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Factory Balls 2

FactoryBalls 2 is sequel of Factory Balls a kind of puzzle game created by Bart Bonte, who is also creator of Bonte Room games and some other cool games. In this game you have to drag and drop a ball over the tools to produce the required ball physics in each level. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Added new working link!

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Factory Balls 2 Walkthrough

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  1. Yea! New game!!! This time, i'm going to try not to cheat... :)

  2. Fun game at first, but by lvl 20 loses its appeal. The rabbit is cute however. :)

  3. Just starting, how many levels are there ? Its late already here... 11.06 pm... if its to long i play this 1 tomorrow.

  4. im on level 19...getting bit bored now!! Ya can complete a level fairly quickly though!

  5. Nevermind... no need for cheating in this game :D

  6. heyy everyone. just joining

  7. rly confused, wat do we have to do???? still on level one with a blue ball in the center.

  8. Hi isyg, you have to make the ball look the same as that on the box by dragging it onto the tools around the outside.

  9. ugh. stuck on 19. how do you get the daisys just on the top half?

  10. Megan, look at what happens if you over water the daisies.

  11. from someone on bartbonte blog

    spoiler 19:
    first you use the flowers seeds, give the ball whater one time, than use the hat. give the ball wather til the flowers is gone. then take off the hat and plant some gras seeds and give it some wather.

  12. oh got it the white pail is only half sized, paints only bottom half

  13. thanks, can't believe I couldn't get that!

  14. finnished all 30 levels, so everyone knows you don't loose balls when you put them in the garbage

  15. Done! That was nice... I think i'll go look for the original Factory Balls game now :)

  16. hi, help with 24!!! i hate flowers!!!

  17. Thanks Hubcap ... for the levels,
    having problems with level 9, cant find a basket ?

    But dont worry, gone try again tomorrow, i'm half asleep by now :D ... almost midnight here.

  18. hey hey!! let's plaaaaaay!!

  19. any1 here?? help with 18 pls!!

  20. oh i played this a while again when i was using "stumble upon" it's lots of fun

  21. confused about 15 and the whole light bulb thingy.

  22. i`m stuck on 13.please help me :(

  23. power of posting. got 15, now stuck on 26.

  24. power of posting again. got it.

  25. luly i just finished 18. i'll try to remember.. first coat top ear color whole ball, then use ear muffs and dip in bottom ear color. then put helmet on and ear muffs and dip in bottom color, i think that's right

  26. baby doll which combo was 13?

  27. Spoiler Alert
    1.paint, green tape, black tape
    2.Seeds, Water, Water
    3.Orange, belt, blue, belt
    4.Glasses, red, glasses, spray, spray
    5.yellow, hat, green, hat, spray x4
    6.horizontal belt, blue, verticle belt, purple, ver belt, hor belt
    7.glasses, seeds, water x2, glasses, spray x2
    8.Yellow, hat, orange, hat, spots, blue, spots
    9.seeds, water, hat waterx2, hat, spray, light, white spray x8, black spray x4
    12. flower, water, grass, water
    13. vert belt, purple, vert belt, hor belt, purple, vert belt, blue, vert belt, hor belt.
    14.Glasses, seeds, water x3, glasess, spray x2, plunge1 x2, plunge2 x2.
    15.Spray, light, hat, blue, hat
    16.grass, water, blue flowers, water, yellow flowers, water, black x6, white x4, black x2, hat, red, hat, earphones?, yellow, earphones, hat, earphones, blue, earphones, hat
    19. flower, water, hat, water x2, hat, seeds, water
    20. black, hat, yellow, spin x3, hat, yellow, hat, spin
    21. black, glasses, plunge1, plunge 2, red, glasses, plunge3 x2
    22. blue, vert belt, yellow, vert belt, hor belt, yellow, ver belt, orange, vert belt, hor belt
    23. spots, black, spots, hat, black, hat, spots, white, spots
    24. grass, hat, blue flowers, hat water, yellow flowers, water
    25. green, hat, yellow, hat, spin x3, hat, orange, hat, spin x6, hat, orange, hat, spin
    26. spray, water x2, red dye, fish, blue dye.
    27. purple, plunge1, plunge2 x2, white x7, black x3
    28. vert belt, seeds, vert belt, hor belt, seeds, vert belt, water, vert belt, hor belt, water x2
    29. hat, black, hat, turn, hat, black, hat, turn x6, hat, blue, hat, spin, hat, red, hat, spin x2
    30. spray, water, red dye, fish, water, blue dye, fish, green dye

    I love these games

  28. wow that was really fun. and i completed every level without help. very smart game.

  29. I really liked playing this game! Thank you for the walkthru/hints panicattack20!

  30. i like this game
    finished all levels without help
    lil proud:D


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