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Cottage Escape

Cottage Escape is another new point and click type room escape game by After a hectic work schedule, you are getting some holidays to spend time in tranquility. You are making use of the days and holidaying to the countryside cottage. While enjoying your holidays you are trapped there. It is not an easy task to escape from this unknown place, and so use the objects which are in the cottage and escape from this place. Please be patient while the game is loading. Good luck and have fun!

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Cottage Escape Video Walkthrough

Cottage Escape Walkthrough by Justme:

=> Go forward and click on the table.
=> Take the cheese from the table.
=> Come back and go to the right side.
=> Click on the fire place.
=> Take the match box.
=> Take two wooden pieces from fire place.
=> Come back and go towards the shelf.
=> Take the whetstone from the lower rack of the shelf.
=> Take two glasses from the top most rack of the shelf.
=> Come back and go to the right side.
=> Go forward and click on the costrel.
=> Click on the top most costrel’s mouth part.
=> The rush light comes out.
=> Take the rush light.
=> Click in between the costrel and take the holder.
=> Take the match box from the inventory panel and light the match stick.
=> Take the holder and rush light from the inventory panel.
=> Fix the rush light into the holder.
=> Take the match stick and light the rush light.
=> Take the rush light holder from the inventory panel and proceed upstairs.
=> Place the rush light holder in the inventory panel.
=> On the left side top there is a loft.
=> Click on the loft.
=> Open the tool box.
=> Take the rusty knife.
=> Open the first rack of the wooden cupboard.
=> Take three glasses from the rack.
=> Take the glass one by one from the inventory panel and unite the glasses.
=> Fixed glasses reveal the hint of the treasure chest.
=> Take the whetstone from the inventory panel.
=> Take the rusty knife from the inventory panel and sharpen it with the whetstone.
=> On the right side top, a rope is connected to the roof.
=> Take the knife from the inventory panel and cut the rope.
=> The treasure box falls down.
=> Come back and go down.
=> Click on the left side corner.
=> There is one rat hole.
=> Take the cheese from the inventory panel and place it in a straight line.
=> The rat moves forward to eat the cheese.
=> Take the wooden piece from the inventory panel.
=> Use the wooden piece to take the key from the rat hole.
=> Come back and click on the clock.
=> Take the key from the inventory panel and use it to open the rack.
=> Take the key from the rack.
=> Come back and take the rush light holder from the inventory panel.
=> Proceed upstairs and click on the left side.
=> Take the key from the inventory panel and open the treasure box.
=> Take the part of the axe from the treasure box.
=> Come back and get down.
=> Take the wooden piece and a part of the axe from the inventory panel.
=> Fix the wooden piece with part of the axe.
=> Go near the shelf and click on the door.
=> Take the axe from the inventory panel and chop the door.
=> The door opens.
=> You have come out successfully.

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  1. First time first! Though, i am sure won't be the one out first... :)

  2. yay!!live game
    i hav missed so many games in past 2 days only

  3. Anyone light upstairs yet?

  4. nop, even with the holder lighted up, it won't work
    Have u noticed mouse hole left corner?

  5. so far have plate of cheese,holder which has sumthng burning in it,two glasses,wood piece and wet stone.gonna check room upstairs

  6. Yes, I saw the mouse hole. I am assuming that was what the cheese was for.

  7. cant light up room upstairs either

  8. Kevin
    I managed to light it up, but not sure how... I had the holder and accidently I went back to the stairs (still holding holder) then i came back and the light was on

  9. I can't do anything WITH the mouse though. :(

  10. use cheese on mouse hole and then use thin stick to take out keys

  11. Thanks. Mine is lit upstairs now as well.

  12. i have cheese 2 cups a rum light matches and whey stone cant light matches or give cheese to rat

  13. And I have all the cups now.

  14. where did u get the first 2 cups?

  15. lolo/ that worked for me too

  16. nvm,i got them, power of posting

  17. alright, live game!

  18. stuck with a bunch of stuff

  19. use the cups together to form a chest

  20. use knife to cut wheat stone

  21. anyone opened the box yet?
    Also, it seems there is a corridor or other room on the right side of the door...

  22. Need a key for the clock, and the chest.

  23. how to light upstairs and still cant give mouse the dang cheese

  24. Click on the holder, then walk upstairs while it is clicked. It will light up then.

  25. finally rat got the cheese phew

  26. combine whet stone with knife... but to do what, mistery...

  27. opend the clock with key got another key.... hi you all

  28. oh wait a minute what holder the rush light? lol

  29. Stone is a whet stone, it sharpens the knife. I can't get the knife to cut anything though.

  30. Any use for the wood piece or the stick?

  31. thx for the info kevin... my english sometimes sucks... ;)

  32. ok rat wont stop eating and found nothing in hole grrrrr

  33. Awesome. Can you give me a hint on finding the key?

  34. Nevermind. Found the key.

  35. use stick in mousehole! it will get u the keys... but first, give cheese to mouse

  36. use thin stick on mouse hole to get keys.use that on clock for another key

  37. New key doesn't open the chest though.

  38. in a room upstairs click up left corner, use knife and chest falls

  39. sry need a little help I cant do anything else and my finger hurts from clicking everywhere

  40. there is a roof view in that room.they are sneaky

  41. thanks femdevil for the left corner hint ;)

  42. Out. Must be two endings.

  43. Out. Must be two endings.

  44. ok got both sets of keys and stuck again

  45. Look at the ceiling in the room upstairs.

  46. too much pixel hunting for me ;) givin up.

  47. where is the holder and the knife?

  48. Cut the rope with the sharp knife to get the chest down. Affix the axe head to the log/stick.

    Chop door and out...but no use for the CUP made chest?

  49. wow! i hav enormous brain power
    i am successfully out!!

    femdevil i think you are the one who has enormous brainnpower=)

  50. please, where is the rush light holder???

  51. maybe its me but I still cant get upstairs lit WHY

  52. OK Feel like an idiot now. Can't light upstairs! Can anyone help?

  53. cant find holder but did light the match

  54. rush holder at barrels, at first view of steps use lite

  55. the holder is in between the barrels

  56. ::sigh:: can't find right pixel for bricks in corner of bedroom

  57. Thank you so much Stormy. I was going insane.

  58. you need to make picture of chest from glasses first.then you will get view in corner of bedroom

  59. omg THANKS for the holder hint

  60. After you made cup chest you can click the ceiling.

  61. Thank you!! My finger was getting so tired!!

  62. hi all!can someone tell me how to get keys from mouse hole,ive given him chees and tried stick but nothing.

  63. You guys/gals are all great, I solve very few escapes without your help!!

  64. Trev ... there are 2 sticks in fireplace use skinny one

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. thanks stormy,your a star.

  67. finally out ty guys for the help

  68. I can't give cheese to rat ???

  69. Cheese in lower left corner

  70. im out,thanks,again stormy.

  71. Hurra, out without any help

  72. a little pixely but fun :)

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. cant give cheese to rat. im trying for 10 mins now :(

  75. how do you light rush lite

  76. 15 minutes now..still no luck.must be a bug

  77. Can't give cheese to mouse! Any hint?

  78. you have to put it like by the grey stone not right in front of the hole hope that helps

  79. what should I do with the match and wood stick (got the keys)

  80. anyone how do I light rush light ?

  81. Herman, when mouse is eating chees use stick on the hole.

  82. thank you kelly. been clicking the lower left corner of the hole for ages.

  83. cant find knife either ! Still cant use light for upstaiars . ANYONE HELP

  84. go up with the holder in your "hand" kelly

  85. Kelly, find the ruch light holder by the barrels. Then put ruch light in holder and light with match. Then use holder while walking up the stairs. knife is upstairs once you get the light on.

  86. I can't find the holder............

  87. Its in the barrels somewhere...I just kept clicking when the barrels fell and all of sudden it was in my inventory.

  88. got it finally Thank You so much !

  89. i have clicked every brick in the bedroom, with and without knife and still cant get it..why?
    i have made chest with glasses and still cant get out.. VERY FRUSTRATING...

  90. where is the roof view plz someone... what am i doing wrong?

  91. i'm stuck where you are moog! and i think all the others have left already.. :(

  92. You won't get the roof view until you put the 5 cups together

  93. 5 cups? where are the other 2??

  94. I think on the shelf downstairs

  95. arrowhead? can't find it, Help please

  96. 5 CUPS, i only have 3 out of the drawers upstairs.. where are the other 2 plz

  97. thanks veronica..i would have been here all night..thanks again

  98. two cups on shelf downstairs

  99. Also on the 123bee web sight is a new difference game and I am stuck on the very first screen!! lol

  100. hi guys, is anyone still play. HELP!!! I can't find the holder to light with the match and when I try to use stick from fireplace it only enlarge and can't use it... PLease......

  101. helloooo come out come out where ever you are - lol please

  102. I will try to help. You won't use the stick until the end of the game. You need the holder that is in the barrels. I just clicked until they fell over and it was in my inventory. The thing you light is there too.

  103. hi yes finally now have knive and sharpen with rock, treis to cut rope in bedroom but nothing what im I missing

  104. uuah have to go but thank you veranica for your help will come back later and try again

  105. Did you put the 5 cups together?

  106. where is the whet stone? i cannot find it?

  107. Well, now i feel dumb. i found it. in the book case. thought i had clicked everywhere!

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. just getting started, anyone around?

  110. hi michele... I finally finished it, but it still feels like it's missing something.

  111. first poster....Im not usually this thick (honest!!) but where is the match to light the reed light??

  112. Thanx Femdevil...your hint was crucial for my escape! Fun game, but haven't I heard the background sounds the Turkey Escape Game perhaps?

  113. stairqueen it;s inside the matchbox that you found in front of the fireplace. Light the match on the box.

    Hannele love the walkthrough... it's nice for lazy people like me :D

  114. Roxi... youve saved me from a life in a straight jacket. I feel so blonde - ive been at this game on and off for ages and didn't realise there was a fireplace screen. geez........ lol

  115. No problem stairqueen... I have those moments, and I'm a brunette ;)

  116. what stick? are there two. i have a log from the fire it won't work on the mouse hole though. help

  117. ...and OUT! Few red herrings - the bed, picture, loft etc etc, but and out is an out. (And Im brunette too Roxi haha, just FELT blonde :) )

  118. hi Roxi! I can't seem to use my stick while the mouse is eating. everytime i tried to use it , it goes into Zoomed in picture of it. any ideas?

  119. Ruth, there are two. Use the thin one on the mouse hole after you feed the mouse. The thick one is combined with something to finally get out at the end ;)

  120. Michele try putting just the end of the thin stick on the hole.

  121. use it in the zoomed view of the hole.

  122. Hi Roxi, I hope your hubby wasn't too grumpy.

  123. i don't have the other thin stick. where is it

  124. Hi Martin! :D Nah... he just mummbled something about crazy people playing escape games at 2AM *shrug* :D hehehe

    reddc check out Hanele's video walkthrough... it's nice and easy ;)

  125. michele... in the fireplace ;) you get both there.

  126. Hey Michele, how are you? I'm just starting work so I won't be playing until later. Just had to stop by and say Hi! to all the beautiful people *waves*

  127. thx, i'm out! how is everyone tonight?

  128. awwww... what about me?? :( :P

  129. nice of u to stop by martin:) I think we have a nice group of gamers here:P

  130. I agree michele :D

    playing escape of Santa Claus right now, but figured I'd hang around to see if anyone needed help.

  131. i'll be right over..............

  132. Of course that was including you Roxi!

  133. :D ... well I guess no one else needs my help here, so I'll go play the other games I missed.. see you at the next game :D

  134. hi is anyone else still here. just starting

  135. 1..get a cheese on the table. 2..get a holder behind the costrel & click costrel's hole get rush light.. 3..go left ,,get two glasses & stone from the self. 4..get the match box & take the two wood piece. 5..go back the scene of the left there is a mouse holl,give the cheese to rat,use the thin stick in holl & get a key for watch chest.& get a key . 6..take the holder & go up stair,go on loft & open the tool box & get a knife use knife on stone. 7..get another three glasses in the cupboard. 8..make the chest from glasses. up left corner,use knife & chest falls. 10..use the key on the chest & get a golden axe,combine the axe & wooden piece. 11..go down stair,use axe on the door & you'r out!!!!!!!!!!!!

  136. to the step 9. because it was hard to find for me:
    if you're standing !!front of the bed!! on the upstairs, click the !!upper left corner!! of the room and you'll see the ceiling. cut the 2 rope and fall the treasure chest...

  137. It was a good game although I don't get how cups can convert into a chest!

  138. --- Cottage Escape Walkthrough ---

    => Go forward and click on the table.
    => Take the cheese from the table.
    => Come back and go to the right side.
    => Click on the fire place.
    => Take the match box.
    => Take two wooden pieces from fire place.
    => Come back and go towards the shelf.
    => Take the whetstone from the lower rack of the shelf.
    => Take two glasses from the top most rack of the shelf.
    => Come back and go to the right side.
    => Go forward and click on the costrel.
    => Click on the top most costrel’s mouth part.
    => The rush light comes out.
    => Take the rush light.
    => Click in between the costrel and take the holder.
    => Take the match box from the inventory panel and light the match stick.
    => Take the holder and rush light from the inventory panel.
    => Fix the rush light into the holder.
    => Take the match stick and light the rush light.
    => Take the rush light holder from the inventory panel and proceed upstairs.
    => Place the rush light holder in the inventory panel.
    => On the left side top there is a loft.
    => Click on the loft.
    => Open the tool box.
    => Take the rusty knife.
    => Open the first rack of the wooden cupboard.
    => Take three glasses from the rack.
    => Take the glass one by one from the inventory panel and unite the glasses.
    => Fixed glasses reveal the hint of the treasure chest.
    => Take the whetstone from the inventory panel.
    => Take the rusty knife from the inventory panel and sharpen it with the whetstone.
    => On the right side top, a rope is connected to the roof.
    => Take the knife from the inventory panel and cut the rope.
    => The treasure box falls down.
    => Come back and go down.
    => Click on the left side corner.
    => There is one rat hole.
    => Take the cheese from the inventory panel and place it in a straight line.
    => The rat moves forward to eat the cheese.
    => Take the wooden piece from the inventory panel.
    => Use the wooden piece to take the key from the rat hole.
    => Come back and click on the clock.
    => Take the key from the inventory panel and use it to open the rack.
    => Take the key from the rack.
    => Come back and take the rush light holder from the inventory panel.
    => Proceed upstairs and click on the left side.
    => Take the key from the inventory panel and open the treasure box.
    => Take the part of the axe from the treasure box.
    => Come back and get down.
    => Take the wooden piece and a part of the axe from the inventory panel.
    => Fix the wooden piece with part of the axe.
    => Go near the shelf and click on the door.
    => Take the axe from the inventory panel and chop the door.
    => The door opens.
    => You have come out successfully.

  139. hey yall is anyone there that cam help i can't get the holder behind the castrol i have tried everything?

  140. ok my costrels all fell is that bad?

  141. hi im stuck i no i have to putdown the cheese infront of he mouse buy where it wont let me put it down

  142. i hav the thing to light but not the holder! where is it??

  143. i cant cut the rope

  144. @denesse129, I'm playing the game and following the wt. It seems @Justme switched left and right a couple ot times. The rope to be cut is on a left side view.


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