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Tortuga Episode 2

[REPLAY] Tortuga Escape Episode 2 is the sequel to Tortuga Episode 1 point and click type room escape game created by Mateusz Skutnik and Marek Frankowski for pastel games. In the game, you've escaped from the pirate custody, it's time to take your chance and escape from that cursed ship. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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Tortuga Escape 2 Walkthrough

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  1. hi e1, loading,hope i can catch up

  2. found four eggs for chef and got a key, where is the cheese for the angry mouse?

  3. can only find 3 eggs

  4. You don't need the cheese for the mouse. He doesn't like it. Use your money bag on that machine in the kitchen to get a piece of candy for the mouse.

  5. I think there were two near the right cannon, one in the kitchen and one near cannon balls on left

  6. use money on machine on left in kitchen to get pirate candy, give that to mouse.

  7. You're welcome, chabui. :)

  8. after mouse leaves, pull out the two corks and use cable/cord on the crap that spills out

  9. still cant find 4th egg lol

  10. There were 3 eggs in the room with the mouse, one on the left shelf and two in the overhead view of the cannon, and one egg in the hallway with the boy on the floor, on the shelf over his head, I think.

  11. thanx cher will go look again now

  12. Oops, not in the room with the boy, but on the windowsill in the other room. Sorry.

  13. cord is in the room on the left with the stinky cheese, egg in the window sill and dresser. it's in the top drawer.

  14. nvm found another room with cord

  15. found them all thnx then set fire to cord atached to barrels an it blew up an told me i had failed lol

  16. stuck after lighting gunpowder

  17. as soon as you light up the cord you have to go to the room with the bird

  18. you can get into the old room from the first episode but i can't do anything in there

  19. im out i think lol

  20. done! now we have to escape from the port!

  21. OUT but i haven't use the yellow key..

  22. Nice game. I just wish it was longer :) Like all episodes together. This was fun!

  23. Stupid racist game. I've captured the image and will forward it to every advertiser.

  24. needs to know that they are supporting Sambo images.

  25. How is it racist?

  26. Racist how? Please tell me its not due to a black chef appearing in the game?!?! If so whats the problem...?

  27. Hi All!!
    @treeleaf: thought the same thing!!! So disappointed..I always loved pastel games.
    Now i will look at them in a different way, sad...

  28. You are being silly, treeleaf7 - at least the cook was not drunk out of his wits like the white kid in front of the kitchen or the one-legged pirate!

  29. For all who are really interested why NOT to use this type of caricature, here's a link:

  30. Thanks, saintj - and I quote from that page:

    "The coon caricature is one of the most insulting of all anti-Black caricatures. The name itself, an abbreviation of raccoon, is dehumanizing. As with Sambo, the coon was portrayed as a lazy, easily frightened, chronically idle, inarticulate, buffoon. The coon differed from the Sambo in subtle but important ways. Sambo was depicted as a perpetual child, not capable of living as an independent adult. The coon acted childish, but he was an adult; albeit a good-for-little adult. Sambo was portrayed as a loyal and contented servant."

    Loyal and contented servant? Not capable of living as an independent adult?? Easily frightened???

    As far as I can see, none of this applies to the cook-character here. Obviously he is in a higher position than the drunk, WHITE kitchen helper and the kitchen is HIS, and his alone!

    But I guess this discussion belongs elsewhere, not on a gamers' site - so I'll stop right here!

    Greetings to all - black, white, yellow, red and green!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I agree with treeleaf7 and saintj - the big lips, the fact that the character is a cook on a ship run by white pirates- the image is offensive on so many levels. If you don't get it, you've led a sheltered life. that's my 2 cents, now I'm moving on to the next game (unless it's from pastel)...

  33. here is a post copied from JayIsGames that, I hope, will resolve this issue:
    it never crossed my mind that this image would be offensive. But I do live on the other side of the world you know. And its not my game - I didnt draw it, I didnt create the scenario. But now seeing that from your perspective - you're right. it is offensive. The author was asked to re-do that image and a new, racially correct version should be online at mosttomorrow.

    thanks for your comments
    mateusz skutnik"

  34. i haven't played this yet, but i think the Mateusz Skutnik is one of the most gifted gamers out there, so it's nice to see he has a social consciousness too, and takes action when aware of a problem.
    i agree with kate greetings to "all", always....:)

  35. OH GOOD GRIEF!!! Why does everything always have to turn to something about race.....geez!!!

  36. Hello people it's a game gezzzzzzzzz. If you have issues resolve them elsewhere. I imagine this is for FUN, at least i thought. party pooper:):):).

  37. by the way did you ever stop to think pirates or ship =no bath= dirty as hell= looks black on game. logic people only takes

  38. Entirely too easy and most of the object you pick up aren't even needed.

  39. Hi, can somebody tell me how can I set fire to cord whic is atached to the barrels now ?

  40. this game is no way a racist game,he who thinks otherwise needs to get a life.

  41. great game, great graphics, great sounds-loved it! out no help, yeah for me!

  42. After opening the gate with the two keys, you can go on deck and have a fight with the pirates. I did not find what the medaille was for.

  43. The racially offensive stereotypes portrayed by the cook (minstrel-like extremely dark skin, large red lips and gap, kinky hair, etc) have caused many people to be turned off from this game. The designers acknowledge their feelings stating that they are not America and were not fully aware, have apologized and will be redoing the game shortly. If you have no idea why it's offensive, visit

  44. Oh.My.God, you guys are not seriously discussing racism instead of helping me get the heck out of this game, are you???

  45. Thanks for the support sainj and zoz. I'm glad the author of that game fixed it. It was AWFUL!

  46. Right on PartySOlutions! Thanks for trying to education the clueless.

  47. If you are still around Tosca, where is the other key?? If you don't mind??

  48. Never mind, I found it...but by the history of this game, I would have to say that the medallion is for the 3rd episode....just a thought...

  49. that is like if you saw an "oriental" game character with a rice paddy hat, tail, and mustache - then you would want to complaint to the game designers that they depicted a "racial" image. believe it or not, but african americans did enjoy cooking back then and even if the job was on a ship, it was a job. in the game here, the cook is telling you he needs 4 eggs. how are you to assume that he was a slave?

    this is a gaming forum. let's keep the ambiance light. these forums are to bring people together, not apart.

  50. I loved this game and all Mateusz Skutnik Games. This may not be the right venue but, I must speak out.
    If we look hard enough, we can take offense to almost anything. The drunken sailor with the Red Hair looks Irish to me. Is the designer saying the Irish are a bunch of drunks. What about the cabin boy who was clearly attacked by the cook. He has been referred to as white. I think he is more Chinese or Japanese. Are any three of these ethnicity's to be offended because they are being depicted as weak and,in the lowliest position on the ship. The picture on the wall above the cabin boy sure looks like General Custar, a great American hero, but there is a knife stuck in his head. As an American, should I take offense to that?
    I think you see where I'm going with this.

  51. Are you kidding me? We're playing escape games, not psychoanalyzing whether or not the artist and game maker are racist.

    I'm tired of people taking offense at every single little perceptive iota of most likely unconscious artwork or phrasing of words. Sometimes, it is just what it is with absolutely no ill or malevolent intention behind things.


  52. Glad that hateful, racist image is gone.

  53. Kitty, are you kidding? Please just be prepared to be tired for the rest of your life because that is how long you will be hearing about people being offended by racism. It's not that people are psychoanalyzing whether or not the image is racist, it's about being amazed that there are so many ignorant people out there who do not even want to recognize that it is extremely offensive to the people that it depicts. If you don't see anything wrong with it, it's because you obviously see black people as big red-lipped, eye-rolling, nappy headed coons. The image was originally created to be demeaning. I don't see at all where MacMommaDukes is going with her comments, none of the people she mentioned were enslaved for over 300 years, lynched, castrated, raped, whipped, chained, depicted as monkeys - you see where I'm going with this? By the way, Custer was not a great American hero, he was a murderer who participated in the genocide of the American Indian and got what he deserved. Someone mentioned that black people loved to cook a long time ago, it's the physical image, not the occupation that's offensive. However, as an African American I assure you that my anscestors would have rather been cooking for their own families than for their enslavers. I appreciate the author's quick respose and recognition that the image was offensive to some people.

  54. Well maybe the majority of the people who come here dont live in America and so that image has absolutely no cultural significance to them whatsoever. Did you ever think of that before calling them ignorant and implying they are racist?

  55. The person with red hair, a moustache and gestures? He looks more Italian to me.

  56. How his the italian chef racit to blacks?

    I managed to get out after blowing up the boat. and I got no keys.
    what is the other ending?

  57. So you claim its a 'racist' game???? The most stupid idea Ive heard lately :))))))))
    Take some medicine, men. Im only not sure if your theory is more pathetic or more ridiculous.

  58. let's all step back and take a breath. 1. The original game has been modified by the creator, so what you see now is not necessarily what is being discussed in earlier comments. 2. Different people perceive things differently, in part because of where or how they grew up, etc. One person's opinion does not make anyone with a different opinion an idiot. 3. There is a certain anonymity that comes with using a screen name, and this feeling of being anonymous apparently causes some to drop common courtesy and ridicule other posters, call them names, or worse. As someone once said, "Can't we all just get along?". Let's get back to playing, not arguing. I, for one, promise I will not comment on this again!

  59. The character was modified, if you want to see the original character, check where it has not been modified. By the way, the word 'ignorant' means not knowing or unaware of and my point was that there are people who are unaware of the connotation of the image. I don't see how anyone who did not see the original image could have any comments.

  60. it is just a crazy game, I cannot find the tips around:(

  61. And before that he wasn't. Big deal.

  62. What about all other persons on game? They are pirates and everything bad. What about if every white person would say that it is not allowed to use figures like that?


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