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Achievement Unlocked

Achievements Unlocked is another intriguing and challenging puzzle game. Focus solely on your ultimate destiny and doing random tasks that have nothing to do with anything. Metagame yourself with ease! Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Tosca]

Update: Added new working link!

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Achievement Unlocked Walkthrough

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  1. FIRSTTTT cause "ad" -you DON"T MATTER

  2. little confused as to what my goal is....?

  3. just keep on roaming around the screen and complete the different achievements on the right of screen
    use arrow keys to move elephant

  4. Here is the list of achievements for the game "Achievement Unlocked":

    #0: Don't Move a Muscle = Keep the elephant from moving
    #1: It's a Jump to the Left = Find a way to move westward
    #2: And it's a step to the Ri-i-ight! = Strain yourself to move right
    #3: Fight Gravity = Figure out how to jump upwards
    #4: Elephant Skewers = Hit a spike strip
    #5: Ascension = Be lifted into the sky
    #6: Lefty = Show love to the left wall.
    #7: Righty = Show love to the right wall.
    #8: Purple Ceiling = Hit the top of the hardest level
    #9: Rock Bottom = Find the bottom of the easiest level
    #10: Speedy Downfall = Fall from the top to bottom without stopping
    #11: Escape Velocity = Go from bottom to top without stopping
    #12: Stalactite = Skewer yourself at high speed on downward facing spikes
    #13: Stalagmite = Skewer yourself at high speed on upward facing spikes
    #14: Found Point 0 = Uncovered secret point 0
    #15: Found Point 1 = Claimed secret point 1
    #16: Found Point 2 = Excavated secret point 2
    #17: Found Point 3 = Popped open secret point 3
    #18: Found Point 4 = Tripped over secret point 4
    #19: Found Point 5 = Visited secret point 5
    #20: Bloodhound = Uncovered all points on level
    #21: Floating Corpse = Get a skeleton stuck in a launcher
    #22: I Can Count to 5! = Visit each point in order
    #23: We Have Liftoff = Visit each point in reverse order
    #24: Airwalking = Stay off the ground for 10 seconds
    #25: Hellbound = Launch corpse to bottom
    #26: Heavenbound = Launch corpse to ceiling
    #27: Secret Alcove = Get surrounded by three sides (1)
    #28: Secret Cave = Get surrounded by three sides (2)
    #29: Secret Hideout = Get surrounded by three sides (3)
    #30: Death at 0 = Fire a corpse at Point 0
    #31: 1 o'clock murder = Fire a corpse at Point 1
    #32: Get Off Your Seats = Jump for 10 seconds nonstop
    #33: Cemetary = Have 5 live corpses on the screen
    #34: Graveyard = Have 7 live corpses on the screen
    #35: Half-Century = Reach 50 elephant deaths
    #36: Century = Reach 100 elephant deaths
    #37: And One More... = Hit 101 elephant deaths
    #38: Stayin' Alive = Stay alive for 15 seconds
    #39: Longevity = Stay alive for 30 seconds
    #40: Gone in a Flash = Die in less 0.23 seconds
    #41: Wrecking Ball = Hit the center spiked platform
    #42: In the Pit = Land a corpse in the pit
    #43: Pit Hat Trick = Land 3 corpses in the pit
    #44: 10 Pin Pit = Land 10 corpses in the pit
    #45: Double Play Pit = Have two corpses in the pit at once
    #46: Triple Play Pit = Have three corpses in the pit at once
    #47: Horizontal Confusion = Hold both the left and right keys
    #48: Vertical Confusion = Hold both the up and down keys
    #49: Total Confusion = Space bar has no purpose, dummy
    #50: My Favourite Spot = Find the developer's favourite spot
    #51: 60 Seconds = Play for one minute
    #52: 180 Seconds = Play for three minutes
    #53: 300 Seconds = Play for five minutes
    #54: Pi = Hit points 3-1-4 in that order
    #55: THIS IS SPARTA = Hit 3-0-0 in that order
    #56: Meaning of Life = Hit 4-2 in that order
    #57: (2*125)+3 = Hit 2-5-3 in that order
    #58: 3*(30/(15-13)) = Hit 4-5 in that order
    #59: Paint 10 = Touch 10 blocks
    #60: Paint 25 = Touch 25 blocks
    #61: Paint 50 = Touch 50 blocks
    #62: Paint 75 = Touch 75 blocks
    #63: Paint 100 = Touch 100 blocks
    #64: Masterpiece = Touch every touchable block
    #65: Jet 5 = Hit 5 launchers
    #66: Jet 10 = Hit 10 launchers
    #67: Master Jetter = Hit every launcher
    #68: 3 Spikes = Hit 3 stationary spikes
    #69: 7 Spikes = Hit 7 stationary spikes
    #70: Spikeful = Hit all stationary spikes
    #71: Extreme Makeover = Recolour all areas
    #72: True Blue = Turn your elephant blue
    #73: Shocking Pink = Turn your elephant Pink
    #74: Sweet Orange = Turn your elephant orange
    #75: Stealth Black = Turn your elephant black
    #76: Cheater = Ask for a Hint
    #77: Programmers Credit = Enter jmtb02 into level
    #78: Too Much Contra = Enter Contra level select code
    #79: No Cheese for You = Click the level area
    #80: Bandwidth Exploiter = Preload the game
    #81: You Are El = Click the Armor Games link
    #82: Menu Explorer = Find the main menu
    #83: Quality Snob = Adjust the quality
    #84: Scrolliastic = Scroll the achievements section
    #85: Play the Game = Start the game
    #86: Get to Level 1 = Play Level 1
    #87: Not Listening = Mute the sound
    #88: Clink Clash Clink = Found the sponsor screen
    #89: Best Player Ever = Earned an achievement
    #90: 10 Percent Done = Earn 10 achievements
    #91: 20 Percent Done = Earn 20 achievements
    #92: 30 Percent Done = Earn 30 achievements
    #93: 40 Percent Done = Earn 40 achievements
    #94: 50 Percent Done = Earn 50 achievements
    #95: 60 Percent Done = Earn 60 achievements
    #96: 70 Percent Done = Earn 70 achievements
    #97: 80 Percent Done = Earn 80 achievements
    #98: 90 Percent Done = Earn 90 achievements
    #99: Too Much Free Time = Earn 99 achievements


  5. OK I found the last troublemakers:

    -Programmers credits:

    type the programmers name on the keyboard

    -How to change the colours:

    Press 1, 2, 3 and 4

  6. Hi Anyone still out there?
    How do you do 78. too much contra?
    and is there a trick to get off your seats?
    Please they're the only ones I have left to do!!

  7. to get too much contra type 'contra'

  8. Hold the up key and jump for 10 seconds to "get off your seats"

  9. For the "too much contra", press up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, a, b

    It's the "original" cheat code from "Contra" for the NES.

  10. i need help with stalagmite its my last 1!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. did anyone find an easy way to get "graveyard"?

  12. @rollercoaster I went up at the left side , let them fall and every time the spikes passed by jump on it.

  13. btw what is the developers favorite spot??? I found it but Idk where : ) for stalagmite i think i just jumped over the center spiked platform and landed on top... im not sure though i think maybe i just jumped and landed on the spiked thing at the right of the pit

  14. oh yeah and btw thanks tosca... I actually figured it out right before I read ur comment but thanks still!: )

  15. for contra just type "ab" together. That is too much contra!!!

  16. Ah! Did anyone figure out a way to do 1 o clock murder? I can't get the corpse to launch the right way...

  17. It's quite easy once you finish it once. :)

  18. HELP ME! i can't get get of your seats! it's impossible!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. oh yeah, to get stalagmite all u have to do is skewer ur self REALLY FAST at an upward spike.

  20. thx Casey, beat the game by!

  21. omg i cannot get graveyard!!! how do u do it??

  22. I love this game. I absolutely love this game.

  23. how to get graveyard?ttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllll


    i will give u hints!
    not listening:mute
    too much contra:type contra

  24. 1:blue
    drag the square 2 scroll the achievements
    cheater:ask for a hint.(click Hint? on the right side of the screen.)

  25. (\ (\bunny
    ( ^_^ )says

  26. pi:go to points 3-1-4 in the correct order.
    (\ (\
    ( ^_^ )

  27. haha fu*k you all i beat it in 2 mins

  28. masterpiece and extreme please?

  29. For too much contra you just type in "Contra" and for get off your seats you can (well, what I did) go to the top and hold down up for ten game seconds (slightly longer than realtime seconds) or just until the acheivement thing pops up.

  30. For makeover you touch every touchable block and for masterpiece you touch all the blocks and the stationary sp[ikes and the launchers to change their color. I might have them the wrong way round but I forget.

  31. !!!Lol!!!
    Its very easy, get off your seats
    just press up and hold it, and go to launcher, it counts as a jump!!

  32. hey i need stalagmite its my last 1!!! help !!!!

  33. go to the very top of the level and fall into the spikes that are in the pit

  34. how tha fuhk do you turn the elephant blue man

  35. pres 1 2 turn bloo

    (press 1 to turn blue)

  36. Graveyard? anyone? (34)

  37. (\ (\
    ( ^_^ )

  38. Bunny Wunny!!!!

  39. Graveyards mi only 1 <-!! (Graveyards my only one left!!!!)

  40. Tell me if there's a trick for graveyard.

  41. For graveyard you have to have 7 dead elephant bodies on the screen. Try to hit the moving spikes 4 that one!

  42. (\_/)
    (")_(") this is how i do my bunnie!

  43. Where is the programmers favourate spot? Please, its my last one

  44. i cant figure out one o clock murder or graveyard!!! help PLEASE?

  45. for graveyard just keep trying to hit the moving spikes

    it took me ages to complete 1418 seconds how many minutes is that?

  46. LOL, wth, I finished in 2210 seconds. (about 37 minutes).Graveyard: When the moving spikes are coming, huld up to release 2 corpses. Colors: press 1, 2, 3, 4. Statagmite: Hit a spike really fast.

  47. how do you do the jmbt02 one?

  48. *sigh* Press 1, 2, 3, and 4 to change colors, jmtb02's fav spot is the left wall of the pit thingy, and to colin, just type 'jmtb02'

  49. how do you do #77?

  50. how do you do get of your seats????
    plzzzzz help!!!!


    Amy, if you're still wondering about get off of your seats, just go to the floor (between the bed of spikes and either of the sides) and just hold the up arrow for 10 seconds.

  52. those of you having a problem figuring out GRAVEYARD, i feel your pain. eventually i started going spastic and figured it out. if you jump at the moving spikes, you can accumulate enough corpses. don't just jump at the spikes when they pass over your starting platform, jump at the spikes as they move away too, you'll regenerate fast enough to produce the seven corpses needed. once you have this figured out, it happens pretty quickly. good luck!

  53. lol, Same with me, i've finished the game, it's too easy tbh.. lol at you all being noobs by posting ''OH HELP I CANT GET (acheivment) and the way I found this game was by mousebraker lol. The way you get GRAVEYARD achievment is by going spaztick, Don't wait for the spikes to come over where you are, jump to them, and if you fall by accident, aim for the middle spikes. Only GRAVEYARD and 1 O' CLOCK MURDER were difficult for me. lol bet u all like 9/10 lol noobs, i finished and and im 16 lol

  54. Anyone else finished It Yet? - I finsihed in 926 Secs. lol Im pissed that it said there was no point to the game rofl

  55. to get 1oclock murder get a corpse at murder, same for death at 0. hit the moving spikes so the corpse lands there.

  56. (\ (\
    ( ._. )

    (_(")_(") lol my bunny!

  57. (\ (\
    ( ._. )
    ( ) lol fat bunny

  58. (\ (\
    ( ._. )
    () ()

    now he has arms!!!

  59. I need help for the Speedy Downfall. I can't really seem to get how the hell I can go top to bottom without stopping. Help?

  60. help! how do u do scrolltasatic!?!?!

  61. fall from the top in to the pit

  62. Wow... 914 seconds! Had most trouble with Graveyard #34, but finally got it by just hitting the moving spikes a lot, and Get Off Your Seats #32, and got that easily by just holding the button.

  63. 668 Seconds Oh yeah who the boss man lady ohh year


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