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Heart Key: Re

Heart Key: Re is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Episodes & Melody, who is also the creator of Heart Key, Heaven's Key and Look Up Into The Sky games. In this game, you have to search everywhere to find something and solve puzzles to finish the game.Language barrier may be a big problem. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. language barrier may be a problem in this game . it's about my bed have fun!

  2. slept on bed, cd in drawer of bedside table

  3. found something like a thermostat on wall...Can't seem to change temp

  4. Key under the dolls on bookshelf. Username in cup.

  5. that was a thermometer/barometer, thermostat next to it, click long button, then use up and down arrows to change temp...

  6. put cd in drive and usb in slot on screen

  7. Hi Everyone!
    Trying to catch up

  8. can anyone figure out the note found under nightstand?

  9. this is going to be tough.

  10. in coffee cup it says username is losthearts

  11. Hmm... The books say something about the roman numerals but it would be great if they made an english version... it seems hard enough without the language barrier

  12. Oh great, Chinese maths!!!!

  13. what's that spot on the wall above the bed?

  14. k, i have little or no hope of being helpful if "language barrier is a BIG problem", but here goes anyway...

  15. I've found a panel with colours at the wall by the bed after I changed the temperature in the room.

  16. found box cutter between bed and nightstand

  17. thers a note under bedside table.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Romy what temp did you set it at?

  20. i set mine to 30 took a nap don't know if that was important and cut spot on wall with box cutter and there is a color input thing

  21. also cut pic off wall but can't do anything with it yet

  22. Cut the string of the painting and take lights off, you'll see some symbols on the wall. No idea what it means, thou..

  23. use key on the box behind monitor

  24. tanja, you must have done something else first because my wall is as blank as my mind at the moment.

  25. tanja how did you get symbols on the wall i've turned off lights and nothing.

  26. Yeah,my wall's blank too...

  27. hi!!just starting but seems like language is a problem

  28. An understatement notty :-)

  29. Sorry, I wasn't for a moment not in the game. I think, I set the temperature 30° and 70 %.

  30. for what its worth, i think the % after 70 is supposed to indicate Fahrenheit. 20 degrees C is 70 F.
    I'm trying to work out the math from the books and the password hint

  31. then again, it's probably humidity (i,m an idiiot!)

  32. And now I found a further memo on the window (memo 2/3) with an arrow and numbers II, II, I, VI, II, II.

  33. no the % is the humidity, and humidity and temperature put together make the heat index,or what it feels like the temp is. That's what is 24 when temp is 30 and humidity is 70%. That determines dew point,which is why the wall got more soggy. Yes, I know, I'm a nerd.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Let's see... Green plant, yellow doll, green doll, green book, blue computer, yellow door handle, blue carpet... So what's the code? Oh yeah, purple thing, orange thermostat and orange chair. Uhhh...

  36. zoz, that's what I'm trying to do too, but the numbers & characters don't correlate.

    e.g. In memo 2, there are four Roman numerals for II, but only two of them have the same character. AAAGGGHHHH!!!

  37. 5913 didn't work for me (with losthearts as username). How did you get it?

  38. How did you work that out Stephane? It didn't work for me BTY.

  39. memo 1 in encrypted file (unencrypt it with usb thing found in box behind moniter)

  40. I think the numbers or math task in the first book could be:

    4 x 3 = 12
    5 x 4 = 20.

  41. I can't get memo 2/3 btw, could someone tell me what im doing wrong plz? I've clicked all over that window

  42. thnx stephanie!!
    now if you get the memo thng it would be just great:)

  43. username goes first then password

    to get memo 2/3, i set the temp to 30 and took a nap and it was on the wall!!

  44. @bryantn3, temp. 30 degrees, turn of light, see window

  45. makes sense because: what could go into both 20 and 12 as multiplied by dif numbers AND what are the dif numbers...

  46. hi guys, looks like I've got a load of catching up to do....

  47. I think I'll have another nap and see what happens in the morning :-)

  48. Fun, there seems to be different ways ( or temperatures?) and spots to find memo 2/3, lol

  49. i can't zoom on window with lights off though...

  50. you can also get to the side of the bookcase (bottom-left), wondering why.....

  51. For those of you who 5913 isn't working, just reload and start over. The password is different each time.

  52. password doesn't work for me either

  53. bry, you don't have to. Look at it with the lights on. Incidentally, I couldn't sleep with the lights off. Bizzare.

  54. restarting worked for me thanks daniel

  55. bryantn3, you can see the code very clearly once you turn the lights back on

  56. after reloading I noticed that the password hint (in the trash) is different. The password hint for 5913 looks like this: (js represents japanese symbol)

    (js x js + js)^js + 1000

  57. Okay, I'm goint to bite the bullet & re-start. Hopefully, the language will magically transform itself into English. Ho, ho, ho.

  58. anyone make anymore progress finding the color code or figuring out what the 3 memos are for?

  59. Maybe I should have looked at the tutorial. LOL

  60. So, password is random?

  61. also, I can't nap with the lights on OR off

  62. Gonna have dinner, good luck all. i´ll be back later and a... MERRY CHRISTMAS to all

  63. I mean, the thingy where you have to click the top word to nap comes up, but i click it and nothing happens.

  64. my password hint says jjs x js divded by js times 1000 plus js. and in the book, it could also be 2x6=12 and 2x10=20. and there are all kinds of different symbols for each roman numeral. I have a headache!!!

  65. bry, it seems buggy then, You couldn't nap and I can't see the stuff on the wall with the lights off. However, now I've restarted, 5913 works.

  66. i can't nap anymore nor see symbols behind where pic was

  67. good luck to those who attempt to solve this with or without any idea of what these symbols mean.atleast i dont see boxes on the screen
    will keep checkin back as im gonna stay up all night here and study:(

  68. The japanese symbols in the equations stand for colors. Google japanese colors

  69. I'm goin trial and error on the color code. Not sure how I know which one works, but so far it seems that everything starting with red red, and red green doesn't work.

  70. Well, I gotta go. Good luck guys!

  71. Something real weird just happened... I restarted, got everything, tryed to put disc in computer, it wouldnt go in, started computer and it said no signal. I set the temp, napped, turned out the light and turned to the bed. A dot of light traveled across to the right, so i turned and it was gone, napped again, turned out light, turned to bed, semi transparent anime girl was standing there, I clicked her, she said something and disappeared???

  72. Blimey bryant, that seems quite trippy.

  73. I swear I'm not stoned! lol

  74. my computer might be stoned, though...

  75. Kevin, I've got this

    But only the red and green from book 1 make any sense.

  76. the key doesn't get removed from your inventory, so maybe we need it for something else?

  77. Here are the color symbols I could figure out as they correspond to the symbols on the memos. The symbols also show up in the books:
    Memo 1 symbols
    II is Green
    IV is Blue
    IV is ?
    IV is ?
    III is Green

    Memo 2 symbols
    II is Blue
    II is Blue
    I is ?
    VI is Yellow
    II is ?
    II is Yellow

    Memo 3 symbols
    III is Red
    I is Black
    III is ?
    III is Blue
    V is White

    I've got no clue what it all means.

  78. bry, I think everyone's given up. I certainly have.

  79. well i'm gonna keep at it for better or for worse, because i'll never rest easy otherwise

  80. the ones you are missing from memo 2 is orange and brown don't know what it means though

  81. Good heavens, I'm not going to be any help at all in this. WHAT a puzzle! I'm stuck where everyone else is, btw.

  82. for memo 2 I have blue, blue, orange, yellow, brown, yellow and for memo 3 red,black, ?, blue, white

  83. and i'm with you brayntn3, i have to solve the code...i don't even care about the game now. my sickness, i guess ;o )

  84. We're both addicted, I guess, zoz... Escapaholics Anonymous

  85. Have you noticed that if you put colors into code box on wall then move around room, color dots stay in view.

  86. hey there. stuck at the same place as you guys.
    i think we have to sort the memos according to the roman numbers. so all I, II, III and so on. this would lead to:
    orange,black for I
    green blue ? orange for II
    green red ? blue for III
    blue ? ? for IV
    wh is V
    yellow equals VI

    but don't ask me why whe should do so.

  87. see if any of the colors match the symbols on the wall

  88. Hey guys, I may be able to help with the card. The memo says 3/3 then the roman numerals. Here are the meanings of the kanji underneath:
    III Red
    I Black
    III Gold
    III Blue
    V White

    I'm not sure if this is the same for everyone or if it changes. Anyway, hope it helps!

  89. I'm sorry. I meant to say memo 3 III is silver not gold, sorry!

  90. code is red yellow red blue - I found it on another site's walkthrough

  91. Hi e1...hope I can catch up with u all...

  92. LOL - i never noticed before that my display name said 'The'!

  93. what in the h--- did the memos have to do with that?.....but thanks for the answer

  94. Out... that was both fun and frustrating! thnx all!!!! :D

  95. Did it say why that was the code,Fool?

  96. nope - no explanation of why on that one. I wanted to know since I couldn't figure that one out for sh*t!

  97. Hey! So the book says that only by not thinking in Japanese was Yumiru able to understand the math. I think it's because you do the math by the number of letters in the english word, not the Japanese word!

    In the book, it has
    red x green = ?
    blue x red = 12
    green x blue = 20

    But they are the Japanese (Chinese) characters so it doesn't register immediately. Blue has 4 letters and red has 3, so 4 x 3 = 12. red x green should equal 15 by this reasoning

  98. The walkthrough was from an English version of the game that was a bit different than this one. Had a bear and you had to play a game on the computer - but the rest was very similar.

  99. hey guys, i tried playing the first time and quit because after i had napped i looked under the bed and there was a yellow ball, so i clicked on it and it never went in my inventory, it was just stuck on my screen so i thought it was a lil buggy and started over, and now its not appearing! .....weird!

  100. thx fool!!! I guess i'll never know where that code came from...oh, well, there went my afternoon!

  101. For the password, it works like this:

    (Red x cyan + Black)Red + 1000

    And I took the number of alphabets, so:
    Red = 3
    Cyan = 4
    Black = 5

    Then you get 17 power of 3 + 1000
    = 5913

  102. That means the color code = 3634. Don't know where that comes from.

  103. Sorry I think it is not Cyan, but Blue. Somewhat have difficulty in Jap colour, but it works out well so far. LOL!

  104. Also: the way you get the password is by using that same math. Again, I don't know if the password is different of reach person, but mine had (red x blue + black)^red which (although you should add first!) if you multiply 3 x 4 then add 5 is 17. 17^3 is 4913, plus 1000 is 5913.

  105. Same goes with Red x Blue = 3 x 5 = 15.
    Blue x Red = 4 x 3 = 12
    Blue x Green = 4 x 5 = 20

  106. Finally figured out how the colour code. Can go to sleep now!

    They are from memo 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3.

    You need to change the colour into English colour, and the corresponding number is the alphabet in the english colour name.

    For example the first one is II (gReen); IV (bluE); IV (golD); IV (greY); III (grEen)
    ==> that gives: REDYE

    Second memo gives: LLOWRE
    And the 3/3 gives: DBLUE

    So we get: Red, Yellow, Red, Blue

    I know the answer is given, but without figuring how it works cannot sleep!

  107. Genius, Suzette. That's been bugging me all day. I wonder if the Japanese in the books gave any hints about this.

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. thnx for codes and their head was spinning just looking at all those symbols

  110. The you are amazing!!!!!

  111. just starting,anyone here?

  112. Never found all 3 notes, never managed to sort out computer username/password yet I randomly clicked on colours and got key and I am out. Weird or what?

  113. ok the following code worked on the computer

    user: losthearts
    code: 5913

  114. Did it same way as Suzette, just my math was a bit tougher ;)

    password = ((a X b) / c) x 1000 + d

    additional equation was d X e = 18

    Found a = 3, b = 4, c = 2, e = 6 (all from memo)


    ((3 * 4) / 2) x 1000 + d

    Since e = 6 and d x e = 18, d must be 3.

    ((3 * 4) / 2) x 1000 + 3 = 6003



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