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Museum Discovery

Museum Discovery is another new online riddle game from Once again you need to find clues and change the URL to advance to the next level. Six rooms are open now. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. if you need help just say... hello from Portugal!

  2. I dont understand game. Bye.

  3. Mhhh Confused here in the caribbean

  4. Huh... very strange game in Egypt. me from holland does not get this yet!

  5. you just click on the bottom of the statue of anubis. i just tried every word about scrabble but i don't get it...
    maybe i'll try to start from another room

  6. Really don't know how to proceed after seeing the scrabble thingy: "You just need to find the picture to figure this out stranger". Any idea?

  7. mmm I think the problem is how to change url..where the code should go? should we change the last part or just add the solution? ps i think it's jpg wich is the code for images..not sure yet

  8. The letters JPG are black, so I changed the url to /scrabble.jpg ... and got a foreign scrabble board that I can't figure out.

  9. ya I thought so JPG, and you are right Ludia, what should we do with our guesses?

  10. And I tried the America room, it is even worse. I am supposed to decode that geometric design? Can't see how to translate that geometric design into url??!!! I think I am really dumb in this.

  11. I don't get it... byez!

  12. for foreign scrabble board, look at source code of previous page :)

  13. Check this webiste for more information on asia room

  14. I've got E1 but I'm struggling a little on the rest. Anyone still on this?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. As1, I've decoded the pic clue using ROT and the nearest thing that makes sense is TWELEV EARTHLY BRACNHES, which doesn't help. And yes, I've double checked the original lettering.

  17. for greece you got to flip the money so :

  18. I need a hint for "&forall &exist &perp"
    I found the "translation" but I don't know what to do with it...

  19. @titenat, I've done that, but my best translation is APISAION, which get's me nowhere.
    Anyway, off to bed now, I'll try again tomorrow with a clear head.

  20. Sorry, make that LAPISAION. Still stuck though.

  21. Rambler10, if you search in google for "ancient greece coin nymph" you will eventually find the name you need

    my status is:
    europe: E1b
    asia: As1
    ancient rome: R1
    americas: Am1
    ancient greece: G3
    ancient egypt: E2

    anyone have hints for any of these levels??

  22. I have the date for E1 but no clue as to what to do with it. Do not seem to be able to put it in the screen or the URL.

  23. .......or in fact how to get out of the screen!

  24. ....forget the last comment, did not have the navigation bar showing. Duh!

  25. About post 20:
    Hi Rambler10,
    My translation in rot13 I got:twelve earthly branches, and in my research I found an article about it. See:
    But ... what we should search. Heeeeellppp ..
    I'm thinking this is a very difficult.
    And in E2:I found the currency identical to the pic, but nothing works as an answer.
    I cheer.

  26. OMGGGGGG..................
    I got it!!...

  27. About As1:
    i used the hints given by lulu plus the source
    in source(something about cords) you will find what you need to translate
    its chinese name is the answer

    my status is:
    europe: E1b
    asia: As2
    ancient rome: R1
    americas: Am1
    ancient greece: G3
    ancient egypt: E2

    anyone have hints for europe1? i can only get to part b, but i cant find an answer to E2

  28. Van_van:
    I got the AS1. In the source is a hint that you decodes in rot13. Search on google and observe the animal that is in the list of the twelve and the answer is the name that corresponds to the rabbit in Chinese

  29. Natchos:
    just read the date which is the currency ...
    This is the answer ...

    I'm stuck in E2

  30. Hey all. Glad to see that some people are still playing this.
    I'm stuck on Am3 right now. I think the poem is by Arthur Madson, but Google is letting me down. Any hints?

  31. I will try America now.
    But I'm screw in first..uuuh... It's would be ascii?

  32. Europe changes to Eu# so it doesn't confuse with ancient egypt (E#).

    Rambler10, help us on Am1.

    lulu, i already did this, but the Eu2 doesn't appear on the image, so my guess is that the date take us to Eu1b where is written "OK this is not exactly what I expected... I think I have to refresh myself with something. "
    But the fact is that i can't do anything else beside the date. any hints?

  33. lulu, just a detail on As1 so it becomes more clear. the coords on source "coords="461, 383, 55" corresponds exactly to where the rabbit is.

  34. 38. Natchos:
    This one is an egg. Google, the three symbols on page, and see the letters and turn them upside down. You'll get the answer for Eu2.
    39. ok, thank you. Very good!

    In Am1, have a good clue in URL. Good Luck!

  35. thanks lulu, Am1 was really easy, i don't know how i missed that. now stuck on Am2 lol!

    could you be more especific to get to Eu2?
    the symbols you mean are '&'? what letters?


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