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Eggplant Room Escape

Eggplant Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Sakura. In this escape game, again you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. And it wouldn't open in Mozilla for me, worked in IE.

  2. I am trying to get it to load

  3. found 5 eggplants, used chair, screwdriver, eraser, eyedropper (twice). Have 3 number clues, all numbers 1-6 arranged a little differently.

  4. Hi there! I got in, have 5 eggplants and a red and green number. Cannot open box, don't get the tv and the Ipod

  5. Unable to use PDA under first eggplant yet.

  6. I lost the dropper after 1 time use for red number? The bnumber clues describe numbers...The order (red, green, somethin something) I don't know yet.

  7. My PDA is probably Jitta's Ipod. I did not use the TV either.

  8. There was something on the ipod when I returned to the screen after commenting, I think a solution for the box. But I don't see how, and now it's gone again!!!

  9. I found four number clues (red, blue, green and purple). Used all items. TV remote under tv, need to be behind it (where you grab screwdriver). Not sure what to do with numbers, but guessing the order has to do with the beaker colors.

  10. Ah, box open, now i've got a blue eraser?

  11. Where is fifth eggplant, I can only find four..

  12. ok, got all 4 numbers, now need to figure out the order....

  13. Ryan, Thanks for the remote and purple numbers.

    Did anyone get any use from the PDA/Ipod or white rectangle on sofa?

  14. If you stay on the iPod-phone for a while, without changing screens, an image will fade in - looks like an n and backwards c.

  15. PDA/Ipod is clue for box.

  16. I don't remember the testtubes before taking something out...

  17. Some black "scribble" under the desk.. Not sure what for... and I can't seem to take it.

  18. Am I the only one who can`t find the fifth eggplant?

  19. Tia76, which eggplants did you find? I am unable to reload and find them again, will try to remember.

  20. Found remote behind TV... look up.

  21. Hopefully you found the one in the view with the door. There were three in the view to the right. I do not remember the last.

  22. eggplants: on Ipod, on white cupboard (with testtubes), behind couch, on pouf, behind printer

  23. good morning everybody - I can't find the blue numbers?

  24. escaped the room easy perfect end aswell if ya got question just ask

  25. last one above test tubes. In view to right of room, one behind sofa (click on right near wall and one found when clicking to left of whatever that is on the right side of that view.

  26. testtubes: green is least, blue has most, red and purple are almost equal. I tried green red, purple, bleu and blue, purple, red, green, both to no avail

  27. Found one on Ipod, one on the thing in front of the chair, one under something (don remember what) and cant remember where i found fourth.

  28. eraser in the puzzle box

  29. There are four color number sets, and four numbers on door. Think connect the dots.

  30. Found last eggplant, now i`m out with perfect end. Thanks for hints and help.

  31. And again, my thanks to Ryan. The connect-the-dots clue and looking at the test tubes again got me out!

  32. how do you open the puzzle box?

  33. I don`t get the hint of connect the dots.

  34. It's 3:20 am here, I need to go to bed so I can wake up for work in a few hours.

  35. connect dots as in connect the numbers 1 2 3 ect

  36. Dreammama, did you ever do one of those kids activity pages where you drew lines connecting the dots in order and get a picture?

  37. out, thanks for the hints

  38. I found an open box on the middle rh shelf beside the test tubes with an eraser in it and when I figured out how to open the other box with the iPod clues it was

  39. yeah i did play those games, but how do i combine the numbers in this game?

  40. power of posting, out with perfect end.

  41. out w/ perfect end

    for the code on the door, look at the 4 sets of number u got and draw it like you're playing dot game

    Good luck

  42. Help, I can't for the life of me find the eyedropper! Any hints? Thanks

  43. Eyedropper is under the footrest.

  44. Found it, but no idea how!

  45. Thanks Martin, I also found the weird open box spot by the test tubes, but after I opened the box!

  46. No probs Jillydoc, I looked everywhere for that eyedropper (I thought)and I think that is the first bug I've ever seen in a parallellove game as well...or it was made so you don't have to figure out the other box code lol.

  47. It was quite easy (easier than most Sakura games).

  48. hi anyone, everyone just starting now :)

  49. Hi all. Any1 still out there? I dont know how to connect the dots??!! Please help, which order???

  50. Goodmorning everyone, just getting started.

  51. Hi Ca3, did you manage to open the "dot-box"

  52. Im almost out. Just the rank of numbers. Tried different ranks,but no luck.

  53. Yes my box was open. when the order is right it's like you see an 'n' and an 'e'

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Hi all. It says Service Temporarily Unavailable :(

  56. Had a bit hard time with the first number of the code...
    But got perfect end finally :D

  57. Out with Perfect clever with the numbers - fun!!!

  58. I am no clever no :-(( dont get the number thing, any hint??

  59. Sue - best to get a piece of paper and draw a line from 1 to 2 to 3 etc. The drawing will form a "number". You should have 4 coloured number panels from 1 to 6. Use the test tube for the colour sequence. Let me know if you are still stuck...

  60. Yeah! Thx Van Van, that was the right hint for me :-) Out with perfect end !!

  61. WooHoo! YW. Hope I didn't spoil it for anyone else... :O

  62. Ca3na, for the order of the numbers, look at the test tubes...

  63. can someone spoil the order. something is not working for me. thanks.

  64. I have stared and stared at the test tubes...but nothing is going through the logic side of my brain LOL

    Hints pretty please?

  65. Look at the colors of the test tubes !
    As far as I can remember, the order was red - purple - blue - green.

  66. OMG, that's it?! I thought it was something more complicated than that! I was measuring the height of the test tubes! LOL Been playing too many complicated escape games XD

    Thanks Pascale!

  67. and out!! thanks for thr hints!!

  68. That was easy ... Perfect end,
    out without help !

  69. still dont get the code... could someone post it please??

  70. The code to open the door is 5269

  71. The code to open the door is 5269

  72. dang it, missed the live gaming within an hour or two... grrr

  73. me too itsme. But I finally figured out that darn box. It connects in a straight line top and bottom and looks like the n and c if you turn the (screen) box (n on top). Out with a perfect end.I keep missing everyone! :( Hi martin :D Hi all!

  74. out with perfect end!!
    the connect the dots had me stumped for a while till i read your comments.overall good game:)

  75. Code is found by tracing the order of the numbers. For ex. red is
    if you trace from one to six, you will see a number five. Since red is first in the test tubes, it is the first number for the door code. I am sorry if someone already posted this, I just see people still didn't understand how it was found and I was proud of myself for finally figuring one of these out! :)

  76. out with perfect end, no hints yeah!!
    but i still don't understand what the pda symbol meant.

  77. Hi Roxi! Hi Michele! Woooo Hoooo!

    Yes, I have just read Roxi's random thoughts and I had tears from laughing so much!!

    What makes EG24 so much fun for me is the side chitchat between players.

    It crosses all boundaries, countries, borders, time zones and race to bring people together for a common goal…beat the game and escape while having fun along the way.

    Vega may have only recently joined or was just having a bad day but the other protagonist I already knew as a bitchy (ahem) person after attacking a fellow Perth player for no reason.

    In fact, Dianne E was quite taken aback by the comment made but stuck on for the game’s end so I think Roxi’s jousting was quite founded and “You go girl”. ;-) Wooo Hooo!!!

  78. Wow, 88 comments and only hints so far? Well, I got it with the hints (a big THANK YOU to the one who figured out the connect-the-dots, as well as a thx for the look-at-the-ipod-for-a-while and order of test tubes (my, I so didn't get what that word meant... >_>"")

    For all those too lazy to read through all, I'm now posting a WT.

    1) Get the Eggplant from the ground
    2) One to the right
    3) Take eggplant from middle of screen.
    4) Click under the furniture where the eggplant was, pick up the pipette (that white, long, oddly shaped plastic thing)
    5) Out, click left under/side of printer tower, get eggplant
    6) screen to the right
    7) pick up chair
    8) click left behind TV-table, pick up screwdriver, click inside that TV-table, pick up remote control. back.
    9) click TV, then click it again with remote control: 6 purple numbers appear:
    Connect the dots -> 2
    10) one screen right
    11) pick up eggplant from cupboard (or whatever that is)
    12) click test tubes, click them again with the pipette. Remember the colour sequence of the fluid inside the tubes (red, purple, blue, green). back
    13) click the picture of the sun with the pipette: 6 red numbers appear:
    connect the dots -> 5
    14) one screen right.
    15) click pda/ipod and wait a bit. a picture will appear:
    | |_ |
    don't know how it will kill my spaces in between, so get a piece of paper and a pencil and draw it. back.
    16) place chair under circle on wall, click it, click it again with the screwdriver: 6 green numbers will appear:
    connect the dots -> 9
    17) back, one screen right.
    18) click right behind sofa, pick up 5th eggplant (I forgot it before ^^°°). back.
    19) 2 screens right.
    20) click on the little box on the low furniture, rotate the tiles so that they resemble the picture on the pda/ipod. the right and left border vertical border lines are the unrotateable tiles with the dots. open the box and get the eraser. back.
    21) one screen left, click under white table, use eraser on black scribbling, 6 blue numbers will appear:
    connect the dots -> 6
    22) go back to door screen, click number pad.
    Red: 5, Purple: 2, Blue: 6, Green: 9
    Click on button, it should turn yellow. back, click on door -> out with perfect end.

  79. Another great Sakura game!

  80. Michele, k.hairless ... the PDA symbol was for the box on the shelf (the one that had the eraser in it.) If you look at the box sideways once it's completed right, the symbol matches the hint from the PDA. :D

    I love playing with everyone and seeing the enthusiasm we all have for these games.

    Martin :D no wonder I like you!! Hahaha and Michele my escape buddy! And everyone that I have helped and has helped me escape(because otherwise I still be stuck in the first game I ever played) and everyone of you that has enjoyed EG24 as much as I do. You guys truly are the best of the best! :D

  81. For people who know Chinese/are Japanese would know the 'connect the dots' part, because it forms the Chinese word 正.

    Another fun one, took me some time to figure out the numbers part...D:

  82. Xploded, you nailed it! I tried for ages to figure out how to explain/post it without the blogger removing the spaces like in Aeciris' great walkthrough. The closest I got was iE, which I thought was 'Internet Explorer' not realising it was Chinese word.

  83. When I click on the link for this game I get the cucumber room escape game (?)

  84. When I click the link I get the Lotus Root Room Escape Game.....

  85. This link works:


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