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Tom and Jerry - Midnight Snack

Tom and Jerry - Midnight Snack is a really addicting and funny puzzle game. "Place the limited arrows correctly to get Jerry to grab all the cheese and the key to open the door." Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Tosca]

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  1. too difficult to move.. click everywhere and get nowhere!

  2. Myrie, did you put the cheese arrows on the floor and press 'start' to make him move?

  3. Tip: On level 9, it says you only have 4 springs but you actually have 7.

  4. oh Martin D, I think I get what you are saying.. thanx

  5. Martin, my mouse keeps going passed the arrows.

  6. Try and reload the game Myrie and check the instructons to see if you are placing them correctly.

  7. alright, I will try, thanx

  8. it worked! I made to only level 3

  9. do the swiggling floor tiles do anything? level 4 look impossible? how do I get my sleepwalker to go over the missing floor tiles.?

  10. nvm, it is a time warp tile

  11. Do you know what the poker chips are for?

  12. poker chips??? more like coils/springs

  13. nvm got it, I used them to bounce over the opened square and then the mouse went right home. lol

  14. Martin :D how many levels are there?

  15. A bit stuck on how to set up level 8. *blushes*

  16. so am I, I cannot for the life of me figure out level 8
    my eyes see an impossible task..

  17. @Myrie, sorry, I went away for awhile. There are 20 levels but at the end it says that you have completed 80 levels with a score of 000000 :-(

    There are probably a lot of ways to complete each level and I didn't always pick up all the 'cheese' but it was fun to play...Thanks Shuchun and Tosca.

  18. Martin....Well, since you didn't get the big congrats, here's one for all your clever thinking...CONGRATS!! :D

    Myrie...Yeah, I've been looking at level 8 for awhile now. All I've learned is I have to get both keys. Then again, it's 2 am here. :P I might not be thinking my best...

  19. This level 8 is too hard. Anyone to the rescue

  20. I have too agree, It is way past my bedtime here too.

    Martin:D thanks for all your help... I did not know I could skimp on some of the cheeses..
    Thanks for telling me..
    I think that is what I will do to pass level 8..
    too bad I can't start another time on the level I don't finish... :(

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I figured out level 8! I only used one spring, one up arrow, one other arrow (don't remember which), and one left arrow, if I remember correctly. What helped me, was to first place the spring right before the first arrow he comes to when leaving the door. Then, just watch him go... You'll get an idea pretty quickly as to where you have to put the arrows. Another clue I remember is that the down-left arrow goes in the 'top' corner north of his door where he begins. I turned up getting all the cheeses, as well. Like I said, the key is watching him. Place that first spring, and you'll see. :-D Also, keep in mind, once he goes over one of the existing orange arrows already there, they disappear. ;-) I hope that helps!

  23. thanks I will try it. :)

  24. I am gonna try now, thanx Escape

  25. You're very welcome! I hope I explained myself well. That was a tough one...

  26. And I'm off...goodnight you two!!

  27. bye Escape and thanks for your help. I finally did level 8. I put the arrows in the corners after I observed the mouse. I never needed the spring. He got the two keys and went home. I placed the arrow facing his door in front of course.

  28. @ Escape before you leave,
    try to explain more in details where to put those arrows on this level, (telling me "north" does not help me, LOL, I have no sense of direction)
    I got it all wrong again and again,I put the arrow on the wrong side.
    I kept trying to understand but got it wrong too many times so all my mouse finished and I must restart the game. I don't want to do that right now..
    So please everything you can remember post it.
    I don't like to give up or leave a game unfinished so I will be trying tomorrow. thanx and bye for now..

    @ Martin:D if you remember something I need to do for the next levels please post it too.. I want to get tomorrow when I play again. thanx all..

  29. @ Escape, I know you are also off to bed too, so never mind, don't stay up trying to figure how to explain what you did..I will keep reading your post over and over and trying til I get it.. I am off to bed now..

    See you in other games..

  30. Don't forget that on Level 9 you have 7 springs, not 4.

    Remember that when Jerry walks into a wall he will turn around. This is useful when you put a spring before one of your arrows so he jumps over it, gets a key or cheese, hits a wall turns around and then follows the arrow he jumped over.

    I never did use any of the rotating green arrows (they don't disappear and the only time I tried one it sent Jerry off the screen and I had to restart).

    And to get the 'All Arrows Bonus' just put all the arrows and spings on the floor somewhere, Jerry doesn't have to use them.

  31. Good idea Martin. I am pretty stuck on the one where Jerry has to get the keys from the corners. I'll try to put the extra space because he keeps getting stuck on the arrows so he goes back and forth. I think I will finish this tomorrow. It's too long ;)

  32. and here I am back to try again..

  33. How did you do 11? I have one try left! Thanks!

  34. after the hassle of late last night I am so glad I am now on level 9.

    Martin:D I see your tip right above, thanx

  35. cyndee43, I have not reached 11 yet. almost there...

  36. cyndee 43, now I know what you mean!! wow! this is a tough one.. I'm thinking... (level 11 has the walls on the way, its a challenge.)

  37. I don't want to try again until I know the solution, b/c I only have one left! lol!

  38. got it! passed 11..
    if you use the springs before the arrows that you want him to use the second time around it will work. I did not get all the cheeses though, but I got my two keys.

  39. hold on cyndee43 let me explain clearer

  40. ok, I await your expert advice!

  41. as Jerry the mouse if walking out put a spring/coil in front of the missing tile. He jumps it. put a right arrow at the end of his walk, he springs towards the key, BUT in front of the spring there should be an arrow going the opposite direction, towards the cheese on the left, so when the wall makes him turn around he springs to the second arrow that has another direction. ( I wish I could draw what I mean).

    In other words you can put a sping between your direction arrows so he can use them when the wall turns him back, he ends up jumping the first direction arrow you game him that leads him to the keys and so on.
    Let me keep explaining....

  42. can you do a screenshot? I've almost got it but not quite.

  43. rrrgh explaining is too hard, I keep starting again and again. Are you still there Cyndee43? This is hard because I know longer have that level in front of me to look at.. I drew it on paper but I need you to tell me how many of each direction arrow do you have there on that level 11...
    I am sure someone else here playing to explain too..
    you should have many options to think about.. but I will keep trying.. sorry for the slowness

  44. thanks for you help, myrie!!!!! *hugs*

  45. This is for level 11...If you are interested I put an arrow two blocks forward going toward the cheese his left or your right for the cheese first. I put a direction arrow for the cheese and a spring..once he gets the cheese he will again turn and go toward the spring and skip to the other directional arrow which should be toward the key.calculate the jump with skips a square. as Jerry goes down toward the key you put another spring than an arrow toward the other key. If you place it right you should have the spring closest to the object then the direction arrow on the third square. eg. -> direction spring key..than other direction next to the first direction toward other object.
    It's supper hard to explain.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Cyndee43, you made it passed level 11?
    or you got it, like you understand the whole concept..
    whew!!! I don't mind explaining if needed okay..

    you see now you have two people helping you.. yey!

  48. I am done... 20 levels...

  49. I don't know if anyone had this same experience, but there is a glitch in level 11. I had a spring facing the door thinking he'd just jump then walk through the door. Well, Jerry jumped OVER the door! He landed on the other side and kept walking! He disappeared and I waited a full minute before finally hitting reset. Wow! :-)

  50. Also I noticed that when you win it says you've completed all 80 levels instead of 20...

  51. I can't believe this, but I had to start over again today, and now I don't remember how I did level 10! It's the one with the two vortexes, and the key across the room on the other side of missing squares by the vortex. When you send him into the vortex he automatically walks into the mising floor and dies!

  52. i am on level 8 and i cant finish it how to finish that 1


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