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Pitch Black: An Online Cartoon Puzzle Game Walkthrough

Pitch Black: An Online Cartoon Puzzle Game


Pitch Black: An Online Cartoon Puzzle Game is another puzzle game from Smart-Kit. Can You figure out how to arrange the comic strip pictures in the correct order? Good luck and have fun!

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1st one here!!!

yippee live game

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 12:39 AM  

alright here goes. hi guys

       Anonymous  12/12/08, 12:41 AM  

Very early good morning to you DJ, Jelly and tiger :-)

Any luck with the comic strip? I've tried it several ways... wrong order!

i think i have tried this thing 30 ways. any hints?

ok i have the video store 1st, he goes in and gets a movie, then stops at the grocery store, goes home to the fridge and gets a beer, puts in his movie, turns on his movie, goes to bed, clock goes off, gets up, brushes teeth, drinks coffee, goes to car, car doesnt start, has to take subway mad, riding on subway, sees the sunday sale sign. and it is wrong!!! anyone got anything closer?

My thoughts were set the alarm, wake up at 6:21, brush teeth, drink coffee, get in car, car won't start, get mad and walk to subway at 6:30, ride subway, go to video store, pick out movie, pay for it, notice sale on Sunday after he already paid for it, go home and get beer, put in tape, click to watch movie, and TV breaks. Of course, this was wrong too!!!

Found on freegames.com:

1. Wake up holding alarm in the left hand 2. Brush Teeth 3. Go into Fridge 4. Drink Coffee 5. Look at watch outside 6. Car Breaks Down 7. Mad Walking into Subway 8. On Subway 9. Sees that it is Sunday 10. Video City 11. Looks at Videos (they look like books) 12. Pay for Groceries 13. Pops in a Video 14. Clicks on TV 15. TV goes Black 16. In Bed showing Calendar Monday.

cute & done.

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       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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