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Escape from a Railway Room 2

Escape from a Railway Room 2 is the sequel to Steel Room Escape Japanese point and click type room escape game by Niitaka RCC. In this escape game, you are trapped in a railway room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. wow i've never been first

  2. Very cool! Just in time for a new one!

  3. OMG i log on and its live YAY wait is it live?

  4. lol how creepy the train is talking to me

  5. Have a screwdriver (used) a plate with T craved, a book and 1 battery

  6. where did you use the screw driver?

  7. got a key and a crowbar

  8. What is the code for the door downstair's? Does anyone know?

  9. Out already, but with "normal end". Going to restart and see if there are other ends? I did not go inside the room with "keep out" on it, so I think that must be for the good end.

  10. Yay, new game! Dang, out already? Here I come!

  11. I´ve been downstair but need a door code?

  12. what's the code for the box in the dark room?

  13. Where do you find the other plates? I have only found T and Mc

  14. where r u supposed to use the battery and t carved plate?

  15. When you go outside. At the part with a sign (the area where you find the Mc plate), you can go to the right. Up ahead will be another door and the M plate.

  16. paper outside has map of japan and the word "east" push the buttons of the cities starting with those letters inside for Tc tiles...battery goes in flashlight

  17. Once you are outside, there are many places to walk to. There is a locked tunnel and a beach, each has a plate.

  18. Actually, I think the beach does not have a plate, but has something else of importance.

  19. out with normal end...i shouldn't have used yellow key on door by garbage can

  20. I have M, Mc, Tc and T plates. Need 4 more?

  21. no you only need those there are some blank spaces that you don't fill

  22. For the code to the locked door in the basement, check the back of the yellow key. I am not sure what to do after that.

  23. where is the yellow key?

  24. Where the heck is that crowbar?

  25. heather crowbar was in the locer if i remember correctly

  26. sorry locker, im stuck what di we do to the map of japan what is the order of the buttons?

  27. This is gonna sound really stupid, but how do I get into the locker? I've double clicked almost everywhere.

  28. I got the ending that says "to be continued..." but the ending also said that there was 1 mystery still unsolved. (I finished with a bottle of green tea and the white key)

  29. I'm so dumb. I figured it out

  30. you need the key from the ticket machine in the corner. but you first need to flip the switch in the bathroom. what are u up to?

  31. You need the key from the ticket machine to open the locker. The order to click the cities is outside, next to the paint bucket.

  32. In the bathroom, there is a breaker in the top left corner. Use Screwdriver. Do obvious. Use now activated Ticket Machine putting in the code using the key on one of papers you have. You get the blue key for the locker.

  33. ty ty ty Xelkelvos lol was wondering what that was for how dumb am i

  34. I have Mc T and tc tiles, cant figure out the piece of paper that shows 2 trains. My taped up not said kiss. have been out side,,, beach... dug hole, flashlight works can't figure out what to do next.

  35. where is the yellow key?

  36. found tunnel after much clicking.

  37. If I still had my crowbar I could break apart that rusty fence!

  38. The code for the locked door is 8001 (see the yellow key)
    got a CUP SAKE

  39. out with normal end, i took the diet drink with me lol

  40. Please where is yellow key?

  41. thanks for all the help-not!

  42. I think the drink does not affect what ending you get. The only thing different I can find is a different drink is shown at the end.

  43. The yellow key is inside the locked box in the dark room. You will need all 4 plates to solve it.

  44. the yellow key is in the box in the dark room downstairs..i think

  45. i got "to be continued" is that the correct ending lol

  46. I have four plates. can use plate more then once. Cant figure out code for putting plates in correct order. Aurrrrgh!

  47. alice you dont necescarily need to fill all 8 places up some will be left blank, just do the obvious

  48. You need the picture from the beach to determine the order.

  49. Oh I kept trying to come up with an 8 number combination thanks!

  50. On the back of the ticket machine manual, there is a message that "something was pasted". Has anyone solved this?

  51. After you got to the locked room there is a note with the destination near the cabinet check the kilometers on the tariff board and enter it to the locked box you get tunel key

  52. trying to get code to box in locked room downstairs. nothing works. any ideas? Tried different train # combos but no luck. Also tried date on poster but didn't work.

  53. Crap! Its 3:30 wonder I'm brain dead. I Have to get up in 3 hours for work. I'll play it tomorrow. I will try to figure it out then with out looking at the answers. good nite all. Thanks for the help.

  54. i too was wondering what that meant juan

  55. can anyone give me a hint on where i could find the 4th letter square. Tc i think i need

  56. The 4 plates are in: bathroom, map of Japan, tunnel and dirt pile. I do not remember which plate is where.

  57. Terri when you go outside behind the house is a box withe blue paint on it that says TEST o EAST these are the first leters of the town you have to press on the map of Japan in the loby.

  58. thanx juan... its the map one i havnt done anything with that yet.

  59. Miki, where is note with destination? upstairs or in locked room by bottles? cant find it

  60. ok well i think that it just ends there in waiting for part 3. the only thing that i can think of with the "something was pasted" thing is that the note found in the secret base has a discoloured stip similar to it. any wayyyy thanks for the help guys

  61. jilly the note is in the corner in the room with the beer left hand side i think

  62. Yay, got it. it's one of the fares on the tariff board.

  63. nope im totally stumped. is the word im looking for KISS on the wall outside near the paint cans cause thats the only one i can find. what did i miss...

  64. That is probably the word, it changes each game. It is the hint to solve the map of Japan puzzle.

  65. Terri, I think everyone's clue is different. Go to map of japan and click on each city starting with KISS and you'll hear something fall.

  66. So now I have white key from tunnel but can't use it anywhere...

  67. The white key is not used, it is only an item needed for the good end, I think.

  68. I can't find the order for the tiles, will somebody help?

  69. Mc M Tc Mc Mc Mc Mc one empty

  70. i restarted the game and got the EAST word now but i cant get the place on the map. what was the city someone else had when they had the word EAST. ill see if that works.

  71. @ismene The code is different every time. You need the book from behind the bookcase with the note book on it and the clue fron the beach to solve it.

  72. What do I do with the white key?

  73. where is the door to go out of this game?

  74. Anybody still here? Please, need some help with white key!!

  75. @babou After you unlock the door(s), click on either side handle to open.

  76. finally, thanx for everybodys help

  77. the key doesn't work on the key hole

  78. thanx Martin finaly I used the yellow key to go out

  79. If you go out with the white key, at a certain moment you have to click the train. You get a story with the meaning of the white key.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. nice game and wow i could escape without help!

  82. It was a nice game. I got the white key but used the yellow key on the platform door. There is another (better ?) end. How ?

  83. Could somebody tell me where is the destination note near beers.. I can't find it... I just can take a sake.. nothing else.???

  84. ok ... I ve tried without the note near beers... there are two numbers with coma written on the tarif board upstairs. that was one of them. get the red key for tunnel..

    Note : For anybody who, as me, stay dumb looking his four tiles... know that each tile is in fact a heap of tiles (I mean each are more than one) so you can use each more than once.. and suddenly stop to be stuck.. ;P

  85. Gre-nadine, the note is on the floor, on the right side of the cupboard (which is on the left).

  86. Oh thanks for help pascale..I did it without note but it could help.

  87. Where do I find the code for the ticket machine?

  88. Hello. First time posting. can't understand the code of the dark room. Any help, please...? -s

  89. ISUPhiPsi1052 you have to count the letter from abc... for instance
    A = 1
    B = 2
    C = 3
    and so on...

    hope it helps

  90. Does anyone know where the flashlight is or the yellow key if that's the key to get outside? Thx

  91. Flashlight is outside. You have to use the crowbar and go downstairs then go outside through the ladder

  92. Thanks so much Ana. I wasn't thinking. Thx.

  93. hei people...
    I need to find some key, comments above say that's a yellow key, anyone know where it is? Please?

  94. your welcome... i'm given help with thr code of the box in the dark room...can't understand...always missing one code....

  95. HI Cris... the yellow key is on the box in the dark room but i don't know understand how to put the code in the box...sorry

  96. neither do I. The tiles you can use more then once but i don't know the code...

  97. You have to use the white tiles with the letters on them. You get the picture of the 2 trains from the beach, then you look at the stapled paper that have the trains and what the letter codes are. Use that to put the tiles in the boxes in the box in the dark room, the last box will be empty. My picture showed train 113 and 475 so in the stapled papers the letters were Tc M M Tc (for 113) and Mc M Tc (for 475) put the tiles with the letters into the box this way.

  98. Thanks roxted2, but i have only one picture with train. THe 7000 train, so I use this code and it worked!! Thank you verymuch

  99. now I have another room, another code to break... no clue... the code is a number: separatede by a comma, like this: x,xxx

  100. remember tariff board upstairs, tried all numbers and got 0,270 (I know there are different numbers) but I did't understand why this kilometers, why this city (Okietsu).Language barrier is not a realy problem to play, just to understand the story,now I get a red key

  101. I am missing a plate.. Can someone tell me where they are? I have the one from the bathroom. One from the tunnel and one from under the sign that I needed to dig up...

  102. Danielle, there is a plate inside one of the safes I gess, not really sure...

  103. Thanks, I am missing the tc one..

  104. Help cannot find "tc" plate anywhere...

  105. I have no clue where to use the key that I found inside the tunnel

  106. OH you have to get the one from teh railroad map with city names

  107. never mind I found it. It was in the map!

  108. Outside near garbage can you can find a not at the wall with a word. go to map and click on the cities that begun with those letters in order

  109. Have pressed the buttons spelling east but what does it open .so I can find the tc plate

  110. sorry, it took me an eterity to post a comment, really sorry

  111. Sorry ...pressing wrong buttons got it now..thank you

  112. Cris where did you find the key to the tunnel? I got the yellow key but I do not know where to use it

  113. OK I got into the secret room with the glasses... Can someone give me a clue to the box?

  114. Danielle, a little help to me, please, Well I saved the game, then went outside and got one end which was to took train number 2200. They told me there is another ending so I return to the game and have left in my inventory a key from the tunnel, a flashlight, yellow key (I now know its to open plataform door, picture of number 7000 train, paper with train types, and manual for ticket machine.

  115. Danielle, try kilometers from tariff sign upstairs, I tryed 0,270 and it worked,

  116. Well I just got the key from the tunnel...I am not sure where to use it though?

  117. Okay have locked box open and yellow key but I cannot get code for locked door ...what am I missing .

  118. Im out with with the TBC end.. what is the other end?

  119. Danielle, I just discover that yellow key opens both door upstairs.
    Door to plataform is one end, the bad one.
    Door to outside took me the same as the satirs, to the beach.
    do not know what to do with this key found in the tunnel.
    If you wanna go out just for fun remember to save your game first.

  120. Where is the digging tool for the pile of dirt?

  121. Danielle, insithe the room downstairs, with the table, if you click at the left side you can choose to pick up or a diet or a tea bottle.

  122. Chris have tried all the numbers still not opening not sure what I am doing wrong

  123. lOl I was using wrong code on door finally figured it out ..thanks anyways...

  124. get a yellow key under the bin. get the torch from the red sock. insert the plug of the christmas tree. see the numbers at the top of the tree. (on the star)everyone has got different numbers. pull down the curtain and get the paper. use the key on the door near the book cabinet. get the yellow battery. put the battery in the torch and use it in the dark room. get the red key on the floor in the dark room. click on the sink to make water come. wet the paper with the water.
    see the words: sugar cat box. go to the kitchen screen and open the tall locker with the red key. get the red safe. see the numbers 0723 on the yellow poster and enter the number on the red safe. get the memory card. insert the memory card in the pc. enter the numbers you got from the star on the tree to the pc. click on the door . you are out!

  125. Out with a red paper near sake cup. To be continue and not forget the white key. Good end?

  126. Excuseme this walkthrough is for game version 1.

  127. Catdog, which game do you play?

  128. Dezza, sorry so late. Take yellow key, about item, and turn it around. see a number that is the four code digit to the door where it says "keep out"

  129. Well, I've just started the game... when everyone has finished it.

  130. hi carri, i am here, yet, stuck. I've already got out with one ending. playing again but still don't know how to get second end.

  131. I cannot find anything but the book, the screwdriver, the battery, and the note...

  132. let me know if you need any hel. I am still here for a while.

  133. I've got the crowbar from the locker...

  134. Thanks Cris... I'm giving it a try...

  135. Aleluya!I'm downstairs now.

  136. I don't know where to use the red key... Trying other ends too.

  137. has anyone found the other end?

  138. I found a bottle of "Green Tea" that misses information about the volume of liquid contained.

  139. I give up... too much time wasted.
    Good bye!

  140. Is anyone here to help please - I just can't find out how to get the Mc tile

  141. You need the digger, I don't remember whether I found it outside on the rightside of the station or downstairs in the darkroom

  142. loolyloo, check both places... You have to turn around yourself once you get outside the station.

  143. I can not open the box in the room with the bottles on the table. I have to try the number 0,270 but isn't work. Who can me hlp? Sorry for my english, i'm a old german. :)

  144. You think that's time for a walkthrough? I think I could try

  145. Walkthrough Escape from the Railroad 2
    Please someone check this and let me know, ok…
    This is an attempt to write a walkthrough. I wish someone that can speak Japanese explain me the story of this game…
    This is difficult to write. My English is not good, I don’t understand Japanese at all, and the game is hard. I could find just two endings, and none seamed to be very good, but again, language problem…

    Scene with 2 windows and a Map from Japan
    Under left bench is a screwdriver

    Go right
    Scene with Bathroom sign
    1 – Cabinet - behind cabinet – get text book about train types. Above the cabinet there is a notebook if you want to save your game.

    2 – In the bathroom:
    From the sync get the station Map and the “T” plates,
    From top left yellow “breaker”, open with screwdriver and turn it ON.

    Go right – Scene with locker and garbage bin on the left
    Garbage bin - get memo
    Tariff board on the right – look numbers use latter. Numbers change every game.

    Go right – Scene with the ticket machine
    Under the machine – battery
    Code to open the machine: see manual for ticket machine – convert letters into numbers (code change every game). – Get Blue Key.

    Go left
    Use blue key to open the locker and get a crowbar

    Go left
    Use crowbar on manhole to open it and get to the basement.

    In the basement:
    Climb the stairs in front of you and go upstairs (see map if it helps) to outside

    Go ahead to the scene with the brown sign and see a swelled ground under it.
    Go to the spot on the right – tunnel scene, see tunnel, go ahead, and collect “M” plates. See that the tunnel is locked.
    Go back and go to the spot on the left – scene with boats, go ahead, get paper near the boats, that is a picture of a train type (maybe one or two trains painted , if two, there will be a plus sign it will vary game to game).
    Go back twice and turn around (red sign) to the scene with the door and a manhole

    Go left
    Under the bench there is a flashlight, above the paint can on the wall there is another code with four letters this also changes in each game. Take note of these letters.

    Go back, return to the station using the manhole in front of the door.

    Once in the basement again, put battery inside the flashlight, and enter in the black door use the flashlight.

    You can see on the left there is a safe box that needs the four plates to broke the code,
    At the right there is a scoop.
    Get the scoop, go back once, turn around on red sign, and go upstairs to outside

    Go ahead and use the scoop on the swelled ground, get “MC plates”.
    Go back to the inside using the manhole again

    Go upstairs

    Go right to the Japan Map and click on the cities names using the word you found outside on the wall above the paint can.
    See that something fell down there are “TC plates”.

    Go right to the basement again
    Go to the dark room again use the flash light, open the safe using the plates in order like this:

    You get the picture of the train from the boat scene, than you look at the stapled paper which have the trains and what the letter codes are. Use that to put the tiles in the boxes in the box in the dark room, the last box will be empty.
    My picture show: “orange train(115) + blue and white train(475)”
    My paper show: train 115 – McMc and train 475 – McMTc
    Put these plates in the box – get yellow key.

    Look at the yellow key, turn it around and see a four-numbers-code – 8001 (change every time)

    Go back, turn around on red sign and enter the next door using the code from the yellow key.

    END NUMBER ONE: Use the yellow key on platform door and go out with normal end. Or continue to another end:

    Now you see a table with 3 bottles and 3 glasses and 2 plates.
    On the left side of the left chair on the floor, pick up a memo. It shows a name of a city.
    Click at the cupboard and you can pick up either “cup sake”, “diet soda” or “green tea”, I don’t know if it does any difference (I picked up the green tea because before the game start it shows an introduction where I could see a train and a bottle of green tea). On the right side you can see a chair and a safe box that needs a number “x,xxx”. You can open the safe using the numbers on the tariff board from upstairs on the scene with the locker and a garbage bin. The memo I picked up from the floor had the city Kasuzaki; at the tariff board this city number is 190 so I used the code 0,190 (I know it will change every game, so check in the memo and the tariff board) – Get red key

    Go back, go upstairs, go ahead, go right to the tunnel again – use red key to open the tunnel gate, use the flashlight and get a white key from the tunnel.

    Go back four times, turn around on the red sign and use yellow key to open this door. Now you are inside again…

    Once you are inside, click on the notebook on the shelf to save the game just in case you want to return.

    Take the yellow key again and open the platform door.

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Catdog r u trying to confuse us with a walkthrough for another game?

  148. can someone solve my code for ticket machine please it's DT32F, thanks.

  149. Shuchun,
    Could you check the walkthrough above for us? And maybe explain mistakes? thanks

  150. Brilliant walkthrough for a brilliant game really enjoyed that one, Cris thanks a lot.

  151. i'm stuck at the tariff code. i have kasuzaki and the tariff board says 180 so i tried 0,180 but it's not working... any ideas??

  152. nvm i did exactly the same number and it worked this time..don't know why it didn't work the last time...

  153. that was really a great game, I loved being able to go into different areas. loved it!!!

  154. @chris,here is the video walkthrough

    the codes are random for everyone so let me know if you have any problems with your codes. and sorry that i didnt notice that you leave a message to me.

  155. Shuchun, no problem,thank you anyway...
    reddc, thanks glad you like it and hope it helps someone

  156. Great Game!!! Actually finished without help. But thanks everyone for being there when I do need help, which is most of the time.


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