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Boxed Inn - Panic Room

Boxed Inn: Panic Room is a new point and click type room escape game from Samgine. Use your mouse to navigate the room and solve the puzzles. Challenges include pattern recognition, logic puzzles and PaintBox. Many of the challenges are based on modern technology. If you get stuck, there are solutions to help you along the way. Includes a save feature if you get interrupted Good luck and have fun!

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Boxed Inn - Panic Room Video Walkthrough

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  1. crap, I'm alone and stuck. I can't figure out the tile wall thing, it looks so simple after getting the code with the black light.

  2. got it.nvmd. from the lockbox.

  3. wall puzzle is scrambled words.

  4. Good Morning all,
    so far, i have a plant, a remote, a phone ans a letter. Placed the plant in front of the fireplace and the tv changed, guess there is a camera in the plant and ...stuck

  5. yeah, the wall puzzle tells about the yucca plant

  6. put yucca plant on top right of fireplace to see tv model.

  7. M-Show. this is important when you get the laptop going.

  8. and whats with the numbers behind the picture over the couch

  9. the solution to that is in the thermostat.

  10. could I be more stuck....!!
    so did anybody find and codes to open anything.. all I managed is the (yucca holds hidden camera) puzzle and that is all..

  11. yea but but r u supposed to spell something with the thermostat?

  12. this is all logic puzzles. i'm stuck now too. i hate it when the writer of the game seems to just trying to show how much smarter he is than everyone

  13. jparkeriv, can u please explain exactly what you mean i stuck with the password for the Laptop

  14. finally a key from color cubes puzzle...

  15. How Myrie???? Is there any hint for the solution?

  16. cool.. a code.. using the black light.. now I am stuck like

  17. @gabi, after you solve the word puzzle "YUCCA HOLDS HIDDEN CAMERA", you need the black light from the lockbox to find the word to make on the thermostat.

  18. yes.. gabi I followed the tip from the game itself..
    do you want it gabi..

  19. thank you, i don`'t have the black light!

  20. okay so finally got into the comp but do we really need to program the remote

  21. yes deskitten. otherwise you can't finish the game.

  22. well i did what it said but i dont think it worked

  23. i'm gonna quit. the remote won't reprogram for me. this game is really frustrating.

  24. gabi did you get the key.. the key open the suitcase and there is the black light.. turn off the lights and use black light for a code..

    The solution for the color cubes is from the game tips ok.

    click the cubes this amount

  25. ^^^^^^oops gabi that is for you...okay

  26. too much to shuffle through and whats up with the envelope

  27. Yes, please Myrie! I solved the yucca puzzle, but where is the black light, i can not open the lockbox, feel so stupid

  28. Thank you Myrie, i will try it and no, i don't have the key

  29. still don't yet know what the tv screen means by telling me the words SHOW. Show what?

  30. what do we do with the numbers on the wall shown with black light?

  31. how do u make the comp burn the dvd

  32. i dont know if it means anything, but i programed the remote with 0911 and some music started playing

  33. cool Bob-o.... hope it does mean something...

  34. teresa I am wondering the same thing!! I keep putting the numbers on everything..

  35. the model of the tv is m-show. check for the right code to programm remote. then burn dvd on pc, first solve paintbox puzzle, then u get username, so u have access to email, download instruction video there

  36. me too!! nothing is appearing to make sense to me. cool graphics although

  37. Finally i managed the thermostat but now what? Don't work in the laptop

  38. ohhh teresa.. the black light code gives you the code for that thermostat thing..! same grid lines as the puzzle on the wall.. that says the Yucca things

  39. the numbers you saw with the black light correspond to the letters in the yucca puzzle, take those letters to spell something on the thermostat

  40. watch instruction video, reveal safety panel, now stuck with this puzzle, any hints?

  41. I got password for laptop from solving the thermostat code.. the paper inside the thing once you open it..

  42. Hi everybody, what do you do with the codes that the black light gives u?

  43. not quite sure how i did it, but finally solved the puzzle inside the thermostat(just kept clicking hold and next in random order) the picture on the mantle is black now

  44. what paint box puzzle? the one with the cubes that twist around to match? help!!?

  45. Now i have it, thermostat gives u the password for the laptop

  46. only one problem how to enter the password???? or does it go somewhere else... stuck again

  47. Hi!! My first live game, and I need help cuz im special like that~

    Is there an enter key on the comp???

  48. password is case sensitive

  49. What?? Does it say eekekk10??? oops. hang on. *sigh*

  50. pc password is casesensitive.

  51. got the safe behind the picture open

  52. teresa.. the one you twist around is more like flat cubes.. I put the combo from the game look at comment 27. that is how many times you click each colorful cube..

    that word paint box is for something else..

  53. thanx fabienne. no wonder the laptop doesn't take it..

  54. cool Bob-o.. I am trying to get that mantle thing open..

  55. anyone figure out the email username and password, i found a credit card so i think i need to get to my email to pay the phone bill

  56. paintbox is a game on the pc
    solve that u get the username. any hints for the f****** puzzle above the fireplace?

  57. if it helps anyone, solving for the thermostat, i just clicked next until i got the most complete numbers i could, then i clicked hold, and repeated that until it solved

  58. ahhh what is the account number and my head hurts from the puzzle above the mantle

  59. ty Bob-o

    well, from the 4 codes for the remote which is the right one? and what is the remote for exactly?

  60. woo hoo! got past thermostst, TV telling me i need to pay my bills online but i do not know how to get into email or reprogram remote . i save for now, have fun everyone

  61. Hi!! bk, i wuz eekeek10, but i didn't want that... so, still having comp problems. is the password recycle?? Thats what i got

  62. use numbers from solved thermostat to open safe behind picture, thats where the wallet is

  63. How to solve the paint box puzzle in the laptop to get username and password for email, help please!!!!!

  64. stuck with the thermostat :(

  65. Oh i found it, watch the video in the tv

  66. urgh. which ones are capital?? help!

  67. kinda tricky this paint box thing. all squares have to turn red. u have to try out different patterns.

    how to get the numbers in the safe behind pic? there are only shown 6 digits, but I got space for ten. help?

  68. okay got the codes from thermostat but how to enter it into safe

  69. yes. Fabienne I see that paintbox laptop game is tricky.. gosh.. it is taking forever!

  70. nm. I was being stupid and typing thermostat code into the comp

  71. no way! I won! the paintbox laptop game finally

  72. ok, now solving puzzle above mantle

  73. Now i can load my phone

  74. yes!! i am into computer email you get the username from playing the paint puzzles, all squares red, then the pass automatically is there! NOW what! hehe

  75. i can only do three things on there!! how???? ugh... im usually so good at these...

  76. I'm trying to pay the bill, but it keeps saying "invalid card". :(

  77. When you hold the 'Set' button on the r/c does it stay highlighted or just flash briefly?

  78. I burned the dvd and opened the panic paneel, we need a new code, i believe i give up lol

  79. these games are so addictive, where is the credit card and why can't i watch the DVD on the TV! crickey this modern technology is more complicated than it would be worth!

  80. just flashes briefly.. am having trouble entering the code on tv remote :(

  81. cant get remote to work~

  82. anyone figure out what the "123" button does?

  83. What do u put for the exp. date? while ur paying the bill

  84. gosh this bill payment is sooo sensitive!!

  85. @Radhu, so does mine and I don't think it's supposed to because I can't program the r/c.

  86. so how can we get the remote to work?

  87. program the remote for "M-SHOW" that will let you change the channel so you can view the instructional video. That gives you the code for the panel above the fireplace

  88. how did u do it Bob-o?

  89. There is a creditcardnumber in the tv

  90. thnx radhu. but it keeps saying: invalid card

  91. Hold the set button for a few seconds, then enter the code and press enter

  92. Bob-o Do you know the answer to my post #82? Cheers.

  93. i have been pressing the 'set' button & '8347'.. but its not working :( what am i doing wrong?

  94. i acnt get remote to work as well.i got it to turn off and switch on but cant do that
    do i have burn dvd first or something..

  95. yes did that Bob.. how long do i have to press set button?

  96. @martin i never noticed any flash just kinda guessed at 3 seconds

    @radhu are you pressing the enter button when you finish putting in 8347?

  97. u have to burn the dvd in the laptop notty.. but i still cant get the tv to work

  98. nottypomy, i was able to change the channel before burning the dvd

  99. radhu i programed the remote while facing the TV... maybe that'll work.

  100. yes i pressed the enter button, Bob, not working.. let me try it again.. thx Bob

  101. hold set for about 3 seconds

  102. are you pressing the right buttons for it


  103. I've been stuck at the r/c for half an the instructions on how to program it but nada...maybe mine doesn't have batteries...*sniff*

  104. why why is it an invalid card? why i ask you?! :) am certainly giving up for now this time, thank you all for help

  105. haha i had it right all along...i just wasnt changing channels to see if it worked!! lol
    thnx for help :)

  106. ah.. got it! i went back to the dvd player & pressed the eject button twice to open & close & then programmed the remote :).. not sure if thats how its done but it worked!

  107. well nottypomy, get ready for the biggest pain, that last puzzle is the hardest of the bunch

  108. Hm, finally got remote... The puzzle above fireplace is giving me a headache tho...

  109. the arrows just rotate, the diamonds will make 2 of the same number in the left most box on the upper row to go up and down repsectively(i.e. 5 5 will become 6 4) the arrows will cause all the numbers on the bottom row to go up by one. no idea what the 123 button did

  110. why it keeps saying invalid card?? :'((((

  111. been stuck trying to burn that dvd and to set the remote.. no luck here!

  112. this remote is freaking me out! now it wont work for the screen above fireplace!!!!!

  113. I got the fireplace puzzle! once you get that, you're out!

  114. are you capitalizing the name?

  115. radhu, press set for 2 3 second periods

  116. do we need all numbers to be the same?

  117. no way my game froze on me.. this is terrible. it better have saved!

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. above the fireplace? no you need to have every number 0-9, no repeats

  120. I just started and am waaaaay behind. What do I do with the code I found with the black light?

  121. after hitting the buttons randomly for a while, I started making the left digit of the bottom row a 9 and then rotated it once, then make the left digit of the bottom row an 8 and then rotated once, and so on... I think it was partially luck that made it work in the end, though

  122. serran, it correlates to the letter puzzle, once you solve that you can use those letters on the thermostat

  123. Well, i stayed up way too late. G'nite everyone. I enjoyed my first live game ever tonight:)

  124. oh well, my game did not auto save so I guess I will start again another time..
    bye all..

  125. *whew* i managed to switch on that panel! thx Bob.. finally it worked! :) now for the puzzle..

  126. Finaly, restarted and loaded the game and it worked straight away.

  127. I'm getting really frustrated with this phone bill... i don't know what i'm doing wrong :(

  128. doesn't this puzzle above fireplace have a reset button?

  129. what am i supposed to do with screen above just changing numbers...

  130. No spaces in the numbers Lindaaa?

  131. linda.. check the walkthru in the game to see where u have gone wrong..

  132. i put spaces between the credit card number just like its on the card... 8749 9333 2456

  133. Out. Scared me half to death.

  134. each circle needs to have a diff no. 0 to 9 notty

  135. i changed them all to zero, then pressed arrow, pressed circle-ish thing, pressed it again, and kept going so 1-5 was on the top, then kept pressing the arrow until i was done ^_^

  136. thnx radhu:) but it still won't accept it... i think i'll give up for now...

  137. how did u change them all to 0, doreans?

  138. by pressed it again, i mean pressed the arrow again...

  139. u mean the button with 2 arrows?

  140. it was confusing. the 123 button helps. i pressed them randomly at first, then started using my brains.

    note: circle-thing rotates numbers, arrow makes all numbers on the bottom row go up one, 123 shuffles numbers~

  141. and out!!!woohoo!!
    i have no idea what i did on the fireplace puzzle!!
    i didnt do the bill thingy too..thnx for the brainwashed now :)

    for fireplace puzzle, i turned bottom left to 0 and rotated and went on with 1 2 didnt go onlike that might help..

  142. thx doreans.. i'll just keep trying :)

  143. i didnt do bill either~ Guess it was extra.

  144. I can't figure the paintbox puzzle

  145. the paint box is driving me crazy

  146. power of posting. yeah finally

  147. Is the password for the laptop "RECYCLE"? Am entering it but how do I press enter?

  148. I have some questions...

    - Where is the credit card ?
    - How do I use the code panel above fireplace ?
    - And what about the code panel above couch ?...

    DarthSimian, recycle is the code to write on the panel, on the left of the fireplace.

  149. Got it, thanks...and moved forward too
    So, Pascale, for your questions
    - If you open the thermostat, you get to play with some numbers....if you solve the puzzle, you get a number which you can enter in the safe above the laptop sofa.You will get the credit card there
    - For the code panel above fireplace, in the laptop, check an email for a video. Burn it on to a dvd and play it in TV. You will get instructions
    - Code panel above couch, see first answer :)

    Now, the laptop is saying Invalid Card even after I enter the details right. Why is it so?

  150. Thanks a lot, DarthSimian. I still don't know what number the thermostat is supposed to display... I'm playing randomly, with no result.
    I have an email with a video in the laptop, but it explains only how to open the panel.

  151. I finally found the credit card...

  152. I have also the problem of an "invalid card" !

  153. Pascale, if you open the panel and solve the puzzle there, that is enough to escape the room...the credit card, bill etc just makes that process a bit easier but not necessary

  154. Oh, and I found the reason for invalid card.... the name should be "Sam Gine" ... case sensitive

  155. Thanks a lot, DarthSimian.

    I know that the panel must display

    but it is very difficult.

  156. what is the code for the wall panel please?

  157. Hi everyone (if indeed anyone is still here)...I am stuck (this should come as no surprise!).

    How do we know to programme the remote using 'M-Show'? I have not seen the clue for that anywhere, so haven't done that bit yet. Tried programming it with Pan-ic (0911), but nothing happened.

    Also, I really have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing with the puzzle inside the thermostat...the one with the hold button etc. Could someone please explain that a little more clearly?

    Thanks in advance :o)

  158. This comment has been removed by the author.

  159. numbers for thermostat are ............. 450792

  160. Ok, finally got the thermostat numbers with lots of seemingly random clicking lol...but still haven't seen M-Show anywhere on TV, and want to see it for myself before I cheat and progress with the needs to be at least possible in theory for me to have done it one my own! Lmao.

  161. Kiri - see post #8 (put yucca on top left of fireplace). By doing this you can see the word 'M-SHOW' on the telly. Hope that helps. I was wondering how someone figured it out too. Btw the last puzzle for the control box was so hard! Got it in the end.

  162. Correction: That should be put yucca on top RIGHT of fireplace.

  163. Thanks Olivia, I had totally missed that! :o) I am now up to the final control box puzzle which, yes, seems impossible so far! Lol. And my game just crashed, so I'm going to have to start over :o( Think I'll return to this one when I have more time later!

  164. walkthrough -

  165. Ok, I am back up to where I was :o) I think I'll leave the contol panel for later though! Lol.

  166. The walkthough isn't much use for the control panel if you have already been playing with it, as there is no 'reset' button! Ha close and yet so far...later it is!

  167. You dont need to solve the control panel to though. Its only to get a code and the walkthrough tells you the code LOL!

  168. I'm fed up with clicking randomly the button on the panel above the fireplace. I'm giving up.

  169. Pascale...I am back, and I give up too! I can't get the control panel to work. I can get 12345 on the top row, but then the numbers are not sequential on the bottom row, so pressing doesn't get me there without screwing up the first row! Seemingly impossible if you don't actually cheat from the walkthrough before touching the puzzle!

  170. How sad...get all the way to end, but cant get remote to work on control panel. Been trying for 2 hours now..give up.

  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. @shebasophir: yu hold set for 3 seconds and type 1238 for control panel then enter

  173. @atinder
    Que clever tu eres!
    how did you do it?

  174. which part?
    the last bit for the door took a few minutes really frustrating
    but it was all guessing for the door puzzle

  175. do yu need any help debra? (besides the last puzzle)

  176. I gave up on the fireplace puzzle and input the #(found somewhere) on panic room panel...I got so lost in the stupid fp puzzle . I haven't a clue what to do after the panel #.

  177. ??
    i dont understand.
    once yu do the fireplace panel puzzle yu click back and the fireplace should reveal a door?
    wat panel # do yu mean?

  178. Thanks, I am delirious!!!I gave up on the fp puzzle and got c/c from safe from # in thermostat. Some posts said you don't have to solve the Fire place to get out or did I read it wrong? thanks for helping.. I think I am past caring at this point...It is a REAL puzzle!!!!

  179. OMG! Out with only one hint about the placement of the plant! I'm still a bit confused about the cell phone bill as I didn't pay it and I also didn't solve the puzzle above the couch. Maybe I could read the walkthrough now... :D

  180. Well I cannot get the fireplace puzzle. Been trying for ages. Even the walkthrough won't work. Help please before I give up.

  181. Hey that fireplace puzzle was pretty easy once you understood the buttons! :)

  182. Will you explain, Catalyste ?

  183. For the last puzzle: On the thermostat, read the little directions and flip the switch to 'ON'. Go back to the fireplace andthe "Boxed Inn" picture above should have turned into a black screen. Use the remote control to open it. hold "SET" for 3 seconds and hit the numbers: 1-2-3-8, then "ENTER" and click the "ON" button on the reomote.
    The motive of the puzzle is to get all the numbers 0-9, a different number in each of the squares. It takes some time and thought but once you get used to what each button does, it will start to makes more sense and you won't just being click as randomly.

    The first button with arrows keeps the same numbers and rotates them around the squares in a clockwise direction.
    The second button (? with 123 on it) keeps the same numbers that you have, but changes there location and puts them in order from smallest to largest.
    The third button (with the two diamonds on it) If you have two of the SAME number, next to each other (3,3). This button will change both squares to the number above and number below (3,3 -> 1,2 OR 7,7 -> 6,8) The double numbers must be in the 1st and 2nd square position. To do this, put your numbers in order (123 Button), rotate them around (using the button with Arrows) until they are in the 1st two squares.
    The last button (with a horizontal line and two arrows pointing right) keeps the top row of squares exactly the same and adds one (+1) to each square in the bottom row of squares. So if the bottom row is (2,4,4,5,9 -> 3,5,5,6,0 OR 0,1,2,3,4 -> 1,2,3,4,5)

    Start out playing around and getting your own feel for the buttons, and then use this explanation when your more comfortable. Its not completely senseless. As soon as you understand the buttons, the puzzle doesn't take that long.

  184. For the number puzzle above fireplace:
    This only works if you start from all buttons on the same number (eg all zeros)

    Click double arrow button 7 times, then rotate button once
    Click double arrow button 7 more times then rotate button again
    Click double arrow button 7 more times then rotate button again
    Click double arrow button 7 more times then rotate button again
    Click double arrow button 7 more times then rotate button again

    You should have beaten this puzzle and the numbers will turn green (I started from all 5's so i had to click the rotate button a few times at the end to finish)

  185. For the last puzzle, the simplest way is to use only the two buttons at two ends. Click them alternatively you'll get what you want!

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