i have to use the scrapper exactly????

  19. This game was really crazy! I spent the whole day with it. At least I realized I forgot to grab the bow with the stick, so I had to reloaded the game and started a new one. Then it took me only 5 minutes to finished it. On one hand I felt disappointed the game was actually sooo short on the other hand it was absolutely great! I love those kind of puzzles! Please more of it! :)

  20. @imnerdalert
    use the shovel on the pot standing on the windowsill.

  21. Marita sorry love don't understand your language.

  22. I found this translation for the sentence in the closet. lol doesn't really help me though.

    intelligent can understand the issues that confuses donkey

  23. I am done!!! This was a very hard game for me...Thank you very, very very much Arc, and Grim, and M,and telecastro3...I could not have finished this one without your help..
    Man, this took me hours...Yall think I could play a piano now...

    NOT... See yall next game..Big Thanks again..

  24. Your walkthrough was great telecastro3 and so was Arc's good hints and help..

  25. walkthrough
    take grey electric outlet under piano and put it in the plug then plug the record-player
    Play the green disk once
    Click on vase to get key
    Click right book middle shelf and shake it till a music sheet note falls.
    Take book.

    -Turn right: desk view-
    Open curtains
    Take screwdriver under sofa
    Move feather from left to right ink-pot
    Take left ink-pot
    Take sharpener near phone
    Take note(1) on windows still
    Take note(2) between papers
    Open left cupboard with key
    Take scissors
    Cut peace of curtain (up right next to moon)
    Cut cushion and take note(3)
    Cut flower that you will put later on in pot above piano (don’t forget I won’t tell again!)

    -Go left, 1srt scene-
    Pour ink on right corner of picture
    Go left twice
    Turn off lights
    Go left twice
    Note number on picture (4 digits code for piano; if you have only 3 numbers add "0" in front)
    Go left twice
    Turn lights on
    Go left twice
    Click on piano and enter code
    Take note(4)

    Now this is the nasty part!
    Listen to the 7 notes played on green record (piano helps) and write the notes on the music sheet as shown on the book. If you do well, red question marks will show on top on the sheet.
    Now just count interspace between notes: it gives code for the safe behind painter’s picture (ex. AC=3 GB=6).

    Tune left - clock scene
    Open clock and use screwdriver to take note(5)
    Use scissors on carpet next to plant under the line and take note(6)
    Use scissors on sharpener (long time) then use them where carpet's already cut and get piece of carpet
    Go to parrot's cage and use piece of carpet in water
    Go back to clock scene and wipe the picture (takes time if not enough it sneezes!).
    Look at dates under portrait. Look on google for those dates: you get the name of a musician.
    Sharpen again scissors and cut left down corner of the painting: enter the name of the musician an click on picture. Tadaa, a safe!
    Enter code and click on wheel.
    Take spatula, black bar-piece and note(7).

    Turn left- wardrobe scene
    Click on flowers and take note(8)
    Open wardrobe and get note(9) in shoe

    Turn left- desk scene
    Use spatula on flower pot, get key
    Use key on right cupboard
    Take note(10)
    Take parrot's food
    Give food to bird
    Take note(11)
    Take wooden bar
    Use bar on top of curtains to get bow

    Turn right - wardrobe
    Put wooden bar between clothes
    Take white paper
    Click on thing in middle

    Now thanks to Netmonster on another game site:
    Count the cellos. Look where they are pointing (Left or Right)
    Let's say they're c=5 R.
    Count the saxes.
    Let's say they're s=2 L.

    Align the 2 wheels so that the treblekeys are inside the red frame.
    Then click the outer wheel c=5 times R in the same direction and the inner wheel s=2 times Left in the opposite direction. Write down the letter from the outer wheel, then the letter from the inner wheel.

    Repeat the process in the above paragraph until you get to a space.

    If the word you came up with doesn't make sense, start over and try the opposite directions then before.

    Enter word and get out: wardrobe opens.

    Put cloth on parrot before entering the dark place in wardrobe.

    Find the switch up left next to corner.
    Take little bag in trumpet (right) and open it with cisors
    Use cisors on drum and get note(12)
    Take violin (middle shelf, right)
    Use bow on violin- horrible!
    Use little bag on archer quite a lot and try again till sound is good. Then change violin till there is a nice music and hear something breaking.
    Go back to piano scene and get key in broken pot
    Put black bar on piano board.
    Put the 12 notes pieces on board and put them in right order
    Play these notes (remember book CDEF GAHC)
    Open top of piano and take 2nd key!
    Open door with keys...
    Out!!! Listen to music ;()

  26. Use the scrape from de safe in the vase of little plant. Take de key.
    Use it in the cabinet. Take de vase of corn and put it in the vase of bird. The bird take off and you cuold take de wood

  27. If I left someone out that helped me, Im sorry...Dont wont to go back through the hundreds of blogs, but I do want to say Thank You.. This was a good game, hard, but good...

    Oh yeah Grim, we would have never guessed you are 13...Yeah, you better stick with rootbeer(lol) as Telecastro3 said...Have fun all..

  28. I don't get it! My notes are EHFEDC, and I'm pretty confident about it. But the notes won't stick, so I don't get any questionmarks or any intervals or whatever. Why oh why doesn't the note keys stick? My musician was Tchaikovsky, I see the safe and all, Ive played the green record, and I've figured out the notes. Baah. Help?

  29. Hey dazed n confused..check out Arc,s comment at 14:09..He played over and over, your code is similar to one he found that works- EAFEDC.. Try that..

  30. Hello.....anyone there???? I am tone deaf and cannot get the notes...also where is the bird food?

  31. Sorry just refreshed and lotsssss more notes...thanks

  32. Im still here redroobar,if i close out this post I will have to re-register, so Im leaving it on the screen for a while..I had a time getting the piano notes together...If you look at what has been played and worked for other players, you might be able to get it that way.. Arc posted many workable piano notes at 14:09...This may help you

  33. Redroobar,the birdfood is in the right desk cabinet..You have to get the safe open, to get the scraper, to get the key..See Telecastro3 walkthrough #23 and #24 at 13:52...

  34. Where is the bird seed and how do you keep the clothes apart to open the safe? Pleaseplease

  35. Do i want to play this...i see it has piano in it..........eeek..hate games with notes in em..

    I'll try it..:D

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Actually, the whole game is not hard..But, for me the piano codes made it very hard..Because I dont know a thing about piano keys..

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. The latin phrase is, as best I can translate:
    "Cleverness can master the problem that the ass (donkey) creates." Not sure that helps in solving. The paper taped in the closet should be a better clue, I think.

  40. I can't switch out violins and this one won't break the vase. I rosened up the bow and got it to play notes instead of a screech, but that's it.

  41. Boy, this is one tough game. Nobody can even do a walkthrough on it. If they did, it would probably take pages and pages. ENOUGH, give us a good escape game.

  42. The meaning of the latin phrase is "A wise man can distinguish the value from the things; stupid mistakes there". Hope it helps someone solve it 'cos its got me stumped!!

  43. boater, there's a walkthrough about 16 posts back.

  44. This was a very difficult game. Can anyone do a walkthrough??

  45. Can anyone do a walkthrough??

  46. This was a really complicated game. Can anyone do a walkthrough?

  47. I just had to come back before I shut the computer down for the night.....I guess because I played this game all day..All of your answers you new players are looking for have been posted and solved already.... Read.. Walkthroughs have been posted twice..Help is offered from lots of players... It is a hard game but also very much fun (frustrating also)(I needed lots of help) but the answers are in front of you now...Good Luck and Nite all..

  48. Latin translation by Windows Live:

    "Clever can master the problems, which the donkey tangles"

    So basically I guess it is telling us we can figure it out. That's all I can gather from that. Doesn't seem like a hint as to what to do with it...

  49. Any tips on the Latin dial?

  50. Dianaaaaaaaaaaa Dubi du Where are youuuuuuuuuu???? We need some help from you now!!!! hahaha

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Had to go shopping, so now back...nordiho helped with the music notes...start page 11 and see stuff..I had worked out all the notes, except one was wrong mine was ECHEHA 62552 I think...

  53. Ok gonna play this now...i started record player..

    are u serious..we don't have to play that do we..

    I'm not beethoven...

    anyone still playing..?

  54. lori, the walkthru has a good description of the dial the centre and see which side the instrument is..cello are outside dial and sax inner dial..mine was 3 cello right and 6 sax left, so with the clefs at the bottom, click right side 3 times and left side 6 times, and note letters in red box (outer first) then click right side 3 times and left six times and note letters again, keep repeating until a black space appears in the red word was timpani, so typed that in and exited the scene and the wardrobe opened

  55. Hi Mercedes.....I am here!!

  56. I love..shaking the books..! lol

  57. I am at the last stage with my twelve pieces of paper and trying to put them on the piano, but only one went down....the others dont stick, so what do I need to do????

  58. Ok...sorted, dont do a close up...

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. omg that was the hardest and longest escape game ive played!!! ahhh

  61. AHA... i finally got picture open that mirror points to....yes...with ink pot..the right one..those ink pots..the feather didn't move just kidding..doodoo makes the best games don't they?


  62. sorry that was left inkpot..i can't tell the

  63. omg..i don't know how many times i dragged those scissors to the curtains..they looked like they could use

    is there something on rod..? up top..looks like it..

  64. shut off lights i seen a number..i guess noone is here so i don't need to

  65. omg ..its a good thing noone is here right now...

    ding ding ding ding ding ding..

    over and over over again..and if thats not enough..then play record..I swear im so stubborn..

    Im so tone deaf i think i have it..and im no where near

  66. Thanks redroobar. Got that. Now I have the two keys in the door and it won't open. What am I

    There are two walkthroughs posted for the person who keeps asking for one.

  67. im stuck at i supposed to do paper first with notes they come back down..obviously cause theyre wrong...ohh why did i start this game....ugh

  68. Mercedes....see my note and check nordinho..yes you must put the notes on the paper correctly and you get red brackets on the top..then you enter the number and twist the took me ages, so good luck

  69. Has anyone escaped yet?? I have 10 pcs of paper, put them on the piano already. I have the violin bow, what next?? Where did you get the latin code? How do I open the Friggin closet? XD

  70. oh, I just refreshed and there's a walkthrough already! lol. thanks telecastro and thalie! =)

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Why, would anyone do that Tosca?? There are 2 Walkthroughs right here posted by Telecastro3 and Thalie... Excellent ones too.

  73. Most of you guys here are idiots.There are TWO,I repeat TWO walkthroughs already posted and many comments posted that can help solving the game!!!!!!Read before you write.>:(

  74. i got out :D
    for the wardrobe safe: there was sth about the number of the guys in the middle cirlce - i think the number of the guys with sax was the number u were supposed to turn the inner cirlce clockwise, and the number of the guys with violin was the number to turn the outher circle anti-clockwise (but i'm not sure if i remember it right...)
    it should give you a spanish (i suppose) name of an instrument (for example: organo, violino, floute or something like that)


    -take key from gold vase on shelf, between trophys
    -Check all the books on the book shelf. One will add to your inventory, and one will drop a note when you shake it
    -Take silver plug adapter from under piano
    -Plug it into the wall, and then plug in the record player
    -Turn right
    -Move the feather from the left ink to the right, and take the ink on the right
    -Take the screw driver from under the couch
    -Use the key on the left cabinet and take the scissors
    -Take the note on the desk as well as the silver rod thing
    -Sharpen the scissors on the silver piece by moving it back and forth
    -close the curtains and cut the piece on the right with the scissors
    -Use the scissors on the cushion and take the note
    -Use the scissors on the flower on the windowsill
    -Turn right
    -Open the dresser and take the note out of the last pair of shoes
    -turn right
    -open the clock and use the screw driver on the thing in the bottom and take the note
    -go back left and shut off the light
    -turn right again and take note of the square lit up
    -turn the lights back on and then use the scissors on that square.
    -Take the note, resharpen your scissors well, and cut the carpet (you may have to sharpen your scissors a lot to do this but it will work eventually)
    -go to the bird cage, and wet the carpet in the water.
    -Go back to the picture full of dust and rub the wet carpet over it to clean it
    -identify the composer (search the years underneath in wikipedia or google.. it changes with every game)
    -pour the ink in the bottom right corner of the picture above the record player
    -go to the bird cage and move the mirror to the right angle, shut the light off, and check the picture you just poured the ink on (this can take trial and error to get the mirror the right way. also make sure the curtain is open)
    -This number is the code for the piano. It also changes each time.
    -Put the code in, and zoom back out. tHe piano will be open
    -take the note. This should be the 6th one.
    -play the green record under the record player
    -Use the book, as well as comparing notes on the piano, to figure out what notes are playing. (this can be hard, and is much easier if you can read music, but if not, the book tells you everything you need to know)
    -when you determine your notes, open the paper that fell out of the book, and place the notes in the correct order. When you do it right, question marks will appear on top.
    -zoom in on the flowers by the door and take the note (7th)
    -sharpen your scissors well again, and use them on the bottom left corner of the picture you dusted, to find a place to enter letters.
    -Enter the last name of the composer in the picture, and click on the picture. This takes you to the safe
    -Go back to the note with the question marks, and count the number of lines and spaces between each note (including the notes) to find the code for the safe
    -Take all the items
    -Use the scraper on the plant pot on the window and get the second key
    -Open the other cabinet with this and take the 9th note, and the bird food
    -Put the food in the birds cage, and take the perch he was standing on, as well as the note
    -Use the perch to reach the rod above the curtain rod
    -Place the perch in the closet to hold the clothes apart
    -Click on the safe. Now to solve. This can get quite frustrating
    -Make sure you begin with the two treble clefs inside the red piece
    -Count the number of cellos, and saxes inside the circle. For example, I had 3 and 3
    -Begin with your number of cellos. Say it is 4. Click the white wheel, on the right, 4 times, and record the number that appears
    -Do the same thing for the number of saxes (example say it is 2), except click on the left side 2 times
    -continue to right down the letters until you get the name of an instument. For example, I had "saxophone"
    -When you get the word, click the arrow to go back, and the closet should open
    -enter the closet and turn on the light. Find the bag inside the trumpet, and cut it with the scissors
    -Go back and put the curtain over the bird cage
    - Go back into the closet.
    -Get the rosin and use it on the bow A LOT of times so that you can play all the violins
    -Find the violin that plays a different tune than all the others (play it by dragging the bow onto the violin)
    -You should hear a crash
    -Go back into the room and find the red vase smashed on the floor. Take the key
    -Use the key in the first keyhole in the door
    -Now, I missed a couple notes along the way, so one is on the window sill, and the other is in the drum if you use the scissors on it. This should give you 12
    -Go to the piano, and put the black bar where the papers would stand
    -Put the notes on the bar and then zoom in and unscramble them
    -Play the notes on the piano and you will hear a click
    -zoom out and click the lid of the piano to find the last key and you're out!

  76. whats the code for the latin safe in the armoire?

  77. This game was the hardest ever, when there was no walkthrough yet.
    Very original, I hope DooDoo will make more of these more difficult games.
    I made it, yess!

  78. Hello everybody,
    Let's try and make this game a game with more than 500 comments!
    I'm number 483 or something, so that shouldn't be too hard?

    What escape 24 game would have had the most comments ever? I would say Concertalino!
    Or do you know any other one?



  80. can anyone tell me were the piece of paper is in the basket of flowers as I have been cliking for ages?

  81. The code for the piano is 4 digits correct? I keep getting 3 from the painting: 765. There's something written on top but I can't read it...

  82. miss red..put a 0 in front of it..or after..can't remember

  83. Itsune;

    Can you refrain from posting links..and stick to posting comments on the game..that's called spamming here.

    Thanks alot..:D

  84. Just wanted to add..

    to get the carpet first try to use curtain piece on the picture so you see a bit of his face....drag curtain piece..not just click it..and u will see a bit of his face...then ...i dragged the sharpener to the opposed to the other way around..

    i dragged it over and over again in one place..on the scissors for like 30secs...then cut carpet..

    this is the best way i found..:D

  85. another note..i wanted to add..

    if u are entering your composer into the field after cleaning the picture..enter the name..hit enter then hit outside the feild of writing where u put password..

    nothing shows u u got it other words..:)

  86. The instruments in the middle correspond with the number of times you need to click each wheel, grey instrument correspond with grey wheel, white with white wheel.

    Make sure trebleclefs are in red frame.

    Wheels must be clicked in opposite direction, repeat until you get to a space. Write down letter from outer wheel, then inner.
    Try again if the word you get doesn't make sense.
    Word must be an instrument.

    Can't remember it exactly, just try it.

  87. I don't know if anyone will be on here but I really need help with Concertalino.

    I can't do anything!! How do you clean the paper? Where do you sharpen the scissors?!?

  88. clean what paper...? do u mean poster..?

    as for scissors u need shapener..i beleive its on desk..

  89. Sorry, yeah, I meant poster. But I read the walkthrough and I get it now.

    I know the note will be there somewhere, but I've shaken every book for about a minute each, and nothing has fallen out of any of them.

  90. walkthrough:
    I'm sorry but my english is very bad.
    1. coger el adaptador de la pata del piano y enchufarla. enchufar el tocadiscos y escuchar todos los discos, al final escuchar el verde hasta que se oigan unas notas.
    2. Coger el 4º libro de la izquiera del segundo estante de arriba.
    3. Pasar las hojas del libro de la derecha hasta que se caiga una al suelo.
    4. Coger la llave del jarron del estante.
    5. Ir a la derecha.
    6. Coger el destornillador debajo del sofa.
    7. Abrir las cortinas y coger la partitura (1).
    8. Usar la llave en la puerta de la izquierda y coger las tijeras.
    9. Coger la partitura (2), la lima, cambiar la pluma de tintero y coger el tintero de la izquierda.
    10. Usar las tijeras en el cojin y coger la partitura (3).
    11. Usar las tijeras en la flor del florero de la ventana.
    12. Cerrar las cortinas y usar las tijeras en la cortina de la derecha. Dejar las cortinas abiertas.
    13. Ir a la derecha.
    14. Abrir el armario y coger la partirura del zapato (4). Comprobareis que hay una caja fuerte tras la ropa, pero que no se puede mantener abierta.
    15. Clic en la cesta de las flores y coger la partitura (5).
    16. Ir a la derecha.
    17. Abrir la puerta del reloj y usar el destornillador en el sobre, coger la partitura (6).
    18. Ir a la derecha.
    19. Usar la tinta en el cuadro sobre el tocadiscos varias veces, poner las flores en el jarron.
    20. Ir a la derecha.
    21. Mover el espejo que hay en la jaula 3 veces, ir a la derecha y apagar la luz, ir a la derecha y vereis que hay un cuadrado mas claro en la alfombra, otra vez a la derecha y anotar el numero que aparece en la esquina inferior derecha del cuadro, volver y encender la luz.
    22. Ir a la derecha.
    23. Usar las tijeras en la alfombra (afilar varias veces si es necesario) y coger la partitura (7). Volver a afilar las tijeras y cortar un trozo de alfombra.
    24.Ir 2 veces a la izquierda.
    25. Mojar el trozo de alfombra con el agua de la jaula.
    26. Usar la alfombra mojada en el cuadro sucio y buscar el nombre del compositor con su fecha de nacimiento.
    27. Ir a la derecha e introducir el numero que aparecia en el cuadro en el piano. Coger la partitura (8).
    28. Escuchar el disco verde y averiguar las notas en el piano. Poner las notas en el papel que cogimos del libro de la estanteria y utilizar el libro para saber los intervalos.
    29. Ir a la izquierda.
    30. Introducir el numero de los intervalos en la caja fuerte, coger la espátula, el objeto negro y la partitura (9).
    31.Ir 2 veces a la izquierda.
    32. Usar la espátula en la maceta de la ventana y coger la llave.
    33. Usar la llave en la puerta de la derecha y coger el maíz y la partitura (10).
    34. Usar el maíz en la jaula y coger el palo y la partitura (11).
    35. Usar el palo en la parte derecha de la barra de las cortinas y coger el arco de violin.
    36. Ir a la derecha.
    37. Usar el palo en la ropa del armario y coger el papel. Dice de fuera hacia dentro.
    38. Mirar la caja fuerte. Contar los chelos y los saxos que hay.
    c = 5 (cada juego es diferente).
    s = 4.
    Observareis que las ruedas giran en el sentido de las agujas del reloj y en el inverso.
    Comezamos con la clave de sol en el recuadro rojo.
    Giramos la rueda exterior tantas veces como chelos haya hacia un sentido y la rueda interior tantas veces como saxos haya en el sentido contrario y anotamos en el cuadro inferior primero la letra exterior y luego la interior, repetimos hasta que aparezca un espacio, si lo que escribimos no tiene sentido empezamos de nuevo girando las ruedas al contrario.
    39. Entrar en el armario, encender la luz que esta en la parte superior izquierda.
    40. Coger el saco de la tompeta y abrirlo con las tijeras. usar las tijeras en el tambor y coger la partitura (12).
    41. Coger un violin y usar la cera en el arco hasta que suene bien.
    42. Salir del armario, ir a la izquierda y tapar la jaula con la cortina, ir a la derecha y volver al armario.
    43. Tocar el violin hasta que se escuche un golpe.
    44. Ir 2 veces a la derecha y coger la llave del jarron roto.
    45. Poner la pieza negra en el atril del piano y las 12 partituras, hacer el puzzle.
    46. Cambiar la letras por los nombre y tocar la melodia en el piano, se oira un chasquido.
    47. Abrir el piano y coger la llave.
    48. Ir 2 veces a la derecha y usar las 2 llaves en la puerta. Fin.

  91. it is purple book towards the right of shelf i think third or second shelf...hold mouse down and just shake for like 40 seconds


    I FOUND IT!!!

    ...Now what do I do with it... Hmm...

  93. Sorry for all my annoying questions!

    I think I put the notes in the wrong place on the paper that fell out of the book. How do I fix it? The notes won't go back to their original places...

  94. count # of cellos and saxes. ex. c=6 s=4; start with both treble clefs in the red. move the outer wheel c=6 in one direction. move inner wheel s=4 in opposite direction. write down the letters starting with the outer then the inner. continue moving each until you get a space. if the word doesn't make sense try going in the other direction.

  95. This game was toooo complicated to even be fun.

  96. Did anyone see the piece of paper and othe rthing in the closet behind the clothes?

    Also, did anyone cut both the curtain and the carpet?

  97. Get the plug adapter from behind the pedals of the piano. Plug the adapter in, then plug the record player into it. Take the green record. (You can listen to the rest, but they won’t help you. Note that your inventory can only contain one record at a time, so to take another record, you have to put back the current one.)

    There’s one book on the bookshelf which you can put in your inventory. Shake the rest until a note falls out of one of them. (I believe it’s one of the books on the third shelf. The book you can take is on the second shelf.) Get the key from behind the small vase (shelf above the piano).

    Go right. Get the screwdriver from under the sofa (you should be able to just see it next to the back leg). Get the first of 12 cards and the whetstone from the stuff on top of the desk. Move the feather from the left inkwell to the right and then get the left inkpot. Open the curtains and get the second card.

    Use your key to open the left side of the desk, get the scissors. Use the scissors to cut the flower off the plant in the window. Close the curtains, cut off a piece from the right side, then open them again. (You might have to sharpen the scissors - grab the scissors and move them back-and-forth across the whetstone. You should hear a scrapey noise.) Use the scissors on the couch cushion to get the third card.

    Go right. Open the wardrobe and get the card (#4) from the shoes. Zoom in on the flower arrangement and get the card (#5) from the middle. Zoom back out.

    Turn off the lights and go right; note the light spot on the floor. Cut that spot with the scissors and get card #6. (You may have to sharpen the scissors quite a bit before this’ll work.) Sharpen some more and cut the piece of carpet off entirely. (Turn on the lights to make it easier to see what you’re doing.) After turning the lights back on, zoom in on the clock and use the screwdriver to get card #7 from the bottom.

    Go left twice and zoom in on the birdcage. Wet the piece of carpet in the bird’s water. Click the mirror until it is turned almost all the way right. Go right and turn off the lights, then go right two more times until you see the illuminated spot on the painting. Use the ink on that spot until you see a number. This is the code for opening the piano. Turn the lights back on, then turn to the piano and zoom in on the lock. Put in the code and zoom back out - the piano should be open. Get card #8 from the right of the keys.

    Now to figure out the safe code: put the green record on to play. Zoom in on the piano keys and figure out what the melody is playing. (Click the piano keys until you find the ones that emit the right sound. Sorry, a sound card is absolutely required for this.) Now this part gets a little tricky if you don’t read music, but everything you need is in the book in your inventory. Open the book. The first page you see is a picture of a keyboard. Note where on your keyboard your melody goes. Turn the page to see what each of the white keys is called. Now turn the page again to see how to write those notes in musical notation. Got it? Now put the book away and look at the piece of paper in your inventory (the one that fell out of a book earlier). Drag the notes to the appropriate places to reproduce your melody. If you do it right, five red question marks will appear at the top. (By this time you’re probably sick and tired of listening to the melody, so go back out and take the record off the record player.) Now look at the book again and turn to the last page. This gives the intervals. The thing to notice is that two notes on the same line is numbered interval 1, not 0. Use this to figure out the intervals in your melody. Basically, count each line and space, but count the line/space you start on as 1, not 0.

    Ok, whew. Turn left to the smudged picture. Use the piece of carpet to scrub it clean (move the carpet back and forth, don’t just click on the picture once - that’ll just cause you to sneeze). Now use the picture and the dates below it to figure out the last name of the composer in the picture. Use the scissor on the bottom left of the picture (where the pointer changes shape) to reveal an input box. Zoom in on it and type in the last name you figured out, then click the middle of the picture. It should slide to the left, revealing the safe. (If it doesn’t, check your spelling - especially if your composer is Tchaikovsky.) Click the input box on the safe and type in the numeric code you figured out, then click the wheel to open the safe. Get card #9, the putty knife, and the black bar thingy (it’s the missing piece of the music stand on the piano).

    Now is as good a time as any to turn to the piano and put the the flowers (remember them?) in the vase above the piano, and the black bar you just found into its slot on the music stand.

    Turn right to the bird & desk. Use the putty knife on the plant in the window to get the second desk key. Use the key to open the right side of the desk. Get card #10 and the bird seed. Zoom in on the bird and put the birdseed in the empty dish on the left. Get card #11 and the stick from the bird’s perch. Zoom out and use the stick to get the violin bow from above the curtain rod. Cover the birdcage with the piece of curtain.

    Turn right. Use the stick to spread the clothes in the wardrobe. Get the note peeking out at the top left. (It says “Ab exterioribus ad interiora”, which is Latin for “from the outside to the inside”.) Zoom in on the second safe. The latin phrase at the top can be loosely translated as “be smarter than a donkey.” :) Look at the figures in the middle: some of them are playing light-gray double basses, while the rest are playing dark-gray saxophones. The outer wheel of the safe is light gray, the inner wheel is dark gray. The number of players of each color gives the number of times to turn the corresponding wheel. You’ll need to figure out what direction to turn the wheels through trial-and-error; the key is to turn them in opposite directions. Per the note you found, you need to read the letters starting with the outside. So, click each wheel the required number of times, and note the two letters (bottom, then top). Repeat until you get to a space. The word you get is the password for the second safe. If it’s utter nonsense, reset the wheels (click them until the treble clef symbol is showing on the bottom), and try turning them in the other direction. You should get the name of an instrument, though it might not be in English. Type it in the space at the bottom, then go back out. The secret door at the back of the closet will open.

    Enter the secret room. Find the spot on the top left where the cursor changes shape and click to turn the lights on. Eeek! A Mouse! Use the scissors on the drum at the left to get the last card (#12). Get the rosin bag from the trumpet at the right (middle shelf, back right corner). Use the scissors to cut open the rosin bag. Drag the cut-open rosin over the violin bow in your inventory - you should hear this annoying noise. Now play each of the violins in the secret room until you hear a crash from outside. (The violins are like the records, you can only have one in your inventory at a time.) To play a violin, click it so it goes in your inventory, then drag the bow over to it. Keep the violin that caused the crash and exit the secret room.

    Go right twice to the piano; notice that the crash was the vase that used to be on top of the bookshelf. Get door key #1 from the shards. Now put all of your cards onto the music stand on the piano. (You have to drag them one by one from your inventory to the music stand.) Click on the music stand and drag the cards around to solve the puzzle. Write down the letters, then play them on the piano (use the book in your inventory to help if you don’t know music). At some point towards the end, you should hear a click; that’s the top of the piano unlocking. Go back out, click the piano to open the top, and get door key #2.

    Use the keys on the two keyholes on the door, listen to the music, and congrats.

  98. I think this game is awesome, but I just can't get the piece of the carpet. I cut curtains and cushion and all, and got the card from under the carpet, but I just can't get a piece. I restarted the game but I just can't get it to work. Tips, anyone?

  99. Oh and I tried sharpening a thousand times too...

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. In case anyone is curious...In music theory, when you are labeling intervals between notes, you start by counting the first note. If you look at the book you picked up, the first interval they show is a "Perfect 1-ND" (actually called a 1st)...if you notice, the two notes shown are the same note(middle C). So when you have one note on a line and a note in the space above it, you would count the line the first note is on, and the space the second note is on, making that interval a 2nd. You DO count the spaces and lines in between the two notes, but you also count the lines and/or spaces the two notes occupy.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. ARG! Okay. My notes were bdcgba. no matter how I count the intervals none of my codes work. Am I supposed to click somethign specific when I enter it? I don't get it!

  104. The note which were found in the closet means read from outside to inside. The password for the closet is saxophone. But then I am stuck, I need something to get past the mouse and turn the light on. Anyone idees?

  105. thanx everyone for the walkthrough!!! anyway, something bothered me after finishing the game. the girl had to escape the room to end up on the stage. where in the world did she get all that strenght to still play the violin after all that work trying to escape the room??? bah, it doesn't matter!!! haha I'm out!! kisses to all!

  106. wow, that took forever but I finally got out. That was the longest escape game I've ever played!

  107. That took forever, but I finally got out. This was the longest escape game that I have ever played!

  108. Does anybody have a walkthrough???
    been trying for ages with no success

  109. Please help,
    My composer is Modeste Petrovich Moussorgski, but after taping in the picture M.P.Moussorgski - nothing is happaning. Clicking somewhere else and after that going back on the picture the place for the letters is without letters again.

  110. Never mind - I get it. I had to write only the last name and the correct one is not Moussorgski, but Mussorgsky.

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. This comment has been removed by the author.

  113. WT for the safe in the closet:

    Count the musicians and note the color of their instruments

    Note that when you click on a letter, the wheel spins clockwise or counterclockwise depending on which side of the letter you clicked.

    Align the two wheels so that the trebleclefs are inside the red frame.

    Then click the outer wheel (as many times as the musicians)in the same direction and the inner wheel (as many times as the musicians) in the opposite direction. Write down the letter from the outer wheel, then the letter from the inner wheel.

    Repeat the process in the above paragraph until you get to a space.

    If the word you came up with doesn't make sense, start over and try the opposite directions than before.

  114. my musician is Modest Mussorgsky..
    got the codes on the painting... but why is it onli 3 digits??

  115. not knowing what to do. where get scissors or keys to cubbords.

  116. is not walkthrough allowed? i only get open of piano. no scissors or key or carpets and sticks i not find any. help?

  117. take grey electric outlet under piano and put it in the plug then plug the record-player
    Play the green disk once
    Click on vase to get key
    Click right book middle shelf and shake it till a music sheet note falls.
    Take book.

    -Turn right: desk view-
    Open curtains
    Take screwdriver under sofa
    Move feather from left to right ink-pot
    Take left ink-pot
    Take sharpener near phone
    Take note(1) on windows still
    Take note(2) between papers
    Open left cupboard with key
    Take scissors
    Cut peace of curtain (up right next to moon)
    Cut cushion and take note(3)
    Cut flower that you will put later on in pot above piano (don’t forget I won’t tell again!)

    -Go left, 1srt scene-
    Pour ink on right corner of picture
    Go left twice
    Turn off lights
    Go left twice
    Note number on picture (4 digits code for piano; if you have only 3 numbers add "0" in front)
    Go left twice
    Turn lights on
    Go left twice
    Click on piano and enter code
    Take note(4)

    Now this is the nasty part!
    Listen to the 7 notes played on green record (piano helps) and write the notes on the music sheet as shown on the book. If you do well, red question marks will show on top on the sheet.
    Now just count interspace between notes: it gives code for the safe behind painter’s picture (ex. AC=3 GB=6).

    Tune left - clock scene
    Open clock and use screwdriver to take note(5)
    Use scissors on carpet next to plant under the line and take note(6)
    Use scissors on sharpener (long time) then use them where carpet's already cut and get piece of carpet
    Go to parrot's cage and use piece of carpet in water
    Go back to clock scene and wipe the picture (takes time if not enough it sneezes!).
    Look at dates under portrait. Look on google for those dates: you get the name of a musician.
    Sharpen again scissors and cut left down corner of the painting: enter the name of the musician an click on picture. Tadaa, a safe!
    Enter code and click on wheel.
    Take spatula, black bar-piece and note(7).

    Turn left- wardrobe scene
    Click on flowers and take note(8)
    Open wardrobe and get note(9) in shoe

    Turn left- desk scene
    Use spatula on flower pot, get key
    Use key on right cupboard
    Take note(10)
    Take parrot's food
    Give food to bird
    Take note(11)
    Take wooden bar
    Use bar on top of curtains to get bow

    Turn right - wardrobe
    Put wooden bar between clothes
    Take white paper
    Click on thing in middle

    Now thanks to Netmonster on another game site:
    Count the cellos. Look where they are pointing (Left or Right)
    Let's say they're c=5 R.
    Count the saxes.
    Let's say they're s=2 L.

    Align the 2 wheels so that the treblekeys are inside the red frame.
    Then click the outer wheel c=5 times R in the same direction and the inner wheel s=2 times Left in the opposite direction. Write down the letter from the outer wheel, then the letter from the inner wheel.

    Repeat the process in the above paragraph until you get to a space.

    If the word you came up with doesn't make sense, start over and try the opposite directions then before.

    Enter word and get out: wardrobe opens.

    Put cloth on parrot before entering the dark place in wardrobe.

    Find the switch up left next to corner.
    Take little bag in trumpet (right) and open it with cisors
    Use cisors on drum and get note(12)
    Take violin (middle shelf, right)
    Use bow on violin- horrible!
    Use little bag on archer quite a lot and try again till sound is good. Then change violin till there is a nice music and hear something breaking.
    Go back to piano scene and get key in broken pot
    Put black bar on piano board.
    Put the 12 notes pieces on board and put them in right order
    Play these notes (remember book CDEF GAHC)
    Open top of piano and take 2nd key!
    Open door with keys...
    Out!!! Listen to music ;()

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