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Dream House Escape

Dream House Escape Walkthrough[Replay Game] T34 + Flash512 - Dream House Escape is another Chinese point and click room escape game developed by T34 for Flash 512. In this House Escape game, you find yourself locked in a dream house and you try to escape from dream house by finding items and hints, using them on proper places, and solving puzzles. Can you escape the dream house successfully? Show your best escaping skills to escape from the dream house. Good luck and have fun!

Note: You can select English language option on first screen.

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Dream House Escape Walkthrough

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  1. from your post it seems that way. mine is (and i dont' remember how to move it so its not in front of the door) but i can't figure out how to use the bathroom and get back to the telephone.

  2. Alimax: to move the cabinet you have to input the code in the blue bathroom

  3. tico....= =0 .....

    i am still trying to get some hints out of their mouth....

  4. but i don't understand cause if you take the cabinet out of the door, you can't go to the phone

  5. yes. ok this is how i did it (i'm sure there is a shorter way) grab the sword. move the cabinet away from door, go in to pink room, move cabinet back in front of door, climb through window and exit bathroom and you are at telephone.

  6. Has anyone else noticed that when you look at the map all windows are shown... but in 2F blue room, bottom left corner of map, there is a outline of a balcony or something?

  7. in the past with the sword. but what are we suppose to try ?

    Keep trying Warmcold. Beq if you have to. Do they know there are more than 1000 comments here?

  8. Emily please how did you get the lighter ? i can't see number shapes in painting !

  9. everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a a big big hint!!!!!!!!!theres actually no cyan key!!!!!!!!!!!!but 2 door locked inside

  10. @drisana - i can't remember the exact numbers but when you look @ the shapes on the board the area missing from the green is a 1, i think the red was a 6, cyan, yellow and pink were all 2,3 or 5 and blue was 4 (i think). I just looked at what number you could draw around each colour from 1-6. Hope this helps - it's hard to describe!

  11. another big big hint! you need the girl's help to get one of the 5 diamonds, i guess thats the last one~

  12. youcef - whatever numbers your symbols translate as (use periodic table) put the numbers in the keypad in the reverse order of the tiles

  13. drisdana: i had the paper but mine was: 1.Yellow, 2.Cyan, 3.Red, 4.Green, 5.Purple and 6.Pink.
    But i think it changes everytime.

    Warmcold: are they kidding us? We are looking for allmost 1 day a non-existent key.....

  14. one more big hint! get the power for 3f-piano

  15. @Drisana - the colours are Green = 1 Yellow = 2 Blue = 3 Cyan =4 Pink =5 Red =6 : )

  16. how can we do that warmcold ? We already think of so many thing and none of them worked...

  17. NO CYAN KEY!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    not sure how we get hole now though... oh sigh

  18. maybe a hint how to get the power for the piano? cause we have been trying since yesterday... bastards those game authors :D
    warmcold thanks for tryin :)

    and what about this balcony? have anybody been there?

  19. no actually i think that would happen, and i said in my post earlier in bbs552 before someone post the big hints.

    In the middle of the game when i tried to open the door(link to the pink bedroom) in 2f timetravel room, it says "you need the cyan key" ,but actually i did not use any key to open it. It was open in the other side, when i get into the 2f-pink-secret-room. do you remember it? it was a set up

  20. Thanx but it's not yellow cyan red green blue pink and also not green yellow blue cyan pink red....
    Gonna cry.... :)

  21. @ nat - you can't get to the balcony (well i'm guessing it's a balcony) you can only see it on the map?!

  22. Is this a new EscapeGames24 record?


  23. gosh, I threw my entire day for a key which was never there. anyway, thx for a big hint, warmcold.

  24. ticotico - im thinking too, i guess the power is the only hope.....

  25. oooo...good point, warmcold. Maybe the cyan key is red herrings?

  26. @drisana - the order ticotico agev you is to form the blocks into a cube. to get the lighter you need to put them in the slots above the colourful picture in this order green=1, y=2,b=3,cyan=4,p=5,r=6 (colour names abbreviated)

  27. warmcold - this is amazing stuff, but here isn't any other way to get to those rooms other than through the door, at least with that room, they had others next to them = secret passageways

  28. Emily i understood ;) but it's not working. And i can't see a number in this picture. Screenshot with paint effects anyone ? :):):)

  29. warmcold thanx! so we turn on the piano and the girl plays something for us maybe? or her small flexible body once again fits into a small place and flips the power on. hmm, now how to make her pop up again...

  30. crap, i was thinking maybe if i go out to the balcony i could climb the wall to the cyan rooms :D

  31. @alimax--I think Daymare games are great tooo!!!!!
    Good luck on this one!

  32. @Drisana - When look at the coloured pieces on the wall think of the numbers that fit around them like numbers on a calculator - so with straight lines... I' glad you understood - means my brain hasn't fully turned to mush yet! lol

  33. Can someone please tell me how do i get the picture of the broken computer room?
    And i also can't find the battery in the broken computer room.

  34. Sorry Drisana. I missunderstood what you need. But i can't help cause the lighter ws given to me by the girl. Sorry :(

  35. Holy #$%##! over 1000 comments??? I think I'm afraid to even try this one...

  36. Feminin, you have to go back in time first. Have you done the sword in the Pink Master bedroom yet?

  37. there are two broken computers. store battery was easy to find, I remember. just look for the dest. and what do you mean by the picture? you mean the one that tells you the order of colored blocks?

  38. Femini there is another room with broken computer.. go to the 3f through Store room on 2f and the back to 2f through another gap in the floor andthere you'll find the battery

  39. come on in zoz - it's not that bad. amazing game, we;ve just been stuck here for hours, so there is a bit of procrastiation

    more the merrier!!!

  40. zoz, we'd love to have you as a fellow zombie. We've been at it 2 days...give in to peer pressure and enter the Dream House. ;-)

  41. alimax-you're welcome...i really wish we could get together and finish this game....

    melget-i dont know either..right know im tryin to find the girl..and i still dont know how to use the chinese-cd

    the 3 hints in point form:
    1.the girl may help you get one of the 5 diamonds, while you can find the other 4 by yourself.
    2.the power for 3f-piano is possible to find cyan key

    only my guess:
    4.the last diamond is behind the 1f blue portrait

  42. Been wondering if we'd see you zoz! We've all been stuck for so very long!

  43. yes Daphne i did but i came out and now the door is blocked because of the cupboard.

  44. @meglet, i'm going to check on the new game before i fall into this trap!

  45. yes zoz! we could all use some fresh eyes!

  46. nat which store room on the second floor?

  47. ok How do you get the game to play? where do i click?

  48. haha zoz - good call

    see you later - we will still be here!!

  49. red dragon - read the comments on the first page

  50. feminin, have you gotten the silver coin from the girl?

  51. ok, i'm back and i'm starting. Any advice???

  52. zoz, make a HUGE pot of coffee and have the red wine on standby.

  53. there is a store room next to the locker room with a ladder witch leds to 3F and there in another gap in the floor -will take you back to the 2F to the another room with computers

  54. Arggg, tried burning every dang thing in my inventory. No good. I guess it's all fireproof. LOL

  55. yes daphne i have the silver coin.

  56. Oh, and the toaster won't play the cd, awww, getting desperate.

  57. lol, daphne. I think I'm already lost, since there's no way I'm going to read 1000+ comments to catch up!

  58. feminin, have you used the gold sword to open the door in the office hallway on 2F?

  59. zoz-any option can lead to the end(except the poison gas),please feel free to try.

  60. So....did I read the above post correctly? No cyan key?

  61. just have a good nosey around zoz - it's fun (for the first few hours.............)

  62. heart skipped a beat.

  63. where is the room we can play the dvds in?

  64. oooo, you little tinker ticotico..........

  65. @ticotico - I literally jumped up when I saw the beginning of your post! LOL

  66. ticotico...................................................................................................................................................................speechless....

  67. sorry... couldn't help myself!

  68. Yes i did use it daphne.
    I am totaly stuck i am walking in circles for two days.

  69. @Alimax Pink room on second floor

  70. thanx. i'm getting everything jumbled up! haha

  71. ok, I'm going to the grocery store. I think I'd best go before starting on this one. Dare I say "see you when I get back"?

  72. daphne - youre right. no cyan key, try not focus on it

  73. Feminin what do you have in your inventory?

  74. What good is a dang sword that won't cut through a wall anyway???

  75. a golden sword, a steel sword, 2red ,blue, yellow blocks, golden medaile a silver coin a black box(needs a code) a dvd, flash light toothpaste and a music sheet

  76. Feminin, go through the door with the gold sword. Go into the door on the right. Click on the phone, and use the silver coin. Enter 0423 (as it would look on a telephone). Go back in time.

    Go into the store room on 2F. Turn around and go up the ladder. Use the crowbar on the round thingy and go down. Go through the next door...and the battery should be on the desk on the left.

  77. sword that can't smash glass, can't chop through wood.... LAME

  78. Yes zoz...we'll see you. lol

  79. where is the door with the golden sword i did remember i used the sword but i cant remember where.

  80. Office hallway on 2F. Next to the gray door.

  81. WHO will get the reward for escaping this game???- be it the Golden Turd -term from PBM... or free psychiatric help...or the escape game crown adorned with a cyan key!!!!

  82. yeah, you do that Femini !:D when you in the past use the marker on the whiteboard bottom right corner and you will get a code for the black box you have in inventory

  83. Is it possible that there is a bug in the ending? Are we sure that this is finishable?

  84. next to the grey door there is a picture no door.

  85. Go down the's on the other side of the hall. The single gray door.

  86. Ahhh....feminin, you'll have to go around the office to get to the gray door. Can you get to the room with the clock ticking?

  87. I wonder if the power for the piano has anything to do with the switch for the pink/blue wall? - maybe have to open broken rec room door first?

  88. you mean the brickwall, because i see no ddor only a brown door and a lifted up brick wall

  89. I'm voting for psychiatric prizes all round. I could cry - I have to go out fo the evening now. don't want to leave this.....

  90. well what the hell! she won't help?

  91. Awww, know we'll still be here when you return. ;-)

  92. yes i am in the room with clock

  93. no i dont think so, there's one person get through, she showed us the wining picture on i gusee there's no bug in the end..

  94. she's not giving hints warmcold?

  95. ahhh...thanks, warmcold. *sigh* Back to it.

    Feminin, go to the 1F stairs and go up to the second floor.

    Go through door and turn left.

  96. warmcold, can she at least tell us which storyline she went through? I'm wondering if the choices we've made with the girl affect the possibility of getting that last diamond.

  97. that's what i'm worried about too daphne. only one person on here got her to come to the "strange picture" and that worries me.

  98. Alimax-no she;s the maneger in that forum and the game makers' friend, of cause she can not say anything.

    the only 3 hints i got were from one of the game makers.

  99. Yup. I think I'm going to start over. I got her to come once, and I think I remember how I did it.

  100. daphne i see what you were trying to say i used the wrong sword al the time im sorry but they look a like.
    i put the sword in it and it opened something can't find what yet.

  101. i think they are having a good time watching everyone pull out their hair!!!! they are teasing us now!!!!

  102. I bet there is a cyan key and they have said there isn't to keep us playing that little bit longer!

    It won't go in to the phone.

  104. Emily, that's a good one ;)

  105. no Femini, you'll get the coin from the diary

  106. wait, theres a bug, but it doesnt effect us(people whos finding the 5th diamond), does anyone want to know?

  107. AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! I got something!!!!!

    I don't know how, but I played the jacky cd in the pink bedroom and while looking at the tv the girl appeared!!!!!!!!

    I'm shaking with anticipation.....

  108. what?! i totally just did that!

  109. were you planing the cd? which track if so? EXCITING!! : )

  110. Emily - there's really no cyan, i know the game maker, she never lie to us

  111. AAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Ok ok ok ok ok ok......

    So, I went into the pink diamond room and put in the jacky cd. I started clicking all over, including the perfume spot and the cyan door.

    i also went into the bathroom, and looked at the panel.

    Click everywhere, but don't go out of the room.

  112. *playing - too excited to type properly!

  113. Oke but my girl is trapped in the kitchen cabinet how do i get the coin now?

  114. I played both tracks back to back

    Got something good!!!!!!

    I'm off and running....

  115. meglet is going to be so sad that she missed this!!!!

  116. Thanks warmcold - I was only kidding - trying to keep some mental composure!

  117. oh God.. how long do i have to listen to that fantastic CD before she'll come to rescue me? ;)

  118. Nat- i can feel yuor pain - this is truly awuful!

  119. anyone find any clues by those hints?

    i still stuck there...

  120. ah daphne i'm so excited for you! and you're right, meglet is going to be pretty upset! if only she had waited a tad more.

    meanwhile i am searching my desk for earplugs as i listen to these two tracks PRAYING the girl will show up for me.

  121. She came at the end.

    I can't submit me score because I'm not registered. :( Ah, well.

    Kind of anti-climatic...but maybe there are different endings. I got a 91.7

  122. She's not coming for me :( i play the CD all over again..... and again..... and again....

  123. wait a minute, what about the piano?

  124. keep trying nat, she came for me. i played the two tracks in order and at teh end of teh second song there she was.

  125. daphne said...

    warmcold, can she at least tell us which storyline she went through? I'm wondering if the choices we've made with the girl affect the possibility of getting that last diamond

    the game maker says, the choices do not affect any
    thing, any choice can lead to the end


    warmcold said...

    wait, theres a bug, but it doesnt effect us(people whos finding the 5th diamond), does anyone want to know?

  126. how do i get the girl out of the kitchen kabinet so she can give me the dairycoin?

  127. ok, I had the cd playing and I started clicking everywhere while it was playing. i moved the dresser, clicked the cyan door, looked in the bathroom....

    When she came she said something like. "Are you searching the cd for clues?" and "I found this (blank) in a secret compartment while the cd was playing."

  128. yes warmcold i would like to know.

  129. oh, she actually came! gave me the diamond, but i don't want to submit since it is not the end yet! what about those room we never get in to?

  130. my girl came at the end and said "there is free music here? While you were playing it i found something in the second floor cabinet."

  131. Feminin, you have to move the dresser back in the pink master bedroom to get the diary. Have you used the toilet brush and toothpaste yet?

    warmcold, yes...what's the bug? I'm going to try to start over now.

    I'm so glad i didn't start over a few minutes ago!!

  132. nat, i think they are just to throw us off. i don't think you ever get into them.

  133. so she appeared becuase you submitted your score? Alimax i have windows media player up! keeps me sane with its music

  134. Nat I said I didn't want to either, still need to get that bloddy piano working!

  135. what? daphne! did you get through? how !!!

  136. Save and submit...that way you can get your game back.

    it really is the end...but maybe different story lines have different places to get to....

  137. I was searching for the brush in the toilet did not find it.

  138. i think you have to have the cabinet in front of the window when you start playing the cd, and then you move it while the cd is playing. i played it over and over without moving the cabinet and she never came until after the time when i moved it.

  139. seriously?... that's it?... i'm very disappointed...

  140. yes, warmcold...we're out!!!!!

    Go listen to the cd in the pink master bedroom, both tracks. You might need to be looking at the tv when the second track ends...I don't remember. Maybe you have to find the portrait before the jacky cd will work.


  141. yeah, nat...a long time to find one last piece of the puzzle.

    I think you are right about the cabinet, jumbly.

  142. but is it the end just because we have all the diamonds? shouldn't we solve everything? why else is there an option to submit and an option to keep going?

  143. Where is the freaking toiletbrush!
    Damn how long is this game?!

  144. Huhu Alimax, just came back to look and i am out too.
    So bad that there was no cyan key, caused me a headache this night, lol.
    The end is a bit disappointing for me....but well, maybe i will sleep better tonight :)))

  145. @nat - does that mean we are forever stuck in here?

  146. OMG!daphne!u saved my life!i luv you! got the girl tooooooooooo!

    Alimax - i ll tell u where the bug is after getting out.....

  147. i still didn't choose if i want submit or not :D im confused :D i do not want to be stuck in this nightmare forever!!! did you actually choose submit later Emily?

  148. @nat - yes I did, just expolring the house to see if anything has changed, and then i'm going to hit my head against my desk if I chose the wrong one!

  149. i didn't submit yet either. i don't think it can be right. especially since warmcold said we are supposed to get the electric piano to play...

  150. There might be more to the ending, but I'm just thrilled that we got all the diamonds. This is a fantastic game, but the ending is just kind of...meh. All that work for one silly diamond.

    warmcold, I hope you can sub,it your score on the site! Give everyone over there lots of love from Escape Games 24!!!!

  151. and Daphne, you r brilliant:) i think we'r all gratefull

  152. TY windows media player and TY Daphne. so so far that I know of and Im to lazy to look at other posts again
    power diamonds

  153. good thought Jumbly2000! Makes me feel that the 9 hours of my life haven't been totally wasted! lol

  154. ahhh...i forgot about the piano hint. But maybe that's from another storyline? Kind of like how we chose the clock over the odd painting by the locker room...maybe it can't be done if we do something else.

    Anyone up for a restart? ;-)

    (Oh...and you can save your game and submit, then go back to the saved game. That's what I did.)

  155. Where is the toilet brush?>

  156. i hope there is another way out for you Emily and jumbly..

  157. oh and you can click the book to submit your score so don't be breaking desks.

  158. @daphine - I hate to say it but I did BOTH the clock and the strange picture....

  159. feminin, did you get the battery?

  160. ...and now the plot thickens!

  161. to get the girl while listening cd, u need all the tools with u include the swords, and the pink secret room open ,thats what i find

  162. No daphne.
    I have never been lost like this before!

  163. I also can't get the girl out of the kitchen kabinet.

  164. ooooo...Emily, you did both in the same game? i never got the strange picture option because she was stuck. Maybe you have a different ending!

    My score was 91.7...maybe you get something else with a perfect score!

  165. got 98.3....why i cant not see you guys' marks..?.

    1 100 蓝色_bluefire
    2 100 琪祭
    3 98.3 暖暖的冷(me)
    4 97.5 越狱者
    5 78.9 Dearwinnie
    6 78.4 unychingcole

  166. I have asked something 20 times still no answer.

  167. oh well, thanks to all of you people for beeing here with me for last two days :D and for hard work on this one. see you on another game :)

  168. eek,'s been so long since I did that part.

    I thought the battery was in the future, but I do remember that it's in the office on the left desk.

    Once you get the battery, use it in the coatroom.

  169. @Daphnie - I don't know why but I seemed to start the game in a different floor to everyone else... and have been given different things from the girl to everyone else. I'll let you know if I get a different ending... just need to find how to get there!! lol

  170. what office?
    Whit the broken computer?

  171. warmcold, you have to be logged into the site to submit a score, but it's in Chinese so i can't sign up for one. ;-)

  172. Feminin, there is no easy answer...everyone takes a different path so answering your questions is difficult. Please have patience, or read through the previous comments to find the answer.

    Yes, the office with the broken computer.

  173. Warmcold - what's the bug? Should I stop playing and submit my score? or will I ever get the piano to work? haha

  174. Feminin, and the whiteboard with the cartoon drawing.

  175. daphine - for the piano hint im going to find out....second time playing...

    Alimax - the only bug is there's no bug(sorry, 10hours ago, when i started to play they told me about a bug in the 1f kitchen,seems they fixed it)I can not find the post that detaily describs the bug.

  176. @feminin, the battery pack is at the bottom left corner of the screen with the computer AND printer, next to other computer in that room... not sure if it is in future or past.

  177. Emily - the bug does not affect anything, if you get trap in the kichen secret room, please reload the game, and that;s all, basicly theres no but right now

  178. daphne -oh~ yeah i guess that's the's too bad because u guys actually faster than 522bbs....and daphne,i bet you are the first one how really solve the game...

  179. Ahhh...I remember that bug. The player could get stuck in the secret room if the girl didn't go in. I tried it later and it seemed to be fixed.

  180. oke i am almost given up!
    No battery for me in broken computer room.
    Are we talking about office room 2f?

  181. I got lucky. ;-)

    Everyone here did such a fantastic job helping everyone else. warmcold, thanks for coming over from the bbs forum and helping...we never could have done it without your help!

    Maybe now that we've solved it the game creators can tell us the cyan key mystery??? :-D

  182. feminin - there are 2 rooms with broken computers - the first is when you go through the bg grey door, the second is when you click the left arrow in the first room and click the wooden door - taking you to 2 broken computers and a printer - there is also a ladder in the corner...

  183. ^_^~~youre welcome~~its my pleasure...

    PS:they are still sleeping, cause in china it's 2;00...i think we have to wait untill tomorrow...I also should tell them about this site...maybe they've already know. they must be very happy to see lots of people playing~lol

  184. THANK YOU DAPHNE!!!! Yeah, I can go on about my life agian!

  185. I went back 10 days earlier, with the phone, and put the master code in pc, is there a way to stop the time machine? coz I can't go back now, the only places I still can go to in present are the room with phone and the bathroom

  186. back again and apparently you guys are finally out.
    i tried to get the girl in the room but couldn't. I didn't have the sword with me so now i have to hear that horrible music again....
    Did some1 said you have to have both swords? if so i cannot get the 2nd one out of the arm now.

  187. i don't believe it. The girl didn't came... What am i doing wrong? Please

  188. Emily ? Tia? Warmcold? Someone? PLEASE...

  189. im stuck, ive only got 2 square tiles, blue and yellow, wheres the 3rd? ive done all the time travel and made the door 2 way ect. only 3rd attempt already and 3+ hrs this go!

  190. i'll check again tomorrow to see if there's news about the piano.
    tky so much to all of those who helped

  191. This comment has been removed by the author.

  192. just enter the code into the phone again 0423

  193. Sorry ticotico! I had to play it twice before she would come. Still know nothing of the piano.


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