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Spring Key

Spring Key is another new Japanese point and click type room escape game from Episodes & Melody, who is also the creator of Heart Key, Heaven's Key and Look Up Into The Sky games. In this game, you have to find something and solve puzzles to finish the game. Good luck and have fun!
Note: Be patient when the game is loading please.

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  1. Second. Damn Livejournal signup

  2. Oh, first time I've posted here too, and it's live w00t!

  3. Hi kofie...loading seems to take forever hm? Sooo slooow...

  4. First make breakfast, clean the house, water the plants, answer my emails, and then come

  5. can't seem to load..

  6. Loading takes about 5 to 7 minutes...yaaaaawn...

  7. right..have peice of newspaper (?) lighter, chain and some chart. keep seeing 's' around places

  8. oh, and peiice of paper with a house,arrow and x mark.

  9. oh my service unavailable ill be back later.

  10. Hi everyone. 5:15 am here, I should BOT be awake!

  11. red dot behind picture of cat
    any1 any further?

  12. good morning/good evening

    I'm out - nice and not too hard

  13. i might get in with you all. its loading now.

  14. hopefully it stops loading at 100, I am only up to 68.

  15. mine loading and your out already. I hope its as easy as that for me...

  16. wot happened i went out the door and it was over. :(

  17. kofie
    just click under the table near right leg

  18. blue box
    sum of each row must be 24

  19. Found chain and lighter, piece of paper in Japanese, crowbar, , two times S, a W (can't pick those up), a code (for blue box), and a clue about the code (they're x-y coordinates). Gonna see if I can open blue box now...

  20. didnt need to open blue box...

  21. have chain, used paper and lighter (still in inventory), another paper with number grid.

  22. stuck...inserted light bulb into lamp, but not sure what to do now! saw the box infront of the cabinet and?

  23. found the "24" clue on the right side of the cabinet in the corner, had to hold it near the fire to see the writing.

  24. I wrote cabinet, I meant desk. Sorry.

  25. In the fireplace, you can look up the chimney...escape route? After that...put the paper in the fire place and light get a nice and cosy fire, mmm...

  26. found the box in floor with 4 letter password but i tried the 4 letters i found and nothing

  27. the color of the letters tells you what letter to use where. After I opened that, I had letters in front of the mantle (over fireplace) and a key that let me find yet another number puzzle.

  28. thanx megipoland i miss read my letters

  29. The paper that I lit to start the fire showed up on the shelf again, and is back in my inventory after clicking on the empty shelf. Glitch?

  30. where was the 24 written? I can't seem to find it - it wasn't on the note I used to start the fire was it? That is gone....

  31. Anybody use the chain yet? Any ideas for the next codes? I am getting nowhere.

  32. The code for the box in the drawer is 7389.

  33. I'm out. But I didn't use the chains, nor managed to open the box in the desk drawer. There MUST be soma alternate ending, or is it just a beta version ?

  34. Might as well use the time to say "Thank you" to Megi, I have not been in many live games with you, but I appreciate all of your work on the site and helping us escape from reality while escaping from rooms.

  35. code is in the title (sort of) - or at least I think so - now the code is stuck (and mispelled?)

  36. Hi all! Hope it´s worth waiting this long. (loading 85..)

  37. Ok...I put in the word "season" over the fireplace, and something happened but I'm not sure what. I looked around and came back to the fireplace and it says "seazon". Still have the chains and a piece of something I got from the fireplace. Not sure what to do next.

  38. Cher, how'd you figure that out?

  39. Thanks for the hint, Snazzy. I was just looking at that, and your hint helped. I heard a click when the proper word was spelled.

  40. Ok, maybe that code had nothing to do with anything (????) I ended up out the door with the key but never used any of the three chains for anything, or the thing off the window. Not sure what the code on the fireplace did - although there was a lovely clicking sound when I finished entering it. Maybe will check back later to see if you guys have something different.

  41. The drawer code or the fireplace code. The fireplace code was because Snazzy said the code is in the title, which is spring. SSAW is Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.

  42. Should the game have only two views? Can see only the door and bookshelf but can´t turn any futher..

  43. HyThere - thank You!
    You are welcome :)
    my pleasure :)

  44. Cher, the code, I'd you figure that out?

  45. actually, one letter changed when it locked into place. I am not sure what that might mean...

  46. If you look in the green book you get xy coordinates. After you figure out the box with all the rows equaling 24, use the numbers on the box and the xy coordinates to figure out the code.

  47. Tanja, many more views, 7 total.

  48. Thanks Cher, that was good. How did you think to use one code to solve the next?

  49. item from box in drawer used on window.

  50. @Cher: thanx, got it now. Anyone any idea where to use the three chains?

  51. Just figured there had to be a place to use those xy numbers. Now if I could just figure out what to do with those stupid chains.

  52. Bugger! Mine didn´t work. Now loading again.. (58 and counting)

  53. 3 chains? ive only got two. wot did i miss

  54. cut door chains with pliers

  55. oh yes silly me i locked it so i wasnt tempted to leave before i solved all this other craziness

  56. Thanx Hythere...found it...but what is it? A coin? A lid to put over the fire? Can't find a use for it...

  57. I never got the one from the ceiling, how does that come down? Used pliers to connect the two that I have.

  58. what do we do with golden plate thingy?

  59. maybe there are four endings?
    I've finished with winter and second time with spring

  60. Hythere, use your long hook (the thing that looks like a crowbar) to get the chain from the ceiling.

  61. im sorry to say it but i give up im just using key and leaving. hope someone figures out all the extra stuff and thanx for all the help everyone.

  62. And what can I do with this small fish?

  63. I feel silly. I tried everything but the obvious.

  64. Small fish? Is that the blue thing on the shelves? I can't do anything with that. And what's the obvious?!? Somebody give me something...I want out of this room!

  65. Been trying to catch up. Got the coin/plate but no idea how to get out.

  66. just use th key on th door. there s sm extra stuff 2 b done, but cant b bothered. off 2 bed. good ni

  67. I'm heading to bed. I'll try again when I wake up.

  68. Oh, didn´t think just open the door with key. Don´t like games with extra stuff.. :o(

  69. Hmmm, i don´t understand this game...
    What can i do with the three chains and the plate from the window???
    All riddles are completed, but now no idea what to do next....

    Ok i can go out with my doorkey, but than i have no Ending.....

    Has anybody an idea??
    (sorry for my english)

  70. Wow, cannot get under the table. Can get under the sofa fine, but not the table.

  71. I knew if I posted it, I'd get it. POP

  72. I have connected a pieces of chain to this chain on the ceiling and I have a ladder now - I used coin there - third ending

  73. Never mind, found it now.

  74. how r u guys finding so many things? i can't find the things u say - key, W & A letters, box to fit them in, pliers, coin, no. 24 .. ohhh.. i feel so stupid! :((

  75. neither can i zoom in on the various places i cud zoom in before switching on the lamp on the shelf..

  76. radhu
    A is on the clock
    W is on the desk - click flowerpot
    key is in the blue box - make all rows to 24
    coin - from the window knob (use pliers)
    pliers - use key on drawer - code 7389

  77. ty so much megi.. u r the greatest!! God Bless :)

  78. What about cat picture ? Someone said there is a red dot behind, but I click and .. nothing...

  79. gre-nadine
    you must find a note in the chimney first (not put the fire on)

  80. i clicked on the door & i was out.. now for the life of me i dont know y i found all those things.. have no idea if this is the way out.. or if someone just kicked me out cos they were sick of me doing circles in their room! lol

  81. oh.. Yes I was sure there was something white over there...well.. too late.. I've a beautifull fire ... Restart and Loooooooooaaaaaaaaading.

    thanks megipoland.. and Hello everybody..

    I'll try this game later. Bye.

  82. Hello everyone. so glad I'm in a live game again (even though mine's still loading). Special hello to Megipoland ... you've helped me so many times :)

  83. Hi Koralle :)
    special hello to You too :)
    I'm so happy I can help sometimes if I have enough time to play games :lol



  84. Hi Shuchun :)
    do You know how many endings are in this game? I can only find three :(

  85. i found 4 endings
    --got out from the door in the beginning without any actions
    --got out from the ladder
    --got out from the chimney
    --use key to get out from the door
    thx for posting this lovely game,Megi.

  86. Thanks Shuchun :)
    maybe You will find another new one, I must go out now
    see You, bye

  87. shebasophir
    game is working and loading quickly on IE for me (after refreshing a few times maybe)

  88. well I've tried different browsers, cleared cache and still 503.

  89. Darn, I hope im not to late, just started, if anyone still here can you please tell me where the lighter is to lite the fire??

  90. was able to get alt link

  91. Where is the lighter?

    It would be really appreciative if people will give hints on where they found their items when they get stuck (I believe hints are allowed? :p).

  92. Ok I found the lighter on top of the fireplace mantle, in the mug. It's a little pixel hunt I think coz I kept clicking that area and didn't get anything until now lol

  93. too late for live game, but here's a walkthrough...

    first ending: click on door and go out. You've just made the fastest escape in escape game history!

    second ending:
    1. go left to scene with couch.
    click under couch to get a note with a grid on it. Notice the pink "S" on the couch leg.
    click on table, right front leg near bottom, and get long stick with hook on the end.
    Notice the vaguely menacing photo of cat on wall.
    2. go left to window scene.
    3. skip window for now and continue left to desk scene.
    click on right side of desk by wall and get paper - it appears to be blank (but we know better, heh, heh)
    open bottom right drawer and take chain.
    click on the desk clock and note the brown "A"
    click on plant to left of desk and notice there is a white "W" that appears to be reflected on the side of the desk.
    4. continue left to fireplace scene.
    click just below opening to fireplace and look up at the blue sky (odd, since it's snowing outside the window, but, oh, well).
    take white note on chimney wall, then back out of fireplace.
    click on the cup on the mantle, just above the cup's top, and take lighter.
    Now, look at the note you got from the chimney.
    5. Want to end this all now? then go back to the scene with the photo of the cat and click on the hanger where the "X" in the note indicates. The photo falls down revealing a red button on the wall. Press the button and you'll hear a click. Go back to the fireplace and look in the chimney again. Now you'll see steps have appeared jutting out from the inner wall of the chimney. Climb the steps/ladder and exit into a snow scene.

    Third ending:
    Don't climb out of the fireplace (after all, we know you can just walk out the front door any time). Instead,
    6. go left to scene with a blue box on a shelf on the wall. You can't open the box yet because you haven't found the code. However, you can see a chain hanging from the ceiling. You can use the hook you found under the couch to pull the chain. Pull once, and it comes partly down, setting you up for ending number three. Pull twice, and you pull it completely out, meaning your only option is the fireplace exit or ending four. So for now, just pull once.
    7. go left to scene with shelving unit. There is paper on the right middle shelf. Take the paper and go back to the fireplace. Put the paper in the fireplace and set fire to it using the lighter. So much for getting out through the fireplace, now! Take the "blank" piece of paper you found beside the desk and hold it in front of the fire. Aha! A code appears! This is your clue to open the blue box.
    8. go left one scene and click on the blue box. You'll see that there are numbers on the top and that three of the numbers are zeros and can be changed. Change these numbers so that each horizontal row adds up to 24. For the math challenged among us, that's "9" on the first row, "8" on the second row, and "7" on the third row. Click the handle (not the box) and it will open, revealing a lightbulb. Probably a very expensive lightbulb since it was locked in a box with a code.
    9. Go left again to the shelving unit. Click on the blue fish-looking thing on the center bottom shelf. If you can figure out anything to do with it, I'd love to know.
    Click on the books and look at the demonic red figure just above the books. Click on it and note the blue "S" on its base. Click on the green book and note the numbers on the left page and the yellow star on the right page. This is another clue to be used with the blue box. Write these numbers down, as you can't take the book with you.
    10. Click on the lamp on the left middle shelf. Click it again and the shade moves, then click on the shade again and you'll see it has no lightbulb. But, wait! YOU have a lightbulb! What are the odds of that?! Put the lightbulb in the lamp, back up, click on the lamp again and turn the switch on. You won't see anything.
    11. Go left and turn off the room lights by clicking on the switch next to the door.
    12. Go right and notice that the lamp has a blue light shining from it. It's very important at this point that the lamp shade is in the right position, not the left position. You have to get the shade positioned, THEN turn on the lamp, THEN turn off the room lights, etc. When the lamp is positioned correctly the blue light will shine on a spot on the floor.
    13. Go left and turn the room lights back on, then go right and click on the floor where the blue light was shining. You'll see a secret door. Open it and you'll see a box with a color coded letter key thingy. Remember those different colored letters you've been seeing everywhere? Put them on the box in the order indicated by their colors. Since I didn't explain that very well, how about just put in SSAW. Open the box and take the key.
    14. Go back to the desk and use the key to open the top drawer. There is a box inside with a number pad on top. Go back to the blue box and look at the numbers on the top. Use the hint from the green book to pick four numbers from the array on the blue box. Or, if you're feeling lazy, just take my word for it and go back to the box in the drawer and enter "7389". Open the box and take the pliers.
    15. Go to the window (hey, it stopped snowing!) and use the pliers on the latch. Something will fall onto the window sill. Pick it up - it's some sort of coin.
    16. Go to the front door and remove the chain. Using the pliers, combine this chain with the one you found in the bottom drawer of the desk. Combine the combined chain to the one hanging from the ceiling, and a ladder will appear. Climb the ladder and use the coin to open the trap door and you're out.

    Fourth ending
    hmm, what if you pulled the chain all the way out of the ceiling and lit a fire in the fireplace? You can't get out using the ladder and you can't crawl out the chimney. You could always go out the still unlocked front door, but you've gone through so much already...

    17. After you correctly put the letters in the box on the floor, you'll see that the blocks on the front of the fireplace mantle now have letters. "SSAW= ?" Change all of the "A's" that follow SSAW to read SEASON. You'll hear a click. You just locked the front door! Ha! First person in history to actually lock themselves in while trying to escape! But don't worry, you have a key. You may notice that when you leave the fireplace scene and go back, it now says "SEAZON", just another mystery to ponder.
    18. Go to the front door and use the desk drawer key to unlock the door and you're out, once and for all.

  94. wow zoz that was great!!! thanks!

  95. Hi everybody !
    I don't understand how to make the ladder...
    Please can you help me ?

  96. mariguil
    1 connect chains from the drawer and from the door using pliers
    2 use "crowbar" on the chain on ceiling (click only one time - chain must still hanging on the ceiling)
    3. use connected chains on the ceiling-chain (sorry can't explain better in english)

  97. Thanks a lot MegiPoland ! Don't worry, I have understood what you mean... I think your english is better than mine !!!
    I'll try later when the game will load again...

  98. You are welcome mariguil, I'll be here for a while if You will need more help :)

  99. a very impressive walkthrough MegiPoland!!
    thanks, well done!

  100. Truus it's walkthrough made by zoz ;)- my english is too poor to write walkthrougs for You :cry

  101. can't connect to play :(..................

  102. oh my, so sorry zoz!!!! gave all credits to MegiPoland, should have been yours. But she was so kind to correct me. (thanks MegiPoland).
    So here's another try: Thanks zoz for the best walkthrough I've seen in years!!!! pfff, will that do?

  103. michele i hit the mirror button at the bottom and got in!

  104. Service Temporarily Unavailable

  105. the game works again so MegiPoland, I'll see how to make the ladder...

  106. euh MegiPoland I made the ladder with chains but how climbing on the chains ?

  107. j@de
    try refreshing site a few times - it works for me

  108. mariguil
    pull chains - you will see ladder - use coin to open trapdoor

  109. ok... on the view of the ceiling or on the view of the bottom of the chain ?

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Ok it works ! But I had to enter the password in the front of the chimney before pull down the ladder...
    thanks again MegiPoland !

  112. mariguil
    you must first make a letters SEASON on the fireplace, sorry,I forgot about it

  113. congrats mariguil!!!! see You in the next game :)

  114. good day
    as usual: stacked :(

  115. Game loaded in about 2 minutes. Click unchained door where game started and was outside, escaped, LOL. wonder is it was a glitch.

  116. hi!! Here is another link which loads much faster!

  117. I hope so MegiPoland ! Most of times I play on a french blog but I think I'll be there more often...
    Have a good evening !
    See you later...

  118. aw shucks, Truus and MegiPoland, you've made me blush (btw Megi, your english is perfect! I speak only one language and I'm in awe of those of you who can speak more than one!)

  119. hmmm ok clicked on the door and was out. How easy was that.

  120. hi again zoz :)
    thank You very much for Your kindly words
    good night, time to go to sleep

  121. sweet dreams, Megi

  122. For me two misteries reamin:
    1 - why the word "season" changes into "seazon".
    2 - Even though i can have 4 different ways to go out the aoutside landscape is the same, som e trees, and no snow...
    Very nice game , fantatic walkthrogh zoz...

  123. working link:


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