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[REPLAY] Neutral - Switch Escape is another new point and click type room escape game from Neutral, who is also creator of RGB, Sphere and Vision games. In this game, you only click the screen, find and use the concealed items, solve mystery of the room, and escape the room. The progress of the game can be preserved with the "save" button. Please be patient while loading the game. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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Switch Escape Walkthrough

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  1. Oh this is cute, have some shapes and and a cute picture

  2. I thought I had the square but its just a piece of green paper.. hve a piece of the train track too :)

  3. Grid seems to be part of the window... any ideas? kind of stuck

  4. long stick, train track rail, two shapes (used), green paper and grid... found two silver buttos pressed and nothing happens, odd circles randomly placed

  5. aha... a hidden key, anyone there?

  6. scissors, then string (flip the grid over- some more cute pics

  7. I have 3 shapes, 2 sticks, and 2 green papers, but still no key

  8. Can I get a clue for this hidden key you speak of?

  9. I agree have the same but the (hidden) key????

  10. ok, two long sticks (combined), star (used) triangle (used) green paper. pressed both buttons.

    have the grid - has to have something to do with the window but don't know what. i accidentally clicked out & had to start over and the grid is different now.

  11. In the train track rail...

  12. so far found blue triangle, yellow star, green paper, green paper grid, train stick, 2 long sticks

    where did u find the hidden key shannon?

  13. Leannek i think one of those is a square for the toy train

  14. ... i mean the shape thingy toy not the train

  15. Okay, now I've got three shapes (used), Mallet, Grid, and an Origami Swan...

  16. I have the square the triangle and star plus 2 green papers

  17. if u turn the grid around u get some pictures

  18. if u look behind the red box u will find a picture from there and the posts u should find the key

  19. This is my first time posting, but I've been coming to EG24 for a long time now.

    So far I have the circle, star, and triangle. I have opened all the drawers and the right cabinet. I have turned the blank piece of paper into an origami swan.

    Now I'm stuck. I'm pretty sure the back of the grid paper gives the order in which we are supposed to push the buttons. You can zoom into the nail on the fish picture, so I assume the nail is behind it. I don't know where the bird one would be.

    Also, I have noticed that on the top desk drawer, the "handle" is round but the hole it is in is square. Perhaps we are supposed to get the handle somehow in order to open the left cabinet.

    Any ideas?

  20. Taylor, how did u make the swan please share :)

  21. I'm in the same boat as Jay

  22. Ok found the safe with the buttons that need to be pushed in like the paper with the squares but cant seem to get them right put coin in and nothing happen but coin coming back out.

  23. Shannon,

    After you open the red box, you find an origami book. Flip through the pages all the way to the end (and find a key). Then look closely at the blank paper and keep clicking on it until it becomes a swan.

  24. I don't remember where I got the key, but there is an Origami book in the red box...

  25. The key for the red box comes from the compartment in the ceiling. You it falls into the yellow toy bin after you open the hatch with the combined sticks.

  26. will have to finish tomorrow- good nite, thank you all

  27. turn the coin over and you get the number for right cabinet..

  28. orange bunny key from origami book

  29. Still stuck with Grid, Mallet, Coin, and Paper Swan...

  30. ok, ive pretty much usedd up most my inventory. all i have left is the mallet, the coin, and the green grid paper. i now have the swan put in the right place. where was the safe where you push the squares? i thought it was the wall...

  31. pink bunny key from ceiling
    piece of train track turns into red key

  32. jennamcd,
    Where did you find the safe?

  33. i have not yet figured out what to do with the painting on the wall or where to find the handle for the left cabinet.

  34. Ok once you have the key from the ceiling open the red box and look thru the book at the back is the orange key and it opens the last drawer there are pliers in there that you use on the fish pick

  35. Anyone find the red circle?

  36. Once you get the nail out you put your swan on the pic that falls down like a shelf. then you push the buttons in the order on the paper. the button above the swan is the fish button then bear then pic of dog then turn to the wall that the swan is reflected on and click around there is a button somewhere on that wall when you click the right spot (sorry don't remember exactly where) it will pull away a corner of paper and there is a button, that turns out the lights.

  37. I can't open the hatch with my combined sticks; are there more than 2???

  38. red circle is in the right cabinet taped above, and the safe is in the left cabinet

  39. you need to cut the string on the shape toy to tie the sticks together

  40. power of posting!

    ah ha. i'm at the green lit squares now.

  41. can't believe it, out on my own!!!yay

  42. I must be blind, but I can't find the pliers. I've clicked everywhere in that bottom drawer.

  43. i can't figure out how to get nail off the picture

  44. Thank you!!! I had tried to cut the string before but I guess I cut the wrong place. I got the string now and opened the hatch.

  45. Alright, I already used the usb-looking key, got the square, star, and triangle in place, I got what looks like a pair of drumsticks, a green piece of paper, a pair of scissors, and this weird piece of paper with squares on it. Anyone know what to do next?

  46. I'm with you Jay... where are the pliers?

  47. pliers are in the shape toy

  48. pliers are in the toy where you put the shapes if you have them all just click it then it should open

  49. the pliers are in the shape toy once you put all the shapes in it you can open it

  50. I'm still missing the square... hm...

  51. ok now what do i do with the glowing greensquares? i'm trying to push them...

  52. square on green plant in the corner look on right side of the leaves

  53. D'oh! I'm blind! Thanks :)

  54. that took me a bit to figure out. you have to push the ones that your pic shows then turn around and look at the window when the window matches the paper not the safe then put in your coin and you will hear a noise turn around and click the hanging key twice

  55. Wow, that wasn't obvious at all (sarcasm). I don't know how many times I've stared at that plant trying to figure out why I could zoom in on it.

  56. If I remember right it was opposite of the pic on the safe push in the ones that are not colored in on your paper. may even have to filp flop the image left to right but cant remember now tried so many different ways lol

  57. strange i keep trying to "push" them - even with the hammer, but they won't budge. what window are you referring to?

  58. @ Christine Turn around to the cabinet without a handle

  59. There we go, I'm out!

    Very fun :)

  60. I must be frickin stupid or somethin, but i cant figure out the combo to the desk cabinet, and i cant find the circle to the shape toy... somebody gimme some sort of hint as to what i should do next... :S

  61. Well off to bed, 1:00am here. Good luck to all!!

  62. look at your coin and turn it over it has the combo and the circle is taped to the top of the cabinet

  63. turn over the coin to find the # np Christine

  64. turn around and look at the glowing knob beside the safe....then, you should push those buttons on the opposite way....keep checking the green glowing squares until you do it right...put the coin afterwards

  65. Aahh, that was a good game..

    Thank you Shuchun...

  66. Well, thanks everybody. Hope to escape some more rooms with you in the future. I'm off to bed.

  67. what coin is everyone referring to? gawd, i feel like such a nitwit :P haha...

  68. me too. JayzeLynn...
    goodnight everyone

  69. keep banging the piggybank with your hammer....he´ll spit it out

  70. can't find the last (swan) button. is it really obvious?

  71. i need a walkthrough reeeally bad. im stuck here with a piece of paper, some scissors, a grid, and a pair of sticks. im about to cry haha...

  72. use the scissors to cut the string on the toy then use the string to tie the sticks together. open the hatch in the ceiling w/ that

  73. Oh my god, you are SUCH a sweetheart haha thank you...

  74. Mimi... the swan button is the point of the swan's tail on the shadow.

  75. playing questions, you are AWESOME

  76. wheree is the red circle? i am so lost.

  77. oh gawd finally haha now i can go to bed...
    really cute game! :)

  78. out! great game & first time i've played along with everyone. thanks for the hints!!!

  79. red circle is in right drawer, click the upper part of right drawer



  81. thanks haku. i guess im not good at this because i dont have any keys. any clues for me?

  82. can any 1 tell me were the scisors are im goin insane and im stuck

  83. could someone please post a walkthrough?? Thanks in advance

  84. can any 1 tell me were the scisors are im goin insane and im stuck and were is the track part ive clicked every1 n nuffin am i blind or sumfin?

  85. im working on a walkthrough for those who need it, because god knows i wouldve :)

  86. Out! Great game I just go done so if you have any questions feel free to ask

  87. yes i have a question....

    can you please tell me where the damn scissors are??!??!??


  88. And I can't find the "star" shape??

  89. can you please tell me where the scissors are? thanks!

  90. Look at the message behind the red box and that will tell you where the key is and then use on cupboard to get scissors.

  91. scissors is in one of the drawers. Get one short stick from the railway track, click on it and it turns into a key for the drawer

  92. Out - loved that!! Thanks Schushun.

  93. Where's the hammer/mallet? Somebody please help...

  94. the links are not working for me... ??!!

  95. walkthrough.
    - click green book, take green grid
    - click under lounge, take stick
    - click lounge, take star (top left hand of lounge)
    - click plant, take green paper (right hand side)
    - turn right, click on yellow box, click on paper back of red box, see arrow on the track.
    - click ball, then the corner of rug, take blue triangle.
    - turn right twice, click right towards red bin, take another stick on the side of cabinet.
    - click middle drawer, take green paper
    - turn left, click on train track, take piece of track which is the eighth piece counting from front of train.
    - zoom in on red track, click again there u have red key.
    - turn right, insert key top drawer, take scissor, click on wood toy on the left, take scissor and cut string near circle.
    - zoom on stick, attach the other stick together with string.
    - turn right twice, zoom in on box in the ceiling, use stick, click on yellow box, take pink key.
    - insert key in red box, click on book, turn pages to the end, take orange key.
    - turn right twice, insert key bottom drawer, take hammer, zoom out click on pig on top of cabinet, use hammer on pig, coin will drop out, pick up coin.
    - zoom on coin, flip over to see pin number, insert number bottom right side cabinet, take red circle tape above the inside.
    - click on toy left side and insert all shapes, click toy and take pliers inside.
    - turn left, zoom on fish pic, zoom in on nail, use pliers, click pic an pucsh button.
    - click on green paper, an make swan with it, place swan into the swan shape on the shelf just under the button.
    - click on green grid, click again to turn grid over, memorize pic in order, then go back and press each button according to pic, fish, teddy is underneath, wolf pic on the cabinet and swan which is highlighted on wall next to clock, click on top left ear, click square piece the sticks out, click button, room should be dark now.
    - turn left, insert coin top left cabinet, u will find safe, use ur grid to click right buttons, make grid with reflection on window, if all is correct, a key will hang down infront of window, click on key, and of course the door and yehaaa ur out! happy escape.

  96. Cant play this game, getting a white page with message Service Temporarily unavailable ... trying this 1 another day then.

  97. Keep trying! I kept refreshing until it loaded.

  98. As usual, great graphics. Not too difficult but it's hard to top Vision.

  99. Open the door..
    before you go out,click the ceiling (where you get the door key) will see a green creature is watching you!

  100. For some, before you can get last key after making the grid on the window, put the coin in the safe, then you will get the key.

  101. OK, i've made a grid on paper and flipped it every way I can.. used coin every time and still can't get a key to appear.
    any ideas please??

  102. NM some how i got it right... if you get it right you won't get the coin back.

  103. Phew, finally out. Thanks for the tips guys

  104. i think the green crutere tht u saw in the game was a cat!;)

  105. Has anyone found anything to do after seeing the "creature" in the ceiling before exiting? It seems that's all there is, but I thought I'd check.

  106. please can somebody say me how cna i open the left gabinet!! i just cant!! pleasee help meª!!!!

  107. Thanks for the walkthrough Diana but I am stuck on the part were you say:

    then go back and press each button according to pic, fish, teddy is underneath, wolf pic on the cabinet and swan which is highlighted on wall next to clock?

  108. she means: first push the button that is revealed behind the fish picture; second the button underneath the teddy bear; third the button beneath the picture on the desk of the wolf/dog; fourth the left tip of the swan silhouette tail (not the swan itself, but the silhouette on the opposite wall)

  109. yipe yi yo ti yay! out clean with no hints! This was a very nice game ~ cute, but not as cute as shannon!

  110. wow!!!! great game but I agree w/ Diana...Vision was one of the best!! The green grid at the end was the most challenging but a hint for anyone who is going nuts trying to get it to reflect the correct buttonson the wall...I started at the top row and clicked on where I thought the #4 would go, then closed the cabinet and checked the wall. It's easier to get your bearings and it saves a bunch of time!! Liked the Origami...kept wondering what that plain green paper was for....LOL!

  111. wow!!!! great game but I agree w/ Diana...Vision was one of the best!! The green grid at the end was the most challenging but a hint for anyone who is going nuts trying to get it to reflect the correct buttonson the wall...I started at the top row and clicked on where I thought the #4 would go, then closed the cabinet and checked the wall. It's easier to get your bearings and it saves a bunch of time!! Liked the Origami...kept wondering what that plain green paper was for....LOL!

  112. @Diane E., I appreciate the walkthru, but that last part, "- turn left, insert coin top left cabinet, u will find safe, use ur grid to click right buttons, make grid with reflection on window, if all is correct, a key will hang down infront of window, click on key, and of course the door and yehaaa ur out! happy escape." I CAN'T get the damn key! I tried to get the pattern right! I thought maybe I had it reversed, but I did it right and I still can't get the key for the door at the end! Please tell me exactly which square is supposed to be lit and which square is not!

  113. Late comming in. just finished playing> I just wanted to thank Neutral for making such a wonderful game. great graphics and a joy to play.

  114. HA! out at last. kinda complicated with all the switches. had to stop in the middle of the game to bake biscuits and fry chicken wings, then make wing sauce. Damn near burn the kitchen down rushing to get back to this game. {lol} i'll call the fire department now that i'm out. i know, i know.. i'm a real escape game nut.

  115. The english version won't load for me!!!! Argh!!!!!!!

  116. Could someone please answer ME?
    On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 9:49 PM, freewaydog wrote:

    freewaydog has left a new comment on the post "Switch":

    @Diane E., I appreciate the walkthru, but that last part, "- turn left, insert coin top left cabinet, u will find safe, use ur grid to click right buttons, make grid with reflection on window, if all is correct, a key will hang down infront of window, click on key, and of course the door and yehaaa ur out! happy escape." I CAN'T get the damn key! I tried to get the pattern right! I thought maybe I had it reversed, but I did it right and I still can't get the key for the door at the end! Please tell me exactly which square is supposed to be lit and which square is not!

  117. @lizmari,please try Japanese doesnt matter with which language to play for this game.(no language barrier for this game)
    @freewaydog,I cant tell you which one should press and which one shouldnt press because it's random every time..but i can tell you that it's mirror effect for this part.

  118. for those struggling with the last puzzle (matching the pattern on the window to that on your piece of paper): what you see on the window is a right-to-left mirror image of what you put in to the safe grid. Therefore if you make the top left circle on the grid white, the top right circle on the window will be highlighted. If you make the bottom right circle on the grid white, the bottom left circle on the window will be highlighted, etc. Once you get this it's very easy to match the patterns. Hope this helps! Afraid I didn't make a note of the exact squares before I finished the game. Also, a clarification on the walkthrough: enter the coin in the slot AFTER you have matched the window to your piece of paper.

  119. @Shuchun, I tried the mirror thing, it didn't work, but @Kim, I will try the coin afterwards & see! Thanks!

  120. Ok, thanks, for the tips, the coin thing worked for me, but however, I didn't see any "green creature watching me" when I got the key, though,....

  121. There's More Game!

    As Shuchun said, befor you go completely out the door, go to trap door in ceiling. See green man watching you.
    I clicked on him and he ran away.
    Threw the hammer into the opening and a little yellow chick fell into the box on floor. It chirps at me but I can't get it.
    Wonder if there is more still...

  122. I need help is there anyone playing who can help me?? I can not figure out how to get the string and sticks together??

  123. I can't find the squar can someone help

  124. I'm in the same boat as others here at the end. The lights are off, and I am pushing the buttons according to my green grid paper. I've done it exactly like the paper, and also the mirror image of it. Neither key. I assume(ya I know) I've done everything else right because I can't click on anything else.

  125. The 'square' is in with the tree leaves. Its green..mine was on the ride side.

  126. Dear Lisa,

    Are you sure you did the perfect mirror image? If you did, then tour drawing should match the green glass squares. On the mirror image, did you make sure that the white squares were the only things that weren't pushed down?

  127. just starting, anyone playing?

  128. arrrrgggghhhh!...cant find the darned key!!

  129. Just finished.

  130. The Safe: All you need to do is do the opposite of the white squares on the grid. I did not click where the white squares are, I clicked the green squares of the grid and I did them mirrored. Get it?

  131. Does anyone know where to find the square? Thats the only shape that i have left and i cant find it. :(

  132. I don't understand all the buttons. I followed the order on the back of the paper but where's the one for the swan?

  133. How can I get the hammer ?
    I have already a green paper w/ sqaures that I know is related w/ the window, a green paper, the train trail and two sticks...
    What can I do then ?

  134. ok im so lost , where do you find the red circle?!?!

  135. After seeing the green creature, you can throw your hammer at it. A toy chicken will drop. I'm not sure what you can do with it though.

  136. how do you get threw level 13???

  137. Where is the square? Help please! :)

  138. "square on green plant in the corner look on right side of the leaves"

    *Stolen from above comments, hope it helps.

  139. I can't find the circle shape?

  140. Amazing. Looks great, makes you think, and family friendly.


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