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Dream House Escape

Dream House Escape Walkthrough[Replay Game] T34 + Flash512 - Dream House Escape is another Chinese point and click room escape game developed by T34 for Flash 512. In this House Escape game, you find yourself locked in a dream house and you try to escape from dream house by finding items and hints, using them on proper places, and solving puzzles. Can you escape the dream house successfully? Show your best escaping skills to escape from the dream house. Good luck and have fun!

Note: You can select English language option on first screen.

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Dream House Escape Walkthrough

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  1. YES, got a 99.8. I went back through just to see how long it would take me. About 32 minutes. Yeah, I have no life. Well, I think the less you use the girls help, the higher your score is. I only used her one time until the end of course.

  2. you still about tia? i still cant find the red/lightbulb tile.

  3. anybody still here. Didn't get code for clock from music and the girl doesn't appear at the strange painting. Suggestions?

  4. clock code, you need to combine the music sheet with the poster above the fire, only once its lit. do you know where the red tile is? tree/ lightbulb shape pattern?

  5. May have hosed myself, when I got the sheet music I put it on the piano downstairs and its gone. I never found the red tile, I had green, blue and brown...didn't need the red

  6. not sure on your predicement, maybe the girl will appear with it somewhere. where's the green one then, its ment to be by the fire but i cant see it?

  7. there was one that blends with the carpet and hard to see. I'm sorry I don't remember. I went back to the fire on the 3rd floor to try and jog the old memory but no luck. sry

  8. 5th diamond:
    Just listen to the CD song 5 times w/o leaving the room.

  9. The egg tile blends into the carpet in the little hall just to the left of where you put the badge in to get the battery. As far as I know, the green one was in the right hand corner when viewing the fireplace. Of course, there are other ways to get things, you just have to weed through the comments to find the different options.

  10. thank god I was stil lhere when theis was going on earlier else I would have been sooo annoyed - TY for think of me you guys. strange ending for such an otherwise logical game - I'm strangely disappointed after all of that waiting.

    nice one Daphne, thanks for everyone playing with me - this was truely epic!!

  11. Meglet, I'm so glad you were here when the dam worked so hard on this!!! This was one of the best games I've played in a while, largely due to all of you.

    It WAS epic...I can't wait for the next one!

  12. got 96....
    thnx to all for the help
    must admit: although this game took an eternity... it was a very good one
    wonder what if the piano would change somthing!

  13. Okay, that's it. I'm done coming back to this one. I just had to do it again so I could translate and register so my high score would go on the board. :) tigerfly

  14. Partial Walkthrough: Done by room, not by order.


    Dining Room:
    Blue building block infront of couch.
    Blue key side of tv.
    Wooden box/Steel broadsword farther on side of tv.
    Living Room:
    Yellow building block left of stairs.
    Set clocks time gained from combined music sheets.
    Insert complete building block for gold medal.

    Block left of picture.
    Knock down picture, insert King rat badge for dry cell.
    Insert dry cell in flashlight.
    Cut hole with sword for green building block.

    Corner of Porch:
    Wall code = 97642

    Store Room:
    Flashlight on ground.
    Use toilet brush with toothpaste on drawings for Blue Bathroom code.

    Close map, cyan building blocks on corner lamp.

    Toothpaste under sink.
    Fuchsia building block left of toothpaste.

    Purple Single Room:
    Free girl, do not accept help.

    Art Room:
    Use perfume on painting.
    Turn light off for office door code.

    Red building block on side of fridge.

    Guest Room:
    Paper slip on chair.
    Insert blocks from smallest to largest number and enter block code (Match blocks symbol with calendar to find number, convert those numbers to alphabet counterpart, find that letters atomic number and enter from largest to smallest [ie. blocks = 2 16 25 on calendar, alphabet conversion = B P Y, atomic numbers = 05 15 39, code = 391505])

    Secret Chamber:
    Collect silver medal.
    Open hydraulic drive and collect bronze medal. (turn on all green lights by turning sinks either on or off in Bathroom of Guest Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, Blue Bathroom and Locker room)

    Bathroom of Guest Room:
    Collect water faucet.


    Store Room:
    Password box on shelf.

    Ping Master Room:
    Record left of tv.
    Perfume in upper left corner view from chair view.
    Take gold hilt steel broadsword and replace with iron hilt broadsword.
    Move shelf.
    Use CD-ROM with tv and pause on 3rd screen for Partition Floor entrance.
    Collect diary with coin and wifes birthday (0423) from floor once shelf is moved back.

    Blue Master Room:
    Note calendar.

    Partition Floor:
    Grab key and lighter with crowbar.

    Dining Room:
    Block on coffee pot.

    Hallway of Office Area:
    CD-ROM on picture.
    Enter code from 1F painting.
    Button moves wall.
    Swords used to enter Reception Room.

    King rat badge on plant.

    Put battery in hole, flip switch.
    Flip switch again after unlocking door to Blue Bathroom.

    Blue Bathroom:
    Power diamond in sink.
    Toilet brush in corner, apply toothpaste.
    Enter code from 1F Storeroom.

    Use flashlight for crowbar.

    Manager Room:
    Storage battery in corner.

    Bathroom of Reception Room:
    Master code on window once shelf is replaced.
    Insert silver medal ONLY if you have the gold medal to insert right after. (if panel is not open, move shelf in Pink Master Room again)
    Collect purple key.
    Insert bronze medal for diamond.

    Reception Room:
    Power diamond in box behind left couch.
    Insert coin in phone.
    Enter wifes birthday (0423) to turn time travel on/off.

    10 days earlier:
    Whiteboard pen across from door lock.
    Use pen on bottom right corner of whiteboard for password box code.
    Enter mastercode into office computer, choose either doorway (I preferred the left option)
    Use strange paper with managers computer for building block order.

    Locker Room:
    Attach water faucet.


    Recreation Room:
    Saffron yellow key on pool table.
    Open manhole with crowbar.

    Drawing Room:
    White key in pot.
    Click pictures in order of life span (mice, rabbit, cat, boy, turtle, dragon) and take paper.

    Spitball on floor, unfold.

    Green key on table.
    Light fireplace with lighter.
    Combine music sheets for clock time.
    Block right of fireplace.

  15. Hooray! Out at long last! Now to bed and relax!

  16. poderiam traduzir, por favor?

  17. Roxy, you ROCK!

    This is a hard game to do a walkthrough. My hat's off to you!!

  18. Thanks Roxy for the walkthrough. I've not gotten to try it but I'm sure it will clear up some questions.

  19. Not live???
    This must have been the longest live game ever and without all you wizards outhere, it would still be going on. Thanks for the walkthrough Roxy, hopefully now I can find my way out of here too!!!

  20. @Daphne, tx!!! For the cd hint!! You rock!!!

    Finaly out ;)

  21. Roxy I appreciate the walkthrough....but it's too vague for me. There are certain places to click that's not being mentioned, could you tell us where you click or which area to click in order to find these things?

  22. Catalyste -I suggest you read the older posts, altough it's seem like mission impossible.

  23. and what about the piano and the broken doorknob? and the secret passages to the rooms with cyan key

  24. On the start screen you can see the words "TEST Version" in Chinese.

  25. I take it nobody ever found the Cyan Key? It would have been nice to see what was in those rooms...

  26. I gave up playing a while back. Don't have time needed. But keep checking up to see if anyone finally escaped. I have never seen a game that had this many comments.. It has to be a record. To the game maker I wanted to say congratulations I think this has to be the hardest game ever. It is truly brilliant. You are a master. Bravo!

  27. got some information from the author:
    -there is no cyan key
    -it's not necessary to play the piano on 3F.[you dont have to find the plug]

  28. FYI (from 512forum)
    Submit your record within 30 min in order to get score 100.

  29. i need some help in green key room, i have my 3 blocks, the calender no's were: blue 2, green 16, yellow 23, which led me to atomic weights of 05, 19, 74. what order do the blocks need to be and what is my code?

  30. @matt s
    if you put the order is blue,green,yellow

  31. thanks shuchun, but alas, no luck. going to go back to the calender. is the first day, day 1 or do we need to link it back to the diary?

  32. Please I need help
    I have bone tree egg tiles.
    on calander bone=6th day of month egg==11th dday tree= 16th day of month.
    elemental chart
    place tiles smallest no to largest no=
    bone egg tree
    meaning my code should be
    I cant get this to work. What am I doning wrong?

  33. Just incase someone sees this
    egg =25=y=39 so code should be391509

    still doesnt work. aaaaaarrrrruuuuugggggh!

  34. I know I am talking to my self but YEA Finally Got the code.

  35. how do you get the 4-digit code for the black password box?
    9 I dont feel like reading through all comments)

  36. Ok, I can't find the cyan building block and I can't cut the wall with the sword for the green building block. Are there 2 red building blocks? I'm going cross-eyed reading all of the comments. I've gotten this far and am not giving up because I'm so close. What a waste if I don't. I've been on/off for over 14 hours. I NEED HELP, before I go nuts.

  37. for the cyan building blocks-it's at the 1F Porch.
    for the green building blocks-cut the hole behind the picture in 1F Stairs after you put the badge in.

  38. Hey Zazie you are back I played with you eairler and saw your blog. Good work you do. I do cat rescue usually bottle babies, I used to do wildlife when I lived in Arizona. I know how much heart and work you put in to it. I cracked up at your game blogs.

  39. shishi I am sorry I cant remember but I am thinking on it

  40. I have the four diamonds I dont know if I am suppose to do any thing else.

  41. shishi for the 4 digit code box you have to go to the past, then find a whiteboard pen (on the windowsill on 2nd floor nearby the office) and use it on the whiteboard in office (down right corner)

    a sorry, but what blog ?
    Feeling dumb right now.... Can you explain ?

  42. I have all the building blocks. But how do you activate the strange painting in the hallway without the girls help?
    I played before and she opened it revealing slots above the painting where you can insert the blocks.

  43. @ a : you need 5 diamonds to escape :) The last one you will get from the girl after listening the music files (on DVD) until the end.

  44. I never have got the slots, there are different ways to play the game, i moved the clock on F1 where i put the combined building blocks in a slot.
    And if you are talking about the 3 square blocks..they go into the door panel in the secret room right side of piano downstairs.

  45. no I'm talking about the six building blocks. I put them in before with girls help, but now I cant.

  46. I cannot help you here because obviously i had the other version where the combined block went behind clock. The picture did nothing to me, sorry.
    Do you have got a code on 3rd floor for the old clock ?

  47. I know it's probaly a waist helping me. HA HA!
    I was just wondering if there was a way to play without girls help.
    BTW: you did finish the game, corrrect?

  48. Yep i think so... after a while i finished lol.
    But it is clear that you can spend lots of hours to find a non existing cyan key. Bummer.
    Finally i liked the game except the ending was disappointing to me (after so much work :))

  49. BTW you are welcome shishi :)

  50. zazie oops that wasn't you so many people playing I got you mixed up :)

    I still have 4 diamonds played jackie cd over and over flashlight sword and diary. Stuck.
    earlier posts said you had to move dresser over bathroom window and girl comes to help when you play cd but cant remember how to move dresser. crowbar is gone.
    I am sooooo stuck.

  51. LOL a, no problem, i am doing other things (beside room escapes) Someone said that you have to click around on all hotspots in the pink room while listening to the music without leaving it. I don´t know if this makes the girl come...but it worked for me. At the end of 2nd song she was here.

    Dresser : re-enter the code on the marble window in the blue bathroom and dresser moves again.

  52. I never got secret room next to piano, piano to play found power for piano fixed broken locks cant do anything should I be playing cd in present or past?
    2 hours and no progress i should give it up!

  53. she finally showed up I guess that is it now that i have 5 diamonds?

  54. that was it i summit scores bummer end no fireworks no nothing. Thank goddness its over and I am free!

  55. No !! Don´t give up. I am talking about the piano downstairs, the room right side of it. It says you need a green key but this is not true either. You need the "spitball" from behind the wall on 3rd floor, which is a piano sheet in fact, you put it on piano on 1F and girl will come and play, then the door to the right is open.
    And play this in present.

  56. Ohh cool congrats :) We can sleep now lol....

  57. i all,
    i'm become crazy, someone is already plaing?
    sorry for my english

    i you now the right position for the blue and yellow watch's arrow? thanks

  58. I came back for some peace of mind-- never had to find power for the upstairs piano or fix the rec room door, huh? And man, if I had only tried moving that cabinet the first time I listened to Jacky Cheung back around comment 800 or so!

    I have to say-- I truly enjoyed playing this game (for 2 days!) with so many people from around the world. I hope we get to do it again soon! GREAT room escape!

  59. Thanks shishi for the building blocks. Ok, guess have to move or open clock to put the together block, I do have that done. How do I do that? I don't know where to find the music sheets. Guess I'm more behind than I thought.

  60. what is the maroon/copper looking key for? I can't get into the rooms: 1f-by piano that needs green key, where's the key?, 2f-room in pink master room, apparently can't get that because no cyan key, 3f-behind brick wall and large room. What's the space under the kitchen sink for?

  61. this is definitely an epic game. I've logged just over five and a quarter hours and feel like a rookie. Oh, and in post #1275 I said there was no way I would go back and read more than 1000 posts; Um, ok I read all 1281. I've played a bit of a different route than most, getting the girl to show me the slots above the painting AND getting the clock puzzle, but I still haven't gotten the purple key and I've still got just four diamonds. The girl appeared at the end of the CD early (thanks, Daphne) but now I can't get back in the pink room. To be continued after some rest. I'm sure I'll play again just because it's probably never the same game twice.
    TG34 you have set the bar high for all future escape games - Bravo!

  62. i have four diamonds,to get the last diomand you have to listening the jackie album. but my real problem is HOW I WANNA HEAR THE SONG BECAUSE I DONT HAVE SPEAKER!!!so i dont know when the song will be finish... so sad

  63. this is weird. I played DVD while clicking all around the place, including moving the cabinet. BUT the girl never showed up. I tried over and over again but it was all the same. so I just gave up.
    anyway it was a really good game, although I didn't like the ending that much. it feels like "unsolved".

  64. @Reah, play first song, than 2nd and than 1st again (that's what I did), don't leave the room (but you can go to the bathroom), in the mean time, I clicked everywhere (don't know if that's necessary)

  65. @FaRah AliaAnNa, it realy takes some time to play the songs, so you can wait 5 minutes while playing for each song, that has to do it :)

  66. I finished 1st song -> 2nd song -> 1st song -> 2nd song, never left the room and clicked everywhere including the bathroom, but nothing happened. so frustrating!

  67. Just listen to the CD song(#1 or #2) 5 times w/o leaving the room.
    no need to slide furniture no need sword no need to go around room ...
    All you have to do is listening to the 5 songs to the end.
    Then the girl will come to help you.

  68. thanks Xenon! you were right.
    I just played the track 5 times without doing anything, and the girl finally showed and gave me the last diamond! great, now I really finished the game.

  69. hello @ all,
    this was a very good game, and finally i have also 5 Diamonds.
    But what is the end?? Only to look on the score??
    Or can i leave this House?

  70. Sorry for my bad english, i´m German

  71. Hallo :) yes, I guess this is the end. I don't like it either. It remains unsolved after all.

  72. I am stuck on the music sheets part. What do I do.

  73. Not everyone can be done. I still don't know how to get in the rooms on 3rd floor. The pipes, which I don't know where they are located. I am getting more confused going back and reading comments. Can someone write a newer or better walkthrough please please please. The other one says a partial. Sorry, but this late in the game, it needs to be full. Maybe my hubby can help, but dought it.

  74. @ajstevens90, as many have said before there's just no way to do a complete walkthrough, unless it's the length of a book. Seriously, there are just too many different decisions that take people along different pathways. My game doesn't match a single one in all the 1294 comments (yes, I read them :( I think the partial walkthroughs that have been posted are a brilliant way of getting information out for a difficult game. I'll be playing this one for a long time to come. Enjoy!

  75. @ajstevens90
    the music sheet will be used on 3F. to open the wall on 3F, you need a master code. you can find it, if you already have found a way to use time travel.

  76. What I was missing was just something really stupid. I couldn't find the way into the 3rd floor hall with the brick wall there. Can't believe I didn't figure it out earlier....zoz, you are right, there are too many different ways of doing the same thing....

  77. where's the purple key please...

  78. OMG...done, I guess. It sucks you still can't open the front door. I'm going to jump off the balcony and hope it's not far.

  79. alguien poder hacer guia solo una via?? gracias !!

  80. please anybody can make a walktrougth only way? excuse i don´t speak english.

  81. Roxy Your Walkthrough Can't be done!!!

  82. I can not Believe I'm out This game is a masterpiece ! Thanks all for the great posts.

  83. I am going to post this in the hope someone who went the same way and figured it out will revisit--I lost the sheet music so I can't get the clock time so I havent been able to put my assembled block in because I don't have the hole. Have not been abe to figure a go around.

  84. "5 digit code in button panel room."

    If you close the "panel" again (the one you used battery to open 2F coatroom) and check it's backside (2F blue bathroom) you will find panel to type in your 5 digit code from "button panel room." this will give/lead you to white paper containing "the master's code" .. Mine was 6967452

    for everyone's info:
    * no spitball found
    * 1 dvd found only



  87. Please tell what is the 'something stupid' that I need to get through the wall on the top floor, please?
    Also, I found a red tile at the very beginning and then it disappeared so only have blue and yellow tiles.
    Been playing since yesterday as well.

  88. And - how do I find the time to display on the clock?

  89. beleza, go to blue bedroom's bathroom and go down with the arrow. There is the code box for the colour code from the flashlight room(F1 next to porch).

  90. This house is huge!!! I get lost easily...

  91. I need help with the guest room code!! Please! I got a bone, light bulb and egg.

  92. How can I stop from time traveling??? Ten days in the past there are so many rooms I can go...

  93. Hi, anyone there? I've got three tiles, egg-bone-bulb, still in my inventory.,
    I don't know how to put the letter blocks on the wall over the picture in the hallway of the office (2F)
    I cannot find the green key
    I cannot get into the secret room... I refused my friend's help...
    If anyone is there it would be nice to share information without reading one thousand messages :)

  94. i'm out!!! finaly pffff took me more than a day... thanks for the hints on this forum because i was stuck several times :-S

  95. @ carri
    The 3 tiles will go in a lock-panel besides a door. You get this panel if you open the door next to the small piano downstairs. For me it was opened with a green key.
    The green key was found in the room on the third floor with the big piano and the fireplace on the coffetable.
    I've heard some others didn't need the key but the girl opened it after playing the piano if you put the paper with the notes on the piano downstairs.
    What secret room do you mean???

    @ castlerock.
    timetravel stops if you put the same code in the phone again. 0423
    And the tiles is a puzzle haha... for everybody its different. The basic is: first look at the other side of all the tiles. The symbols correspond with dates on the callander in the bedroom. These dates for exaple day 6, 7 and 8 of the month correspond with letters in the alfabeth F,G,H . you look op these letters in combination with the atomic numers... for instance f=2 g=7 h=23...( whick is not but hust as an exaple) you put it backwards as the code and with a 0 before single letters.... so "230702....
    so good luck with cracking your numbers... On wikipedia you can easily find a the atomic letters...

  96. sorry for all the spelling mistakes.... haha i'm a bit tired after 10 hours of playing :-S

  97. I wouldn't even listen to a song I liked five times in a row that was pure torture

  98. I'm a little stuck here. I'm able to time travel, but I need the master code for the computer. I don't have the code, and I can't find a way to get it.

    Please help!

  99. it's not japanese it's all chinese. in case u guys didn't know =)

  100. is any one still playing this one? im lost already lol

  101. can anyone help me im totally stuck i have 2 building blocks 1 puzzle piece. and the dvd. i watched it and stopped where i was supposed to but all i got was pink block and these rooms are confusing!

  102. I've got all 6 building blocks and need to combine them to put in the slot next to the clock. How do I do that? I've got the strange paper but can't get into the Managers'office in the past because the manhole is closed and the door from the office is one-way (because I chose the DR door to be open). I've been on this for 3 days :-( any help would be appreciated!

  103. please help,
    I not find the paper or coin

  104. where is the gold badge at guys i need help and i need it now

  105. still cant find badge HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!

  106. I can´t put the blocks together!! I saw the numbers in 2F picture buy I dont know how put all together by clicking in order? put in order in the hole? Help me please!

  107. @Laura: Open first piece from inventory to have a closer look, then you can build them together. After they are all together you can put them in the hole.

  108. Dream house walkthrough explination and disclaimer

    There seem to be 3 servers that carry the game. About half-way down the page, you will see three large blue buttons. Click one to load the game. Needless to say, loading takes a long time (there should be loading bar to show you how much is left to go). Once loaded, you can choose Chinese or English.

    Once in the game, there is a map in the upper right corner of the screen. You can drag the map image to see more of the floor you are on. Click above and right of the map on the circle with the empty box symbol to zoom in on the map. In the map view, the arrow buttons will let you see the other floors. Click the characters in the bottom right corner of map view to go back to the game view. In the game view, clicking the circle with a line in it that is next to the map will close the small map window. The circle with a dark circle in it will re-open the small map.

    The inventory is the boxes on the right of the screen. You can scroll using the arrows. The magnifying glass under the inventory boxes allows you to see the about item view. The left diskette saves the game. The right loads a saved game. The timer in the upper left corner of the game shows you how much time the game has sucked away from your life. ;)

    There is more than one way to beat this game. This walkthrough is my method, and since I wrote it as I am played it, it is a tad disorganized. I really hope I didn’t make any mistakes in writing this. Many apologies if I did. I did NOT beat the game on my own, so many thanks to those who left comments!

    By the way, this took 13 pages of single spaced notes in 12 point font, so this walkthrough will be very long

  109. Dream House walkthrough part 1

    I started out in the second floor locker room (through a door by a colored painting in the office hall on the second floor)
    People say you will start in a random room. If so, you can either reload until you start in the locker room or not do anything until you find the locker room and then start playing. If you play from where you are, this will just be a very long guide to help.

    In the locker room, click the back wall next to the left locker door
    Click the sink faucet (tap) to see it is broken
    Click the door to leave
    When you exit, you face a colored poster. The door to your left is the locker room again
    You are in the hallway of the office area
    Use the bottom arrow to turn around
    Click the door -- you are in the second floor storage room
    Use the bottom arrow to turn around
    Get the password box from the right bookcase
    Click it in your inventory and then the magnifying glass under the inventory boxes to see it password box needs a 4-digit code. Click back in the bottom right corner to close the view.
    Go up the ladder and you are in the third floor recreation room
    Use the bottom arrow to turn around
    Get the saffron yellow key from the pool table
    Note the manhole cover and that you cannot exit from this room through the door due to a broken lock
    Turn around and go back down the hole to the storage room
    Turn around in this room and click the door to leave
    Turn left to look down the office hallway (there should be a window on your left)
    Click the right door and see it is locked
    Use the key to unlock it and click the door to enter
    You are in the second floor stairway -- note, these stairs go through all three floors. The other stairs only reach rooms on the first and second floors
    Go down stairs to the first floor stairs
    Turn around
    Click the door by the sun picture and see you need a white key
    Click the sun picture and find a small cabinet door with a square groove in it
    Click the grayish colored gates to go outside (I think you need the saffron key to open this)
    In the first floor corner of the porch area, click the black door next to the panel
    It is locked, and you will need the red key
    Click the door panel and see it needs a code using numbers 2-9
    Click the right brown gate doors and you are on the first floor porch (Clicking the left gate doors would take you back to the stairs)
    Close the map using the circle with line button by the map
    Click to the left of the circle with open square button to look on top of the porch light
    Get the cyan building block
    Turn around
    Click the single brown door and enter the first floor bathroom
    Note you can turn on and off the tap/faucet here
    Click under the last sink -- get the toothpaste
    While still zoomed in, click on the left side the screen under the sink
    Get the fuchsia building block
    Click the door to leave
    Turn around
    Click the right double doors to unlock them (I think you have to use the saffron key) and enter the first floor dining room
    Turn right
    Click the couch where it meets the footstool and get the blue building block
    Turn right
    See the door is locked and needs red key
    Click left of the black and gray box (TV) to get the blue key
    While still zoomed in, click the floor in the corner -- get the wooden box
    Look at the box in the about item view, and click it to open it and get the first broadsword
    Turn left (you are facing the couch again)
    Click the 2 solid white doors to go into the first floor art room
    Note you can turn off the lights using the switch by the door. You can also zoom in on the Starry Night painting
    Click the doors to leave (you are facing the couch again)
    Click the brown doors on the far right and use the blue key to open them
    Go out
    You are in the first floor living room

  110. Dream House Walkthrough Part 2

    You are in the first floor living room
    Zoom in on the clock and see you can change the time
    Note the right brown door needs a white key
    Turn around (you are facing the piano)
    Note the right brown door needs a green key
    Click the nearer of the 2 left doors and use the saffron key to open it
    You are in the first floor green single room (which doesn’t look green at all to me)
    You can’t seem to do anything in there
    Leave the room
    Click the further left door and use the saffron key to enter
    You are in the purple single room
    You will enter a cut scene where you click to advance through the text (note: I entered this room after finding 1 power diamond. There is a chance, you won’t be able to talk to the girl until later in the game)
    You learn you need 5 power diamonds
    She will ask if you need help
    The game is beatable whether you say yes or no. I said yes, and so my walkthrough takes this route. I will try to note where to game differs depending on your answer based on other people’s comments
    If you say yes, and she will give you a blue puzzle piece (note: If you tell her no, you will not get the blue puzzle piece.)
    Turn around and click the stairs
    You are in the second floor hallway
    Both doors here need a white key
    Turn around
    Click the right oval door and enter the second floor coat room
    Turn around
    Note the marble slab, the broken light switch, and the groove in the wall
    Turn around
    Click the right door and enter the den, but you can’t see
    Click the oval door to leave so you are in the hallway again
    Use the blue key on the left door
    Enter the second floor hallway of the office area (part 2)
    Click the door at the end of the hall and note it is locked (also note the bracket in the wall next to it)
    Use the blue key on the right door
    Enter the second floor dining room
    Turn right
    Get the light blue block from next to the coffee pot
    Look at it in the about item view and see the same bone pattern as the first floor corner of the porch panel. Click in the about item view and see the design on the back
    Click the door at the end of the room and enter the second floor hallway of the office area (part 3)
    You can’t go back into the room you just left because the door is one way
    The door at the end of the hall is locked with a security panel next to it
    Get the VDC CD-ROM from the bottom right corner of the artwork
    Turn around and see a cinder block wall
    Click the light switch and the door will raise
    It also moves a door somewhere else in the house
    You are back in the hallway of the office area (part 2)
    Turn right
    Click the right door to enter the second floor stairs again. Go upstairs this time
    You are in the third floor hallway
    Click the door and enter the third floor drawing room
    Click inside the rusted pot and get the white key
    You can click each picture, and it will ask you if you want to press a button on each.
    But don’t click them yet since you don’t know the order
    Click the door to leave the room
    Turn around in the hallway and see the wall that you closed
    Go back downstairs to the first floor
    Go out to the porch from the gray doors, through the brown gate doors, and then in through the brown double doors to the dining room
    Turn right and go through the brown glass doors and up the stairs
    Click the left door so you are in the hallway of the office area
    Use the broadsword in the door bracket at the end of the hall (note you can take the sword back, but it will relock the door)
    Enter the door and you are in the second floor reception room
    Click the corner by the left couch arm and get the box
    Open the box in the about item view and get the first power diamond
    You can now leave the game if you like by clicking the notebook under the inventory box, but what’s the fun in that?

  111. Dream House Walkthrough part 3

    You are still in the second floor reception room
    Click the open doorway
    Click the phone and see you need a coin to operate it
    The door in this room needs the cyan key
    Go back into the rest of the reception room
    Click the door to leave
    Click the left door to enter the hallway again and turn around
    Go downstairs
    Click the bottom left corner of the screen
    Get the yellow block from the stool
    Back up
    Use the white key on the rightmost door
    You are in the first floor stairs again
    Click the door to enter the living room again
    Click the stairs to climb them to the second floor
    In the second floor hallway, use the white key to open the rightmost door
    Enter the pink master room
    Note the left door needs a cyan key
    Click the black thing in the bottom right corner to zoom in (it is a TV)
    Click the left speaker and get the record (CD)
    Back up
    Place the record/CD in the brown player to the right of the TV (you can listen to music)
    Put in the silver CD from your inventory
    You’ll come back to this in a bit
    Turn left
    Get the gold-hilted steel broadsword from next to the bed (note you can put it back)
    Turn right and leave the room
    Unlock the left door with the white key
    You are in the blue master bedroom
    Turn right
    Click the calendar in the corner and see the same picture as the back of the light blue block
    Turn around
    Go through the left door and get the dark-hilted broadsword -- replace it with the gold one
    Leave through the left door again
    Turn around
    Enter the right door
    Turn left
    Put the dark broadsword where the gold one was
    A cut scene will start
    Turn right
    Click the cabinet by the door
    Enter the second floor bathroom of the reception room though the new opening
    Note the circular hole in the wall to the right of the toilet -- do NOT put your silver medal in there or you will die!!!!
    (If you click the locked door to leave you would be back in the reception room)
    Instead, click the opening to the left of the toilet
    Zoom in on the TV
    With your silver CD in it, the green buttons on the VCR will light up
    Click the play arrow and then hit the pause button on the third scene when it is dark instead of washed out
    If you miss, wait for the TV to go dark and try again
    Enter the cave on the TV
    You can see the pink key, but you can’t reach it
    Click the right wall to leave
    Turn right and enter a cut scene
    The girl will give you a red block
    Say you are in trouble, and she will get you the key you couldn’t reach -- red key
    NOTE -- if you told the girl no to help, she will not get the key and you will not get the red block. You will use the crowbar later to get the key and the lighter from the passage! You will get a green block instead of the red one
    Look at the back of the red block in the about item view and see another picture
    Turn left
    Click the chair by the bed for a new view
    Click the floor beyond the dresser and get the perfume
    Turn right
    Go through the opening to the bathroom
    Click the right door to enter the reception room
    Enter the main part of the reception room and click the door to enter the hallway
    Go through the left door into the stairs hallway
    Turn around and go to the first floor
    Click the glass doors to enter the dining room
    Click the white doors to enter the art room
    Zoom in on the painting
    Use the perfume on it
    Back up and turn off the lights
    Get the code from the painting
    Turn the lights back on and leave the room
    Turn right
    Use the red key on the white doors
    Enter the kitchen

  112. Dream House walkthrough Part 4

    You are in the kitchen
    Note you can turn on and off the tap here
    Turn around
    Zoom in on the black line over the stove (range hood)
    See a place for the blue puzzle piece -- NOTE: if you did not get the puzzle piece from the girl, don’t worry. You will enter this place later and you will find the flashlight and silver medal in different areas)
    Enter a cut scene
    The girl will offer to go into the secret passage for you
    She will retrieve the medal and flashlight for you
    She also gets stuck (I told her I would save her, but I don’t know if this makes a difference)
    Turn around
    Click left of the fridge to find the red building block
    Leave the kitchen
    Turn left 2 times
    Click the doors to the porch
    Click the doors to the corner of the porch
    Use the red key on this door
    Enter the Store room (NOTE: if you don’t have the red key, click on the panel by the door. Change the buttons to
    red grey red
    red grey red
    grey red red
    Sorry, I don’t know the reasoning. The door will unlock and you can get the flashlight here)
    Click the colors in the bottom right corner
    Click the door to leave
    Go through the brown gate doors into the porch and then the brown doors into the dining room
    Turn right
    Click the glass doors and go upstairs
    Turn around and enter the left door into the office hall
    Get the sword
    Go into the right door to the second floor dining room and turn right
    Go out the door into the hallway with the code box
    Click the code box and enter the code from the art room painting (the lights on the box will turn green)
    You can now inter the second floor office
    Click the computer on the left desk and see it is broken
    There is a drawing on the whiteboard on the back wall
    Turn left
    Get the king rat badge from the plant pot
    Note the door only allows one way traffic
    Turn right
    Click the door to leave
    Turn around and click forward and then right
    Click the door to the right
    Go downstairs and turn around
    Zoom in on the cabinet by the door
    Place the rat badge in the center
    Get the battery dry cell
    Use the sword in the black square and get the green building block
    Look at the flashlight in the about item view and add the battery
    You have a working flashlight! :D
    Click the floor next to the left wall in the corner to the left of the picture
    Get the yellow block
    Click the door in front of you and enter the first floor living room
    Go upstairs and turn around
    Click the oval door
    In the coatroom, click the right door and use the flashlight in the second floor den
    Get the crowbar/long rod (NOTE: if you didn’t get the red key from the girl, you will need to go back to the pink bedroom and through the TV. Use the crowbar to reach the key and the lighter)
    Click the door to leave, and then click the coatroom door to enter the hallway
    Enter the left door
    Turn right and click the end of the hall to see the portion of the hallway with the code box/cinder block wall, but don’t enter -- instead, click the right door so you are in the store room
    Turn around and climb the ladder
    Turn around and use the crowbar on the manhole cover
    Click the hole to enter the second floor manager’s office
    Note the right computer is broken
    Get the storage battery from left of the computer
    Click the door and you are in the office
    Turn right and leave the office
    Turn around
    Go forward and turn right
    Click the right door
    Go downstairs
    Turn around and click the door to enter the living room
    Go upstairs
    Turn around and click the oval door to enter the coatroom
    Turn around
    Place the dry cell battery in the wall
    Click the switch and climb through the window into the second floor blue bathroom
    Turn left
    Get the second power diamond from the sink!

  113. Dream House Escape Walkthrough part 5

    You are in the second floor blue bathroom
    Get the toilet brush from next to the toilet
    In the about item view of the toilet brush, add the toothpaste
    Click the door to enter the second floor blue master bedroom
    Click the bedroom door to leave
    Go downstairs and enter the right door
    Turn around and click the gate door to enter the corner of the porch
    Enter the door by the code panel
    Zoom in on the drawings in the corner
    Use the toothpaste/toilet brush to get the numbers underneath
    Click to leave the store room
    Click the left gate doors, turn around, and click the door to enter the living room
    Go back upstairs and enter the left bedroom
    Click the white bathroom door
    Turn around and go through the window again
    Click the switch to block this entrance
    Turn around
    Click the oval door
    Turn around in the hallway and enter the left bedroom
    Click the white door to enter the bathroom
    Turn around and you can see a code panel on the back of the marble slab you just closed!
    Enter the code you found using the toilet brush
    A cut scene will start -- the hole in the other room closes, the cabinet in that bedroom moves, and it drops something on the floor
    Turn left and click the bathroom door
    Click the brown door to enter the hallway and click the further door, which is unblocked again
    Click the thing on the floor and get the daily book/diary
    In the about item view, read the diary -- you’ll see a hint about the drawing room drawings, see the phone on the second floor is tied to the space-time systems, and a birthday
    Click to the end of the book and get the coin
    Leave the room
    Go downstairs and through the right door
    Turn around and go upstairs 2 times
    Click the left door and you are in the drawing room
    Click the posters and tell it yes in order of lifespans
    (mice, rabbit, cat, boy, tortise, dragon)
    The dragon picture will drop and you can get the black and white paper
    Click the door to leave and go downstairs to the second floor
    Click the left door and enter the office hallway again
    Turn left and replace the sword if you need -- enter the reception room
    Click the opening to the right and zoom in on the phone
    Use the coin on the phone and the lights will change
    Use the birth date from the diary and dial it like a normal phone
    (my diary said the day was Thursday the 18th of April and his wife’s birthday was on Tuesday -- so my “phone number” was 0423)
    A time travel door will open
    Click the blue opening 2 times to go back in time

  114. Dream House Escape Walkthrough Part 6

    You are in the reception room in the past
    Go out the reception room’s door into the hall
    Turn right and click the end of the hall on the left
    Click the right door to enter the store room
    Turn around
    Go up the ladder and turn around
    Use the crowbar on the manhole cover
    Go down
    Zoom in on the working computer
    Put in the paper from the drawing room into the printer and then click ok on the screen when it comes up
    See how to assemble the blocks
    Look at the yellow block in the about item view and then add the cyan, then red, then green, blue, and finally the pink -- get the LUBANlock block
    Click the left door to enter the office
    Turn right and click the computer to see it needs a code, but you don’t have it yet
    Click out the door to enter the hallway of the office area -- get the white board marker from the window ledge
    Enter the code into the code box again (if you don’t remember it anymore, go back through the man hole to get to the office)
    Enter the office
    Zoom in on the whiteboard and use the marker in the bottom right corner to see a hidden code
    Use this code on the password box to get another power diamond
    Leave the office to go into the hallway again
    Turn around and click right
    Click forward and then turn right and then left -- enter the door at the end to be in the reception room
    Click the open door to travel forward in time
    Click the brown bathroom door
    Get the note from the wall to the left of the toilet (back of the cabinet)
    Look at it in the about item view and see the master code
    Click the door to the right and go back through the glowing door
    Click the door to leave and enter the hall
    Turn right and click the door at the end of the hall
    Click the dark door to enter the office again
    Zoom in on the computer and enter the master code
    It will offer to set a door to 2-way traffic -- the left one is for the door in the dining room (by the office door with the codebox) and the right one is for the manager’s room door in the back of the office
    I chose the left one, but either one will work
    Click out the door and click the left door (across from the code box) -- the door works now!
    Enter the second floor dining room
    Turn left and go out the door into the hallway (make you way here if you used the manager’s office door option)
    Click the door at the end of the hall and enter the reception room
    Go forward in time through the blue light
    Enter the code into the phone again to turn off the time door
    Go into the main reception room and then leave to enter the hall
    Go through the right door into the dining room
    Turn right and enter the door we unlocked
    Turn around and hit the wall switch to move that darn wall!!!!!!!
    Turn around and go back through the left door
    Turn left and exit out of the dining room
    Click the left door to enter the stairs
    Turn around and go downstairs
    Go through the right door and turn around
    Go upstairs 2 times
    Turn around and hallelujah! The wall is gone!
    Get the spitball
    Look at it in the about item view, and it is music (if the girl isn’t trapped, you can go downstairs to the first floor piano. Place the music on the piano and the girl will play it. This will unlock the green key room. If you do this option, you will not need or find the green key)
    Use the red key on the door at the end of the hall and enter the third floor lounge
    Get the green key from the table (not here if you had her play the piano)
    Note the fireplace (NOTE: if you have the lighter already, you can light the fire now if you want. While zoomed on the fireplace, look in the right corner for the green block. You have this block versus the red one the girl would have brought you)

  115. Excellent work Kitkatfox!!!

    I read through it, but couldn't see any note of the way I got my lighter. I didn't ask the girl to go into the secret opening in the kitchen, so I didn't get her trapped there to give me the lighter later on. And I did use her help to get the red key from the tv, so I didn't find the lighter there either.

    Instead, when facing the colored poster outside second floor Locker room she came and showed me 6 openings above it, where I could put the building blocks. To find the right order, you have to look at the colored symbols of the painting and try to see which number would fit around it. Not easy, so start with the easiest ones. The almost complete circle is number 1 (the number 1 fits by its side). When correct, the painting fell and the lighter was behind it.

  116. @Ellie thanks! People had mentioned something about the painting outside the locker room, but they never said what they got from it!

    I couldn't add it to the walkthrough without knowing what it did.

  117. Dream House Escape Walkthrough Part 7

    You are in the third floor lounge
    Leave the room
    Turn around and go downstairs to the first floor
    Turn around and go through the door to enter the living room
    Turn around and use the green key on the right door (enter the door if you already opened it with the piano)
    Enter the first floor guest room
    Turn around and get the paper slip from the right chair
    Look at the paper slip and see an equation on it
    Turn back
    Note the middle door needs a code and has a place for 3 rectangles and the left door needs a purple key
    Click the right door to enter the living room
    Go upstairs
    Click the left door to enter the blue master bedroom and turn right
    Look at each of the blocks you have (depends on how you played the game)
    The paper note equations has one symbol at N and one as O (nitrogen=7 and oxygen=8 -- atomic numbers)
    Click the calendar and look for those 2 symbols -- O was 15 and N was 14. If you count the letters in the alphabet, O is the 15th letter and N is the 14th.
    Now find your exact three shapes
    Now convert those to letters A=1, B=2 etc. Mine were Egg 21, Lightbulb 11, and Bone 3 so U K C. I looked those up on the periodic table and get 92 19 6
    Turn left and go out the door and then downstairs
    Turn around and click the right door
    Place you pieces in the code panel (order doesn’t matter)
    Now type in your numbers backwards from the order of the tiles (my tiles were UKC so I want 061992)
    Click ok and the door unlocks
    Go inside the middle door and enter the Secret chamber
    Yay! The girl is free -- she gives you the lighter (you might have also found the lighter 1) with the red key or 2) if you clicked on the poster with colors outside the second floor locker room. The girl can come to show you hidden panels where you place the blocks -- Ellie says "To find the right order, you have to look at the colored symbols of the painting and try to see which number would fit around it. Not easy, so start with the easiest ones. The almost complete circle is number 1 (the number 1 fits by its side). When correct, the painting fell and the lighter was behind it." Thanks, Ellie!)
    If you turn around, you will see the small opening she got trapped behind is closed and there is a painting on the wall -- I believe this is where those who didn’t get the girl’s help will find the silver medal
    But for now, zoom in on the panel lines and see the water lines of the hydraulic drive with water pipes. A green light means the lines are right, and the red lights mean they are not. The pipes are tied to the water faucets/taps in the house -- setting them to off or on depending on the room will turn the lights green, but you can’t set one of them yet because you are missing a faucet handle
    Leave the room
    Click the right door and turn around
    Click the right door to enter the 3-story stairway
    Go upstairs to the third floor
    Turn around and go into the lounge at the end
    Zoom in on the fireplace
    Use the lighter to light the fire and a music score appears on the wall (you may have already done this)
    Place your other music score on top to see 2 numbers
    The short arrow aims at one and the long arrow at another
    Turn around and leave
    In the hall, turn around and go all the way to the first floor
    Turn around and click the door to enter the living room
    Zoom in on the clock
    Use the arrows to set the time (long hand is minutes/short is hour)
    Then click okay
    A cut scene will start
    Zoom in on the hole in the wall and place the blocks that you assembled
    Get the gold medal
    Back up and go upstairs
    Enter the right bedroom door and click the cabinet to open the window to the bathroom (if you blocked this door with the cabinet again, enter the bathroom from the reception room)
    In the bathroom of the reception room, click the hole in the wall (you may want to save here just in case)
    Place the silver medal, and gas will start to kill you
    Quickly click the hole again and place the gold medal in the new hole to the left
    The gas will stop and you can get the purple key

  118. Dream House Escape Walkthrough Part 8 (last part!)

    You are in the blue master bedroom's bathroom on the second floor
    Note there is now a hole for a bronze medal, which you don’t have
    Back up and click the right door to leave
    Enter the reception room and then click the door to enter the office hall
    Click the left door, turn around, and go downstairs
    Turn around and enter the right door again
    Use the purple key on the left door in the guest room
    Enter the first floor bathroom of the guest room
    Get the faucet from under the sink
    (Note this sink turns on and off)
    Click the door to leave
    Click the right door to enter the living room again
    Turn around and go upstairs
    Turn around and enter the left door to the office hallway
    Turn right and click the door at the end of the hall
    Turn around and enter the left door to the locker room
    Click the left sink and place the faucet
    You can now turn on and off this tap
    Click the door to leave
    Turn right and then left
    Click the left door
    Turn around in the hallway and go back downstairs
    Turn around and click the right door and then the middle door
    By trial and error, you have to set all the lights to green by trial and error for turning on or off faucets. Once they are green, click the larger button and an alcove will open -- get the bronze medal
    Leave the secret chamber
    Click the right door
    Turn around and go upstairs
    Turn around and click the left door to enter the office hall
    Click the middle door to enter the reception
    Enter the bathroom through the reception room by the phone
    Place the bronze medal -- get the power diamond
    Leave the bathroom, go into the main reception room, and out the reception room door
    Go into the left door and turn around
    Enter the left door and then the bathroom of the blue bedroom
    Turn around and enter the code again from the storage room off the porch
    Turn right and go out the door
    Exit the bedroom and go in the right door (pink master bedroom)
    Click the TV
    Insert the song CD
    Play tracks 1 and 2 to the end repeatedly so you listen to 5 songs without leaving the room
    She will give you the last diamond
    You have to option to submit now or later
    Submit now and see your score!
    By the way, there is no cyan key :p

  119. kitkatfox, many thanks for your great and awesome walkthrough ;-)

  120. well I am proud of myself.....and Thank you so much for the help Goontje...since this escape came out we all attempted it.. I have not been able to get it so goon and i have talked for a year about doing this escape date..we now have done it...I am proud to say..I finished it in ----don't laugh..9 whole hrs........eeeee but we did it...THANK YOU GOON...hug hug hug..a very very hard but fun least now they have a video walk through.. not when I first tried it and I did not use the video..only goon.. name is born...time diamonds found...score..83.4.level A,,,Done.

  121. BY FAR the longest and most challenging escape game I've played on EG24. Hope there's a sequel!

  122. Update: Dream House Escape V 1.0 is available now with corrected bugs and new content...and it's not loading for me...

  123. Kitikat I followed your walkthrough but there are two significant differences: the wall will not be removed by just pressing the switch, you need to enter the diamond in it. Secondly, there is no CD on the painting - nada! I looked everywhere for it, all I found was CD on left speaker so I am stuck because I can't get into the cave through TV.

    Has anyone else had this problem and how did you resolve it? Thanks in advance.

  124. Tania, this game has been 'modified' to correct some bugs and also to change/add some content.

    There are differences so the walkthrough will not be 100% accurate.

    So far I have found added symbols, perfume & CD in different rooms/places, slightly different calendar, etc.

  125. Hello Tanya, to get into the cave to ...

    wait until the picture clear view and quickly switch to on stop, then you come in TV

    grad had played until the end, there are some changes that were not previously

    but also get no cyan key, but you can now enter the next room, but the very top

  126. Oh I see! I noticed my perfume was on the dresser instead of being hidden. However, this does not help me progress the game because I cannot go any further without the CD. I haven't found the coin yet, but found a blue cable on top of toilet in bedroom where we enter via window. I opened trapdoor upstairs but it got me into a computer room and from there into the office which I had already visited. Grrr... I can't take a tap from anywhere and yes, I've been seeing symbols in places like purple mountains on wall near place we put bronze plate in and the calendar does show symbols for different dates - not just one. Can't open box I have in my inventory, don't know clock code, can't find second sheet to music (my first is already sitting on piano) and girl only talked to me once and gave me puzzle piece but can't find her anywhere any more. So truly stuck and it is so disappointing! Obviously because I spoke to girl and asked for help, I now need to find 4 more crystals... heheh Hope someone can play newest version to help me.

  127. Kitkatfox's walk-through is outstanding and a real labour of love given the difficulty of this game.

    However, with this new version, Bluefire's video walk-through might be worth a look. Not because it's better (they are both not 100% accurate now) but because it's so easy to get lost as you need to revisit rooms and places.

  128. A new version of the best game EVER? And it comes on a day when I'm snowed in? Do we get to find the cyan key this time? I am so in!

  129. I spent hours working on that original walkthrough. It took something like 7 hours and 13 pages of walkthrough notes. I knew some things might not be the same for everyone in it because stuff changes in the game. Still, it seem to be good for helping most players in the game.

    But now the game designer changed the game????

    I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry.

    *runs away sobbing*

  130. Don't cry kitikat, not your fault if the developer decided to change the game. Your walkthroughs are always valuable and I only mentioned the differences because I suspected there might be people stuck like me who wouldn't be able to follow your steps.

    Oh well, we don't have to solve EVERY game... Cheer up. x

  131. KKF; 7 hours written? all respect for your perseverance, your solution is written in spite of all helpful and very good !

    Anyone know?
    in the site plan there are black spaces,these must be opened yet?

  132. SUCCESS! VCD DISC >> go to office and click on corner you will see an elevator, take gem from other room (wall) and use it there to power elevator up. Go upstairs and voila, there is your disc. Oh I am soooo happy!!!! To find hotspot for elevator, click on black laptop back on the bottom of your screen in the office.

  133. So, after going through everything again, remembering from last time, I have all 5 crystals. I do not know what to do with the 4 symbols I found in the game (white snowflake like, yellow pentagram, purple "mountains" and green moon. Also, in the dairy there's a new hint on a space-link between the 2nd floor worshipping room, which I haven't found, and the front porch, for which i need the cyan key. I have looked all over, but can't find the cyan key. Also, when I activate the time changer, i cannot get to either of the 2 places. I've been looking for another place to input the password, but nothing. So new, nut not quite improved (where's the Cyan key!!!!!)

  134. Kitkatfox, your walk-through is still completely valid...except where T34 has changed it.

    From what I've played it is still very usable but some locations (and some codes) have changed.

  135. O, and all that's still in my inventory is 3 to 5 crystals (only purple crystals go in elevator or wall slot), the dairy and the flashlight....

  136. and one possibly important difference: I haven't found the music CD anywhere? Also, last time I could never get the piano to play, this time I could, with the power cable. However, I don't have sound on this computer, so can anyone tell me what I'm hearing?

  137. Kitkat, I do still go back to your walkthrough!

  138. lol everyone. Thanks for letting me know the walkthrough is still helpful. :)

    I am annoyed that the game changed after so much work. But don't worry, I am not really crying over it.

    I will probably go back and update the walkthrough. Maybe this weekend if I am snowed in (again).

  139. O, i think maybe I got 2 purple diamonds because of a glitch, they have the same name, and i think I took back the one from the wall and then still got back the one from the elevator.....

  140. ah, I wasn't paying attention Tania, found the record. because of no sound, I just have to wait until I think a song has ended, and then start a new song...

  141. Now I have 6 power diamonds, was just listening to music (with no sound) waiting for the girl to show up. She gave me the pink diamond, but still no cyan key, or a way to enter the back porch or the closed room in the master bedroom. Aaargh!


    You mean I can finally finish this.....oh joy! T_T

  143. I got the girls phone number after submitting the score (after saving first, of course), but I cannot call her in the present or in the past....

  144. The brown key is in a corner of the reception room...

  145. i like a challenge, but 1375 comments........ i don't think i have the time and patience for this one.

  146. Scene with 3 doors: I have 3 tiles, I see in calender simbols but I dont understand what I must do. I have: bone=2, tree=16 and egg=23. Any help please?

  147. I am nearly finished, after nearly 3 1/2 hours of the game (restarted it). I am waiting for songs to finish playing so I can get my diamonds. I used Kitikat's walkthrough because it explained the points so well, even if the order was slightly changed due to the updated version of the game. I would never have done it on my own.

    Result: 3:22:26, score 87.4 Level A

    By the way, once you've submitted your score, you are taken back into another room, the timer continues and you are meant to start again! LOL NO WAY!

    PS: the time it took me included going off to keep an eye on the cooking dinner and talking to the kids.

  148. I GET IT; I GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate quimicas, and I dont put english order!!!!

  149. cece, about the egg, etc. tiles, turn them round and look at the symbol behind each one. Copy it carefully in your notebook. Then go to bedroom and look at calendar. Find each symbol, then count from beginning of symbols to find its corresponding number. Once you have the number for each, imagine this number to be corresponding to a letter of the English alphabet (so 1 would be A, 2 = B and so on). Once you know the letters of the alphabet, then you can lookup the atomic number of each element (because the letters correspond to elements). After that it is merely a case of entering the tiles in the keypad and typing in the code (the string of atomic numbers you found) backwards. Obviously their placement depends on the original number on the calendar! You will definitely need pen and paper for this. LOL It was a big headache for me but I read and re-read Kitikat's description and finally managed it. I had a symbol wrong but once I realised it, the door clicked open. Good luck.

  150. I have 5 diamonds, no cyan key and I' m into house. Am I finish???????. Also I have blue power line.

  151. Power line in piano anr it plays. What more??????

  152. Finally OUT!! I must click book to end

  153. Can someone please tell me how to get in to play the game all I get when I try to open it is a lot of small pictures and a lot of Japanese? wrighting
    I don't know what button to select.

  154. @apricotmomma
    Have a look at Kitkatfox's comment on 16/12/09 at 21:15 for some information about the game.

  155. Thank you Ellie I will

  156. OMG!!!! I am too excited to speak...well, wait...not that!!!! This is one of the coolest, one of the longest games i have ever played and i did finish it once, but....i can't wait to play again with the changes...yay!!! doesn't matter if the version is a bit different...your walkthrough still rocks!!!! :D Of all the walkthroughs you have so thoughtfully provided for us, this WT was truly a labor of love :) we just can't help ourselves...we continue to wander into unknown rooms/houses and *CLICK* get locked inside....hehe!!!! Thank you so very much for all you do for us :) hugs!!!!!

  157. lol irish, I don't think you are ever speechless :D

    You are the nicest compliment-er I think I have ever seen.

    I am very glad my walkthrough is still useful! I did it with the idea that this game is beyond hard (but in a fantastic way), and over a thousand comments were too much to read through. The thought of all that work being useless was sad.

  158. PBM = idiot. Chinese people tend to speak Chinese languages , not "Jap" as you put it. Stick to idiot games that you understand.....

  159. i found only 2 tiles. where is third?

  160. @jonthewatch...your post was absolutely unnecessary, off game subject, insensitive and rude...! i thought you were above this kind of nonsense...

  161.!!!! you are very have saved me on numerous occasions...rofl!!! *outsourcing artwork to zazie for very special ribbon* :D

  162. Woa! Must be the longest game ever with all these posts. Hi all...

    Can't start the game won't load :-(

  163. Ellie I am not finding anywhere.

  164. I know no one is here anymore, but in case anyone else is having this problem, I thought I'd post it. I finally read kitkatfox's WT and watched the video WT and the VCD never showed up on the painting and in the video WT there are clickable areas that I can't get to. I have tried and tried. Followed WTs exactly. I don't know why, but oh well. This is definitely one of my faves in a while. I, however, quit. Congrats to those who finished! Awesome game! (even tho it kick my *&%! :s)

  165. Wheres the elevator? I don't see it in the office :(

  166. Oh man. Oh man. I want to jump into this and have a chance to actually finish it this time but I can't this weekend! All you snowed-in Virginians get to have all the fun this time! I can't believe it was June when we tackled this the first time.

    Someone needs to make an Escape the Escape the Room Games Game for me.

  167. I got killed by the poison gas thing... D:

  168. kiTkaTfox u r such a fox indeed :) happy endinG for all thankS for helping .. eer and one last thing.. I'LL never !ever! dream about a houSe .. while playinG this game I could imagine my self going through the doorS banging on wallS runninG between endleSs floorS .. anD I say .. nu uh, No thanX I'm happy with my tini tiny apartment lol.. All in aLl, good job and thanX everyone ..

  169. @apricotmomma
    How are you doing? Getting into the game? If you look at the page you get when you use the link, there is a large advertisement that says "free online games". Below thos one there are three blue buttons (round at the corners)with white chinese writings. Press any of those buttons to start the game.

  170. People do not quit the game just because the location of items is different for you. The game is still playable and enjoyable. Read my comments because I had the same problem and found the disc somewhere else. Also you probably have the car battery which goes into the slot in the clockroom to reveal ... well, you'll see :) Do not give up!

  171. I have written down the code from the first floor storeroom (97675) but when I try to enter it in the blue bathroom, it says : "Now the password is invalid because the position of the cabinet didn't change". I have checked the code twice, so I don't understant why it doesn't work. Is there anybody here that could help me, please ?

  172. Hi, after you enter the code, you must go into the bedroom (the one on the right) and click on cabinet, then the cabinet will move. I think that is what the game is telling you to do. Did you miss the cut scene? Is the iron sword in the hand where the golden sword was? It is all important for the flow of the game.

  173. Ellie thank you, but it is not working.I tried all three buttons all I got was the same page all over again. That's okay I'm not going to worry about it. again thank you

  174. Apricot: click ONE of the three blue buttons, there is a white page for a moments. Wait and then the game beggins loading. Work for me now and without problems. Maybe slowly but works.

  175. Same as the older version, I do not get the codes, not from the picture after adding perfume and not from the room with crayon drawings using brush and toothpaste. Is there something I need to update?

  176. To start the game, there are two sets of buttons: one of small and one of big. You need the set of BIG buttons. If you hover over each button, you can see what page it leads to. You do not need the favourites button obviously, you just need the one with the game's name on it! It is not so hard, people, all you need to do is scroll down a bit and open your eyes instead of giving up at the first hurdle.

    Code in picture: spray perfume until it says it has the power of God or something similar, then turn off the light. Code in store room: click on faint colour blocks on right as you are facing door so you zoom in and then use the brush that you have put toothpaste on to clean colour blocks and get the code.

  177. Thank you cece but I think I'll move on see you there.

  178. girl gave me her number: 702 7609
    I called, but some old guy answered :(

  179. The newer version has a power cord that you can plug into the piano on the third floor. You can then click on the piano and it plays a song, but I'm not sure why.

  180. I am updating the walkthrough, but hit a roadblock

    I can't find the new location of the blocks with the calendar shapes on the back. I have 2, but am missing one (it would be the yellow one that used to be by the stairs where you use the king rat badge).

  181. This game is driving me nuts!!! (And yet I love it)

    Got 1 power diamond,
    5 digit code, 4 digit box (closed), cable (unused), silver medal (we most probably need 2 more to avoid death by poison), 2 colored blocks (blue-pink), red building block, 2 CDs, crowbar, red key, torch, sword, partiture for the piano.

    Girl's locked in the passage.

    I can't find green or cyan or white key, or where else to use my stuff.

    How did you get the second power diamond???

    BTW the lighter must be just a diffrent way to do things, since it's used to find crowbar, except if it gives bonus diamonts later in the game.

  182. @Virginia Sketchers
    I can post my partial walkthrough for the new version. That could help. Then maybe you can help me get unstuck lol

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  189. Yay, walkthrough!
    ...I think I have a technical problem. After I get back from the time travel, I am supposed to find a code:
    "Click the brown bathroom door
    Get the note from the wall to the left of the toilet (back of the cabinet)
    Look at it in the about item view and see the master code"

    Only the cabinet has gone back to its place and I cannot see its back. Is there a way to see the code or I have to go all the way after my last save?

  190. If you happen to know of a simple way, that is.

  191. lol I messed up and erased the answer I started to write to you.

    Sorry for the slow help. I had gone away for dinner.

    To get to the back of the cabinet, once you are forward in time again, type the code into the phone again to turn the time travel field off.

    Now go into the bathroom from the door by the phone. The window is open, so go into the bedroom. Click the cabinet and it should move back over the window (I think).

    Go from the bedroom into the office and to the reception room. Go to the phone and through door to the bathroom. Go in and your paper should be visible now. Leave through the door and enter the phone code to turn the time travel code again. Now you can go back in time to the office and enter the code.

    Hope this helps!


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