Sun City Chronicles 1 is a new
point and click adventure game from Firefrogs.com.
This is the first chapter of a series of the Sun-City Chronicles, where you play Nick Maldirve - a detective in the SCPD. Is this case just another usual suicide case? Or will it lead to some global conspiracy? You'll have to play to find out. Speak to people, pick up items and use them on people and stuff to advance the plot. Good luck and have fun!
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Hi. Am I the only one here?
ReplyDeleteaaahhhh..New game!!!!! :-))
ReplyDeleteApparently not :))
ReplyDeleteno:-) im here too,
ReplyDeleteam glad someelse is here to help:-)
you're not alone....:))
ReplyDeletehmm have been to pet shop and nightclub gave drunk man alcohol and taken dog food to make meatballs but nightclub and pet shop have gone from my map??
ReplyDeleteamm stuck!!
The game is seriously cyclical and the grammar and spelling in it are terrible.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to wait for the next one.
hey all, hope yous are better than i am at these ;)
ReplyDeleteThey should still be on your map.
ReplyDeleteI kinda like it. The spelling only makes it funnier.
ReplyDeletemy screen just went blank.....seems to be buggy :(
ReplyDeletewhere do i start? Im in the office and looked at the newsapaper..but when i try to get to the message board or computer it wont let me do anything
ReplyDeleteok ive started again and nightclub is still there, might make it a bit easier:-)
ReplyDeleteHow do you make meatballs out of dog food?
ReplyDeletedrag them to the small kitchen like thing at your office.
ReplyDeletewell, Im out, locations disappear or screens go blank. Im not staring over again....! Good luck to you all!!
ReplyDeleteTake meatballs to drunk sitting down at nightclub.
ReplyDeleteyeah am stuck after that ,i thought maybe he'd be more helpfull
ReplyDeletewhat is the blue football looking thing?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis game took ages to load, then the screen went blank. gggrr I think it might have bugs.
ReplyDeletewell ive lost all my places again!!
ReplyDeleteim gonna call it quits and try again later.
ggod luck all still playing tho:-)
Just used the blue thing. It's a recorder.
ReplyDeleteWhere'd you use it Mita?
ReplyDeletedanierae i thought is a remote control but i'm not sure
ReplyDeleteTo get rid of the guy in front of the staff room. But you have to turn off the lights first.
ReplyDeleteI can't even get to the bar...I can't get anyone to tell me where he used to drink...
ReplyDeletethanks, but I can't get the guard who's blocking the lightswitches to move Mita...
ReplyDeleteHow did you do that?
How did you take the dog food?
ReplyDeleteseem to be stuck at club, can't find anything out from anyone...
ReplyDeleteI'm out. You have to get the cat from the locked cage. Do you have the key?
ReplyDeletei don't have a key
ReplyDeletewhere did you get the dog food?
ReplyDeleteradmilla: the almost empty drink you found in the room with the dead man, you need to give it to the blond man in the petshop. Turn all the way right.
ReplyDeleteblphitz: you can't get it until you've given a full death kiss (available at bar on invitation) to the blond man in the petshop.
sorry. that was for diane.
ReplyDeleteto get the dog food you have to take a photo of the guy drinking in the pet shop and show it to the owner.
thank you mita
ReplyDeleteI don't have the key, Mita... where to look?
ReplyDeleteand diane also
ReplyDeleteThank you Diane!
ReplyDeleteDid you find the note in the arcade game? It tells you they buried something in the park. And you have a shovel.
ReplyDeletethank you for all the help, but you're way ahead of me I think haha. I'm stuck after delivering meatballs. Can't get the arcadegamer to quit his game so I can check out the machine...
ReplyDeleteHow do I get the guy away from the switches?!?
ReplyDeleteYou're not that far behind. You have to give something to the geek in the petshop for the hamster. His precioussss :))
ReplyDeleteyou cant get the gamer to stop...HES A MAN!!!!.lol im trying to peck the gamers eyes out with the bird...men and their video games...so annoying
ReplyDeleteI can't figure out how to get the guy away from the switches!!!
Please, oh-please, someone help me!
grr there are some bugs in this game, places disapper and i had to restart it twice
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to restart... I think.
ReplyDeleteThe pet shop disappeared to me, but all I did was go to the dead man's apartment and clicked the note on the table.
Here's a walkthrough for that part:
ReplyDeleteTake the glass near the dead man. Use it on the soup of the guy at the office and then take the Gollum poster.
Go to the pet shop and give it to the first guy. He'll give you his hamster but the shop owner won't let you take him. So take a picture of the blond guy who's drinking and show it to the owner.
Then, with the hamster, go to the club and use it on the arcade game's wire.
how do you take the cup from dead guy?
ReplyDeleteI don't actually know. I went back there and he took it. Sorry, can't help you there :))
ReplyDeleteThat doesn't help me... I can't get the drink that the guy in the back of the pet shop wants...
ReplyDeletewhat sis you do before taking it mita?
ReplyDeletejoy get the invite from the drunk at the petshop and go to the chick beside the guy at the dancefloor of the club...drag the invite to her
ReplyDeletedoes anyone know what to do after you give meatballs to guy at bar????????
ReplyDeletejoycrux: give the invitation to the girl in the club and she'll tell you to go to the bar
ReplyDeletedanierae45: I really don't know. I was just going everywhere cause I couldn't do anything. What do you have in your inventory?
danierae was faster :P
ReplyDeletemita...i have a camera, recorder,shovel bird and apple.....
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should do what I did. Click around like crazy and use everything on everyone.
ReplyDeletei just have a blue thing, a birt?, a bottle and a camera
ReplyDeletei don't kow what to do now
any help? please~
already all over it mita!
ReplyDeletealready all over it mita!
ReplyDeletewoops...ditto lol
ReplyDeleteI can't take a picture of the guy drinking... It keeps saying "it doesn't make sense"...
ReplyDeleteaaaaarrarararggghhhhhghg my nightclub just went away and homeboy is too busy drinking to give me another invite.......
ReplyDeletewell i giuess i give up....not a good detective...good luck all
ReplyDeleteI think you have to give the poster for the hamster first. But for that you need to get the cup from the dead guy. Which is a hard thing to do :))
ReplyDeleteI can't get the cup. Talked to everyone i met, took all the items i could get. What am i doing wrong?
ReplyDeleteHow do I get a picture?!? Now it's saying "it doesn't sound like a good idea"...
ReplyDeleteI think i'm close to the end but i used the contact list on the phone at the police station and it told my car was getting towed. Now i'm stuck any help would be great.
ReplyDeleteIn order to do some of the stuff you have to have interacted with something/one before it.
ReplyDeleteie: to get the pills next to the dead guy you must have completed all of the stuff up to that point, plus - talked to the guy on the game, try to touch the poster (and then told off by the guy at the desk), and then try to buy the gerbil from the nerd (I <3 Nerds!)... THEN it will let you pick up the bottle of pills and dump them into the coffee cup to take the poster and give it to the guy with the hampster... when you try to take the hampster the owner stops you - so go into the back room and take the picture, then show it to the owner (he'll run off) and you can take the gerbil.
OKAY! I got the light off (finally) now how do I get past the guy blocking the staff room? I've tried everything in my inventory - please help!
@ Dayhead: how do you get into the staff room?
ReplyDeletedayhead: go to the club and talk to the chick
ReplyDeletejoycrux: talk to him about being tired. the use the recorder on the boss
I can't get the conversation to 'sound right'...?
ReplyDeleteJoyCrux YOU'RE THE BEST!
ReplyDeletehuh? wha? what'd I do?
ReplyDeleteThere's something at the office that should help you. In the empty room.
ReplyDeleteMita: the club icon disappeared so looks like i'm out of luck but thanks for the help
ReplyDeleteSomeone please tell me what I'm doing wrong/missing! I've got the lights out, I've talked to the guy and his boss - but the only thing that seems to happen is that the little blue recorder keeps telling me that the converstation doesn't 'sound right'...?
I didn't want to give everything away. Sorry :)) Go to the office in the room to the left and use the recorder on the computer there.
ReplyDeleteThanks! I love room escapes, but I am really terrible at *this* kind of game! I love to see the stories though!
ReplyDeleteI'm at the part where I've called the guy to tell him that his car's being towed - but, alas, I am stuck yet again!
Did you use the apple for anything? I beat the game without using it.
ReplyDeletedon't go back to talk to the Chief because thats what makes the club disappear. Very buggy.
ReplyDeleteGah! I figured it out! I just sat there thinking to myself, "I've *used* every freakin' thing in my inventory!" Then I realized that stupid badge that I keep overlooking is there!
Out - Thank Goodness!
i cannot believe how stuck i am. i gave the guy his drink and now im like
>_< i cant get meatballs, i cant take the picture. NOTHING >_<
How do I turn off the lights?
ReplyDeletebah i finally got the dog food. now to make it into meatballs
ReplyDeletei got the note about the stuff in the park but icant find anything. is there anyone here?
ReplyDeleteCate clean the cat in the bathroom and give it to the guy
ReplyDeleteAddy use shovel on rock
ReplyDeletethank you kerry!
ReplyDeletehow do i get the glass from the dead guy
ReplyDeleteJoyCrux's comment will help you on that. Here it is (you don't have to scroll up and down to find it):
"In order to do some of the stuff you have to have interacted with something/one before it.
ie: to get the pills next to the dead guy you must have completed all of the stuff up to that point, plus - talked to the guy on the game, try to touch the poster (and then told off by the guy at the desk), and then try to buy the gerbil from the nerd (I <3 Nerds!)... THEN it will let you pick up the bottle of pills and dump them into the coffee cup to take the poster and give it to the guy with the hamster... when you try to take the hamster the owner stops you - so go into the back room and take the picture, then show it to the owner (he'll run off) and you can take the gerbil."
I'm stuck... What should I do after the phone call??
ReplyDeleteThat was funny, I have the two goons with guns in the park with the girl, I didn't know what to do so went back to the club, spoke with the girl, went back to the park and there's two girls, very weird, however, what do I do now?
ReplyDeleteshow your badge to the chick on the dance floor
ReplyDeletejacky, you still got your wood pecker?
ReplyDeletejacky, you still got your wood pecker?
ReplyDeleteYeah, what do I do, peck them to death, ha ha.
ReplyDeleteWhat do WOOD peckers peck?
ReplyDeleteSorry for laughing, yes you do peck them to death, but use the tree.
ReplyDeletethank you elbottso, I'm out!
ReplyDeletecan someone please tell me how to make the phone call? I've got the list but it's not working on the police station phone...
ReplyDeleteAnyone figure out what to do with the apple? Maybe you need for part 2?
ReplyDelete1) Pick up the newspaper
2) go left, talk to guy about photo
3) touch poster
4) talk to police woman
5) go left twice
6) pick up blue device (it's a recorder)
7) go back to hallway
8) enter chief's room (oppsite side)
9) pick up camera
10) talk to chief (a new place will show up on the map)
11) go back to hallway
WARNING: after talking to chief do NOT go back to this room again, this will spoil your game!
12) go right three times
13) enter Northern lights
14) pick up card with paw on it (a new place will show up on the map)
15) go left, pick up white bottle from shelf
16) go right twice
17) enter Blackwood height
18) get starling from cage (you will need it later)
19) talk to nerd about everything
20) go right, talk to shop owner about everything. it is important that you specifically talk about the hamster, if it doesn't work out during the first conversation, try another time
21) go right, talk to blond man about everything, give him the white bottle (a new place will show up on the map), you will get an invitation to the club
22) go forward, left, forward
23) enter City center
24) talk to bar keeper about everything
25) talk to customer about everything, to his question about meatballs answer It will be ready in a second!
26) go left, give invitation to woman
27) talk to blond dude
28) go left, go forward left side (enter rest room)
29) take shovel, go back
30) go forward, right side, talk to couple
31) go left, talk to bouncer
32) go right twice, talk to player, go back
33) go left, talk to man guarding switches, go back, three times right
34) talk to bar keeper, get drink, take apple (optional)
35) exit, head back to Pet Shop, give bottle to clerk in last room, take dog food
36) head back to Police Headquarter, go left twice to kitchen and drag dog food on kitchen, you will prepare meat balls
37) head back to club, give meat balls to customer and listen to story about arcade room
38) exit, go to pet shop, talk to nerd in first room, ask about hamster (if he doesn't talk about the hamster, talk to shop owner again)
39) exit, head back to Northern lights, go to body and pick up bottle with pills
40) exit, head back to Police headquarter, drop pills in coffee cup next to guy at desk
41) take poster, head back to pet shop, trade poster for hamster
42) try to take hamster, owner refuses. go to back room, take snapshot of drinking guy, give that to shop owner, take hamster
43) exit, back to the club. go to arcade room and let the hamster do his job at the machine's cabling
44) when player is gone, click dead machine and read
45) exit tzhe club and go to City park, go left once, use shovel on rock, get key
46) exit park, go to pet shop, last room, use key on cage, get cat.
47) back to club, rinse cat in the sink in the rest room
48) pick up clean cat, go back outside and use cat on man next to switches
49) flip upper switch, go to bouncer on staff door, talk about party and being looking tired
50) back to dance floor, use your recording device on the muscular dude
51) back to your office, use recorder on computer
52) head to the club and use recorder on the bouncer
53) enter staff room, pick up contact sheet, go right, click third book from the right in top row, part of the story will be revealed
54) at the police headquarter, use contact sheet on phone in first room to lure the guy out of the club
55) the girl on the dance floor will now be alone, show your police badge to her
56) go to the park, once again left, talk to girl, two thugs will appear
57) place starling on branch overhead, bang
58) the end
ReplyDeleteto make the phone call work, after you visited the staff room (after point 53) in my previous opost, on your way out try to present your ID to the girl, you will come up with the idea of luring him away.
Sorry for having let this out.
man ,stuck again after the phone call
ReplyDeleteim stuck. why cant i pick up the bottle of pills. i must have missed something or just not doing it right. any suggestions?
ReplyDeletewell im out. the apple must have been a red herring.
ReplyDeleteTarlang TYVM for walkthrough,
ReplyDeletecouldn't do it without it !
Oh boy ... What a work out to get a hamster :D
I hope next chapter: Who is Phil ?,
is much easier !
i don't understand, i've talked to everyone and still i can't get to make the meatballs from the dog food packages. I drag over toward stove/sink, but they won't stay, goes back into my inventory, help!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for walkthrough.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to clarify the computer you use when you drag the voice recorder is the one where you got the recorder from in the first place...
I spent ages dragging to my computer at desk... even restatrted...
ReplyDeleteclick on dog food in your inv. You don't have to drag... it will do this for you. Wait until kitchen highlights... good luck
well...I finally finished, thanks to your WT hints and great posting!! I was too tired and punchy to post my thanks to all at 3am (!) but I couldn't have finished without you!!! TYVM!!!!!!!! Hope the next game in this series is just a bit easier...lol!
ReplyDeletei can't get it to load, it's just a blank screen :(
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