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Bloons Player Pack 5

Bloons Player Pack 5 is the fifth part of Bloons Player Pack player-designed levels on My Ninja Kiwi from Ninja Kiwi. Again you try to pop the balloons by using darts to clear each level and continue for next one. 50 levels of bloons-ey, christmas-ey goodness. Good luck and have fun for your challenging puzzle!

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  1. Megipoland, you are fast.... i just mentioned in the last game to spoil us with more nice games and there yoiu are already....LOL

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  3. cant do level 10 gingerbread man

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. hey guys! this game is kool!

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  7. No,
    It is the level 45 which is really impossible.
    Here, the way for 27, click the picture in the comments.

  8. Stuck at level 4 already.

  9. Has anyone passed level 45? I could really use some help.

  10. im stuck on lvl 10 gingerbread man

  11. Yeah fav

  12. 45th. level first shoot.
    At last, i'm at 46

  13. Looking for hints for 41....

  14. Love to help you with 41 but I can't get passed 15 !!! lol

  15. power of posting.. but now I'm stuck on 17.. and it seems I'm alone.. this is going to be a loooong game

  16. Could someone PLEASE tell how to get through 45.

  17. halllllllloooooooooooooo
    stuck on 26

  18. Does any one know how to get passed level 31 please?

  19. Can you tell me how you got through 26 ???
    two boomerang balloon and one pack man

  20. Christine, I can't remember level 26 exactly but it was something like shoot the boomerang above so it lands on the pac man below. Then very quickly eat the blocks and other boomerang except the top right block without eating any frozen balloons before you have them all. I can't remember here if I ate the middle right or bottom left frozen balloon last. Sorry it was a few days ago and I can't seem to get it again!! Anyway, then I used the boomerang on the remaning 8 in the sky and some of the ones on the bottom. I then got the last row with the last dart.
    It took me ages too, and you have to get the darts just right, so if anyone has a better way or can explain it better, please help Christine!!
    I hope this helps Christine, I really can't explian any better- good luck

  21. can someone help me with 17?

  22. 31. up and over, hit pacmen- eat the rest, keep moving around the frozen b'loons and eat all green. Run to the lone pac man along the bottom eating one of the nail b'loons, running back along the bottom to the left to eat 3 green balloons on left. Speed is of the essence! POP

  23. Jorge, you have to hit the pac man to your left without hitting the frozen balloons, then get to the boomerangs as quick as possible. The more you get the more darts you have after the first boomerang. 17 should be easy after that. Good luck

  24. level 45
    can get boomerang but where to shoot next???

  25. hi Megipoland how do u post a game?

  26. still stuck at 45 can anyone help

  27. i love, love, love Bloons!!! I play this whenever i want to relax.....

  28. Suebreez- you gotta go down the chimney!! That's easier said than done, I know! After eating all in the house with pac man, then aim your boomerang at the lower row of frozen balloons.

  29. Now I can't get that last green balloon on level 35 :(

  30. Suebreez- it's an angle thing from one black rubber block to the next, to the left hand blue horizonal tile. Takes some messing about.

  31. Woo Hoo ! Got it!!! Thanks niff!!!

  32. help!!!!!!!!can't get past level 37 someone help me please!!

  33. Had to take a break..
    THANKS Niff !!! Stuck at 28 now LOL

  34. can anyone help with 36?

  35. would love to... but stuck on 31 lol

  36. can anyone help, im stuck on the gingerbread man!!!

  37. i can't get past level 15.

    Teddy bear, the key in level 10 is to not freeze the multiple dart balloon in the gingerbread man's face, once you pop that one, you have enough darts to pop the rest

  38. Level 15- shoot a block out under the monkey's feet. Use the other 3 darts in slightly different angles to bounce down the ballons at the bottom.

  39. I've figured out 45!!

    First, you have to aim your dart on the small line of green balloons and get it through, hitting the boomerang, but not the ice balloons.

    After that, throw the boomerang (sparingly) to get the ice balloons that were underneath that line of green balloons, careful not to hit the other ice balloons on the other side.

    Then throw your next dart so you can take out all the green balloons in the large section without hitting the ice balloons (hard to do, but possible, if you're patient enough and don't mind trial and error).

    Then, hit the spike balloons, without hitting the ice balloons first.

    After that, take out the remaining ice balloons and pass the level.

  40. Hi Jared, Do you remember how to complete 37 ?? PLEASE

  41. Hey Christine.

    Let me replay it real quick and I'll let you know.

    Be back in a moment.

  42. Ahh, I remember this one now. Took me a bit.

    Level 37: Don't pop the green balloons closest to you.

    First shot, hit the ice balloon below you on the left and angle your dart, so that as the ice balloon freezes the green balloon, it will bounce of it.

    If you hit it right (and it will take quite a bit of trial and error before you do), the dart will bounce and hit the pacman. Quickly move the packman to get your extra dart and get as many GREEN balloons as you can before he goes away.

    Next, aim your shot at the balloon to your upper left. Remember angle the shot so the dart will bounce and if done right (once more it will take a few tries), you will pick up the remaining 6 balloons needed to finish the level.

  43. Thank you Jared...You're the best. This is quite an addictive game.. and it seems I get stuck every three levels.. Stuck on 39 now.. !

  44. when I get the bomb straight up to fall .. it fits the purple extra dart balloon but the game doesn't acknowledge it.. ?? a bug maybe ?

  45. Level 39 has a glitch in it. This happens in nearly every Bloons pack where one level just wont work.

    It probably will if you do it enough times, but the timer doesn't give the spike balloons enough time to hit their target before it decides that you have to retry the level.

    Idealy, you would first start by hitting the bomb balloon which would send the spike to hit the extra dart.

    After that, you would throw a dart to graze the top extra dart balloon while arching it to hit the bomb balloons on the other side also.

    Then you would finish off, by taking out the middle.

    My recommendation for Level 39: Go to menu, and click the box that says "unlimited darts" and complete the level that way.

  46. level 34 help? the most i can get is 40..

  47. Level 41 is impossible! Come on! Anyone who has played it with some tips? Even with unlimited darts, there's just too much stuff in the way to hit enough Bloons before too many are frozen...

  48. One sec, I need to play the levels again first, before I can give you the steps.

    I'll do 34 first and 41 after it.

  49. Level 34 is actually the easiest level in the higher levels of the pack.

    1. Throw your dart, arching it to hit the spike balloon on top of the tower.

    The spike balloon will give you all of the extra darts on that side.

    2. Arch your shot at the wreath to take out the top arch of green balloons without hitting the ice balloon hazards.

    3. Shoot straight across the bottom above the ice balloon and take that big hunk out.

    4. Pick up your last few balloons and move on to level 35.

  50. Level 41:

    1. Aim at the upper bumper shaped like a "slash (/)" and carefully power your shot to hit that bumper and ping off of the bounce block above it. If this is timed right, it will land dead center in the balloons above you and take out all three. If you accidentally hit an ice balloon, hit reset, you cannot win after you've hit the ice balloon.

    2. VERY TRICKY PART: Aim your darts now at the two bottom bumpers to your right and left. The dart should angle in a way as to hit the light saber balloons and continue down to hit the pin balloons at the bottom of each side.

    Do this on both sides and you win.

    It seems impossible, but it will happen if you power and aim correctly. This is yet another, try try again level.

  51. I finally finished the pack!

    A lot of temper fits and cursing, but I did it!

  52. guys i can't get 43. i understand the concept, just cant pull it off

  53. nevermind i got it :)

  54. I finally finished level 45! I'm now stuck on 46. Any clues?

  55. I got stuck on 46 too. The problem is that we end up to do the hardest thing first.

    First shoot The baloons directly underneath you. Bounce the dart straight back up to get the extra dart above you and the green baloon beside you.

    Then as the helium baloon is rising, bounce your next dart off so it archs and takes out the top green baloons and lands on the lightsaber baloon. This will pick up your next extra dart.

    Then angle your next shot at the frost baloon to your lower right where it bounces off of the frozen green baloon and hits the lightsaber in the lower middle.

    After this, you'll have left a frozen green baloon and a few other on the other side of the screen.

    Hit the frozen green baloon so that the dart bounces and hits the remaining lightsaber baloon.

    After that, you've passed the level.

  56. I can't get past 22. Any help?

  57. ahhhhhhh, i can't get level 38
    i think i know what to doo.
    but i can't do it hahahha.
    pleasee help someone! (:

  58. help me plz!
    lvl 27 is impossible

  59. I cant beat level 26,its like imposable! i can never get a couple on the bottom!

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  61. 38?
    Jared you seem to be quite the help.
    Can you help me?

  62. ok i NEED to know how to pass level 26 i'm DYING to know!!!

  63. LEVEL 26:

    1. make sure it is on unlimited darts mode.
    2. then pop the packman bloon.
    3. use the arrows to move left and get through to the boomerang.
    4. pop the ice bloons at the top left.
    5. pop the boomerang above you.
    6. pop the remaining bloons above you.
    7. pop all the bloons at your left.

    Does that help at all?

  64. i cant do level 27 help me plz

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  66. how do u do level 40?? i keep gettin like 39 but cant get to

  67. can anyone help on 38?? =]

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  69. someone please help me on 43!!!!

  70. Please Help. I am, stuck on level 27. i have done it several times and messed up.

  71. NEED HELP ON LEVEL 20 NOW!?!?!??!

  72. level 33:
    ^^i used unlimited dart mode
    you have to shoot all the ice ones outside
    then you have to try to shoot up at the exact angle to get inside
    once you hit the pacman, get the rest of them quickly!!!!
    @#$ it takes a lot of paitence

  73. can somebody pleaseeeeeeeeeee take a video of how to do 45 and put it on youtube or something b/c i cant pass it :((
    ()^^^^^ Thanx

  74. i just found how to do #45 on youtube
    type in**** bloons players pack 5 and it will show like 1-26 and 27-50, but it goes by realy fast so be on the lookout

  75. i beat all 50 levels.....
    i am very excited <3
    any questions, ask me!!!

  76. Matt33, I do NOT like the level you created!! 45 is impossible to get through!

  77. is there any way to bypass level 45????

  78. How to beat 45.

    It is ridiculously hard. Not impossible but nearly.

    1) Put a ballon down the bottom line of green balloons, hitting the boomerang but no frozens. Put your mouse pointer a bit under center of the first green balloon and quick click. Must do this shot first as the upper green row will likely result in some frozen balloons.

    2) Use the boomerang to take out all of the bottom frozen balloons...not hitting any of the row above.

    3) Put a dart down the upper row of greens...need to take out a majority but not all greens. It is a TOUGH want to aim right above the first frozen balloon with a slight hold click to get it down the path of greens.

    4) Then take out the spikes in one shot without hitting frozens. Not a very difficult shot but if you actually get this far there is a ton of pressure because the previous shots are near impossible to do in succession.

    5) Clean up the frozens.

    It is stupidly hard to pass this level.

  79. Level 38? Pleasee.... Any Help?

  80. how do u get past level 27 i cant get past it? can anyone help me plz

  81. LEVEL 10 GUYS......HELP!!!!!!!!

  82. I May be stupid, but i cant get past lvl 27

  83. stuck on lvl 33 Down The Chimney

  84. sexylildevil stuck on 33 plz help

  85. i cant do 38 ugggggggggggggggg

  86. i really need help with 12, can spmeone tell me how to do it?


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