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The GH Plot

Escape The GH Plot WalkthroughThe GH Plot is another funny and challenging point and click puzzle type game created by Renegade. In this game, again you need try to find and collect the keys to finish the game successfully. Can you able to find all keys? Good luck and have fun!

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  1. only one key so far :(

  2. I removed one sun and the yellow guy from the scenery

  3. have 3 keys, but still stuck in this room. move all of the suns...

  4. up to five, and out of first room

  5. looks like a key under dogs foot but can't make him move

  6. hmmm only have 2 keys

  7. find another panel to drag

  8. i found was behind the key box and the other was obvious i think...i moved all the suns i could and now i'm lost

  9. should be two keys behind suns

  10. last two suns to move act differently than the rest.... need some help on next level though - appears to be a glitch

  11. I found the one behind the all the suns, one behind the key box and the obvious one but I'm not finding another dragable box

  12. other box is on the wall on lower left side of the window

  13. level 3 (not sure how)... switched from lvl2 while I was typing last post - may have a delayed activation/waiting of some kind.

  14. found it thx drego

  15. Psst - there's an "r" in my name.... it's NOT Dr Ego! :)

  16. when you move the box to the left of the window and push the green button, an elephant shoots across the room and knocks over the dog for a second so you can get the key.

  17. oh sorry I miss spelled it :(
    but thx for the help

  18. This draggable panel in lvl 2 is following me around!

  19. Oh, same thing happened to me. It just switched to lvl 3.

  20. anyone know how many keys are in this room?

  21. are there any keys to find in level 2, or just the moveable panel

  22. ok I have found 0 keys in level 2 and can't seem to get rid of this green panel. how do I lose it?

  23. nvm, it changes while i was typing, i guess i should have been a little more patient. :)

  24. lol nevermind

  25. you'll need to figure out the use of the blue square in lvl 3

  26. I got the blue square kinda figured out...I found the red button and how the blue square affects the grey circle...

    I'll be on and off playing this fyi.

  27. I have 5 keys and a door in bathroom,but cant get the one out of soccer looking picture..

  28. I guided the grey bubble on shortie and red dot goes behind, but nothing happened.
    Bubble on circle on bath, nothing.

  29. Hey! It's Columbine Goblinshimmer! I thought he changed his outfit..doesn't matter. Another game like this! Yeah!

    Just starting..

  30. key is on bottom of door to leave bathroom..

  31. What are u supposed to do with the grey circle thingy? I know the little blue square controls its movement, but what are you supposed to do with it?

  32. Tosca guide the bubble onto the whole on tub ,stop, then push red button..Do the same on the blue panel..

  33. Even guided the grey bubble on grey circle left of key:nothing.

  34. how do i get the bubble back? i didn't notice it floating until it was too late.

  35. Only four keys still in lv 1. 2 from sun, one from paw, and I think one from chicken guy. any suggestions?

  36. Draggable panel on lower left side of window, madame.

  37. Hit the green button to get your bubble back..When your blue square is in the center is when you can stop the bubble..

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Thanks Diana, but isn't that the one that gave me the paw button?

  40. 5 keys in level 3. Now what?

  41. 5th key behind key total

  42. only found 2 keys in suzy's room so far...still cant leave

  43. key. I moved all the sun(Ha! The sun was in my hand! HahaInsideJokeForBoktai fans) and I got nothing. I've been poking at the Key and Description Bar boxes..I got nothing.

  44. madame, another one at the key counter

  45. any help with lvl 3 door, vbranam?

  46. how do u open the panel with the red & green buttons?

  47. lvl 3 i messed with the lavabo and a door popped up. Key 6 in yellow door, through door and lvl4

  48. two keys, and can type into armchair - thoughts?

  49. was level 3 the bathroom drergo

  50. cant figure how to open panel with red and green buttons in lvl 3...
    any suggestions?

  51. Im in lvl 3 and i have 4 keys. Got the last two from using the grey circle to bust a hole in the tub and bust open the blue panel. Now what?

  52. hhehe..for suzys room I got 2 keys and pushed in locked and bolted door room with 4 keys

  53. examine text box to open the red/green panel.

  54. seanchan: there are two red buttons in lvl3

  55. tab toggles between rooms... nice job V.

  56. for the level the little shortie and you will get a door..get another key on bottom of door..then you move on

  57. please someone answer the question about how to open the red & green button panel?? I missed the grey bubble and need to get it back.

  58. 4 keys on level 4... use red buttons in locked room to line up red markings

  59. I am stuck with 4 keys on level 3.. There's still the key in the painting, but can't do anything with that or the Shortie

  60. Hi all, are there 5 keys in lvl 1? I cant find the last one...

  61. Dreamspinnergal.. hitting the green button resets it and you get your bubble back..

  62. oh dear, level 5... fifth key in sun.... gotta get the window open.

  63. the bolts on the door spell out letters..looks like treetoop...makes no sense yet..

  64. I tried that vbranam, and it said you couldnt drag the panel, u had to open it another way.

  65. 4 or 5 keys in level #1????

  66. Lvl 1 keys:

    One upperleft of text box.
    Two in the suns (one obvious, second you have to move all the suns)
    One in the panel to the left of the window (near bottom) and then
    One under dogbee's paw. Hit green button and snag key as dogbee flips

  67. I seem to be going back and forth from suzys room and the locked room..

  68. stuck as well in bathroom with key in painting

  69. five keys in suzy's/locked rooms. Two in suzy's, and three (I think) in the locked room.

  70. Dream, Did you move the text box at the bottom to get a red button first?? On the right bottom, then you will have access to the panel your speaking of..

  71. Heloed, I have 3 keys. My screen does not show any key anywhere near the text box, and I can't move any more suns. Maybe it's buggy?

  72. for bathroom, use grey circle as target for gun - control with blue square and aim for interesting items.

  73. v - have you opened the window?

  74. Where is locked room in suzy's room?

  75. In case you're curious when you get to level 5, there are at least 1002 keys to find!

  76. No, how did you do that Drergo?

  77. DrErgo, have you figured out the password?

  78. still no love on the 5th bathroom key. i think i've bubble shot everything...yikes!

  79. check the locked door - little wooden piece.

  80. Boater, sorry when I said text box i meant key counter box. - And then for the suns, the last two suns move each other. If you try to drag one it will move the other, so try to drag the remaining one and you'll find the other one, then try to drag that one and it will move the other one (hopefully explained)

  81. don't know if a password is necessary, but I typed various things into chair. ALSO, knobs on locked door produce two letter combinations in bottom of text box.... EE, TO, OP, TR (almost Treetop)

  82. I'm in the level that switches b/w two different rooms. I have 4 keys. Where is the 5th key?

  83. Yeah I have typed in many things to,,to no avail yet..My wooden thingy is stubborn..

  84. What do I do with the wood piece? I can click it, but nothing happens... same if I try to drag it.

  85. getting soogy in the flloding bathroom here? any love on that picture key?

  86. argh will nobody help with the bathroom??

  87. There is a sliding panel on bed frame. Foot's end of bed frame.

  88. above wooden lock should be a little wooden square. (I'm trying to go back and see it to tell you more). Clicking it should open the window.

  89. Oh! Found it.. sliding panel below sink

  90. BTW, I only have 3 keys... 2 from Suzy's room and 1 from the panel above the door. Could that be why I can't get the wood piece?

  91. bathroom: behind sink (1), move panel beneath sink (2), on top right shelf (3), use grey circle to "shoot" side of tub (4) and panel (5)

  92. Heloed. Thanks a lot for the help!

  93. have only 4keys too in bathroom. Have moved grey spot over everything, have three red dots, one above tub/sink and on floor.
    Need key in picture. PLEASE Help

  94. Lvl 5 PASSWORD: TREETOP (as I guessed before) opens panel to get to little wooden square.

  95. I typed treetop 10 - 15 minutes ago and it didn't open the panel for me... wazzup wid dat?

  96. gotta run - good luck all. 1002 keys in lvl 6, but can't get out.

  97. I have treetop typed in for a while..Its not doing anything..I see a little square on the wood part, but I cant it move at all..You sure there isnt something esle you did Drergo?

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. TREETOP (then maybe press RETURN), then the blue panel should be gone. Click small wooden square, and window should disappear. 5th key in the sun.

  100. Got the window opened in the locked room, but still can't find the 2nd key in Suzy's room.

  101. i've lost my grey do you get it back? (level three)

  102. I have 2 keys in lvl 4. How to continue. I even googled papa roach : he is a singer.

  103. LOL..your right Drergo..better start collecting them..

  104. I can't get the gray bubble to "shoot" at the tub! help!

  105. Tosca,in suzys room.. front panel on bed..under balloon..under key counter..hit tab to move to locked room

  106. how is one to get to the green and red buttons in the bathroom?

  107. Lo,,you stop your bubble in the bathtub hole...Put your blue square in center to stop the bubble where you want it..then push red button..

  108. Im in the room with all the keys. I've collected all of them, 1002, but i still cant get out. What am I missing?

  109. lol...still clicking like mad to get them collected latintxprncess

  110. thx vbranam
    Hit tab, i wuld never found that

  111. found 5 keys in 1 level. How do I get to the next one?

  112. have 1002 keys in lvl 5... any suggestions?

  113. I have all my keys now, but still cant get out yet...Will keep looking for another panel or ???

  114. irine, click on shortie and you should get a door with another key at the bottom of it..

  115. I'm stuck with 1002 keys also.. tried moving/clicking pretty much everywhere with no luck. :(

  116. Yall still stuck here..This surely cant be the end..Got to be a panel somewhere..

  117. The maker of this game must have had fun making this.

  118. I can see making it difficult, but this is boardering on stupid. Have clicked, dragged, pulled and pushed everywhere on lvl 5. No Good!

  119. Complete(ish) Walkthrough

    Level 1: (5 Keys total)
    1-Topleft of Key Count box
    2-Bottom of Sun
    3-Move 9 suns to the right wall, then try to move the 9th sun back, it moves a different one to reveal key
    4-Move costumed person thing. Move hidden panel to left of window (near bottom)
    5-Press green button and get key under dogbee's paw as he flips. Click window handle to escape

    Level 2: (0 Keys total)
    I don't know how this one works exactly, but this will get you out: Click everything. Sun, treetop, tree trunk, body, button, fence, field, dot. There's a moveable turf on left side of field. It reveals a button. Press button. Switch windows and wait. Go outside and hug a tree. The level will change eventually.

    Level 3: (6 Keys total)
    1-Top of towels on shelf
    2-Behind bottom (on right side) of sink stand
    3-Behind white tile under sink
    4-Move text box to left, click button. Use blue square to aim red dot in bubble at red button behind panel. You can reset the bubble with the green button.
    5. Aim red dot in dotted line on tub
    6. Click on Shortie, wait for door, key is on bottom right. Open door.

    Level 4: (5 Keys total)
    1-Click balloon string so balloon floats away.
    2-Panel of wood at foot of bed (big darkbrown square)
    3-In "flat armchair" under window enter "TREETOP" into bottom section. Press tab key. Very top-left of game screen.
    4-Use red keypad to align panel. Try it for yourself. If you can't get it, reset and then press each button in middle row once and bottom left button twice.
    5-Press small wooden button under lock on door. Key is in sun. You can now unlock the lock.

    Level 5: (1002+ Keys total)
    Click the keys.

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. oh yeah, like "mhuhhah, great idea to let everyone think there would be an actual end to the game!"

    oh that would be so frustrating. no end.

  122. It is going to be cruel if you need exactly 999 keys to escape.

  123. I agree diana,,,sheeez after all that

  124. Well heloed we had 1002 keys,but then to click on the window,it says we need a few more..

  125. I was thinking the same

  126. Others on another site have escaped... but it's been by accident, so no idea how it's actually done.

  127. ROFL! I was right! You need exactly 1000 keys

  128. You know after I collected my 1002 keys it took me back to the beginning with the dartboard...I clicked the bottom arrow again to get back to my correct page...Thought it was a screw-up..maybe I should have stayed there??

  129. Yes for real. 1000 keys and click the window and he says "They've escaped! But how?! I don't believe it!"

  130. Can't believe myself for starting over.


  131. Can't believe myself for starting over.


  132. lol..Are you going to play again Diane???

  133. Yes, already on 300 keys or so... how bad is that haha

  134. Yes here we go again, but we have already a walkthrough.
    THX Heloid

  135. That's what you call a dedicated escaper...Hec, I most likely will to to get supper going here...Later everyone..

  136. supper? Oh it's past bedtime in my country... going to bed now!

    oh and doing it again, is so not worth it haha. stupid keys...

  137. Yes I escaped that room but now I am stuck with the two guys playing chess.
    I took there a key and the game is not finished yet.
    I better did not take the key ,I think now.

  138. takes 1000 keys to exit level 5...

    Disappointing to say the least!

  139. Whats your ending seanchan ? And did you take the key at the left of the white guy ?

  140. The room with all the keys is the last to escape. Once you are out you are done. There are two keys on the final screen but they are whatever two keys you didn't pick up in the last room.

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. It is different for everybody because it is whatever you didn't pick up in the room with 1002 keys (you only picked up 1000, so 2 got left) They don't actually matter, nothing happens

  143. Ok I see.
    I had only one key left.

  144. In the 4th room, I can't click the little wooden box below the lock, it's covered by a glass do I get that to move? I already got the key from above by lining up the red marks.

  145. Hehe, I played again too! Just had to get the right ending..Yep, exactly 1000 more no less..I was expecting a better ending to..

  146. Tami, you have to type in TREETOP in the armchair back in suzys tab to toggle back and forth between those 2 rooms..

  147. vbranam...u still here? How to get past 4th lvl? I can't click little wooden box under large lock?

  148. Ok, now I can toggle between the 2, but I already typed treetop, lined up the red marks and got that key above...still can't click little wooden box below large lock...

  149. AHHHH was all caps-TREETOP...that's why I couldn't get to the little wooden box....on to the next lvl!

  150. Just one more thing to add to Heloed's walkthrough..When your in level 4...on the top right red keypad to align the red dots...I just pushed the long button(on right)4 times and my square turned counterclockwise to line up easily..

  151. Oh yeah Heloed,,,you may need to edit your walkthrough for the new players...1000 keys only

  152. So, you get 1000 keys, click the window and white shirt guy says I can't believe they escaped? THAT'S IT? Clicking 1000 damn keys, and that is all we get!?? What a let down...See ya'll on the flip side, ty vbranam:)

  153. LOL..yep thats it Tami...

  154. Okay, everybody just got this from another site that Renegade posted about the bugs in this game...

    Hey everyone

    I just woke up or else i'd have replied here sooner.

    The "only 1000 to escape" and the lack of any sort of ending were bugs. I typed an = instead of an > for the keys one (it should be "1000 or more to escape"), and somehow forgot to replace the yellow arrow on the screen for the dialogue after that after I made some changes to it.

    Sorry about that.

    For the rest of the game itself that I see some people saying they didn't like, I was trying to make something slightly different to usual, after a whole lot of criticism that I tend to make puzzles too hard (such as the "light red dots in order" one I've used in several games). I guess I went a little bit too far in the other direction this time, since people got through this one pretty fast

    Thanks for playing anyway *Sing*

  155. Let's see if I can get it done... the last game of this was pretty far fetched. :/

  156. Lizmari Collazo, Renegade has fixed the correct ending now..Darn, if I didnt play Still no special ending after all those keys we collected..hehe

  157. I usually like these games, but this one has got me stuck....the bathroom, got the bubble, but cant seem to do anything with it....heolod doesnt say how.

  158. Heloed, Yes you need to edit your workthrough. You don't tell us how to get the key in the bathroom from the picture and the box below it.

  159. Hey Redroobar and Boater,, move your text box to the left and you will find your 1st red you can proceed with the bubble..

  160. Okay you have the bubble..See the little light blue square to your right..that is what controls your bubble, put in in the center to stop your bubble..

  161. vbranam1, I already did the bubble that busted the bathtub. How do you get the key out of the picture and the box below it?

  162. Boater, dont worry about that one in the top left pic..Its un-gettable..You dont need it..

  163. Yeah, but I only have 4 keys, and I can't get out!!

  164. For the box below it ..move your textbox to the left and push the red button.. your panel covering the red and green button is gone..You said you done the bubble already..(for the red I guess) center your bubble over the blue panel on the left and do the same thing..

  165. vbranam1, can you give me a walkthrough on this level. I really would like to get to the next level. Will appreciate your help.

  166. where exactly do you need help Boater? Heloed did do a walkthrough..Im on the page your on..tell me where your stuck? You got the bubble working on bathtub hole and the panel on left correct?

  167. vbranam1, I got the bubble to the bathtub, but can't get the key from the picture or the box below it. I don't know what to do. I only have 4 keys.

  168. Boater, after you get your 5th key from the left panel (by using bubble)click on the goofy little guy named Shortie sitting on top of will get a door...get the next key from bottom right of door..

  169. Okay, the box below it, is where you are..(forget that picture, where you see a key in the top left)..hit the green button on your right to get your bubble position your bubble on the (box below it) and hit the red button..

  170. yeah just click the red button.. or is the panel not open for you.

  171. Right, i did forget to put that part in my walkthrough.. Once the red dot is over each of the two spots you press the red button that is above the toilet and it fires a laser or something.. if you got the key from the bathtub then you know how to do it.

  172. for this level ...your keys

    1-on top of towels
    2-move the floor tile at sink base
    3-right of sink base
    4-hole in bathtub with bubble(align)
    5-panel above bathtub on left/(align bubble)

  173. How are you coming along Boater and Redroobar? Lots of help here right now..

  174. Just starting... someone said there are 5 keys in level one - how do i change to level 2?

  175. nevermind level 2 :)This is my favorite series!!!

  176. level 2????????? what! no keys no windows???? totally stumpped

  177. lol..yep, Maxine, hang tight..that goofy part will go away...(you get nothing from this page) will eventually take you to the next level..

  178. How do I get the key out of the painting in level 3?- bathroom scene

  179. Maxine, find the green panel in the grass- I think it was the lower right

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