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Find the Difference Game Play-1

Find the Difference Game Play-1 is another spot the differences type puzzle game by Can you find all different points on these pictures? Look each picture carefully and mark the differences in the frame on the bottom panel. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Tosca]

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  1. i could only find 2 differences! lol!

  2. too easy :) bed time almost midnite

  3. i love these games! here we go!

  4. ****SPOILER****

    Level One; Missing bottom drawer knob, Yellow bottle, left side, on the desk, and missing clothes in closet, all the way to the right!

  5. that's strange, in the beach scene I can't click all the differences, so I lose because I'm out of time... is this pixely?? anybody else having the problem?

  6. grrr this makes me mad, I'm SEEING all differences in the last level but can't click them!!!!!

  7. im in the second scene.ive got 4 differences the waiters plate, shoes, curtains, flowers.cant find the last one
    also i think the bottom screen is a bit small in height cuz im clicking there thinkng its a difference but nothng happens

  8. nvm.power of posting:)
    leitian i might help you if i reach there

  9. nottypomy, in the last scene, do you see the shadow on the chair and the different colour of the boates also? and the third sandhill? clicking them madly, but nothing happens!!

  10. sorry.i meant leithian.i hope you're not clicking the screen above.i click there by mistake sometimes
    also try clicking around the difference.its difficult to click on the place they want you to click

  11. but I think that's a bug because I only have 2 differences left and see 3! ;)

  12. thanks nottypomy, but restarted sooo many times, it's impossible that I haven't clicked at least one right place! ;)
    really, I think they're not supposed to be different...

  13. try clicking a bit above the for the shadow click just on top of the girls head.thats wats working for me

  14. now i get your anger.i cant click on boat difference

  15. sorry nottypomy, I have already clicked the shadow by the girl, would like to post a screenshot to show you what I mean but I don't know how to do that! ;)

    let's compare the differences in the last scene:
    1.girl's shirt
    2.window on the lighthouse
    3.stripe on ship
    4.stripe on sunshade
    5.missing ship on the right
    6.sandhole on the right corner
    7.shadow by the girl
    that's all I can click, now I got 1 missing, and see following differences:

    got one more sandhole, the shadow on the chair where the man is sitting, the different colour of the pink boats! also I can't SEE the shadow by the girl, clicked it by accident and the only thing that changed was the POSITION of the girl, her butt is now on her man... ;)

  16. found a difference more: the man's hands who is giving the bouquet to his girlfriend.... ;) definitely a bug!

  17. oh nottypomy, just saw your post! noooo, hoped you would finish this game and tell me what I'm missing!
    obviously the people playing before didn't have a problem...

  18. the position of the girl changing is a bit weird cuz i didnt realise that till u mentioned it
    all your other suggestions are right.thing is there are 3 diferences and 1 that v hav to find. again weird...:)

    also i saw that the clouds in the upper one seem to be cut off than the one below.mayb the clouds shadow is on them.but hav clicked ther 2 with no result

  19. ok this game is definitely buggy, just clicked madly around for the last difference, the stars came, the last point is gone but the game is still going on..... well, don't get how the others finished this game! what about you nottypomy?

  20. actually, the colors makes no difference here apparently. (in the last lvl)

    The one that's missing from your list, liethian is the back pocket on the guy's jeans.

  21. that's the one I've clicked the last time Eiren, but then nothing changed and the game went on, though I could not click any more differences, so I figured it doesn't count as a fault... ;)
    thanks Eiren, finished the game, but discovered, that when I click the guys pockets as the last difference, nothing happens, veeeeery strange!

  22. the game doesnt end for me either

    even after i find all differences!!!!

  23. yes, tried it again nottypomy, and the game didn't finish again! well, but at least we found all the differences! ;)
    thanks Eirene and nottypomy!

  24. I think the game only has 4 lvls because it does says "Congratulations" for me after I finish the 4th lvl.

  25. thnx on that last one eirene.was going mad clicking
    buggy game.found more differences than needed and doesnt end =)

  26. P.s. Anytime, leithian. ;)

  27. Got the same problem as you have Leithian...
    Clicking at chin of girl gives final starry glittering and erases final dot... So there must be an ending, but I don't get the endindscene, just gameover whem time runs out.
    Buggy it is...

  28. There's way too much going on in one screen! The game does not always take note of my clicks. Bugbugbuuuuggg...

  29. Hey everybody-finished a moment ago the game-and i could finish it-it said Congratulations...maybe they solved the problem-or i had luck...

  30. Ok-i had luck-tried another time to check-and it didn´t finish...sorry

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. another difference in picture 4 is the men's pocket(the back one)

  33. #1.
    1.Clothing right side of closet
    2.Knob on bottom drawer left
    3.Yellow bottom in middle left

    1.Window shade
    2.Waiter's Plate
    3.Flower's on top table different
    4.Vase different color on top right table
    5.Shoe's different on lady top right

    1.Building top is pointed, bottom is round
    2.Flowers bottom left
    3.Little boy walking, shoe laces
    4.Flowers in middle of picture there is a yellow dot, click on it
    5.Top right shelf, flower pot missing
    6.Hanging pot, Flower color different than bottom
    7.Flower pot (red flowers)closer to edge in top than bottom picture.

    #4 on lighthouse
    2.girl shirt
    3.boyfriends pocket
    4.stripe on sailboat
    5.stripe on umbrella swimsuit on lady laying down
    7.sand hole bottom right
    8.sail boat top right

    I think this is all of them, I am trying to go from memory.
    Also, your score starts out slow, but if you click on replay a few times your score will start out higher the faster you answer them. I have scored 11,000 in round 1 after 3rd replay.


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