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Murphy's Law 7 - Kling, Glockchen, Kling Walkthrough

Murphy's Law 7 - Kling, Glockchen, Kling


Murphy's Law 7 - Kling, Glockchen, Kling is another version of Murphys Gesetz and Kanzler Duell point and click games. The point of game is the same as it was in the previous versions. Good Luck and Have Fun!

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first time first! lets go!!

but I am no good all by myself, anyone else here?

I caught some papers on fire, santa ate a cookie and flew away with the reindeer, and now german writing I can't read

nobody? where's everyone at? I can't read much german at all and not totally sure what I am supposed to be doing

hi jessica.. i don't know if i could be of much help here .. :p

LOL...same here jess.. it's still loading for me..

Hi Jessica. Know much German? I got the first hint about 'Why is Rudolf's nose red?' or something like that...not sure what to do now though, not much good at these.

Hi RiggsQuel!!

Hi Martin, I don't know much german, was trying to learn on rosetta stone, but didn't get very far

I do know that kein and nicht mean "not" or something

i don't think i'll go on anymore..can't seem to understand what to do.. i'll just wait for another one.. ciao..

gonna smoke and then maybe try again

good morning everybody-starting...

hhmmm...I hit the pink button down the bottom right side and had a room full of Santa's, all going through the routines that you have to make them do. My progress bar went to the max and I had to use the 'three fingured salute' because it locked up my Opera browser.

Hi Maggie, I hope you have better lick than I had.

broke santa's machine, lit papers on fire, burnt the cookies, got reindeer drunk and he sucked on santa's hand and made it red, pushed little blue car and made santa fall and toy bag landed on his head and made a bump. What does all this mean? I have no idea!

*ummm...Luck, even...

hey.this is in german!!!the first one i played here need anyone a translation?

I giving up. Hi maggie, bye maggie, bye riggs, bye martin. Bedtime here, good night all!

Hi! anybody left here? i can help with the german...

the aim is no sabotage santa.vor example with the besom in the maschine.you have to make santa on 180....so very angry.at the end they give you hints what to do better...

I'm out too. It keeps crashing. Bye Jessica, see ya around Maggie.

Maggie have you figured out how to get him on 180? got only 80 points..
got broom in machine, open the window, put candle on paper, put the oven on so the cookies burn and put the towel in the bin and alcohol in the bucket for the reindeer..

hi biricchina.i´m from german too.are you still playing?what didi they mean with the fire?i open the window but..."der funke springt nicht über"...

oh you are much faster then me...

i think you have to upset santa claus

where is the towel to put in the bin

i speak german too

in deutschland geboren aber lebe nicht mehr dort

No im swiss but live in australia. the towel by the oven. the "topflappen" he will burn his hands on the cookie tray if that is gone.

thanks..ha.70points...thake the cup and put it into the window...it freez..

ah ein auswanderer;-)

click on the toy-car...till it move behind the bucket...95 points...

came to 60 points.i'll try tomorrow

got 95 too! at the end when he leaves the house click on the pile of snow, a yeti will chase Santa.

you can move the second lever on the maschine..do this when a spark from the fire is comeing up-the hat burmed...

put broom in presents machine but after the first box comes out. click in that box and a robot toy cames out. don´t know what to do with it yet..

oh my hints said something about that robots...

how did you open the box?

Managed to get to 120 points.

Maggie77 when you the first box comes out the machine click on it and it falls with three pieces of the robot that you can put together

I still haven't found a use for the robot yet.

Any clues apart from 'building' it. Whenever I try use it anywhere, it just returns to the right.

same to me..
manage 115 points

I have 85 points.

thanks.have it.but can´t fint too where to use.the hints sais...it has to atteck... (have 135 points...)

you can also throw the cup from the stove in the bin

ah have it...put the robot into the letterbox...

when Santa goes outside, after he lives, click on the small hill with dots on it.

oh-have full pionts...165...it said only the little star missing...but what to do for that?

@Maggie. Where's the letter box?

150 points
I put Santa's hat on fire but I don't now how.

only 145 points... still missing something

letterbox:he put letters out when the papers started to burn.put the robot in it when it is closed...

I know how I did it
When you put the paper on fire blow the whistle

Maggie you was saying something about a little star.What star?

Ahh, thanks Maggie. Got 150 now :-)

can someone please translate this:
HEISSE Schokolade ist was Feines.
Is a hint but I dont speak German at all

translation:hot shokolate is very fine/nice...put the cup into the window...it freez

thank you
already done that:)

there is another bottle with something in it.
Does anyone know what is for?

that is what i have:

click on the first box that comes out of the mashine---a robot falls out.

take besom-put into the mashine.

open right window-both sides.

put robot together.

pull 2nd lever of the mashine-the wistel blow a spark to the hat...

put robot into the close letterbox-santa will open it to take letters of it later

put cup on oven in window-it freez-put it back.
use the lever from oven to burn the cakes...

put oven cloth into the bin

click on toycar till it is out the screen

put both bottles alkohol into the bucket from rendeer

finally outside klick on the small hill

hope i don´t miss something and my english is to understand...something is still missing.it said for a little star you have do something more...

so-i have to go to unversity now...see you later.good luck to everbody...

maggie how did you got 165 points?
I can only manage 160

155 points:

-click box, robot falls out: put together.

- broom in machine

- robot in letter box

- open both windows, put cup of hot chocolate in window so it freezes.

- click candle: burns letters

- click second lever: burns hat

- click toy car two times: sant falls over it

- put towel-thing in bin

- cup of freezed hot chocolate back on oven (don't know why though)

- both bottles of liquer in bucket of reindeer

- outside: click mountain of snow, so beast chases santa!

155 is the best I can manage.

If you do everything from my last comment and put the frozen cup back in time for santa to try and drink, you get 165 points: highest score!!

165 is the highest score we can get??

I was wondering about that. Thanks for the tip Holland. Got 165 now.

Keine Tipps mehr. I guess that means no more tips.

oh yes.. it says in the end :)

volle punktzahl: full score

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 3:13 AM  

I have also 165 points but can't figure out the hint about the star. At the beginning it's says to put the level to 180 so I'm not done yet.

Sorry for bad english
1.click on the package with the robot inside
2.put the broom into the machine
3.rebuild the robot and put it into the letter box
4.open the window
5.put the cup on the ledge and then put it back on the oven
6.when the spark soar, push the second contactor by left
7.click the switch under the oven
8.put the oven cloth into the dustbin
9.click on the toy car twice
10.make reindeer drunk
11.click on the hill with dots when santa is outside

now you got 165 points
but i don´t know what about the star

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 3:29 AM  

Still looking for the star but even with Tab I can't find it. I'll have to leave soon. I hope one of you will find it. :)

One of the cookies in the oven is in the shape of a star, but it's not clickable.

Also, at the start, there's a small red clickable thing on the side of the letterbox. I'm not sure if it does anything though. Still on 165 with the missing star/asterisk.

I had once that the reindeer bit santa's nose.
But I dont remember how I did it.

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 3:37 AM  

Hi you all,
i was on the Website of Murphy (http://www.murphys-gesetz.de)
They are searching for the failure in the game - no one can get the "star" to finsh the game.
I wrote down a note there.
Hope they get it soon
a lot of fun and a happy christmas time for evereyone

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 3:39 AM  

to bite the nose the rendeer have to drink all of the alcohol - both bottles 2x

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 4:33 AM  

on another forum they write now:
you have to put the Sweeper in the machine AFTER hi put his coat on and go to the machine - but it doesn´t work for me - there just a bug he jumps and he´s mot amgry about anything - more luck for one of you?

hi! :D
new game..in german..perfect-..I'm German.. anybody needs help with writings?^^

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Hey Hobbit, I've just returned to see if there's any progress. I did what you suggested but I ended up with only 155 points :(

I got this message though. (Translated by Babelfish)
It is missing no longer much! Give (it) everything

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 5:53 AM  

I did the trick with the broom. Put it on the machine after he put on his coat. I now have 180 points!

Well done Catqueen. What was the trick?

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 6:00 AM  

I just did it and stars came out of the machine.I clicked it but wasn't sure if it worked. Only in the end I got the screen with "Deine punkte 180. 180 punkten mit Sternchen! Perfekt. Einfag perfekt. Keine Tipps mehr"

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 6:10 AM  

Edit last post: He got something against his face after I stuck the broom in. His face got red and he stamped his feet. (stars under boots)
Don't forget to move the car twice after this!

I can't get it with the broom... if i click the broom after he put on his coat, the thing with the car doesn't work...=/

okay got it:

1. click the gift/paket and make it fall down.
2. put the robot-pieces together
3. put the robot in mail box
4. open the window, the canle will lightning the letters
5. take the cup with hot chocolate and put it in the window (it will freeze)
6. there is a spark from the fire in the letters, use the 2nd lever, santas hat will burn
7. use the switch under the oven
8. click the bottles and put them into the bucket,click every bottle twice!
9. put the broom in the machine after santa put his clothes on.
10. click the car twice
11. click the hill, a yeti will kidnap santa

Clicking the broom is not working for me, could someone say exactly WHEN they put the broom into the machine considering it is to the far right of the first screen when he is putting his coat on?

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 11:27 AM  

@ Viper:

After freezing his tongue and burned his fingers he puts his burned hat on. He will use Mickey Mouse hat instead. Then he puts on his coat and walks to the machine to get his sack. Just before he gets his sack take broom and use it on the machine. It will crash and something is smashed to his face. His face turns red and he stampes his feet. (stars appear under his boots)

(Don't forget to put red cloth in dustbin in first scenery.)

after repeating many many times i finally wrecked that santas xmas with 180 pts.=)
thnx for the hints and for the broom thng i followed catsqueen comment.put the broom in machine before he picks up his sack.has to be dun vry quickly

"das Sternchen": It means you can get an A+ instead of a simple A if you're tryin better.
So there are not any stars in this game you should search for. Just do it better!

oh yes..i forget the thig with the oven cloth...

and its nearly impossible to get the broom in the machine before santa is already away..=/

If I took the broom right after clicking the package, I got 165 p. If I follow Patricias hints in 87, taking the broom after he took his cloths, I only got 155 p. What's wrong?

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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