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Escape from Virus Room

Escape from VirusRoom is the sequel to Chemical Room Japanese point and click type escape the room game from PRG,who is also the creator of Chemical Room. In this game, you are locked in a room and you need to escape the room by collecting items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. but i can't see any other clues accept the one from the compter and the book... o_O

  2. @Carri...I have all ready completed all 3 puzzles on the table

  3. @Amanda.. Yes, the third time you deal with the puzzle you have to draw an arrow

  4. KING is correct indeed, but why? :D

  5. Sorry! I was answering Ava's question :)

  6. i have no idea why its king..that blob is no king
    do not use the virus you will get bad end

  7. UGH! Out with BAD end...get done and there is an ENGLISH VERSION! :( playing again so I can understand it sniff

  8. I am so lost! I solved the first table puzzle but I have not got any where past that! STUCK!!!

  9. damn, I've used the virus :D:D:D aaarrrgggg :D

  10. thank you thank you thank you nottypomy!!!!!!

  11. i didnt want to start again but i guess i'll try the english version..will understand better

  12. Maybe the Japonese text on the notebook has something to be with that keyword.

  13. Well... that's the thing to do!

  14. what am i missing. i put in king now i cant leave.

  15. sorry but....after put the code KING..what next?

  16. I can't put the greeen tube in the hole above the green computer. Am I trying the right thing, the ant we got in the first room?

  17. After king you can open the trap in front of big pc again and take out the syringe. If you click on it you can choose use it or not. Some people have said don't use it as bad end. But what to do for good end?

  18. i got the rocket looking thing from the table but now what?

  19. thanks Gamesraider!!! :)

  20. I have just seen that we've used the yellow liquid to open the first cabinet and get the first sample... argg!

  21. ur welcome. Any ideas on getting out without the virus, anyone?

  22. I started over, and gues what? took me 2 minutes :D don't want use the virus again, so any ideas how to get out with good end?

  23. thank you everyone for all the help

  24. @nat, how exactly did you get out with bad end?

  25. i choose to use virus, then the light went red and door opened.

  26. but i can't find the other way to get out.. damn, there must be good end too o_O

  27. from diary, fluid of queen ant can kill this and one still exists which i think is the coo we have to kill virus but how??

  28. obviously Amanda you didn't play ' escape from the dream house' :D:D:D we've spend 2 days on this one :D

  29. lol I'm not used to live games....LOL...>I feel like we should be able to put the last ant into the spot where we took the "rocket ship"

  30. i agree with you Amanda
    It should be that easy! LOL!!!

  31. nottypomy, in the diary is also 'at the time of crisis, it is open at the entrance. Even if it is for outbreak biohazard by the virus' ???

  32. me neither Amanda, but the game was live for 2 days, seriously :D

  33. nat, i think that is bad end

    i can take the other ants back

  34. I only have 10 more min! It wont let me shove the rocket down the little green blobs throat either!

  35. if you look at pattern in middle cylinder where the ants were is in form of king crown..that would explain the king answer

  36. nottypomy, OMG you're right! i'm such a blond, I even drew this picture on the paper... o_O

  37. yeah i found out the meanings of clues after finding out the answers! lol

    we need another part of ant thats missing..the bottom part

  38. good call nottypomy, i've been wondering what those etchings were for!

  39. Be back in a little while...maybe! good luck people!

  40. well... I gues bad end is better than no end at all! lol

  41. Been away to get my dinner, but back now. Thanks nat for answer #25. Is the info in the diary for those of you who have come back to game with english? Have you noticed that each ant like thing had a different colour running down line in middle - blue for blue computer etc and that the one we have left with coo on it is black, significant?

  42. you can put the dice in place of the blue ant tube..dont know what that does yet
    thnx to mark who told in chat box

  43. yes,info in diary is in english but doesn't make much sesne to me ;) but i'm form Poland so maybe simply i don't understand :D

  44. where is the english version amanda?

  45. You can put the dice in the place where you put the blue ant tube

  46. when you start over, click english version just below the game

  47. Could you give link to english version so I can see what diary says? Thanks

  48. Se it now, thanks again nat

  49. Ok so he's a king. Now how do we bleedin' ESCAPE already? Grrrrrrrrrrr

  50. Ok, so he's a king. NOW what?

  51. it's nice to be able to read the I can play from start again.

  52. Maria, we have only discovered the bad end so far, so if you want escape so badly, click on the virus and use it :D

  53. did you guys found enything else apart from the dice?

  54. after you put the dice in the blue section, it reappears under the bed...and is no longer in the blue section

  55. sniff :( hmmm I'm getting carpal tunnel from clicking!

  56. but dont pick it up and it wont dissipear in the blue section

  57. Replayed in English. Just brainstorming guys: Noted that we put yellow liquid in coo ant in 1st room - so take it that is the live queen. fluid in queen is an anti-body to TH-300E virus. Also, ?any crisis will open door even outbreak (maybe not nessecarily if we inject it in ourselves). So, solution is either use coo ant with virus in syringe (how?) or cause a crisis without killing ourselves (how?)

  58. Me too, Bye Amanda, good luck guys, hopefully when I get back you will have solved it! lol

  59. Hmm I used the virus again and you ONLY get the bad ending if you click the door with the biohazard symbol in front of it so il go around the room with the alarm going off and see what happens

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Okay, I took rocket looking vial out of the slot in front of big screen. Can't figure out what to do with it though.

  62. Got rocket looking vial from in front of big screen. Haven't figured out what to do with it yet though.

  63. You can inject yourself with it
    click the syringe then click yes

  64. i think everyone gave up on finding the good ending

  65. Im out. iv tried evrything about 10 ppl can some up with on how to get the good ending
    see you when sum1 finds out how to do good ending

  66. anywone still here ?? i'm just so stuck !!!!

  67. where are all these other ants you guys are finding?

  68. so the good end would be injecting the queen ant?? aka the blue kill the virus?

  69. You can put a dice instead of the blue tube ant.
    Now I have a full-parts-ant.
    But I got the bad ending:(

  70. How do you change the dice into the ant?

  71. I can't and the people at nordhino cant figure out the good ending. GRRRR!

  72. Oh! I got the "TRUE END" :)
    There are some bugs. After collectin 4 ant tubes, use the dice and play the king game.

  73. Just keep clicking the "KING" , something will occur in the screen.

  74. I don't get it.... Are you supposed to have the syringe in your inventory and have already put in the "king" password?

  75. I used the dice and kept clicking the "KING" first.
    I didn't use green liquid nor "king password" nor any other things.
    I don't know there is dependency or not.

  76. xenon, do you mean the one that comes on first screen or the one that goes 'what do you do' and are the other tubes still inside or do i take them out too

  77. I replayed the game.
    Even if you got the syringe, the "keep clicking king game"(=what do you do) work.

  78. Xenon, so you get the syringe, then put the dice in the blue computer and leave the other ants (red and green) in the other computers? So you keep the black ant and the blue ant in your inventory?

  79. How do you get the 2nd key to get the blue ant? I put the battery in the compartment by the cabinet, but nothing happens?

  80. Or do you take the other ants back? Did you have anything selected while clicking the king game? Oh, so many questions! Sorry...

  81. Red and green ants are nothing to do with the "king".
    Just put the dice in the blue one.
    I don't think anything to be selected while clicking king.

  82. i have tried with tubes in and out but all the 'king' wants to do is talk, run, cook, play soccer, watch tv and go to the bathroom!!

  83. You have to click the king 10-100- times. It seems to be random.

  84. Is my question not clear????????????

  85. i have clicked more than 100 times and nothing.i am frustrated enough to leave the game for now.if its buggy i hope the maker fixes it
    thnx xenon for help.atleast i know how to get true ending :)

  86. @beyer12345, check the bottom shelf after you put the battery in the shelves side.

  87. beyer, click on lowest shelf when zoomed on shelves

  88. @nottypomy, I'm with you about the king!
    Maybe there's a combination of steps we are not making right?

  89. Xenon, could you give us a hint of what happens on the screen? Because maybe we are not seeing it, but it's there?...

    I have obtained the syringe, then I removed all ants and put the dice in the blue computer. So my inventory has all ants, including the black one.

  90. Oh, thank you very much Feline & nottypomy...I kept looking in the CD tray....I'm a little confused about one last thing, there were posts that mentioned putting the green vial somewhere in front of the computer? Is it suppose to go somewhere near where the syringe pops up?

  91. @beyer, yes. Put the green vial (found in fridge) in front of computer. There's a hole to the left of syringe.

  92. Xenon, well, the game must be buggy, because the first time I played I had no M (map) button, and now I do. Plus, one of my notes now shows hints in Japanese (?), not in English (although I'm playing the English version, as before and the first time it was in English) and the purple book shows hints that were not there the first time.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Actually, every time I've played the Japanese version the map would come up, but it never did when I tried to play the English version. Now when I click on the link, the English version isn't even there any more.

  95. @feline I played the game again same as #99.
    And again I found "clicking king" worked after about 30 clicks. A Big change will ocuur in the same screen.

  96. Xenon, then I think the game is really buggy for me... :(
    Just to make sure: we find all ants, put them in their computer slots, input the computers passwords, put the green vial in its slot, play the first computer game (sliding box), obtain the syringe, input the KING password, get the ants back, put the dice in the blue computer and click the What do I do? till something (should) occur on the screen.
    Is that it?

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. @feline
    Yes, that's all.
    I played the English version.

  99. Xenon, so maybe I need to restart and see if that helps... I mean, because right now my king doesn't want to do much. :)
    Thanks for the help anyway, let me see if restarting fixes the problem.

  100. OK, it is simply not working for me... I must call it off for now, it seems...

    Xenon, thanks for trying to help and congratulations on acomplishing things others can only dream of! :)

  101. OK! I played the game again very carefully hahhaha.
    I figured someting out.
    Click "king" and "text under the king" in turn.
    ie) click king, click text, click king, click text,....
    When you click text (in my case cook), it will occur.
    I hope this works for those who don't have luck.

  102. Xenon, lol! Let me try it! Hold on and I'll let you know if it worked. Thanks for the patience! :)

  103. Xenon, I saw it, but couldn't find the piece to make a whole ant anywhere. Nothing else seemed to have changed...
    Any more hints? Please? I am desperate to have the good end! Thanks! :)

  104. Look at the mat in front of the door :)

  105. Xenon, lol! Navigating in this game is so hard I forgot to look there! Thanks! :)

  106. Wooo-hooo!!!
    Thanks, Xenon!!!
    I'm sooo happy now!!! :D :D :D

  107. You are welcome. congrats feline :)

  108. Where are the red and blue ants and where's the battery?

  109. Got key from table and now have red & green ants in their tubes.

    I can't take the rocket/syringe from front of computer. Is there something else I have to do first?

  110. Xenon,what do you do after you have the complete ant?
    The door wont open

  111. I have the last ant, but how do you get the door open?

  112. Gah i cant to ther keep clicking king part. when you click the text should the king change what hes doing? like he says i go to bathroom and you click the text shoul dit change to i cook?

  113. Xenon, the What do I do, that's what the clue in the book is. Up down on the green cyclinder. I only got it after reading your post.

  114. @bcordone no, you get a lot of 'windows' open fast on the screen like your going mad opening ie of firefox! Still can't get out of door. Any luckjohnadam74?

  115. bcordone, remove the blue cyclinder and replace with dice then go back and click the king. You get a ching sound when you click him and no sound when you click the text.
    It worked for me, clicking the king a load of times then doing the up down clicking a few times.

  116. GAH iv ben doing the text part fro 4 hours strait. its a pain as when it says talk i i click the text like a monkey on crack but nothing happens

  117. Alternate between clicking the text and clicking the king. Make sure your dice is in the blue computer first.

  118. Gamesraider its not that. i cant get the click king thing to even work. like when i click the text 3 quarters of the time nothing happens can you mabey even make a video showing me how to do this?

  119. when yo click the text is it sopposed to change what the king is doing? then after a while of doing it does the windows pop up?

  120. or is nothing sopposed to happen with the king when you click text untill you trigger the window?

  121. After clicking alternatively between the man (king) and the text below him the windows flash up fast one on top of the other. You can't miss that it has happened. But you must have the dice in the blue computer for it to work. It seems to be very random and there is not a particular amount of clicking, but I have done it three times and it never has been more than 20 - tops.

  122. I used the virus on myself.

    You must use living queen ant fluid!
    Dead queen ants lead you to find living queen ants.

  123. yay i did it th epower of post! Man that scared th eliveing crap outta me XD

  124. Now what i have another ant. what am i sopposed to do next?

  125. @cricketer9999 how do you use living ant fluid? Well done bcordone :)

  126. Like I said It was preatty scary the first time i did it rigth
    all the flashing and that biohazard logl. ;p

  127. gamesraider, that's the message that you get if you use the rocket/syringe on yourself.

    It says in the book they have 4 queen ants, then dash it all they are all dead and one part of body gone, so the RGB ants and the Cod one from the first room are the 4 dead ones.

    Then it says actually there is one living queen ant and you use the dead ones for hints. So I think the living ant is the one with 4 parts we got after playing the king clicking game.

    I think we need to do something the ant with 4 parts and/or the syringe to get the living ant fluid.

  128. All you need to do is inject yourself with the virus, then click to open the door but not leaving, then examine the living ant queen and click it on screen. Then the game will ask you: Use this? Answer yes and you can leave and get True End.

  129. By the way, the black ant has "COO_" on it, which is a hint for clicking the COOK in the What do I do game in the PC. But it only worked for me after I got everything else. :)

  130. feline, thank you very much.:-D That's much simpler than what I've been trying. LOL!

  131. Hi again! I had to leave yesterday... and still cannot understand where the word "king" comes from.

  132. Ok.. Without answering "who am I?" I just clicked on the word "Cook" at the "thins I do" section of the "weather computer" and got the sample of the full ant.

  133. carri, when you open the 3 sections of blue wall above each of the coloured computers, you can see that at the back is part of a pattern. If you put the 3 together you get a picture of a crown.

  134. @cricketer: Thanks! I saw the pattern but didn't pay it attention.

  135. Thank you VERY much feline! So glad to get out of there alive;)

  136. I think the crown clue is a bit hard though...

  137. I agree carri, it was very vague

  138. I love everyone who helped me escape, I was going crazy

  139. OK, I really appreciate your gratitude, but we all should thank Xenon, our true saviour! Lol!
    And I agree: the king clue was vague. Maybe thinking of the QUEEN ants would help? Nah...
    Xenon said it was possible to get the living queen ant (after the What do I do? game) withouth answering the Who am I?, but you need to answer it anyway to get the syringe, so... What you really need is to have the dice in the blue PC slot.
    Phew! :)

  140. I'm making everyone waffles. :)

  141. @corey, I want some, please!

  142. You and xenon are the first to have some, blueberry?

  143. @corey, thanks! Blueberry is great! Extra sauce, please! (After translating the entire Italian game, I need some extra sauce! Lol!)

  144. The game wont load anymore for me?

  145. I cant open the door:( am i miss smt?

  146. ive got the live ant and virus. i inject it myself but the door was locked and tataaaa and... BAD END

  147. @bhrnblck, if you have the live ant, inject the virus and click on the door once to open it, but don't go out yet. Still looking at the door (that's now open), examine the live ant; when it's on screen, click it, just like you clicked the syringe. The games will ask you "Use this?". Answer yes then exit through the door. Ta-da! :)

  148. Can't get battery nor open aquarum where blue ant is Can some one help me please

  149. pitxun, the battery is in the teddy bear you get from the right hand cupboard next to the bed.

  150. i am missing something, only have blaCK and BLUE sticked ants. where are red and green sticked ants? solved the puzzle table once and got bear/CD.


    PART 1:

    1.) To START the game click Virus Room in the top right corner of game. (Already a challenge)!
    2.) Click the shelf on the right.
    3.) Use the ORANGE LIQUID on the glass.
    4.) Click the container to recieve ANT ON BLACK STICK.
    5.) Click to to exit that view and go back and enter the door.

    PART 2:

    6.) Once you enter the door you will see a giant brown shelf, click it.
    7.) You will see a BLUE BOOK at the very right of the top shelp, take it.
    8.) Click the BLUE BOOK in your inventory and click the "?" to view close up.
    9.) click the book to open it and read through the end for some of the story. If you read through it to the end it says "MEMO: STICK COLOR : PC'S DISPLAY COLOR. This will be important later so remember that.
    10.) Close the book and still in the brown shelf view click the top to view the top view of shelf.
    11.) Take the WHITE PAPER on top of the shelf. View it to see hints on how to solve the Blue tiled desk later. (or just wait for me to walk you through that part too.
    12.) Note that clicking the left side of brown cabinet shows a secret compartment to place a battery, and the
    bottom of the brown shelf has a secret compartment that can not be opened yet.
    13.) Leave the brown shelf view and click under the bed.
    14.) Take the DICE that is under the bed, notice the red dot on it with microscopic writings.
    15.) Leave the view of the dice and bed.
    16.) Navigate RIGHT, click on the Microscope on the table.
    17.) Use your DICE on the place under the colored part of the microscope.
    18.) Click the eyepiece of the microscope to view the red dot of the dice closeup.
    19. It says

    % +2
    B 1

    Which is a hint for a code we will use later in the game.

  152. 20.) Leave the closeup view and take back your dice, you will need later.
    21.) Leave the microscope view and navigate RIGHT again.
    22.) Click the refridgerator, Click on top, Take the SCREWDRIVER.
    23.) Leave the Closeup view of the refridgerator and click the left side of it.
    24.) Take the WHITE PAPER 2.
    25.) View White paper 2 in your inventory to see that it is the Weekly password (for the fridge) but its in
    japanese or something. click the arrow to turn the paper over for hints. Combine these hints with the hints from the dice to come up with the passcode for the fridge, Or just scroll down and view the code that I write.
    26.) Once you figure out the code, input it on the fridge and Press E to enter it. DING! it will unlock and zoom out if you get it right.


  153. 27.) Open the left side of the fridge and take the GREEN FLUID.
    28.) Open the right side of the fridge and take the AND ON A GREEN STICK.
    29.) click out of that view and back off from the fridge view.
    30.) Notice the box on the table next to the fridge, But it needs a key so you can't open it yet.
    31.) Navigate RIGHT TWICE.
    32.) Click on the doll on the shelf.
    33.) Snap its neck down by clicking on his head.
    34.) Click back to get out of that view and Navigate RIGHT then LEFT (Its hard to navigate in this game but Press M for a map).

    35.) Click on the blue tiled table.
    36.) Click on it again to go to the first of a series of three puzzles that are on this table.
    37.) Remember WHITE PAGE 1, that you picked up awhile ago? Well thats a hint on how to solve this puzzle.
    38.) If you view the page it shows its suppose to look like a stick man, With that Brown dot being his head.
    39.) so Figure out how to put in the numbers, to be honost I got stuck here and found the answer in a previous posted message here. So if you cant figure out numbers I will list them below. Once you figure out the right order of the numbers (May have to do with looking at dolls limbs or something I don't really know) Click his head to enter it.



    with - being his head. If you know the explanation of the numbers feel free to post.

    40.) Click on the dolls Brown circle (which is a head).
    41.) Solved tile puzzle 1/3. This unlocked the drawers under the stickman statuette.
    42.) Navigate RIGHT FOUR TIMES to the Stickfigure Statue and open the RIGHT Drawer and take the TEDDY BEAR and the DISK. (Left side is locked and needs a key).
    43.) View the TEDDY BEAR By selecting it in inventory and pressing the "?" mark.
    44.) Click the right side of the teddy bear to turn it over.
    45.) Use the screwdriver on screw of the teddy bears Butt compartment, open it, and take the BATTERY.
    46.) Remember the secret compartment on the left side of the brown shelf? well click the Brown shelf, then click the left side then click the secret compartment, then use the battery in the slot.
    47.) This unlocks the Secret Compartment at the bottom of the shelf, open that secret compartment and take the KEY.

  154. 48.) Back up TWICE and Navigate RIGHT TWICE.
    49.) Click the Glass Box on the table and use the key on the keyhole to unlock it.
    50.) Click the handle to open the case and take the ANT ON A BLUE STICK.
    51.) Navigate LEFT TWICE and click the blue tiled table.
    52.) You can see a rectangle drawer on the blue tiled desk, click it to open it and use your DISK on it then close

    the drawer again.
    53.) Click the blue tiled table again to begin Puzzle 2/3 on this table.
    54.) Make a Sideways stickman shape. IF you can't figure it out I will show ilustration below. Click Red Circle

    (Head) after you figure it out.



    Ignore the dots its just a place holder for space bar since it takes unecessary spaces away when posting.

    55.) Click the RED Circle (Head).
    56.) The head will turn Purple. Now the last blue tiled table puzzle.
    57.) Puzzle 3/3 is done by making an arrow pointing to the right. If you can't figure out how to make and arrow I

    will make a diagram below.



    Ignore the dots above just used as empty spaces.
    the () is the button you press after you make the arrow.

    58.) Click the Button.
    59.) Zoom out and click the drawer where you put the DISK in and take the NEW KEY.
    60.) This key opens the left hand cupboard in the desk under the Stickman statuette figurine.
    61.) So zoom back and Navigate RIGHT FOUR TIMES.
    62.) Use NEW KEY on Left cupboard of desk under stickman figurine.
    63.) OPEN it and take the ANT ON A RED STICK.
    64.) Now you can click on the Computers displays around the center of the room and figure out the passwords to each one. To do this you select the ant on a stick with the stick color the same as the Computer displays and you will see 3 letters on the ants body parts. The computers have a letter as well to help fill in a missing letter. So

    figure it out or read below for solutions to each computer.


    65.) Navigate LEFT TWICE to the Green computer display, Click on it twice view close up view.
    66.) Notice the A on the screen? Okay, now click on the ANT ON A GREEN STICK in inventory and press "?".
    67.) It says F CE, and then you just put the A in the middle and it spells FACE so the password is face.
    68.) Input the password into the computer and press enter, it will say "You are lucky"



    69.) Backup twice and navigate LEFT to come to the BLUE COMPUTER.
    70.) Click the Blue computer display to zoom in TWICE.
    71.) Notice the S on the screen.
    72.) Select the ANT ON A BLUE STICK in inventory and press "?".
    73.) See the letters on the body that say DI K.
    74.) Fill in the blank with the letter from the computer... its an S..
    75.) Input the password into the computer and press enter. It will say "You are lucky"



    76.) Back up twice and navigate LEFT TWICE.
    77.) Click on the red computer TWICE to zoom in.
    78.) Notice the N on the computer. Select the ANT ON A RED STICK and click "?".
    79.) It spells .INE, So fill in the blank with the missing letter.
    80.) Input the password into the computer and press enter and it will say "you are lucky"


    81.) Now that you have the passwords for each computer you can click the center piece of the cylinder in the middle

    of the first view for each computer to make it move. There is a slot for the containers of ANT ON STICKS to go in.

    82.) So at the Red computer click the wall just above the computer then click again to zoom in.
    83.) Put the ANT ON A RED STICK in this hole (The other colors won't fit so you can't mess up).

    84.) Back up and Navigate LEFT then RIGHT to come to the blue computer.
    85.) Click it once then click the wall above the computer to make it move.
    86.) Click again to zoom in, use the ANT ON A BLUE STICK in the hole.

    87.) Back out TWICE and navigate RIGHT to get to the Green computer.
    88.) click the computer once to zoom in and click the wall to make it move.
    89.) Click again to zoom in and use the ANT ON A GREEN STICK in the hole.

  156. 90.) Back out TWICE and NAVIGATE to the Digital Display Monitor. Which is navigating LEFT once.
    91.) On the table just under the Digital Display Monitor at the very right is a rectangle shape, click it.
    92.) Once zoomed into it click it again. RUMBLE!!!!! something pops up.
    93.) Use the GREEN FLUID on the left slot.
    94.) Zoom out and click the Digital Display Monitor.
    95.) Click the Lower Right Icon that looks like 2 Atoms. This will start another Puzzle.


    96.) This one is not too hard as long as you follow the rule that you can't have more black than blue shapes on

    either side. So if you can't figure it out I will say how below. (IT MAY BE OPPOSITE: MORE BLUE THAN BLACK, BUT I AM NOT SURE IF IT CHANGES).


    97.) Click two Black shapes to get them on the White squares.
    98.) Click the Gray Circle at the top of the divider to slide them to the opposite side.
    99.) Click ONE black shape to take it off then click the Gray circle at the top to slide the single black shape back to the left.
    100.) Click a Blue shape to have it go on the other white square, then click the gray circle at the top of the divider to slide it across the other side.
    101.) Click the blue shape to drop it off on the right side with the other black shape.
    102.) Have the single black shape travel alone to the left side again.
    103.) Click another Blue shape to have it go on the white square.
    104.) Click the grey circle at the top to have it slide across.
    105.) Click the blue shape to take it off and leave it at the right side with the other black and blue shape.
    106.) Click the gray circle at the top of the divider to slide the single black piece to the left side again.
    107.) Click the last Blue shape to pick it up on the white square and click the grey circle at the top of the divider to slide it across.
    108.) Click the blue piece to drop it off with all the other blue shapes and have the black shape slide back to the left to pick up the last black shape.
    109.) Have the black shape board with the other and drop off both black shapes to join every other shape at the right. Click them to take them off the white squares.
    110.) Success, the syringe is filled with liquid!

    111.)Back up a view and click the Digital Display Monitor again. Click the Top Icon that looks like a JOURNAL/BOOK. It will show that all the computers are CLEARED and asks "WHO AM I? and shows a picture of the cylinder at the center of all the computers. Now some other people have posted that there are hints around that area that spell out CROWN, but I couldn't find that. So using the HINT:CROWN, the answer is Posted below.


  157. 112.) So input the answer and press enter.
    113.) It will say Set Virus Complete.
    114.) Click back and click the Rectangle below the Monitor.
    115.) Click it again, RUMBLE!!! Take the Syringe. From the right Slot.

    Just click the syringe and click "?" and then click use.

    Continue with more.

    116.) This part is weird but this is what you do...
    117.) Zoom out from Monitor and click the Blue computer once to view wall.
    118.) Click the wall above the blue computer.
    119.) Take out the ANT ON A BLUE STICK and put the DICE in the hole... (NO CLUE WHY! POST IF YOU KNOW).
    120.) Back out of that View TWICE and click the DIGITAL DISPLAY MONITOR.
    121.) Click the lower left Icon that looks like a sideways Treasure chest.
    122.) Click on the green Man until it says "I LIKE TO: Cook!"
    123.) Then click the word COOK. (AGAIN, NO CLUE WHY).
    124.) You got a virus. (Don't worry, only in the game).
    125.) Remember it showed the Biohazord sign before computer broke? back out a view and Navigate RIGHT TWICE.
    126.) Click the BIOHAZZARD symbol on the floor TWICE. You recieve item, LIVING QUEEN ANT (No stick).
    127.) Click the Syringe in inventory then click "?".
    128.) It will say something like "ARE YOU SURE?" Click yes. (BUT DON'T EXIT THE ROOM YET)!
    129.) After the self destruct sequence has been activated click LIVING QUEEN ANT (NO STICK) and press "?".
    130.) Click the LIVING QUEEN ANT and it says "ARE YOU SURE?" Click yes.
    131.) NOW Navigate to the Door and click it to EXIT.

    Congratulations, and thanks for the other helpful hints in this thread I couldn't have done it without you.


  158. This won't load either...great...

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