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Mandarin Orange Room Escape

Mandarin Orange Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Play Mandarin Orange Room Escape

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  1. Temporarily unavailable.....boring

  2. this could take a while...maybe I'll go cut the grass

  3. when you finally get the page to load, the game itself wont load.. ;(

  4. it's working fine for me... I have three numbers, a red & white thing, some water, and 6 oranges. not sure what to do next, if anyone else is playing.

  5. Finally, got it started

  6. It only took me a few refreshes to get in, fortunately.

    I have 6 oranges, a red and white thing, a drain plug(?), and a red sun-shaped tile. I've used a key, a long pole, and a screwdriver. Not sure what's next.

  7. Dipped the puck in the water and it turned blue....

  8. Noticing where the oranges are on the shelf will help get pliers (I had to start over...)

  9. and a yellow suare thing, for which I had to use the plyers...

  10. hi guys

    i can never play on this parallellove site


  11. Does anyone have any idea what the red and white thing is?

  12. ah, a code from the cupboard!

  13. haigh.. still wont load.. just white screen...and some side advertisement..

  14. Is that 6 purple or is it blue?

  15. I imagine it's a fuse. anyone have any idea about the clock?

  16. but I don't know how to input the code!!!???

  17. how do i get the yellow square of the leg of table?

  18. 6 blue, 4 red, 2 yellow. Do I need to put the fuse in first, or does the clock do something?

  19. read my comment above for pliers

  20. in the code box (for which you use the oranges on the shelves)

  21. i tried both but nothing happens. no move in the clock or the box. tried writing the 3 numbers / colors but nothing

  22. red and white thing is a battery

  23. me too garod, stuck! And have to leave in 7 minutes... : (

  24. but where do we put it? Or else, how do I get a 2nd battery out of the clock?

  25. Gah! I refreshed to try and solve the oranges puzzle, and now I can't get it to reload.

    This stinks.

  26. I have to leave very soon too, want to get out!!!!!

  27. colors of the numbers... combine each part of the "8" using the color wheel.

  28. I tried to go back to first use the screwdriver on the clock (there's a small dark thingy in the lower left), but cannot get in anymore Will try later. Have to leave, good luck!

  29. Drergo, that didn't cross my mind, good thinking!!!

  30. make sure you find the 7th orange before leaving - Perfect End.

  31. Out but not perfect. I couldn't find that seventh orange...

  32. ok did color wheel 8 still nothing

  33. is it purple down then green down green acrooss top and bottom brown in middle orange down then purple down?

  34. I don't get the color you input them all at once

  35. and where do we use the water????

  36. put round brown thing in water, it turns blue, after that i dont think you use it again.

  37. the middle line is white
    there is another orange is in front of the door(change the view)

  38. thanks, just thought you can use it again since it's still there..lost all other used items.

  39. does anyone know where the battery go?

  40. Where is the screwdriver?

  41. ur bedtime ..have fun all.

  42. The people who made this game run out of animals, so they use fruits.. lol

  43. still stuck.........even refreshed to make sure I didn't miss anything.

  44. I give up,,, will wait for walkthrough.

  45. pliers are in the yellow box

  46. lisannik where are you stuck? Luly!!!pliers are in the yellow box

  47. Don't know where the battery goes, and don't get the colored code.

  48. Stuck without star shape & with key (unused) and battery. Haven't figured out clock, nor vent.

  49. how do I open yellow box??

  50. k the colored code is left purple down, left green down,middle green top, middle white center, middle green bottom, right orange down, right purple down, have battery highlighted when opening box I think I clicked towards the bottom of the thing to get it to open and then put it inside. Hope that helps

  51. The power of posting. I finally found the locked box.

  52. luly do you remember where the oranges were on the shelf? if so thats the code to the yellow box

  53. think of the squares 1 - 9 starting left top and press 3,5,6,8 and 9 (I think) let me know if it doesn't work

  54. @ evlwmn is that how to open the box, I guess Im confused at how to input the numbers.

  55. Hi all!
    I dont get the yellow-box-code..I know it should be like the oranges in the shelf,but it doesnt do it 4 the oranges mean to press this field or not. (I tried both, and it didnt work..grrr..)lol

  56. WOW! Can anyone explain how you get the color code? I don't get it.

  57. the oranges mean dont press that square

  58. blondzombi plz check my 18:50 post and see if that helps

  59. for the yellow box...
    top to bottom left to right think of the squares 1 - 9
    press 3,4,5,8 and 9

  60. colour code: horizontal lines from top to bottom green, white, green
    vertical lines: top left purple, bottom left green,top right orange, bottom right purple

    Yellow box: press 3rd square in the first line, 2nd and 3rd in the middle, 1st and 3rd in the bottom line

  61. where is screwdriver? where do i use the key? ive tried everything i can think of, nothing works..HELP!!

  62. sorry I mean 3, 5,6, 8 and 9

  63. And I'm out. Any questions?

  64. evlwmn, believe me i tried this before!!! Thanx you!!!

  65. moog68 the key is in the tissue box and then click to the left of the shelves where the oranges were

  66. how do you work the box by the door with the # 8 to which you input colors so you can open it& what to do with clock???

  67. I have never felt so confused! lol

  68. np saintj glad I could help someone

  69. can somebody do walkthro.. i really dont get it!! i have a blue plug, red/white thing, yellow square thing,key, 6 oranges.. cant do anything with any of it!!

  70. I didn't do anything with the clock. The colors of the number on the panel should just be mixed on every line where the numbers overlap. For example: 6 and 2 overlap on the top horizontal line. So,


  71. hy all...just starting...

  72. k the colored code is left purple down, left green down,middle green top, middle white center, middle green bottom, right orange down, right purple down, have battery highlighted when opening box I think I clicked towards the bottom of the thing to get it to open and then put it inside. Hope that helps

    the clock is a red herring

  73. moog68,

    I'm available to do a walkthrough, but the game is not available. Maybe I can try by memory...

  74. The color number code from the door:

    It's the combination of Blue 6 Red 4 and Yellow 2


    inside is 7

    1 Green (Blue+Yellow)
    2 Purple (Red+Blue)
    3 Orange (Yellow+Red)
    4 Green
    5 Purple
    6 Green
    7 White (Blue+Yellow+Red)

  75. where does it tell you about the color code? i know what the code is from postings...but how do you know what to do?

  76. FINALLY OUT! thank you evlwmn & lucia for making thatless confusing for me,I finally got it!!!phew

  77. moog68,

    the colors mix where the numbers overlap

  78. how do you know that blue is 6, red is 4 and yellow is 2?

  79. walkthrough :

    click bottom of screen in front of door to find orange
    go right
    take stick from bottom of large chest
    take orange and brown thing from chest
    go right. take key from box of tissues
    take water from right side of chest
    combine the water and the brown thing in your inventory
    go right and notice oranges in squares 1,2,4,8
    take oranges
    click right bottom side of chest and use stick to take fuse
    click left side of chest and open box with key. take screwdriver
    go back to screen with door and open air vent at the bottom with screwdriver
    take red star
    go right and zoom the yellow box. make squares 1,2,4,8 light, the others dark
    open the box and take pliers
    go right and click left bottom side of table and take orange.
    cut wire with pliers and take yellow squares
    go to screen with yellow box and click the left middle side of the right chest
    put the 3 shapes in the holes
    zoom out and notice blue 6, red 4 and yellow 2
    go to the panel left of the door and combine the 3 colored numbers to make:

    top line= green
    top left line= purple
    top right line= orange
    middle line=white
    bottom line=green
    bottom left line=green
    bottom right line= purple

    click button to open panel and put fuse in place
    click the door and you are out

  80. Hello,
    where can find the quadrat? I have a puck and a blob, and two numbers at the shelf.
    Who can help me.

  81. 1 go left get orange and round brown shape from cabinet and long stick from bottom front of cabinet.

    2 go left get key from tissue box and water from right side of shelves

    3 go left and notice where the oranges are (these are the squares not to click on the yellow box) take the oranges click the floor to the right of shelves and use stick to get the battery click back and then click to the left of the shelves and use key on box for the screwdriver

    4 go left and use screwdriver on the vent and get red star shape

    5 go left and click on the yellow box remember where the oranges were and dont click those squares or number them top to bottom, left to right 1-9 and click 3,5,6,7 and 9 to get the pliers

    6 go left click the left front leg of the little table and use the pliers to get the yellow square and grab the orange too

    7 go right click the left side of the book case and you see the holes for the shapes click the brown round thing then click the water and it turns blue then insert all the shapes into the case and back out to see the color numbers (blue 6, red 4, and yellow 2)

    8 go right and click on the panel with the eight on it and you have to put the color numbers in it the colored code is left purple down, left green down,middle green top, middle white center, middle green bottom, right orange down, right purple down, have battery highlighted when opening box I think I clicked towards the bottom of the thing to get it to open and then put it inside.

    9 click back and then click the bottom view to get the last orange and then out

  82. hagel check number 6 on walkthrough

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. does anyone have an alternative link?

  85. Can't get in! :( Is there another link somewhere? I guess I'll try it later...

  86. Oh -now- it works! ^_^

  87. I can't find the 7th orange anywhere! I've tried clicking everything/where! I quit!

  88. Service Temporarily Unavailable.

  89. Spidermoon ... click straight over the door on the floor closest to you, like when you click at the bottom of the room ... there is it.

    Refreshing does help, i needed to click also a few times.

    lasers pew pew pew ... TYVM for the walkthrough ... out with perfect ending thanks to you !

  90. Oh-my-goodness! Thank you so much, Mieke! I couldn't have found that orange if my life depended on it!


  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. now it worked for me too!!!

  93. have put the colours on the eight but it will not open, is it a battery or fuse? as one walkthrough is saying one thing and the other another, as I am highlighting whatever it is supossed to be but nothing is happening?

  94. have put the colours on the eight but it will not open, is it a battery or fuse? as one walkthrough is saying one thing and the other another, as I am highlighting whatever it is supossed to be but nothing is happening?

  95. Thank you for the walkthrus!!!!

  96. What is the go with having to download a licence to ply a "Free Online Game"?????? total crap!

  97. My first post...I was able to open the panel when I put brown instead of white for the middle part of the 8

  98. Thanks Erika.
    .My middle line had to be brown also. Now out.

  99. Out w/ perfect end...finally!

    Erika: thanks so much for the help with the middle line colour! Had been trying orange and a few other colours, but hadn't gotten to the brown yet. Brown was the key!

    Love Sakura's games...guess now we will play escape the "fill in the blank" fruit games!!! lol Now if I could only manage to play at the same time everyone else does...would certainly be more fun!

  100. thanks everybody for their comments! couldn't have done it alone.. :)

  101. just in case anyone is wondering why the middle line is brown. blue red & yellow make brown. I don't know why 2 or more people posted white. It just couldn't be. Look up mixing primary colors.

  102. walkthrough :

    click bottom of screen in front of door to find orange
    go right
    take stick from bottom of large chest
    take orange and brown thing from chest
    go right. take key from box of tissues
    take water from right side of chest
    combine the water and the brown thing in your inventory
    go right and notice oranges in squares 1,2,4,8
    take oranges
    click right bottom side of chest and use stick to take fuse
    click left side of chest and open box with key. take screwdriver
    go back to screen with door and open air vent at the bottom with screwdriver
    take red star
    go right and zoom the yellow box. make squares 1,2,4,8 light, the others dark
    open the box and take pliers
    go right and click left bottom side of table and take orange.
    cut wire with pliers and take yellow squares
    go to screen with yellow box and click the left middle side of the right chest
    put the 3 shapes in the holes
    zoom out and notice blue 6, red 4 and yellow 2
    go to the panel left of the door and combine the 3 colored numbers ove noe another to make:

    top line= green
    top left line= purple
    top right line= orange
    middle line=brown
    bottom line=green
    bottom left line=green
    bottom right line= purple

    click button to open panel and put fuse in place
    click the door and you are out

  103. Thanks so much Erika for the brown!! That was driving me crazy!

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.


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