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Gameroom - Chair Room Escape

Game Room aka Chair Room Escape is another new point and click type escape the room game by Ikutama. In this game you must find items and solving puzzles with clues to escape the chair room. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. have started again but blue chair will not give me the screwdriver grrumbble

  2. argh! now the chair isn't giving me the screwdriver... i'm coming back to this shit later

    thanks everyone for their help

  3. i looked out from my window and in the sea there is an carrier you know the big boat with the planes

  4. even after a break, a couple of page refreshes, still no screwdriver..i give up.

  5. yes, i'm back again, with screwdrivers but now still need solution to puzzle in green footstool, anyone found this yet?

  6. how did u get strange end?Am still stuck..I got the eraser..removed the pins..tryng to figure out the code now..

  7. i think panther is for pink panther nd submarine for yellow sumarine wat abt carper nd cheese!!:(

  8. Strange end comes from clicking seat of chair with devil face on. Still trying to work out the code, Got the colours and numbers 8 and 5

  9. where are you talking about sonal? panther, submarine, carper, cheese?

  10. ok, i took out the eraser, used it on the book, but no bells are ringing yet. eeehhh, help?

    sorry you're leaving devi, thanks again for the code!

  11. hmm and now ?

  12. oh, i see it, it's in the book....

  13. Sh.....t!!!, i should NOT have taken out those pins.

  14. Red October
    Blue Ray
    Yellow Submarine
    Pink Panther


    My way of working the colour code out anyway still stuck with only 2 numbers though

  15. i have the colors, now the numers

  16. The side of the sofa (6) and the wood chair (upside down 4), into the back wall? Need an 8?

  17. crap!! i pressed sm link nd the page got refreshed :(

  18. there is an 8 under the green chair. does any1 know why we used the screwdriver on the green chair?

  19. Yeah still here but getting bored now, may give up while later

  20. i'm totally stuck now, have no idea what to do with the green footstool or with the numbers on the wall, and don't know the code for the door....*pffff*

  21. Its gettng bugging now!!

  22. Catching up. Got a key. There is a switch above white chair. Turned the switch and then you can rearrange A RICH to CHAIR. Then turned switch again - and voila a key! But don't know where the key goes.

  23. @truus, i think because the green chair is now looking as an 8

  24. Key goes to the door behind rocking chair. Found codes.

  25. but there was already an 8 under it. so why the screw?

  26. @truus, i think that we have to put those chairs against the wall in the numbers later on in the game, but i'm not sure

  27. wow more codes, now i'm more confused

  28. the key goes in the door behind the rocking chair..there r some blue boxes drawn..dont knw wat it means yet..

  29. we can now rock the rocking chair

  30. could it be the vision of the chairs from above? but again, WHY???

  31. there is a green 2 underneath

  32. can you give a little hint martin?

  33. what about the right side of the yellow chair, what to do with that?

  34. Wow!!!How did u get it??

  35. why 5283, i don't want a code, i want to know how to get it

  36. wow, that's a big key.....normal end, but still don't know exactly why this code.
    I know we found those numbers, just every order tried?
    and what about green footstool, i think if we had solved this also we get another end

  37. @Hil. The couple sit on the bench (blue 5), the old guy on the rocker (pink 2), the teenager on the folding chair (yellow 8) and the baby on the high chair (red 3).

  38. the code for the door is like this:
    yu see which men means this 4 symbols of human who would sit on which chair and then see what number are on this chairs

  39. How did u get the code???

  40. code is not working for me

  41. do you all have the same code?

  42. Truus, have you matched the colours as well?

  43. oooohh, stupid me. i see what you mean now.......

  44. oke, get the code now but still confused about the code in the footstool and the code behind the rocking chair....

  45. right i know im waaaay back but ive got the screwdriver unscrewed the panel what do i do now?

  46. oh my, i didn't know i had to change colours as well.... thanks Martin.

  47. right Hill, and the one on the right side of the yellow chair as well.

  48. Hil, how did you get out with the normal end?

  49. Hil, you were right on the chairs, how did you know?

  50. after 5 hours it's time to get out of this chair as well, pffff what a game.
    got normal end, don't any1 dare to tell me there's another, even better end!!

  51. Sorry Truus, there are 3 endings. What was the password?

  52. @truus i'm psychic ;-).
    @martin, after you have put in the code, you have to put the chairs in the numbers in the wall
    @truus, i'm sorry, but i'm almost sure there has to be another end

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Doh! I totally missed unscrewing the green chair! Need the code for the good end and it's getting late here so I'm not gonna fool around with the rotating chair again.

    @Hil, psychic?...shame! See comment #217, just kidding lol

    Bye all and thanks Masi!!!

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Bye Martin and all you escapers, till next challenging game!

  57. Need clue?
    Behind the rocking chair there is a clue for the rotating chair.
    It contains 9 sequences.

    Stool: the right picture is memory card.
    Each picuture represents 3-letters-acronym.

    Nobody is playing English version? post again.
    Title is "Chair room escape." .

  58. the swivel chair does not work. someone has to post exactly how many times it has to be turned and in what direction

  59. This game must be really buggy. At the first time I could only pick up one panel. Now I can't switch the white chair 'off'.

  60. ahh man...screw this game. Don't have the time for this one :(

  61. please...anyone can help me?? i think the symbols beside rocking chair are the clue for the rolling blue chair...but i´m not able to get the screwdriver...

  62. Clue for lucky end:
    The anime poster is "Space Battleship Yamato".
    You can find the password in wiki.
    And the password has another meaning. It means "I shall bite the chair".

  63. For me, challenging and very fun game:)

  64. OMG i figured out the chair:

    click the right hotspot when seat is facing you. Click the right hotspot again. Chair back should be facing you. Keep clicking the right hotspots 5 or 6 times then click the left hotspot to get the chair seat to face you again and now try to click the seat. If it doesn't pop off keep clicking the right hotspots again.

    You do NOT need to rotate the chair in a full clockwise or counterclockwise direction, just wiggle it a quarter turn back and forth.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Hmm...
    The symbols behind rocking-chair is the answer itself more than the clue.
    Divide symbols into 9 squares. You get
    square, __||, Double-square, ||__, Double-square, ||__, square, __||, square
    It's the answer how to rotate the chair.

    Fish in the stool: Do you like sushi?
    Fish/C22 = Docosahexaenoic acid

  67. Can't get the first three the last 6 (thx Xenon)

  68. how do you look behind the rocking chair?

  69. thanks xenon!!you´re my hero!!!

  70. spinning blue chair solution:

    you can get the hint behind the rocker when you open the door.

    This is how the chair should be turned in this direction as if you are sitting in it.

    chair is automatically in starting position. (front facing you)
    facing to the left
    back facing you
    facing to the right
    back facing you
    facing to the right
    front facing you
    facing to the left
    front facing you
    If done correctly click the bars and the seat will open.

  71. Thank you all for your hints, especially those about that horrible spinning chair.

    Could someone post the final part of the walkthrough or at least how to get the codes (colour/people and footstool)? Thx!

  72. there are 2 days that we broke our heads on this game... pls some hints for stool puzzle and door puzzle (or answer) I try everything I found on google... :cry:

  73. Ok, so I opened the stool, turned on the light in the secret compartment, managed to put in the right password (hint: search for 'star blazers' on wiki, then go to the 'planets' section), got the potion and what now?... Should I bite a chair??? Xenon, any more hints?

  74. how u turned on the light???

  75. There's a switch in the footstool, once you open it. The code is:

    IMF - International Money Fund
    DHA - Docosahexaenoic acid
    RAM - Random Access Memory

  76. @Adamantia
    As for the door code see #44 in this page.

    Final clue:
    After all riddles are solved drink potion and put 6-shaped chair into the wall.
    Then find the place to bite(just click the hotspot) you will get something.
    Then put 4,8-shaped chairs into the wall.

  77. I got illegal code with cod on #44 in this page :( I must only open the case and keep the thing on devil chair

  78. @Adamantia
    You have to enter the correct numbers and "colors".
    Click the panel to change color.

  79. please please please walkthrough

  80. Some people who come around here just collect games and walkthroughs for their own web site/blog w/o playing game:-p
    These people sometimes only request walkthrough and blame/complain if the walkthrough is written in funny style. haha.


    Go around the room and collect all the chairs.(9 chairs)
    -White bench solution:
    Click the top right of bench and see lines.
    Imagine you are looking at a clock with 4 8's.
    The lines you see are the ones that need to be removed from the 8's.
    If done correctly the code will be....7215
    Enter that code into the number panel on the top left of white bench.
    You can now remove all four boards on the back and unscramble them to get a number. (5)
    -White chair solution:
    Focus on the white chair and click on top to find a switch. Push the switch and rearrange the letters to spell CHAIR. Make sure the black square is in front of the word. Click the button on top again and it will reveal a key below the word.
    Use the key on the door behind the rocker. Go in to see a solution to the spinning blue chair.
    -Spinning blue chair solution:
    This is how the chair should be turned in this direction as if you are sitting in it.

    chair is automatically in starting position. (front facing you)
    facing to the left
    back facing you
    facing to the right
    back facing you
    facing to the right
    front facing you
    facing to the left
    front facing you
    If done correctly click the bars and the seat will open.
    Take screwdriver.
    Use screwdriver on both sides of yellow chair and on the glass on the door.
    -Green stool puzzle:
    Open the green stool and you will see three pictures with letters.
    Each picture represents a three letter word.
    Enter that code and it will open revealing a switch.
    This is the switch for the right side of yellow chair.
    Face the white bench and place the green stool on the floor next to the other green stool.
    The boards that you removed from yellow chair can be picked up. (PICK UP BOARDS ONE AT A TIME)
    Place them on top of the green stools.
    Place the folding chair on top of the boards so you can rech the chair.
    The word please can be erased, and something else can be inputed. The answer is on the left side of the yellow chair.
    Enter: I want to and push the button.
    This lowers the chair. Take the screwdriver. Remove the eraser and an evil face will appear. Do NOT click on face.
    Use screwdriver on left side of yellow chair and remove the glass case. You can also use screwdriver on left part of folding chair and tilt the back of it.
    When facin the rocking chair, you can move it backwards and click underneath to reveal a 2.
    If you look in the book you will find the answers to the door.
    For the couple: They would sit on the bench and so their number would be 5. In the back of the book they have the words cheese, angels, ray underneath. (Blue)
    For the baby: He would sit in highchair. The number on the highchair is the bunny's mouth (3). The words underneath his picture in book is carpet, october, sox.
    For the old man w/ cane: He would sit in rocking chair.
    (2). The words underneath his picture is panther, floyd, lady. (pink)
    For the man: I couldn't figure where he would sit, but I guessed his number, which is (8). The words underneath his picture are submarine, page, cab.(yellow)
    You can enter that into the door.
    After you enter that code into door, the wall that has the numbers will change allowing you to insert three chairs. If you do you will get Normal end.
    Ther is a better end if you can figur out the code that goes into the red box to the right of the yellow chair.
    Good Luck!

  82. Somebody should really make these developers stay in their rooms and not put games up till they're PLAYABLE. I get so CRABBY. I'm so addicted. *sigh*

  83. Lucky End. (Before you put all the chairs in the wall)

    See #71 & #88-Final clue:

    Also, the switch on the chair where you rearrange the letters can only be turned off if the black square is to the left of the word.

  84. For the lucky end:
    I didn´t get the Space Battle Yamato clue... can someone please explain it???

  85. Anyone still thereee?!?!?!?

    Search for a planet that is similar to this on the poster (covered by seas and ruled by a woman ;) )

  87. For lucky end:

    Space Battle Yamato clue: Iscandar

    Last item: after dirinking the solution ( and put 6-shaped chair into the wall)
    click stain on the yellow chair(left side)

  88. About other things:
    -The macho guy is a pro-wrestler. He fights with the pipe chair:)
    -FIFA implies acronym.
    -The words in the book are not red herrings.
    You can figure out the color code w/o hint pages.
    It's common-color associated with those words.
    card - red/yellow (related to FIFA)
    charge-> color charge of quark - red/green/blue
    noise-> color of noise - pink/red/white/blue/purple/grey
    sea - red/yellow/...
    gold - yellow/pink/white
    cobalt - blue/green/yellow/pink

  89. I think FIFA is clue for IMF, DHA,RAM.

  90. Yes, of course.
    picture -> acronym
    and another clue for "card" in the book.

  91. I have the walkthrough now the stupid game wont load arggggggggg

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