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Daymare Town 2

Day Mare Town 2 Walkthrough[REPLAY] Daymare Town Episode 2 is the second episode of the Daymare Town series, a point and click type puzzle and escape game from Mateusz Skutnik, who is also the creator of the Submachine game series. Can you escape the nightmare of a day - again...?! In this game, we return to the oddities of the daymare town. Meet more characters, solve puzzles, try to get out. Good luck and have fun! [Submitted by Karstenmp]

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Daymare Town 2

Daymare Town 2 Walkthrough

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  1. Wow, this one looks good, but gonna be a long one! Got to go out good luck all, see you soon.

  2. what a fun game
    long, not too hard
    i'm out \o/

  3. Oh really stijn? Perhaps you can offer some tips. I'm at the beginning. I have 8 coins and a lighter. I'm not sure where to use the lighter.

  4. I have 9 coins and a lighter

  5. with the big dude, if you press his sigaret he'll put out his hand
    you gotta give him the lighter in his hand

  6. Nevermind. Got it.

  7. Is there anything I should do with the clock in the tenement house?

  8. plz if u plz can u right more details .....from the start

  9. If you turn left at the very start you will find a stone and coin. When you return to the start and continue turning right until you reach the very end, combine the string and hook with the stone and attach it to the level to open the large circular door.

  10. What's with ballon? I haven't got idea...

  11. Same here. I also have no idea what to do at the window frame in the fisherman alley.

  12. There are coins on the window sill in the window in fisherman's ally

  13. Finished with 21 coins left :D

    Hint, give people things and find eggs for the museum :D

  14. Geez need one more egg. And I'm starting to get lost.

  15. Not sure what to do with the clock or museum pamphlet either. Hum.

  16. well gave the pamphlet to to guy in front of the pharmacy and he let go of the balloon.

  17. can't pick up the chalk either. guess there's no one here. O-well

  18. Tim go up the ladder down the ally on the left, next to the pharmacy, get the balloon- don't know what todo with it though!!
    What do you do with the distilled water or the cheese pieces?

  19. Can't take the chalk either.

  20. Have one egg left to go and am stuck. I've got a balloon, a knife, 14 coins, and one remaining key on the rusty key chain. Is there something I should do with the creepy gargoyle-like face near the city gate? Is there something to give the spooky girl in the cherry embassy?

  21. Give Arsenic to guy in the Aristocrat's house.

    Give painkiller to guy in Tenement house.

    Give distilled water to man in the butcher shop. To get to him, click the window-like thing, click him. He will say he is thirsty. Go back out, and click on the window. Do this until he peeks out at you with that creepy stare, and give him the water.

  22. Did you guys already catch the fish with the flesh-eating maggot?

  23. Trish where did you use the keys, I have 2 left. Used one to get into the city with disease and the other to reach the guy with the chalk- who you give the flower to.

  24. hoshi: no, how do I catch the fish?

    niff: I used another one back at the outskirts, that door that's up a little ladder.

  25. Thanks Hoshi, going to the butchers...

  26. crap. I gave the arsenic to the guy who kept saying "revenge". Am I gonna have to start over??

  27. Thanks Trish, will try it now- forgot about that one. Guy in the butchers didn't take the water, water wouldn't go back into inventory- crashed, got to re-start!! Back up to here soon!!!

  28. So did I, Trish but had to restart anyway!!!

  29. In the butcher's market, there's that leg or hoof on the table. On the leg there's a little c-shaped thing, that's the maggot. And then, out into fisherman alley and to fog haven, out on the pier there's a little guy and you put the maggot on the end of his hook and then he catches a giant thing and then a little fish.
    I don't know about the arsenic, there was a death-esque thing in the aristocrat's house, so I figured..

  30. Hi all! I've managed to gather all the eggs and now I have the ballon, the knife and 31 coins. I think we have to do something with the balloon in the Museum, but what?

  31. Boy I'm really stuck bought everything I can find. Still have a pear that noone wants a balloon, knife. and 17 coins. And the person in the cherry embassy won't take nothing.

  32. A pear?!?
    Thanks, hoshi, have the fish medallion now. But stuck again. (Don't know how I missed the meat maggot before!)

  33. What do you do with the girl at the cherry embassy and the guy that says "revenge, revenge"?? Have a balloon, an ancient medallion, a home made blade and a key...

  34. Trish said
    crap. I gave the arsenic to the guy who kept saying "revenge". Am I gonna have to start over??

    Oh no I did too. Well don't have time to start over. Will try again later.
    Good luck all.

  35. aaaah! found the "pearmain". Just a spot I never clicked... Now...what to do with it...

  36. augh! ok, gave the medallion to the ridiculously tall dude in the forbidden city, but he didn't give me anything and his other hand is still closed. I'm starting to feel dumb.

  37. Help. What do I do with the cheese and the fish?

  38. Had used the pear and medallion before, He must need something else as well!!

  39. Yay! I'm out! Still had one key left on the rusty key chain. Whew! Thanks for the help...

  40. Trish cut the fish with your knife and give it to the tall guy. He will give you an egg

  41. What's the line thing for to the left of tall man with medallion?

  42. Ok made a cheese sandwich

  43. Out in a hot air balloon with 33 coins in my pocket! Yeah!

  44. 1) Which one is the "guy with the chalk"?

    2) Where is bread for sandwich?

  45. Are there any Finns playing these games btw?

  46. Guy with the chalk is behind the locked door to the right at the end of wall street.
    Bread is in the oven behind the locked door up the steps in the outskirts.

  47. Did amyone figure out what to do with the clock?

  48. And how can we fix the balloon?

  49. Thanks niff. Sure helps to actually USE the keys.

    Still need to figure out what the giant guy needs other than the medallion.

    I have the pear, the balloon and the knife still in inventory as well as some clams.

  50. Get the other medallion from the pearman, he's on the wall on the right of the aqueduct before you enter the forbidden district

  51. I forgot about that dude.

    Missing the last egg and still have the balloon and knife... what did I forget to do... hmm...

  52. the last key is used to open the front gate

  53. which medallion do you give to the big guy and how? i have one from the fish and an ancient one.

  54. Wow. That was really terrific. Just have to remember to revisit certain places after you use items there. Great fun.

  55. Gonna replay to try for more coins- I must have missed 8 as someone left with 33

  56. i tried to put the balloon on the hot air balloon in the museum but i dont think that works

  57. Tim I gave him both medallions

  58. Afirme, try the picture through the open door in museum

  59. Hey everybody,.Just getting going here..Are yall talking about the medallion on the neck in the aqueduct, of the head that yawns??I cant take it..

  60. Niff your last comment was very usefull. After playing for 2 hours I managed to escape. That was all I needed to do

  61. Vb you need to put a pear in his mouth when he yawns- it's in the "bin" in the alley next to the museum with the sleeping skinny guy

  62. Greekgirl, I was 15 minutes with that damn balloon!!!

  63. Woohoo, made it (only 13 coins in my pocket though)thanks for the pear tip. Was gonna give up and try later after giving the arsenic to the wrong guy. But just had to give it another try. Now I'm late, lol. Have fun all.

  64. Where is the last egg?? Im missing the one on right..
    got knife, coins, key and balloon left

  65. Thx, Niff..I cant get back to the thirsty guy in the butcher shop..All Im getting is the lunatic looking thing..I guess Im lost

  66. put all the eggs in the museum then the locked door opens put the ballon on pic

  67. i'm missing the third egg!
    help? anyone?

  68. Lunatic thing? Give him the water, if you haven't already tried it.

    It's a little window. Click there, and he's in there, either sitting in the corner or giving you the creepy look.

  69. I've given these creepy-looking people in the game things, but I only have two eggs. I better keep looking..

  70. Thank you,Hoshi.EXE..Giving me the creepy it now

    I read the comments and have gave the tall guy 2 medallions..he still wants something. Have 5 different eggs, knife,balloon,1 key,23 coins..He want take any of these items.. ???

  71. have to have te first egg, on the left. have 18 coins, knife and balloon, who can help??

  72. have to have te first egg, on the left. have 18 coins, knife and balloon, who can help??

  73. So, what keys go where? I've only got that one key I bought and it doesn't seem to go anywhere. I wish I could get a refund but that creepy dude keeps scaring the living daylights out of me. Guess that's why it's called Daymare town..

  74. don't bother, got it, nice!!!

  75. Hoshi.EXE,,you give the shiny key to the city gate man at the locked door, and he gives you the ring of rusty keys..

  76. Okay. Thanks. I was wondering what he had in his hands

    Things should be a bit easier now that I can go everywhere. I spose.

  77. Whew, finally got out with 21 coins..I really liked this game,,I certainly got lost many times..Thanks for the post(help) everyone..

  78. One more question. Is the 'big guy' that man with the nerd glasses in the Forbidden District? I can't give medallions to him.

  79. found all eggs and put balloon on picture - i have 21 coins and a knife-can't finish- any hints

    this has been a real fun game- haven't neededhints til now

  80. Hoshi.EXE,,no,give them to the tall man after you go past the witch and up the dark hallway stairs..very tall man

  81. Shannon, when you get the hot air balloon, cut the ropes with the knife.

  82. clicking like mad with the knife on the balloon won't budge

  83. click your coins to take with you

  84. Yeah! Finally! Out! Thanks everyone!

  85. vbranam can you explain a lttle more. the balloon is in the pictureI can't cut it with the knife or get in with my coins?!?!

  86. Shannon, with knife click on ropes underneath hot air balloon

  87. After you put balloon on picture, it turns into a hot air balloon..Do you have that?

  88. I am totaly lost I have a medalian from the pearman, a fish,a balloon a piece of cheese and 14 coins. Where is this knife and keys?? what do you do with the 2 gate keepers? And where do I get the eggs, no one that I've given anything to has given me an egg.

  89. I have coins, flower, knife, balloon, one key on keyring and sliced bread left. Only found 3 eggs so far, and put them all in museum. Stuck now :o(

    Oh, and I gave the "revenge" man the arsenic before reading here that it should have gone to the dying man...can I still finish the game?

  90. sorry, took me so long, Im cooking at the same time, yes I hae the picture of the hot air balloon

  91. Divinyl. Where did you get the key and knife??

  92. Great game, had to restart when I gave the arsenic to the wrong person...grrrrrrrrrrr.... but finally escaped with 11 coins.

  93. The cheese is downstairs in the mouse trap, in the aristocrats house

  94. yeah, maybe that's why I can't finish- I gave the arsenic to the revenge guy too... I never finish the right way. oh well,i'll replay at another time-going to go finish cooking- Have a nice nite all :)

  95. I think I bought them Dreamspinner.

    So do I need to restart because of giving the arsenic to the wrong dude? I can't be bothered starting from scratch!

  96. Thanks Dreamspinner...hadn't found that downstairs room!

  97. hey finally out with 25 coins left. this was a long game but very interesting.give the creatures what they want and they give u something, thats what im talking about.the end was pretty easy though after i finally found the balloon after it flew around.thanks creators for intertaining for about an hour.

  98. Anyone still here? I'm having trouble finding the really tall guy. And what am I supposed to do with the chicken egg?

  99. And the cheese among other things...

  100. David & Christy,, the tall guy is in forbidden get there by aqueduct and into the locked door...the cheese you put together with the bread (sandwich) and give to the witch in 1st area of forbidden city...Hope that helps. Got to go..good luck

  101. I don't think anyone's answered I need to restart because I gave the revenge guy the arsenic? If I'd given it to the guy in bed, would I have got an egg? I only have 4 so far...silver, bronze, chicken and wooden.

  102. Thanks vbranam1. I've been trying the bread and cheese, how do you get them together?

    divinyl, I have no idea if you'll have to restart, I gave it to the dying guy.

  103. Oh yeah..real quick...the chicken egg goes in the first place in will need 6 total..I think they were..(eggs)chicken,wooden,silver,golden,faberge, and bronze..just click for order

  104. ok, finally cut the cheese and gave it to witch.

  105. Im not sure about restart Divinyl..Some players did I think by reading the posts.. I do know I gave the arsenic to dying man and did not get anything...

  106. ok, I thought the chicken egg was a different kind of egg. I only need the 4th egg now, but I don't know which one that would be. I found two really tall guys, one.. the "nerdy" one as someone else called it, and one that you can only see it's legs... neither would take my medallions.

  107. Really nice game! I almost figured it out by myself :)

    (And mauno, I'm Finnish too.)

  108. In the one where you see his legs..In another scene, you see the top part of him...after you go up the dark stairs..he has his hand open..give him both medallions...After that he opens his other hand, and I could not find anything esle to give him..I went on and placed my eggs and left..

  109. ok, thanks! I went in there, but never realized those were stairs. Got it now!

  110. YW,, definantely got to go now...Good luck David & Christy and Divinyl...Fun fun game

  111. if you give aristocrat pill he gives coins

  112. Ok, out! Finally. That was a great game, but I couldn't have beat it on my own.

  113. Thanks Vbranam1...I will try my luck if there was no egg from him then. Still got two to find and faberge from your list! I have coins, balloon, flower, knife and one key...will go back round again trying to give everyone each thing!!

  114. Aha! Have faberge...just gold to find!

  115. This comment has been removed by the author.

  116. And done! Gorgeous game...although the Cherry Embassy girl was seriously creepy for some reason! You do not have to restart re: the arsenic.

  117. Hey Divinyl..looks like I have another 15 minutes before leaving...So, Im here with ya...Okay, the clock I fooled around with also, but didnt get anything..Did you give your flower to the man at the very end and to the right of Wall st?.. you get an egg from him,,

  118. Nvmd, got it..Yay, that was fun...C ya next game

  119. anyone playing
    what do you do with the chicken egg?

  120. if you give aristocrat pill he gives coins

  121. forget it .out with 29 coins

  122. For future reference..
    to end the game, you have to click on the hot air balloon in the left museum room, NOT the one in the picture >>;
    -totally didn't click on the picture balloon for 15 minutes- >->

  123. Anyone figure out the clock or what to do with the balloon, I still can't get out.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. What an awesome game. The creepy characters and eerie sound effects are unnerving. I look forward to the next installment. =)

  126. I'd like to know if the clock is of any use as well..

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. HINTS AND CLUES........

    As no one is need to look for as many coins as possible and get some eggs to finish the game. Using the info provided above, will direct you to places of importance and you will need to work out what to do. i am having a dislexic day, so my lefts/rights may be wrong, so just hunt around!

    Left for first coin and stone. Right to end and join stone to rope and open tunnel.

    Go left and when outside go right to give giant a light for his cigarette. You can now go thru to the MAIN SQUARE.

    Get maggot and coins from table and poke around for more coins. Visit the butcher and aristocrats basement and get the CHEESE.

    Right to FISHERMANS ALLEY and collect coins on shelf on the way to the dock and pier. Put maggot on fishing line and touch the fisherman. Ignore the first fish and try again. Collect FISH.

    Back to MAIN SQUARE & down and right to WALL STREET. On left is the pharmacy and an alley next door. Enter alley to pearman for PEAR & coins. Visit the Tenemant house for more coins. You can now enter the pharmacy for a big buy up of all the goods except the arsenic (I didnt need it).

    Back to the Main Square and the Museum to buy a ticket and give to the guard. Back to the foyer and buy goodies from the right. With the knife you can chop up the fish for a MEDALLION. Enter the museum and place first EGG.

    Back to the Main Square and visit the Aristocrate upstairs and give him a painkiller. He is very generous.

    Visit the butcher and give him water. He will give an EGG.

    Back to Main Square and go left to the aqueduct and keep going to City Gate. Give gold key and get a bunch of KEYS.

    Back to Aqueduct and forward to head. Put apple in mouth and get a MEDALLION.

    Back to Main Square and down to Pharmacy and give pamplet to guy with balloon. Down alley and up ladder to rescue the BALLOON.

    Back to Main Square and drop egg off at museum.

    Back to Fishermans Walk and tunnel to Outskirts. You can now open the door above the ladder. Get BREAD.

    Back to Main Square and you can make a cheese sandwich with the knife.

    Now to Aqueduct and down to gate. Use keys to enter the Forbidden District.

    Left to sand witch and give a sandwich for another EGG.

    Back and to the right to the chicken house and catch and EGG.

    Right again to view of legs and enter doorway and up stairs. Give Medallions to man and get an EGG.

    Back to the Museum and place eggs. One more to go! Down Wall Street and gate and use key. Give the guy with the chalk a flower and enter to get final EGG.

    Back to Main Square and use final key on City Gate.

    Back to Museum with egg and you can now enter to door at the end.

    Explore and place balloon in picture.

    Return to main museum and go right opposite egg room. You have a balloon. Cut ropes and jump in!

  129. Walkthru
    (Thanks to those who came before me!)

    *Note: It is VERY important to keep track of where you are in this game. In the lower left-hand corner of the screen there will always be a name. Don't get lost!*

    Ok... cross the bridge... creepy

    -Take coin (small circle on ground)
    -Turn left
    -Take coin and small stone
    -Right 4x
    -Combine stone and rope in the inventory and attach it to the lever.

    -Go left

    -coin(1) and go right
    -Click Giant and then his cig.
    -Hand him your lighter
    -go thru the now open door.

    -Now it gets confusing. Click the table in the center of town
    -take the coins (3) and the maggot on the leg.
    -Enter the arch on the right.

    -Left 2x.
    -Scare the crazy guy and click on the 2nd winow to collect coins (2).
    -Continue down the alley.

    -Go left
    -click the weed
    -find coin.
    -Go right 2x
    -scare psycho and go down pier. (dont forget the coin!)
    -Give the fisherman the maggot and click him.
    -throw the dragon back and take the lionfish.
    -Go back to the BUCHER'S MARKET...

    -Enter the ARISTOCRAT'S HOUSE on the left (next to fisherman's alley).

    -Go downstairs and take the coins (2) and the cheese from the mouse trap.
    -Return to BUTCHER'S MARKET

    -click on the MUSEUM arch.

    -Take the coins (3)
    -Shopping Spree! buy it all from both windows!
    -Go forward
    -take coin
    -give the man the ticket and enter the museum.
    -Go right
    -take coins(2)
    -Leave the museum.

    -Click to the far right of the screen.

    -Give the grumpy dude the 'shiny key', take his old keys.
    -Open the door with the key, but do not enter it. Go back.

    -Go down WALL STREET

    -Enter the TENEMENT HOUSE.

    -Pick up the coins(2)(Clock is useless)
    -Go Back

    -Click the left arch.
    -Give the librarian (remember?) the pamphlet.
    -Enter the PHARMACY

    -Pick up the coins (3).
    -Click the window
    -Shopping Spree! buy it all
    -Go Back

    -Enter the TENEMENT HOUSE

    -Turn left.
    -Give the man the pain killer.
    -Take coin.
    -Go back 2x

    -Enter the alley next to the PHARMACY.
    -Up the ladder
    -Take coin and go up again
    -Take balloon.
    -Go back 3x.
    -Go down alley
    -Take coins(3)
    -Click garbage
    -(AHH!) take coin and pear... thing...
    -Go back 3x
    -Go down street.
    -Go right
    -Scare Creepo and open the door with your keys
    -AWWW sad man. Give him your flower.
    -Go into his house
    -take coins (2) and Golden Egg
    -Go back to BUCHER'S MARKET


    -Go Upstairs.
    -Give the man the arsenic.
    -Return to BUCHER'S MARKET

    -Enter the BUCHER (middle arch)

    -Take coin
    -Click window
    -Go back
    -Click Window
    -Give man the water (CREEPY)
    -Go back
    -Click window
    -Take Egg
    -Go back 2x

    -Go to AQUEDUCT (left side)

    -Click 2nd wall hollow on the right.
    -Click statue necklace
    -Put the pear in it's mouth
    -Go back
    -Pick up medalion.
    -Go to CITY GATE

    -Go thru door

    -open door with keys
    -Take bread out of the oven
    -Cut the fish and the bread with the knife (inventory)
    -Combine cheese and bread.
    -Go Back to the AQUEDUCT

    -Click door
    -Take coin
    -Open door

    -Take coin in dark room (on the right, looks kinda like an eye)
    -Go forward
    -Click to the left
    -Scare creepo and clik cave
    -Give Sandwich to the Sand Witch (cute)
    -Take egg
    -Go back 3x
    -Click Right
    -Enter doorway
    -Click Chicken
    -Catch the egg before it hits the ground! (if you miss you can try again)
    -Go back 1x
    -Click to the right
    -Enter door
    -Get coin and scare creepo
    -Go upstairs
    -Click window
    -Give the giant both medalions (fish and ancient)
    -Take egg
    -Go back to BUTCHER'S MARKET

    -Enter the MUSEUM

    -Go Forward 2x
    -Go right
    -Put eggs on the pedestal
    -Go back
    -Scare creepo and enter the now open door.
    -Go left
    -Go up stairs
    -Take coin
    -Go back 2x
    -Go right
    -Put balloon in the painting
    -Go back 2x
    -Go left
    -Cut strings
    -Pull chord

    (Thank God it's over! That game went on forever.)

    NOTE; There is no way to get stuck in this game. As long as you get the eggs, you can give the items to anyone you want!
    This was my first walkthru and i hope you enjoyed it!

  130. Just noticed last bit go left to balloon room! Sorry....

  131. Two walkthrus!! Oh well....note with my walkthru, to make it easier to find the bit you are missing, I leave out all the detail, as I think you can usually work out what to do!

  132. I love this game, but I can't seem to buy anything! I have the coins and all... I click on the item, then a paper comes up saying that I'm purchasing it but after that the only thing I can do is press cancel! Any tips?

  133. emilie - try putting the money back in the inventory, then click Buy.

  134. Out with 32 coins. Fun game but I can't do without the walkthroughs.

  135. A little late here, but out with 36 coins! Sorry if it was said before, but was there any use for the chalk? I couldn't pick it up.

  136. Thanks Christian. I realised that I had to place the coins on the paper to buy... simple, obvious, but I never thought of it since when you touch the item it makes a sound like you've already given the coins!

  137. The butcher about gave me a heart attack when I clicked on the window the second time.

  138. So I left with 25 coins and getting scared again by the girl in the cherry was bad enough when she was standing in the corner. I think I might need to lay off on the horror movies or something.

  139. Wow, that was fun! Thanks to all those who helped and for the walkthroughs at the end! And most of all, thanks to Mateusz Skutnik, the creator of the Daymare Town games! Hope a new one will be forthcoming.

  140. i have played this game about 5 times now. i still get only get 38 coins. where are the last couple? i saw on the high scores that the most people are getting are 41. i can see there is one when the balloon is flying out, but it's too quick to get it. can someone post a walkthrough for coins please?

  141. There's a coin in the Middle of Nowhere (it's to the right of the two little things inside).

  142. I really love this guy's games. Hope he makes another! I escaped with 34 coins.

  143. I also got a heart atack when I saw that Butcher man, Ashialynn.I also got a heart attack when I saw the dead man in the garbage.And what's up with the man thats always running all the time that he sees me?

  144. i gave the pill to the guy with the headache he became happy :)

    i also gave the guy that says revenge!! the poison and he walked away with it to kill some 1 mabye?

  145. Where is the cheese?
    Where is the cheese?
    Where is the cheese?

  146. The cheese is in a mousetrap in the basement of the aristocrat's house.

  147. omgomgomg

    Who do I give the maggot to? Where is the person I need to give it to? Please help..

  148. You don't give the arsenic to the "dying" man!! That's why you guys didn't get anything from him. If you give him the painkiller, the grim reaper disappears and you get a drawer full of coins.

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. 40 i cant get the one on exit. anyone know the location of last 2


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