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The Escape Game of Bird's-Eye View

Bird's Eye View Escape WalkthroughAy's Mall 2: The Escape Game of Bird's - Eye View aka Birdsview is another Japanese point and click type room escape game created by Ayano Yamamoto, who is also creator of Ay's Mall game. In this game you are locked in a room and you have to escape the room by finding and using items with clues. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Shuchun]

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  1. i ma still waiting for it to load..................

  2. it is so slow..........................

  3. Does anyone know how to reach that key? my first thought was the ladder... which of course didn't work. Also, once I found the crowbar I thought the trapdoor would open. ??? where is everyone else?

  4. Got 3 cards with symbols, a shoe horn and a thing that looks like a coin....

  5. for the ladder: check under the bed. Move the chair if you have to.

  6. Morning all, doesn´t load for me.
    I´ll keep the page open and check later. Good luck !

  7. thanks Patrick! Got it. Just realised that the shoe horn is a crowbar! Still stuck tho...
    Morning full!

  8. actually, I think the shoe horn IS a shoe horn... haha I think perhaps i was wrong and you were right, but maybe it will eventually be used like a crowbar?

  9. I'm going to bed. Will come back to this later. good luck!

  10. i don't get this game...........

  11. mornin' all

    where did you find the shoe horn/crow bar thingymabob?

  12. I´m stuck too, it doesn´t load ;.(

  13. Well I have four cards, a coin, a glass, a key mold, a ladder and the shoe horn. I've apparently melted the front door with what ever was in the glass and found some message on the wall. Totally stuck.

  14. full...mine sat there for ages without loading and then i right clicked and hit play and all was well lol

  15. I've been trying to decipher the symbols on the paper using the code on the walls... difficult....

  16. Hey just starting.. Anyone still playing?

  17. I've melted the door too but don't understand the pattern. Have opened a few books and looked at the book mark. Have a code on a piece of paper, the key mould, 4 cards,crow bar, cup, ladder and coin. Have worked out the paper from the wall hanging and have the number 8 from the picture near the door but code doesn't work on door panel or laptop. Help!!!

  18. when you press the symbols into the thing on the wall that makes noise when you press the symbols, the tiles turn upside down and give you a number.....

  19. anyone managed to grab the card above the bed ?

  20. For the card above the bed, shift the chair then click on desk at the end nearest the bottom wall - wou'll see two footprints appear and you are basically stood on the desk. Then click on the card.

  21. where's the cup? I have a jug - nothing in it...

  22. I got a 5 digit code which I put into the computer and which I think unlocks the pad for the remote control for the door....

  23. wow this is really hard...

  24. Does anyone else think we are not meant to reach the key, but make a new one from the mould? The red book shows some sort of recipe. I've tried getting the bottles out of the medicine box, but no joy.

  25. If you make the bed and close the blind, a note appears in the box near the TV

  26. then you can bounce the coin on the bed and it makes a noise... don't know what it did though

  27. Is there not anything in the bathroom?

  28. How do you bounce the coin? It just messes the bed up when I try..

  29. how do you melt the door?

  30. I just clicked the bed with the coin... maybe you have to select the coin while the note is open?

  31. It's a slight pixel hunt, I found it though, thanks! (Tabbing comes in handy!)

  32. @ lil_osc - I'm pretty sure you have to zoom in on the door view, click the measuring cup & then click on the door.

  33. Anyone know what to do with the date thing in the window after bouncing the coin?

  34. You have to put the cards in the slots on the window sill but I dont have all the cards so I dont know what it's for. Anyone found all the cards yet?

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I have only 4 cards, apparently missing one. I think the thing is a planetarium system (looks like the file in the laptop)

  37. can't get the note to appear in the box!

  38. i think the date is mayb the date on the computer

  39. I only have 3 cards.. I've looked everywhere! (obviously I'm missing somewhere though lol)

  40. The blue book has a book mark that tells you to look at the bottom right corner.. The pages in the red book skip from pages 28 to 45. Maybe a hint for something?

  41. I think the 8 3 23 5 on the computer desktop means put in the date March 23rd next to the 5 cards.
    March 23 seems to be the only date you can put in that doesnt get reset if you look away

  42. Anyone else seen the symbol on the blind? Put 23rd March in the date thing, close the blind that is now black and switch the light off...

  43. ok... I'm ready to ask for help on the computer password. I'm sure its got to do with the numbers behind the characters above the desk, and maybe the note from the wardrobe and the code on the wall but I cant figure it out

  44. Yes it's March 23, then close curtain, shut the light

  45. and then when u close the blind thingy it has changed colour. try turning off the lights

  46. Can anyone see the code on the melted door? I can just see blue boxes, not sure if that's what I'm suppose to be seeing or if I've missed something..

  47. on the paper thingy i compared it to the wall with the alphabet and i think the blue code on the door is the order the paper thing goes in.

  48. It seems you are progessing all of you, i am still loading the game, haha

  49. Anyone has found 5 cards ?

  50. Is everyone gettin the symbol on page 14 of the blue book, appearing on the blind? The flowing lights seem to direct toward the tv - but not sure why...

  51. Full - have you tried right clicking on the game & clicking on play? Thats what I had to do & it works fine!

    Einkaldir - no, I've only got 3 cards & cant find anymore. I cant find anywhere else to look!

  52. the number of boxes on each line behind the door are 5,4,3,5
    and the number of characters on each line of the note are 3,4,5,5

    Maybe you change the order of the characters to fit the boxes somehow?

  53. redneck, I think my cards came from :
    - drawer in desk left of bed
    - above bed
    - drawer under TV
    - right cupboard in kitchen

    If anyone knows where the 5th is ...

  54. Can anyone get into the bathroom? I've managed to close the shower curtain but nothing else.

  55. oh it worked but for the code near the door not on the computer.

    I hope the computer code doesnt have anything to do with the metal type Ga whatever. Because that could mean Gallium but it sounds too much like a science question to me

  56. Thanks einkaldir! How did you get the one above the bed??

    Can anyone get into the bathroom? I've managed to close the shower curtain but nothing else.

  57. is anyone having trouble reaching the key? I've put the new stepladder besides the bookshelf, still can't reach it...

  58. does it worked ? after you can open thr mirror and can take a blue ladder

  59. Ok I got the key, the fifth card and flooded the bathroom to get the number 4...what now!!

  60. redneck, check the message from louise at 02:11

  61. grabbed some ladders from inside the bathroom

  62. check out the toilet top...

  63. you can take a bootle A from toilet and use it with glass

  64. need to find Bottle B now...

  65. Thanks einkaldir, guess I missed that one ;-)

  66. Anyone founf B?? Gotta go to work..ahhhh!!

  67. No, still looking for B. Dunno what flooding the bathroom is for either, shows a number 4 shape.

  68. I think the cards show the code for the computer.
    The wavy one is 8 because the 8 in the frame has a wavy background
    the round one is 7 because its the shape on the back of the coin
    The square one is 4 like the tiles on the bathroom

    no idea about the star and the + though

  69. Did anyone make a little progress here?
    I'm stuck now with 4 cards, and I can't figure out the password for the computer. I found 5 digits in the japanese poster above the desk and that 8 near the door, but I can't make any spaghetti out of it. Please help!

  70. I am completely stumped now!!

  71. How do you guys get into the bathroom? I used a code on the mirror, got the steps, but the bathroom is still dark and I can't do anything there.

  72. I think this game is going in directions my brain doesn't go in lol

  73. unique, you need the key to open the other door

  74. Unique - you have to use the step ladder to get the key on top of the cabinet by the tv & then use the key on the bathroom.

  75. Thanks I wondered what the key was for but I guess everybody locks the bathroom from the outside ;)

  76. i can't play the game because my colege classes it as "pornography" =[

  77. I'm getting bored & tired from no progress. Think I'll stop here and try finishing later..

  78. Redneck, how far are you? Do you have 5 cards, did you open the bathroom? Maybe I can tell you something.

  79. I found the first code for the Computer, its 501

  80. Thanks chickie, how did you do that???

  81. Yes I have all 5 cards & I've been in the bathroom. I'm still searching for Bottle B & the codes for everything

  82. Aha, same as me. It's a hard game! I'm gonna get another coffee ;)

  83. Anyone figured out what the little trash can looking thing is for beside the desk?

  84. damn it I nearly tried that! as in 87+414!
    8 and 7 from the picture and the coin, + is just a plus, 4 from the bathroom and 14 from the page the star sign thingy is on

  85. Ok, it's 6am here, I'm quitting for a while. I'll be back later to see if anyone has finished.

  86. By entering the card's into the window frame and adding, found the second code, all you need to do is multiply instead of add, 36018.

    Wavy= 8
    Circle= 7
    4= Square
    14= Star

  87. Why isn't Nasa hiring you guys? So now we have the gap in the floor...

  88. the next one is 87 times 414 = 36018

  89. ahhh you beat me again professor chickie

  90. But I still can't get down =(

  91. Ok so I only have one piece to my key mold and I still need to find the Solution B....Anyone know where those are?

  92. Please how do you get into the bathroom??

  93. I think we're all waiting on you to find it, Chickie! LOL

  94. Beezor, fill in the code at the door, look behind the mirror, get the new steps, place the steps against the bookshelves, reach for the key with the shoehorn and use the key on the bathroom door.

  95. Second part of key mold is in 1 of the drawer of the bookshelf

  96. Oh dear, none of us can find B!!! I'm guessing the rope ladder hangs from the hooks above the trap door so you can go down, but I can't get it to hang. We must have to mould our key first but where is B!!!

  97. The second key mold is in the shorter drawer in the left closet. Open it and click at the side until the drawer stands on the floor.

  98. the second piece is in the bottom right drawer of the shelf where the key was. If you zoom in on the VCR/DVD player open the drawer to the left of the small box then click on the side of the drawer it should pull out all the way to reveal a secret compartment in the back of the drawer. there you will find the second half.

  99. If the 2nd part of the key mold is in the drawer, where's the 1st part?

  100. wave 8
    coin 7

    square 4
    star 14

    we got 87 + 414 = 501 your first pc code

  101. Thanks got it, Thanks. Now let us hunt for B lol.

  102. nvm, i found it! thanks gregory!!

  103. where can i find the glass

  104. I guess I just cant quit since we've started making progress again.. I wonder if this game is on another site somewhere, maybe there's some hints there?

  105. Glass is near the sink in the kitchen.

  106. louise - the glass is somewhere in the kitchen. sorry, cant remember where exactly

  107. I think the picture in the drawer under the bed is a clue. There are three pictures there next to the picture of the box near the TV. When everything all the cupboards are closed and the bed is made (picture two) a note appears in the box. Maybe if you open everything (picture 3) something else will appear? I cant get it to work though

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Shurei you're right! Open everything, the bathroom door too and a new thing will appear in the red box, then you'll be able to go down with the ladder!

  110. I think you're right, Shurei, there must be something with that because we didn't use it yet. I'm going to try to vary with drawers open and closed and opening the box then.

  111. What is the code for the bathroom door? I can't figure it out.

  112. Brumilde - I opened everything but nothing in the box! What exactly did you have open?

  113. same, nothing in the box, and I think I've opened everything

  114. i love you Sharei with all of my heart, I was so mad with this game lol.

  115. How do you enter the card in the window frame? I can't do this? The window near the bed? Help?
    Also I can't use the ladder (from under bed) on opening on ground. Where is flask no.b?
    Help please!

  116. haha dont thank me I still havent got it working yet. I must be missing something

  117. I even opened WC-top
    Nothing in red box

  118. need a little assistance with the drawers... what kind of configuration did you use to get the final object from the box?

  119. You must have EVERY drawer, the mirror, all the doors, the blinds, shower curtain, cabinents EVERYTHING open. Then put knob on the wall, use the ladder to get down, get B, and mold!

  120. do you have to unmake the bed and do up the blind too?

  121. Me too!! Someone help!!! How do we get the red box to work???

  122. I have the same, everything open but nothing in the box. Tips, anyone?

  123. I had the chair in front of the desk so that the far under the bed drawer was open.

  124. I opened the waterdouche and the watertap also

  125. I tried with both bed drawers, all other drawers, cupboards, doors, curtain open, even water flowing everywhere, bed done and undone, still nothing ...

    Can anyone tell exactly what they have done

  126. Did you open the shoe drawers and the drawers next to the bed? You also have to have the mirror, bathroom door, medicine closet and all other drawers open. I finally got it.

  127. chickie all is open, but unter the bed I can only open one drawer, where the chair not is. But I can't anyway put knob and/or use ladder!
    What shall I do?

    It has to do with the cards that I do not get to the window? How's that?

  128. I've tried everything and still no knob in the box.

    I have everything open, the water flowing - should it be flooding? Does the secret compsrtment drawer need to be out or just open? What about the ned - made or not made?

  129. Must the drawer, where we found second mould, be fallen out or not?

  130. I had the drawer open, but not fallen out.

  131. Ok, i just replayed, make sure EVERY drawer is open, the med must be messed up the first pilow twisted and the second moved closer, curtains open, the chair closest to the bottom of the screen with the further bed drawer open, All kitchen cabinents and drawers open, the bathroom must have door, mirror, toliet and shower curtain open, the hall mirror must be open. The door melted and then close the Red box and re open it. If you have any more trouble let me know.

  132. thank god it finally worked! I dont know what I did but the water wasnt on and that hidden drawer wasnt pulled out.

  133. Thank Unique, what about the bed - made or not?

  134. Ehm.. how long does it take to get the key out of the mold after you mixed A and B? I've been waiting for a while but I can't get the mold to open again...

  135. Bed must be unmade, chickies post describes it

  136. unique: You have to use the coin to open it.

  137. I cant get the knob to appear in the box!! Everything is open & I have the bed just as Chickie said.. What am I doing wrong?! GRRR

  138. Thanks Is anybody already making a walkthrough?

  139. Opened:
    1 drawer under bed (far)
    2 drawers in night table
    2 drawers on the bookshelf
    4 drawers under TV
    2 closet doors
    4 drawers in the kitchen
    3 cupboards in the kitchen

    - bathroom kabinet, toilet, shower, mirror door, bathroom door, curtain up, bed unmade.

    and still nothing...

  140. same here lovro..

  141. oh, and two shoe drawers also...

  142. Do you have the red box open? Cause it won't appear if it's open, you have to close it and open it again....

  143. OK! I'm out! Thanks to all!!
    It was a difficult birth! ;-)

  144. i've tried opening everything while the box was closed & then opening the box and i've tried leaving the box open until everything else was open, closed the box and re-opened it.. nothing!

  145. I've tried it with it open and the coin bouncing note showing, and with it closed. This is so frustrating!

  146. tell me about it louise, I feel like giving up but it would just drive me crazy more

  147. Redneck, you moved both of the pillow's as well?

  148. it's really wierd that it's not working. If you wait a minute, I'll replay and try to describe everything.

  149. I opened and closed every drawer a hundred of times, but there is no knob.
    What about the water? On or of?
    I tried everything, but no knob.

  150. Yes, I have the bed messed up, left pillow tilted and right pillow moved over towards the left.. Is that right?

  151. I really think there is a bug, I'll try to replay, definitely nothing in that box

  152. Well I have the box closed.
    Open are: 2 bookshelve drawers (not fallen out, just open). Bed drawer on the site where your feet are. Bed is unmade,clicked sheets 3 times, both pillows are on the wrong place. 4 tv drawers, 2 closet doors, bathroom door, mirror door, medicine closet door, shower curtain is open, water is not flowing. 4 drawers in the kitchen are open and 3 cupboards. Two shoe drawers are open and the toilet is open too. And two bedside closet drawers are open. I hope this helps?

  153. I may restart the game too but not right now, it's WAAAY past my bed time

  154. like all of you I dont get the knob

  155. I even opened the two halfs of the mould. Nothing

  156. Man, this game is weird (but funny)

  157. No water, you shouldn't have anything showing, it kinda sounds like you guys are trying way too hard lol.
    Open the nightstand's two drawers
    Move chair towards bottom of the screen and open the far bed drawer.
    Mess up bed, move right pillow slanted and left pillow towards the right.
    Open Two library drawers
    Open TV cabinents Four Drawers.
    Opwn Cabinents Two Drawers

    Open the toliet
    Open the Bathroom Cabinent
    Open the Shower Curtain
    Open the Bathroom Door

    Open the three Cabinents
    Open the Four Drawers.

    Red Box:
    Close and open the box and Take Knob.

  158. 2 bookshelves, 4 dresser drawers under tv, 2 closet doors, bathroom door & hall mirror, toilet lid, medicine cabinet & shower curtain. 2 shoe drawers, 3 cupboards, 4 kitchen drawers, bed drawer (at foot of the bed), 2 night stand drawers, window curtain is open. Bed is messed up (clicked 3 times) both pillows are in the wrong position.

    Oh, the water was off and the red box was closed the whole time..

  159. Sorry Forgot

    Open the two Shoe drawers
    Open the Mirror where you got the step ladder
    The door should be melted.


  160. We've been doing that for ages unique, but still no luck for me

  161. Last Time I forget I promise lol

    Curtain should be open as well.

  162. I think it's a Bug.
    I restarted and got the knob.
    I made everything like I have done before.

  163. I've retried opening everything & it's still not there. I'm getting very aggravated so I'm stopping for now. I'll retry later..

  164. It's a bug. I restarted, tried again and it worked this time.

  165. Same for me einkaldir, doesn't work. I will clse everything and reopen everything.

  166. This comment has been removed by the author.

  167. screenshot of everything open :

  168. It seems that the TRAPDOOR must be CLOSED. This time it worked for me

  169. How do you close it when its open?

  170. Great !!!! 4 hours I'm searching.

    Screenshot doesn't work.

  171. walkthrough please. this game is driving me mad.........

  172. just started...and it`s driving me nuts already..

  173. ive given it up for a bit .. got vertigo lol

  174. I've retried a bunch of times and still no luck.

    I've got everything and every possible drawer is open. If I close everything I can still get the coin trick paper.

  175. Here's a picture of my room

  176. How do you open up the bathroom? I've got everything open except for that and the trap door.

  177. i was having trouble with opening all the drawers so i closed everything and made it nice and tidy then reopened EVERYTHING and it worked. Pain in the ass though. Good game but the code for the mirror was a load of crap. I hate when they give you the answer to a code and then mix up all the numbers with no rhyme or reason for no good reason

  178. I'm feeling kinda frustrated... dunno what else to open...

    Ok Here we go!!!!!!!!

    Lets look in the kitchen.
    Click the right cupboard, get card 1.
    From counter take glass.Nothing under sink. Take shoe horn from shoebox. Beside the look at the lightswitch and the codebox. Click the frame above the shoebox : showes an eight on WATER.
    Go right to the bedroom. Click nightstand to get card 2. Click pillows to get coin. Look at the backside of the coin = 7.
    Open sheets and open drawer to get ladder. Move chair and open second drawer, to get first part of a mould. Find also the paper and open it. It tells you about a red box (see later) Close drawer and go up the desk (while chair is away), you'll see two footsteps and take card 3. Look at comp and note date March 23. Click frame above comp and find numbers for the codbox at the door (35672) Go to code box and put it in. This opens mirrow in hall. Take ladder.
    Now go left.
    Put ladder at bookshelves and take key with shoehorn. Key for bathroom. Open bathroom. Open WC top and take product A. Open box above sink and get card 5.
    Now put plug in sink and let the water flow over : see a 4 on the SQUARE tiles.
    Go left.
    Open drawer under red box and get card 4. Read blue book and click bookmark? Read red book. Zoom in and open the right drawer under the books. Click the right side of the drawer until its falls out. Get second part of the mould. Put drawer back.
    Go back to the door and clich on top of it=it will "melt". Put out lights and click the new code ??
    Go back.
    Now the paper of the RED box. It tells you if you close every door and every cupboard, you will get a paper. Close also the curtain. This paper tells you to use the coin on the bed. Do so after opening the two icons on the comp and after closing every cabinetdoor, shower curtain etc.. Make sure the pillows are streithened. Light the coin in your inventory and use it on the bed until you see it pass by.(It took me hunderd clicks) Now the best way to get the knob for the hatstand is to do it now. Red Box closed
    Open the nightstand's two drawers
    Move chair towards bottom of the screen and open the far bed drawer.
    Mess up bed, move right pillow slanted and left pillow towards the right.
    Open Two library drawers
    Open TV cabinents Four Drawers.
    Opwn Cabinents Two Drawers

    Open the toilet
    Open the Bathroom Cabinet
    Open the Shower Curtain
    Open the Bathroom Door

    Open the three Cabinets
    Open the Four Drawers.
    Open the two Shoe drawers
    Open the Mirror where
    Close and open the box and Take Knob
    Open curtain and zoom. click clock and put in March 23, than move red to green. Get back and put the cards.
    Zoom out, close curtain, put lights out, look at curtain and see the figure. Lights on and look for the figure in blue book (page 14)
    Now the meaning of the cards :8 and 7 from the picture and the coin, + is just a plus, 4 from the bathroom and 14 from the page the star sign thingy is on.
    This gives us 501 = first login code for comp. Go to comp and put in code. Push enter key. Back to cards. + is changed in x. So 87x414=36018. Second login number.

    Put knob next to other knobs, put ladder and go in the cellar.
    Remove little ladder, two footsteps and take recipiënt B.
    Put A and B in jug. Take mould and put Jug on it.
    Retrieve key from mould with coin.
    Put key on door and take elevator. Yes there is another knob to click.

    The game took me 4 hours, the walkthrough 6 hours.
    The biggest problem is to get the knob or to make the coin work on the bed. I replayed 7 times and I think the best way to get those 2 items done is the way I discriebed here. Let me know if I'm wrong.
    This is the best I could do, because this game is a little bit bugged, I think.
    I hope you enjoy the game and can make without to many troubles.

  180. Oh I forgot. If you open ground panel to early, you will be unable to get the knob. Restart again.

  181. Thank you tosca...great walkthru and it worked...with the coin I dropped in the middle of the bed first time and it worked..fluke? Appreciate all your hard work.

  182. Happy for that. I did'nt want to check my walkthrough once more.
    Really happy I made it.

  183. Hey ppl...ill try this one..197 comments..looks this game looks like it might take awhile to load...

  184. For those that are getting a blank screen when loading...this worked for me..just right click screen when the page is u see done in the status bar..and hit "play" Worked for me..

  185. This game is fantastic..the creator put an awful lot of work in it..well done..! i'm still playing it..have just discovered keyboard..which is neat..

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