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Detective Blaze

Detective Blaze is a new point and click type adventure game from Italy. In this game you must solve the mystery of the murder. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. megipoland game link not working

  2. Don't understand anything of this game :( It's all Italian.

  3. Hi all
    link is working now, sorry

  4. "grazie per aver giocato"


  5. hi all, just getting started

  6. i finished and solved the crime, but italian is not so good that i really understood everything...

  7. boring game. too much clicking on the CONTINUE button
    would rather wait for better game

  8. hahahahaha i clicked lots and lots and won.... dont understand a word of italian.... XD

  9. Milos, what you wrote on your post #7 means "thanks for playing"/"thanks for having played".
    I would gladly translate what I could (don't understand all Italian, just a bit), but the games doesn't load for me... :(
    It happens a lot with the moregames site. At least for me. Sniff...

  10. hi feline,

    this was ridicilous, i dont understand italian, so i clicked like mad on everything and the game finished with:
    "grazie per aver giocato"
    thanks for the translation.

  11. Milos, lol! It finally loaded so let me play to see what I can do.
    In the opening screen, there's "traduci in altre lingue", which means "translate into other language", and clicking there sends you to a screen where there is an e-mail to which you can send a translation of the game, so if anyone here speaks Italian (more than I, which is likely), help us all!

  12. OK, opening screen: "gioca" means "play".

    First game screen, first speech: "Oh, free at last! Someone must have given me an ugly shot." Or something like that. As far as I understand the meaning, someone must have smacked the guy, or beaten him up (well, he had a sack tied to his head, right?).

  13. Of course, "continua" below the speech means "continue".

    Second speech: "Hey, one moment... There, on the street. It's a man. And he seems unconscious."

  14. Third speech (guy with gun): "Bravo (congrats) detective. I see you have already noticed the body."

    Fourth speech (in blue, so I figure it's a thought): How could I not notice it?"

  15. Fifth speech (also blue): "Have I amused you? [I think] What plans have you got in mind?"

    Sixth speech: "That man... You must observe/notice that he has done outside/business outside. [?????]"

    Seventh speech (blue): "But... I..."

  16. 8th speech: "There's no time to waste. A little/small morning and it's already set/put/located/ended." (?)

    9th speech: "I must succeed at getting out of this." (I think.)

    10th (funny guy in yellow): "I think I [or 'you'?] have the solution to the case. In fact, I'm sure."

  17. 11th: "Yes, why not." Or "Yeah, right!" Being sarcastic.

    12th: "You must be the detective [assigned] to the case, Mr. ..."

    "-I'm J. Blaze and I'm here for...
    - Shhh... I see...
    - Ops!"

  18. Im learning italian since 2 years now.. i understand most things i think..but really too much licking and no thinking..

  19. 14th: "I'll quickly expose you the facts. Listen to me."

    15th: "The man in question was at the pedestrian crossing and a maniac has shot at him."

    16th: "You can notice at his back two shots from a gun (fire weapon)."

  20. Patricia, so you can help me translate it for other players!

  21. 17th: "One shot has pierced a rib. The other more fortunately (pierced) the heart." (Well, was that fortunate?)

    18th: "I've reached the conclusion that the murderer is an occasional killer."

    19th: "He must be willing to exercise his aim. As a matter of fact..."

  22. 20th: "As a matter of fact what?"

    21th: [I'm not sure about the shot part] "There were 3 suspects living/wandering near that shot around."

    22th: "Interesting..."

  23. OK, so the 21st speech should be like this: "There are three suspects that live near the place of the shots (the crime scene)."

  24. 23th: They are: Tania, Geco and Joy.

    24th: "This trouble/matter doesn't concern me."

    25th: "There's a man dead below your house. I've heard you have a gun."

  25. 26th: "I've just bought it. There's two days that I exercise." (???)

    27th: "(mmm... exercise...) What do you work at?"

    28th: " I do texts translations. I'm an artist. And I don't like shooting at people."

  26. 29th: "I wonder what he does with a gun."

    30th: "Good morning agent/policeman. I've heard about the murder."

    31st: "(I'm a detective... grr...) He seems like a weapons expert."

  27. feline you are perfecT ! it gonna looks like a walkthrough. you are on your road back!

  28. 32nd: [I think] "Exactly AGENT. I believe it was the work of a professional sniper."

    33th: [I think] "I don't think he is right."

    34th: "What makes you so sure?"

  29. were not finised

  30. 35th: "The victim was crossing the street clearly. It would be enough a shot at the heart."

    36th: "Geco is a marksman. The shot at the rib is amateur."

    37th: "He could have shot it on purpose to throw the investigations off the track."

  31. @alkmar, hi!!! I'm trying...

  32. work hard feline, you will help a lot of people,thanks!

  33. I miss your comments,that makes me laughing!

  34. yu know,your good old walkthroughs

  35. 38th: "It's obvious that the one at the heart has been shot near (at close range) to finish him."

    39th: "While the one at the rib was shot from far."

    40th: "(I don't know if he's right.)"

  36. @alkmar, you're welcome! I've posted a walkthrough in the Escape from the Tower game. It's not my best work, since I'm out of shape, but you can go check it if you wish. (Meanwhile let's see if I can finish this translation.)

  37. 41st: "Good morning detective Blaze."

    42nd: "How are the investigations going?"

    43th: "Well, they have really just begun. You (She) must be Tania."

  38. you did great work feline,thanks. btw my streetcat didn't let me look, I thinkshe/he knows what I wanted to do

  39. 44th: "Exactly. I hope I can be useful."

    45th: "By answering any questions, miss. Did you know this man?"

    46th: "In truth he was my brother."

  40. @alkmar, thanks and lol! Try offering it a treat (like a piece of meat) on a table or any high place where the cat can be near your eye level. Then pass your hand on its back till it raises its tail and look...

  41. 47th: "(... what?) Her brother?

    48th: "The story has taken an unexpected turn. It will turn out a good article."

    49th: "I must remark that I loved my brother. If you suspect me, then talk to my lawyer."

  42. 50th: "(She has become defensive... I wonder if she loved him like (as much as) she said.)"

    51st: "Detective Blaze, you should start to collect evidences."

    52nd: "And how?!?"

  43. 53th: "By clicking on the scene and using this bar above."

    54th: "(He also intends to teach the master...)" [Lol! We are the masters of clicking games!]

    55th: "Let's resume. Clicking around the scene you can collect evidence before making it public and declaring a person guilty."

    Then it turns to "investigating modality".

  44. Left upper bullet hole: "Like the journalist said the shots were made at different distances. If the heart shot had been made at close range, it would have done more damage." {I think.]

    "If it were so, then I can't explain the shot at the rib. Could it have been a beginner?"

  45. ok this game is absolutely lame!!!

  46. Shoeprints (between lamp post and victim's feet): "Those shoeprints are fresh. These marks (mm... ) are from two soles. Look like those from the victim. What if..."

    "... in the moment of the murder he was not at the street, but by the traffic light. But why?"

  47. Bloodprint on traffic light: "Blood. Blood?!? From the victim? (If he were) Crossing the street it's unlikely that it would have ended here."

    "Roughly by eye it is at the height of his shot rib."

  48. Papers by corner: "An article circled: 'the guilty was not found for the bussolotto that has been missing. The Carmen case is at risk of being turned down (forgotten?), her sister regrets."

    "A case? It seems a message for me. Would it have been from the man that brought me here? I must find out a link to this article."

  49. Shopping bag: "It looks like to have no evidence. Hey... a... capsule from a projectile?!? But how could it have ended up here?"

    "I wonder if it's one of those shot at the victim. I'd better add it to the evidence."

  50. After you collect all evidences and click on the "continue" button, the man with gun shows up. So...

    56th speech: "Mr. Blaze I'm losing my patience."

    57th: "Calm down. I've collected all evidences necessary (at least I believe...)"

  51. 58th: "My dear detective, I've finished writing my article on the clues/ideas I have."

    59th: "Your suppositions will not convince any jury."

    60th: "I'm sure the murderer is... Joy!"

  52. 61st: "But what do you have in your mind?! That's enough I'm leaving!"

    62nd: "I... Believe... there's another reconstruction of the facts."

    63th: "Are you serious?!?"

  53. 64th: "Detective, I respect your position, but it's obvious what happened."

    65th: "An isolated artist that has just bought a gun. He points it at what first sees. His aim is not good and he hits the thorax."

    66th: "Determined to finish him he comes down and shoots the heart from near, certain that he would finish him."

  54. 67th: "Geco is too smart to aim at the rib, while Tania is the sister, she wouldn't have killed him in cold blood."

    68th: "mm... in fact it all fits, if only the scenario were different."

    69th: "But! H... How dare you?! Are you saying that I'm way out of the right path?"

  55. 70th: "According to my reconstruction... totally!"

    71st: "But let's see the facts. (I hope the kidnapper [?] is listening...)

    72nd: "According to the journalist's reconstruction the victim was on the street when he got shot the first time. But the position was different."

  56. 73rd: "He, he, what a fantasy. How can you prove it?"

    74th: "(I must show an evidence.) I must use the evidences bar."

    After clicking "continua": "Click an evidence that shows the differing position of the man on the street."

    So I'll tell you to click the shoeprints, because I don't want to translate more than necessary! Thanks!

  57. After you click the shoeprints: "The marks/prints near the traffic light."

    75th: "What does it indicate? (Heck I hadn't seen it...)"

    76th: "The pressure with which these prints were made shows me that the man searched shelter with desperation. His shelter was unfortunately the body of this traffic light!"

  58. 77th: "Wow! It could be! But shelter from what?"

    78th: "Not from what... but from whom! And it's obvious that it was from his murderer."

    79th: "But... if it was so it would have been impossible to shoot him from a distance."

  59. 80th: "Not impossible... but DIFFICULT!"

    81st: "What are you saying? It's the work of a professional. That is..."

    82nd: "Exactly... The murderer of this man is: Geko!"

  60. Doing a great job feline - I'm enjoying reading your translation. Although I did understand some of it - enough to get the gist - it's nice to know what it all meant. Shame the game itself wasn't more involved for the player. May as well just read a story.

  61. 83rd: "It's Geko?!"

    84th: "Ha ha ha, lieutenant, I'm sure you have a future as a shoemaker [?]. I assure you I have nothing to do with this man."

    85th: "(I'm a detective... grr...) Surely you don't notice [?] having lost something that belongs to you."

  62. Anthea, thanks! I hope it's near the end... Getting tired here.

  63. Yeah not far now. Hopefully others will appreciate it too. :)

  64. 86th: "Argh... What are you talking about lieutenant?"

    Then it's written: "Show Geko what he has lost that's in the evidence you collected."
    Please click the bullet thing!

    87th: "This capsule belongs to you."

  65. Anthea, thanks! And glad to know it's almost there!

    OK, maybe "capsule" should be "cartridge". You know, that thing that comes out of a gun after you fire it (it's part of the bullet).

  66. 88th: "Heck... But how did it happen... Er... I assure you it's not mine."

    89th: "It will be the forensics duty. But first I'll expose you the facts."

    90th: "this cartridge was found in the victim's shopping bag. How could it happen? It doesn't surely belong to one of the shots that killed him.

  67. 91st: "And so where does it come from?"

    92nd: "These are the facts: the cartridge must have accidentally fallen from Geko's hand, ending in this innocent passerby's bag. He was not cautious and had seen Geko take aim with his rifle."

    93rd: "In fact, Geko was desperate for this loss and was determined to stop him. He had seen the man running off and searching shelter near this traffic light."

  68. oh feline,I just have a break and I see you are working on it all the time. many people will be hapy with this you have done! And thanks for the cat tip,I'll try that! But really it was like she/he told me not to do that. I don't mind what it is,it is a very sweet one

  69. 94th: "How do you explain the two shots, one at the heart from near and the other at the rib from a distance?"

    95th: "The solution is in your fantasy. In fact... it's a gross mistake."

    96th: "Mistake? How did you say it? And what would it be?"

  70. @alkmar, lol! It's good to know if it's a male or female to name it, right? How do you call it? :)

  71. After you click "continua", it's written: "Show an evidence about why he's mistaken about the two wounds."

    Please, click the green square with two red dots!

    97th: "The dimension of both holes are identical."

  72. oh we call it: kees.I don't know why, just kees(say :case)

  73. 98th: "Wh... wh... what? Are you saying that the distance of both shots is the same?!"

    99th: "Exactly. The shots are the distance of the murderer's window. The second was the fatal one."


    100th: "Detective, how do you say that the shot at the heart was the second. Still it doesn't surely accuse me..."

  74. @alkmar, lol! But what if it's not neutered? I mean, do you really want baby cats? All my cats are neutered, because I think that if I ever want more cats, I prefer to rescue an abandoned one instead of allowing my cats to get pregnant. And my males are also neutered (so not to make stray female cats pregnant).

  75. well kees is only coming to say Hi and for a touching,and tell "stories"and he likes unning with the kids(maybe it is a dog? you thnk?)haha

  76. 101st: "On the contrary, its a fundamental evidence."

    102nd: "I explain: the victim saw Geko with his rifle, thanks to the rumour of the cartridge in the bag, he searched for shelter by the traffic light."

    103rd: "Geko, expert sniper, aimed and... aimed at the rib. He couldn't aim at the arm because it was enclosed by the bag."

  77. @alkmar, lol! I have a cat that thinks she is a dog. She likes to bite and chew things!

  78. 104th: "In fact it would be enough, because he could recover the projectile. On the contrary, the victim ran off. But Geko shot another one and had suddenly aime at the heart."

    105th: "How can you prove the theory about the rib?"

    "Show an evidence for the rib theory."
    Please, click the blood print from the post!

    106th: "The body of the traffic light that has traces of the shot."

  79. 107th: "Double argh... I don't understand buggers of what you say."

    108th: "The victim trusted the shelter and didn't count on your aim. But however good it was... you couldn't avoid leaving a mark."

    109th: "Damn you... but how have you..."

  80. 110th: "In that case whom do you suppose killed that man?" [From this I conclude it wasn't Geko.]

    111th: "And how can I hack it otherwise? And it's not the only crime of which he/she is guilty of."

    112th: "In fact... one year ago he/she has killed a lady. And the only evidence that could frame him/her..."

  81. 113th: "Has accidentally come out today. And to the eyes of the sister."


    114th: "I regret having kidnapped her... it seemed... my only..."

    115th: "The only way of stopping him after months of approach [?]."

  82. 116th: "Exactly. I had seen the cartridge from the wound inflicted on my sister falling (in the bag). And I had watched the scene."

    117th: "If it were possible to save anyone, but I was unsuccessful, and I had hurried to call her not before arranging that newspaper, as marking the memory of my sister."

    118th: "Now I hope Geko is brought to justice... [so it was him!] and that the soul of that man rests in peace. I've searched... searched..."

  83. 119th: "Right, miss. Live this moment in memory of your sister. Geko will be arrested. It's the end for today..."

    120th: "It's the end of this rough adventure..."

    121th: "Hey. It's coming out a good article. Maybe with a touch up here and there."

  84. 122nd: "Oh, my god. I hope I don't run into that journalist anymore. [I think] I won't count on that... [I think]"


  85. If you want to post a crap load of poo! post a walkthrough!

  86. @grant, if you need a walkthrough for this game, then you are in trouble!

  87. well done feline. That was hard work. Others should appreciate it. It's as close to a walkthrough as their going to get. It's not a difficult game, you can't get it wrong, even if you have absolutely no idea what's going on. You have to click through all the dialog to get anywhere in any case.
    Thanks again. :)

  88. Anthea, you're welcome and thanks! I didn't quite get all the lines/story, but at least now people know some of it! And yes, just click around and you win the game.
    Even if you click the wrong evidence, all the detective says are things like "I need to show something that supports my theory" and you can click another one.
    It's really like a story with some clicks.

  89. um wierd game i beat i and dont even know how

  90. Thank you for Translate my game. I'll put this translations into the game next week. Thank you very much.

  91. @massimo, my translation is far from good! If you use it, people will not like it! I've sent you an e-mail, please read it. :)

  92. I put on my website english version translate from me :) I hope that something is good.


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