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Invitation from Witch

Invitation from Witch is another new japanese point and click type adventure game. In this game you need to go on right places and point and click on right things and solve puzzles to figure out of the game. Language barrier may be a big problem to solve this game. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Hello all, I am really thinking there is a language barrier with this game. Maybe I am just dumb, but I cant seem to get anywhere LOL

  2. oh I got a gold key in the shrubs to the left of the door, but I dont know how to retrieve it out of my inventory. *scratches head*

  3. to use items click in first line right japanese word then click item

    to go forward or go back click in third line left word

    sorry I can't help you more yet :(

  4. change the commands to get the key and other ?? stuff

  5. Hi Tosca, Jenva and Dunav. Just loading now. Hi! to you too Megi.

  6. MegiPoland, I have been playing around with the commands and items, but I havent had any luck yet. I am just getting a lot of Japanese text displaying in the text box. Right now I want to push that gargoyle off his perch. :-)

  7. been waiting alllll day for a new game :)


    howdy everyone :)

  8. hi everybody-nice to see you all here...hope language barrier will not be too big...

  9. In through the door but can't seem to do much :-(

  10. Hi Martin, hope you have better luck at this than me. I love how some words are in english, like command, item and the word next, but I dont have any idea how to navigate this game. :-(

  11. just starting!!! I'm new in this forum! Good luck to everybody!

  12. I used the yelow key and I'm in the house,I found somenthing in the drawer and I have a picture from the wall and marble.

  13. go forward or go back,thats not working for me!!

  14. second line left is to pick up items...find key in the grass

  15. Could someone please tell me how to use the key I found to open the door. I am still looking at this gargoyle.

  16. dunav
    it works when you open the door first

  17. I can't move!! I tried clicking like MegiPoland said but I can't move or use the items!!

  18. Megi, how did you open the drawers and get the other stuff?

  19. Ok I am giving up for now, I will come back later and see if any of you have had more success than me. I havent been able to use the key and get in the door.

  20. Ok! I did it, i'm in. I've got a ball but I can't open any door or go to the table.

  21. Georgina
    you must click the grass first to find the key then do like I wrote

  22. upper right command is use.
    under left command is move, I think.

  23. Second left command is pick up

  24. Im out!!From this game, it is boring for me,see in next game

  25. ok i´m in the house and pick up the ball-like-thing...but now i stuck...

  26. jenva, click in the first line right japanese word and then click item. You'll see that another line japanese appears, click that line an then click the door.
    Sorry for my english...

  27. Did anyone open the doors? How?

  28. ok does anybody figured out where to use the stone or ball-like thing?

  29. this is like groping in the dark! lol.. am quitting! can't play

  30. Good morning !!!!!! I have the key but I can not come help me? Thanks !!!!!!!

  31. I am in the hartroom.
    I converted something in my itemlist and then used it on the door.
    I think I converted the second item.

  32. I tried to use the stone and the ball everywhere and no result. I can't move from that stupid room full of doors!!!

  33. I picked up an angelstatue, a doll and a ball.

  34. Tosca, how did you converted the item??! Help, please!!!

  35. I'm giving up. Bye bye! See you in the next game!Thanks everybody!

  36. Good for you Tosca but I'm gonna love ya and leave ya all...curse my monolinguism. Hi to Kaoss if you're still playing, keep the Perth flag flying *grin*

  37. nothing I can not go !!!!!!! we will not!

  38. Georgina I think I used the USE button and clicked around in my items, until there were other japanese letters on 1 item. Then I used that item on hartdoor.
    To change the the item to use, you must click another command and then click back on the USE button and click another item.

  39. @tosca where is the angelstatue and the doll?

  40. that didn´t work for me:-(

  41. Sorry all. I am not in the hartroom, but in the spadesroom.
    There I found statue and ...
    Still stuck now.

  42. Ah-have found first line left and than on picture or commode-something more is on the item-list...

  43. but i still can´t get into a room:-(

  44. oooh, game! have it yet?
    (& a subject so dear to my heart)

  45. no-everyboday left my alone i think...:-(

  46. It seems you have to do things in order. I've been clicking the use items (top right) all over then went all over trying to pick up again (left middle)and got something from the rubbish bin and then something from the top drawer in spade room. I used that on the red brick outside and got the heart key. Can't seem to pick anything up in heart room- gonna go for using items now. Good luck all

  47. hey niff-hoe did you came into the spade room?i´m totally lost in the main floor....please help...

  48. well, i be thinking you all will be gone long time y time this game loads for me.... 61% after 5 minutes.

  49. @Maggie I'm not totally sure as I don't know what most of the items are but if you change from use item and pick up item you can see things coming or changing in your inventry. Use each item over the screen (including the door) then go back and do it again because things have to be done in some sort of order. I've changed things in my inventry by using them with the bat in the heart room but I have no idea what these things are. You can also combine items by clicking the use button, selecting an item then clicking the other items. You have to click out of use item then go back in to select a different item. Not the easiest game to play!!

  50. 15minutes to load a game that reminds me of something from 1985 and i don't have a chance to "navigate" my way through, read your posts but it's too annoying to make sense of the 6 options of interaction... let me know when there's and english translation!

  51. gone mad clicking every command to get into spade room but can't. think i'll have to wait for an english translation cuz this is too confusing for me

  52. @maxi first line left:search for items
    first line right:use items
    sec.line left:pick up items
    sec. line right:???
    third line left:move forward,back
    thd.line right:???

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. i can´t go into the spade room-no matter i try...pick up key/stone from outside,see paper on gargoyl-go inside-pick up ball and these two things in the cupboard and now nothing happens any more..

  55. Menu

    1 (?) 4 Use Item
    2 Get 5 (?)
    3 Move 6 (?)

    etc to 'what you have' check boxes.

    To get started you need to click on the weeds to the left a few times from the opening screen to get the key then GET to take the key (you can also get the stone), then USE and itemlist #2 on the door to open it. Select #3 to go in.

    Please add to this if you find more command/use controls.

  56. too much of an addict to stop trying:)
    finally got into spade room!!!!!!!
    click on second line first command and then on will pick it up
    then select first line first command and then on second option in item list(its where the picture goes).the writing should change
    select use in command and open spade room

  57. thanks sooo much nottypomy...i didn´t pick up the picture...thanks to niff too

  58. happy to help:)
    in spade room and no idea wat i have picked somthng from garbage can,doll from bed, doll/angel(?) from top of drawers and a marble

  59. This is so random!! I've just met death somehow! Still playing so I wasn't killed!

  60. item list after spade room:

    2.something from bin
    3.stone from outside
    4.something from top drawer on hall
    5.something from bottem drawer on hall
    6.angle statue from spade room
    8.ball from hall

    next line:1.crystall ball

  61. Looks like the gargoyle has the diamond key but I've had no luck in picking it up. I think I need the club key first to get something from that room to exchange for the key. Stuck with a total of 7 items I seem unable to combine or use anywhere. It'd help if I knew what they were!!

  62. you can chance the thing from bin-by clicking first line left and than 2.line in items...something come 2 linen under the doll-so position 12

  63. oh mean change...sorry for my english..i´m german:-)

  64. I used something on gargoyle and he is light grey now LOL

  65. how did you get the heart-room key?can´t open the top drawer in the spade room..:-(

  66. finally have i´m in the heart room...

  67. I don't suppose you have any idea how MegiPoland?
    @Maggie- not sure how I did it as things combine or change I'm not sure what items I have! Sorry

  68. niff
    I have ten items,
    I used: right column, most lower item to make a gargoyle light grey (I even don't know where I found all items),
    this game is like enigma for me, I'll wait for the wakthrough LOL
    good luck !!!!

  69. Thanks Megi. I managed to keep using random items and now only have 6!! The bottom right isn't one of them. I've searched, picked up and combined my finger off- leaving for now- too random!!

  70. also open the middle drawer and lighten the gargoyl-thanks megi for that

  71. have key from gargoyl...

  72. Very good Maggie
    I am even not able to go into hartroom. Searching fot more than an hour now

  73. @tosca...pck up picture withsec line left button...then select the first line left button and select the sec item line(picture)-it change into heart-room key

  74. Picture from spadesroom?

  75. oh sorry that was for spade room...for heart room:

    see my inventory i posted bevor...

    2.position from bin use the first left button to change it it comes under doll-position 12...

  76. use the thing on pos 5 from drawer on hall on drawer in spade room

  77. first left button and drawer in spade item on pos.5...use it with red blck outside...have heart-key...

  78. THX Maggie but no go
    I give up.

  79. Maggie - how did u get the key from the gargoyle?

  80. i work on a walkthrough till that what i have...but i have to have a break first...

  81. walkthrough:in()position in itemlist
    first line left:to search
    first line right:use items
    sec line left:pick up
    sec line right:?
    thrd.line left:move through rooms

    for spades room:
    pick up stone(3)
    search grass
    pick up key(2)
    search note on gargoyle(last right)
    use (2) on door.move inside
    (2)is free again

    pick up ball(8)
    pick up picture(2)
    search first drawer(4)
    search bottem drawer(5)
    search with (2)--key
    use(2) with door---go inside

  82. in spade-room

    pick up doll(10)
    pick up angel (6)
    pick up cristal ball(right 1)
    search in bin (2)
    search with(2)from bin--(12)and (2) is free
    use (5)with drawer in spade room-(5)is free
    search there-(5)is something again
    move out
    use (5) with red brick outside
    have heart-key

  83. thnx maggie on that partial walkthrough now in heart room with devil/bat thng in front of me:)

  84. heart-key(7) to use open the door--(7) is free
    move inside
    use (6),(8) and (10) with bet
    go out use note(right last) with statue-it lighten
    go back in spade room
    use (10)with drawer
    seach in drawer for (7)

    it a little bit ticky-but it is there..

    use (5) with(3)
    go to bet use (10)with bet again
    go out use (10) with gargoyl-have key for diamond room(9)
    (10)is now free

  85. open door-(9)is now free
    pick up glass thing(10)
    pick up black bottle(right5)
    blue bottle(right6)
    green bottle(right7)
    yellow bottle(right9)
    when you pick up that basket a white woman on the blue bubbles-you see the dead...

    thats all what i have already...

  86. I know some Japanese... have played for some time. Let me do some translation

  87. can you see if we can talk to the white woman?

  88. capital letters: choose action in command box

    1st screen:
    INVESTIGATE notice on statue, get magic words 4
    INVESTIGATE grass, see big key
    TAKE big key
    TAKE stone on ground
    USE big key on door
    MOVE into house

    TAKE picture on wall
    TAKE glass bead on ground
    INVESTIGATE upper drawer, get seed
    INVESTIGATE lower drawer, get small key 2
    INVESTIGATE picture, get spade key
    USE spade key on spade door
    MOVE into spade room

  89. I am near where you are maggie. I talked to the lady, and that she was under the action of some magical spells... that she wants to be saved...

  90. Sorry it takes me some time to write the walkthrough.... I have to play again to remember what to do

    Spade room:
    TAKE crystal ball on ground
    TAKE doll on bed
    TAKE statue on drawers
    INVESTIGATE bin, get memo
    INVESTIGATE memo, get magic words 1
    USE small key 2 on upper drawer
    INVESTIGATE upper drawer, get hammer
    USE hammer on stone, get fire stone
    MOVE out to first screen

    1st screen:
    USE hammer on red brick, see heart key
    TAKE heart key
    MOVE into house

    USE heart key on heart door
    MOVE into heart room

    Heart room:
    TALK to monster, it says take something from the house for exchange
    Can't get anything from room because everything belongs to the monster
    USE statue on monster, get sickle
    USE glass bead on monster, get club key
    USE doll on monster, get small key 1
    MOVE to corridor

    USE club key on club door, still can't open door
    MOVE into spade room

    Spade room:
    USE small key 1 on middle drawer, still can't open middle drawer
    USE hammer on middle drawer
    INVESTIGATE middle drawer again, get knife and gold coin
    MOVE to heart room

    Heart room:
    USE gold coin on monster, get ruby
    MOVE to 1st screen

  91. 1st screen:
    USE sickle on grass, get grass
    USE seed on soil
    USE magic words 4 on statue
    USE ruby on statue, get diamond key

    USE diamond key on diamond door
    MOVE into diamond room

    Diamond room:
    TAKE cookie on ground
    TAKE yellow poison
    TAKE green poison
    TAKE blue poison
    TAKE black poison
    TAKE paper over large bowl, see ice lady
    ?USE blue poison on self, power recovered
    MOVE to heart room

    Heart room:
    USE cookie on monster, get bottle
    USE bottle on monster, get bottle of water
    MOVE out to 1st screen

    1st screen:
    USE bottle on water on soil, see plant with strange fruit
    USE knife on strange fruit, get strange fruit
    MOVE to heart room

    Heart room:
    USE strange fruit on monster, monster disappeared, get rust coin
    INVESTIGATE white notice, see how to make strong magical pill: mix herb, black poison, and pure water, and heat
    USE bottle on water, get bottle of water
    TAKE red poison
    TAKE wood
    TAKE magic cloth on wall

    MOVE to 1st screen:
    use bottle of water on plant, get pure water

  92. That's all I have now.... please anyone help us to move further

  93. ihave the net steps for my walkthrough...

    use (10)with bet
    use again (10) with bet
    use (8) with club-door-but doesn´t open
    go out use (6) with grass---(right3)
    use (4) with soil--(4) is now free
    use (10) with soil--plant grows
    use (7) with fruit--(4)
    in heart room: use (4) with bet--now free---but new(right10)
    pick up bottle from table(8)
    use (10) with water
    pick up wood(right4)
    pick up flag on wall(9)
    use (10) with plant outside
    use (10)with (1)--you can now use (10)with water again...
    use (right9)with (right10)
    use (right10) with chest in diamond room

    thats for now all...

  94. ok i give up for the moment...maybe tomorrow the rest has been solved...the game is getting now on my nerves...see you

  95. some more progress.....

    MOVE to diamond room
    USE yellow poison on rust coin, get coin of the night
    USE coin on chest, still can't open

    MOVE to spade room
    USE green poison on carpet, get small key 3
    USE small key 3 on lower drawer
    INVESTIGATE lower drawer, get string

    MOVE to diamond room
    USE string on gray door on ground
    USE red poison on self, ice lady melts
    USE magic cloth on ice, get ice that does not melt
    USE pure water on large bowl
    USE grass on large bowl
    USE black poison on large bowl
    USE wood under table
    USE fire stone on wood
    TAKE magic pill in bowl
    TAKE burnt wood

    MOVE to corridor
    USE burnt wood on vase, flower grows
    TALK to flower, get magic words 3

    MOVE to diamond room
    USE magic words 3 on chest, get badge key, magic stick, magic words 2

    MOVE to heart room
    USE magic words 2 on chimney, hidden passage appears
    MOVE into hidden passage

    stuck again.....

  96. wow.... out
    use ice on monster
    use magic pill on self
    use magic words on monster, monster disappear
    investigate the purple cloth

  97. @fab and maggie THX!
    But can't find the red bottle in inventory, I worried that I used it already. But the lady isn't melt down yet...
    Which item is the red one, I've tried them all...

  98. Hello Maggie and Fab. Thank you so much for your help! It seems I cannot get the string from lower drawer (have key). And Fab, please explain what self is - I cannot figure it out. Thanks again!

  99. fab, maggie: you guys rock! (love a good walkthrough)

  100. wahinee, use key on drawer than examen drawer, maybe you got the string already?
    Stuck at same place, don't know if I still have the red bottle or that I try to use it on a wrong place (shelf)

  101. wow fab!!! cant believe you escaped!!this was one crazy game
    thnx both fab and maggie on the walkthrough. atleast i know wat im doing although i dont understand the language and the reason=)

  102. Who can tell me wich item is the red bottle
    and on which shelf do I use this bottle?

    I'm stuck there..

  103. red bottle is one of the items on right have to use it on self thats the first item on left

  104. Thanks Carola - if I knew which place in the inventory the string is ( or the red or blue poison, etc.) I used the key on the drawer, then investigated, then tried to pick up / get, but I saw no change in my inventory. Then I tried everything from my inventory on everything in the diamond room - no result. Cannot open the grey door in floor. :-(

  105. Thanks nottopomy - it never occurred to me that self is an item in my inventory - LOL. Got that part, but don't get any further with getting the string from the drawer.

  106. THX nottypomy!! She's melt down. I was using it on the wooden closet in the game, stupid me.

    Wahinee, sorry than I don't know, I did the same, but got the string (thougt it was 4th item in the left)

  107. Yeah out!! THX everyone for all the hints!!! Very nice game. And in English would have been even more fun ;)

  108. going on from where maggie left off in walkthrough

    move to spade room
    use (right7) on carpet
    get (right2)..use on lower drawer
    search lower drawer...get again (right2)

    move to diamond room
    use (right2) on gray door on ground...(right2) now free
    use (right8) on (left1) lady melts and (right8) free
    use (left9) on ice left
    use (left10), (right5) and (right3) on bowl on table
    use (right4) under table
    use (left3) on wood
    now you have (left10) from bowl and (right4) from under table

    move to corridor
    use (right4) on vase
    talk(second line right in commands) ..get (left last numbered 3)

    move to diamond room
    use (left last) on chest
    search chest to get (left 11) (right11) and (right12)
    you can get (left last) again if you pick chest

    move to heart room
    use (right12) on chimney

    move in hidden passage
    use (left9) on monster
    use (left10) on (left1)
    use (left12) on monster. it disappears
    search purple cloth
    and you're OUT!!!!

    for better explanation on wat you're doing check fab's walkthrough.this one is for lazybones like me:)

  109. congrats Carola - I'm also out but I had a "continue" button, when clicking it I'm back at the ice lady in diamond room. We haven't been in the last room, so I guess we missed a few things. But since it is hopeless to try on my own, I leave. Thanks to all who helped!

  110. nottypomy - thanks for your detailed walkthru - that's how I got out, but there seems to be another ending. Do you also have the choice to continue when you're out?

  111. no i had congratulations written in the end.just followed wat fab had written.someone who gets the language can only tell how to get the other ending

  112. Yes, I had "congratulations", clicked on it, had "the end", and under the end there was a button "continue". When I clicked on continue I was back in the diamond room with the frozen lady. But you are right, impossible to continue on our own :-(

  113. whow nottypomy...thanks for finishing my walkthrough!!have no patiece and nerves to do this;-)...but i´ll try this tomorrow...

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. happy that I can help in finishing the game.
    some more additional information to understand what is happening:
    I should have translate poison to potion... to be more accurate
    if you INVESTIGATE the potions, you see:
    black potion: dirt over label that you can see
    yellow: remove rust
    blue: regain power
    green: melt cloth
    red: fire comes out from mouth

    if you use fire while facing lady, without opening the gray door, the message says that you are drown with the water that has melted. So use the string to open the gray door..... that drains the water.

    so that makes more sense

    items not yet used:
    magic wand
    crystal ball
    badge key
    that I have no idea how to use

    that some of you can continue, I guess it's because you save the game at that time, when you press continue, you go back to where you were. I don't know if there is another ending.

  116. Can anyone give a full walkthrough instead of all these little ones please?

  117. @reddic...if you don´t like our walkthrough...try to make yourselve one!Do you see the time we post?I started at 11am and fab finished at 00.00-so it took us almost a hole day to write these walkthrough!don´t kvetch please...thats not fair!

  118. Great job Maggie77 and fab
    I could open 3 doors now. Then stuck again and out of courage.

  119. juhu...finally finish and out...

    where do you stuck tosca-maybe i can give you a hint

  120. maggie77 I am not having a go at anyone and am gratefull for all the walkthroughs as I know it must take a lot of time doing them, what does "don´t kvetch" mean?

  121. Maggie dont bother I skip this game.
    Ich habe enough time wasted on this "game".
    @redcc: mutch too difficult game when you're not a jap

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. this is impossible, even when i get an item, it disppears and then the japanese name of it is in the inventory- and i can't understand that-so i'm gone....................


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