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Glowfly Room Escape

Glowfly Room Escape WalkthroughGlow Fly Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. oh no! I'm on my own :( I'm gonna get stuck real fast now..

  2. I'm not sure if this game is glitchy or it's meant to be like this, but half the numbers I'm finding are cut in half...

  3. woooah, third!!! C'mon baby!!!

  4. omg another living soul! I've been running around in circles stuck :(

  5. Aha! For the black/white circle puzzle - wipe the mirror clean and look in it for the answer

  6. Excape with Perfect End!!
    Really easy!

  7. first time posting. Never solved the black/white dot puzzle, But got perfect end.

  8. I got white piece of paper, coin and hand held ..something or other... gps? remote? anyway it has the number 4 displayed. I have the numbers 2 3 4 6 8... and now im stuck

  9. my hadheld doesn't dispay any number. And when I wipe the miror I just see the tv...where's the paper?

  10. Have an open egg timer, scissors and hand held what?

  11. I'm stuck too. I found all the numbers except for "Green" and not sure what to do with the piece of paper.

  12. use scissors on mattress...

    See how the tv is the only black thing surrounded by white? thats how the dots are supposed to go.

  13. where did you get the egg timer?

  14. Egg timer on top of TV need a chair!

  15. rrb -- zoom in on the left-hand corner of the bedspread, and use the scissors there.

  16. oh yeah, forgot to mention, when you cut the mattress open, a card comes out to put in the hand held thing, then it will display the number

  17. Been trying scissors on close up of mattress and cannot find the spot!

  18. i cant get the bolts off the chair, thats another place ive been scratching my head :( tried coin, paper and smashing the hand held thing on the bolts but nothing works

  19. use the open egg timer on the blank paper.

  20. there is a wrench behind the mirror.

  21. the close up view of the mattress... there is a small square patch that looks a tad off... its on the left hand bottom-ish corner

  22. is there supposed to be a green number? I can't find it if there is.

  23. Shellie there is a spanner behind the mirror

  24. ahh thanks silvanight.. ive been clicking everywhere like crazy!

  25. Thank you Shellie...been trying for ages...

  26. well... that wasnt very helpful lol a bunch of x's and o's :/

  27. Got egg timer, handheld+card, coin. No paper yet. Nothing happens when I "solve" the dot puzzle...stuck

  28. Ah ha! Thanks! I never tried looking behind the mirror. Whee!

    And OUT!

  29. theres a black slot under the puzzle. click on it. Hard to see like the mattress bit

  30. the puzzle doesn't do anything for me either

  31. the Xs and Os relate to the colors on the tv screen. They give you the door code.

  32. relate the dots to the o's and ignore the ones where an x would be. (Be sure you see all 6 dots)

  33. i must have missed something, where is the paper?

  34. I clicked before in the slot and nothing happened...let's try again...

  35. For me the colors on the screen were red purple green blue yellow and pink. Each color has a number corresponding to it. (Check around the room.) Assign each color its proper number and then only use the numbers that are o's and not the ones that are x's.

  36. thank you. If I got locked in a room in real life I would be a skeleton by the time I would be let out. I really suck at these games lol

  37. renoagg: the paper will flash briefly and then be in your inventory.

  38. where is the pink number??

  39. i can't seem to find the paper, can anyone help me?

  40. Thanks...finished normal end..

  41. After you solve the black and white dot puzzle, click below it and you'll see a white trapezoid shape and that's the paper.

  42. For the black/white button puzzle, make sure the bottom middle button is black and the rest are white, then click on the slot underneath the puzzle (in the same view) and you should get a blank piece of paper.

  43. Got it!. My bad, it wasn't black surrounded by white, but the 8th black and the rest shown in the mirror ^^;

  44. nevermind i found it but it's still not showing up on the tv...i don't know..if anyone figures out the code let me know..

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. thank you....i was doing the puzzle wrong

  47. jd:

    Did you solve the b/w puzzle correctly?


    Color all of the dots white except for the 8th.) Then click below the game grid until you see something white. For me, I clicked so fast I didn't really see the paper but noticed it in my inventory.)

  48. ok i figured out the tv...but i still don't remember the numbers on the chair for won't let me look at it again

  49. tiffany, it didnt show up for me either so I just assumed thats where it went lol

  50. yea, thanks for all your help everyone

  51. My red number was 2. Don't know if it changes at all each time.

  52. i never did find the green number though, good thing i didn't need it. lol

  53. Tiffany it's a 2 on the chair.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. just curious, anyone find the green number, where was it?

  56. where's the blacknumber? (OMG, I suck at these games...)

  57. Out with perfect end...I love these games.. Thanks Shuchun

    Wow,many games to catch up on..

  58. reno... i just assumed the "black number" was the pink... I was too impatient for it to show up and it was the only other colour/number I found

  59. there is no black number. The black spot on the tv should be pink.

  60. For the pink number on the tv, you have to move the black off of it.

  61. Ooohhh O_O It worked! I don't know why, but it did @_@

  62. While I have someone chatting....when I open K Sensor it is stuck at 470 and wont load...any suggestions how I get round that?

  63. Out! Thanks everybody!

  64. I don't think so redroobar, you may have to refresh a few times

  65. Out, that one wasn't so bad.

  66. Yay! Out with a perfect end, and no help needed! :)

  67. Perfect end for me. Whooo hooo

  68. Where's the paper you're talking about?

  69. mona, it's under the stool, where the mirror is.

  70. thank you bloob you saved my life

  71. Service Temporarily Unavailable
    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.
    Apache/1.3.39 Server at Port 80

    Everyone else has the same problem ???

  72. I just played again for the fun of it...

    I noticed the first time I played, the green number didn't show by the hourglass on top of the TV cabinet. The second time I played it was there. Not that the green number is needed, but just an observation.

  73. I worked it out ... just clicked point and escape games on top of page and then the game opened.

    If all was so simple :D

  74. This was a gr8 game !

    Did all by myself except the black number trick :D

    Out with perfect end.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. yup how do you wipe the mirror? btw i can't find the last number in pink/black..

  79. pinkypotato
    do you got the towel ?
    Take towel and move over mirror.

    Pink number = 8.
    When you looks at the pc screen you will see all colored dots,
    after the yellow dot ... slide and you will see the pink dot appear.

  80. Towel is behind bedhead in the ring... forgot to mention that :D

  81. Is it just me or did this series of games just get way better graphics?

  82. agree. this series of games just get way better graphics:x

  83. "Server temorary unavailable"

  84. morning!
    just starting!

  85. hey i have the coin, paper and a blue memory im stuck!! please can somebody do a walktrout?? i cant find the numbers of the blue and red dots!! pleasee help me!!

  86. mina:
    red # is on the chair [2]
    and blue is on the handheld thing after you put in the memory card [4]

  87. I have a sheet of paper, a handheld thingy, a chair, and a coin. Where's the towel? Where's the egg timer?

  88. -Towel on right side of bed end
    -Chair next to black wardrobe/cupboard
    -Can now reach top of cupboard to get egg timer and green number

  89. red blue and purple # found, (BY MYSELF!) but where oh where are the green and yellow #?????
    and why does noone do the walk through anymore? yes your all so good and practiced at these games, but no-one cares what you have in you inventories, WHERE DO YOU FIND THEM????? We all know your all good, you don't need to blog about it, SHARE THE ANSWERS!!!!!


  90. Service temporary unavailable. How long is temporary? It's been a couple of hours already . . .

  91. I have to agree with Maxine. I'm sick of trying to search through the long lists of "I have ..." just to find something helpful. Usually I just end up scrolling down to the bottom to see if there's a walkthrough. I know some sites post Hint Thoughs too, instead of just telling you where something is or how to do it, they suggest things you could try, or places you might not have looked. Keeps it fun while toning down the challenge. Just a thought. >.>

  92. Yes! Found yellow number. I don't think many people are checking the ceiling...

  93. someone help me pleez, i have a piece of paper, a chair, a hand held thing witha number 6 on it, and a coin, now wat? how do i use the chair to get the egg thing.

  94. ok. in my game the first dot on the tv was missing. if figured it had to be red, as it was the only number I found with not dot. and it was.

    here's a walkthru :
    - look at the tv you (should) see 6 colored circles [if have black-purple-green-blue-yellow-pink
    - look under tv closet and find a handheld/gameboy-thing
    - turn to the bed. click on right side (head) of it. get the towel. see pink "8"
    - turn to desk. look at mirror. its fogged. wipe it with the towel. you see the tv reflected
    - click on right side of the mirror to see behind it. get the wrench
    - click on gray square under desk: white/black game. set it like the tv in the mirror. white around and the lower middle one black then click on the black slit under it. get the paper.
    - next look into the trash can. get the scissors. notice the pruple "3"
    - look at the chair. click right lower corner. notice the red "2". use the wrench to release the chair and pick it up.
    - place the chair on the right of the tv closet. click on right top of the closet. get the hourglass and notice the green "5" (if it's there)
    - click on the hourglass to open it. use it on the paper and reval a series of Oo-s and X-s. there are 6 of them. mine: OOXOXO (this matches the circles on the tv)
    - finally go to the bed and click on the left end to see a closer spot on the bed. use the scissors to get a card. use this card with the handheld and reveal a blue "4"
    - now you have:
    red=2 / purple=3 / green=5 / blue=4 / yellow=? / pink=8
    needed are the O from OOXOXO
    means: 2348
    - now, use the code to open the door.

    I don't know if the colors or the numbers change. but you get the idea. ^_^

  95. ah, thanks @Blibdoolpoolp
    seems yellow number is on the ceiling.

    I haven't used the bug icon. my guess it's for reference

    ok, out to get some sleep.

  96. jup.
    yellow=6 in case someone needs that

  97. wow that was fun!!! you dont need the green and yellow #'s. the tv trick isnt needed until you have the x's and o's :). oh ya i got perfect ending XD thx to all for posting helpful comments

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