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Crime Evidence 4

Crime Evidence Escape - Part 4 is another new point and click type room escape game by In part-III, we have conducted an investigation at Smith’s house and have gathered the most important evidence about the crime. As a result, the doubt with respect to the suspect falls upon Jenny’s uncle as it now leads you to make an entry into his house. There he is found dead. His murder might also have been committed by the same murderer! Use your detective skills to find the evidences and escape from the place. Good luck and have fun!

Play Crime Evidence 4

Crime Evidence 4 Video Walkthrough

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  1. i'm usually not the best at these crime evidence ones but i'll give it a go...

  2. got a pin from the flowers and a ring and filmstrip from darkroom.

  3. whats with the horrible music?! lol, just saying....

  4. found red pin in red flowers!

  5. i got ring rope used keys and pin and used acid on the tub i put it in there now what

  6. Alimax whereis is the film strip in the dark room

  7. poened door on left with pin inanother room

  8. where rope and keys aleyah?

  9. Filmstrip is in one of the did you get the acid in the tub?

  10. in one of the lefthand cabinets animallover

  11. hi michele-with-pug glad u can join us

  12. keys behind cabinet in left room that you enter with pin.

  13. u have to use the pine on the door on the left and then click the safe thing u will see the keys and the rope is right in front of you when you walk in and this is §weetq!rl...

  14. thank you Alimas, found it

  15. i just draged it to the one that look like it had water in it

  16. i put the film strip in the tube and it said ring but i already have the ring

  17. put film strip in acid pan in attic room with dead body and got word RING

  18. - filmstrip is in the left cupboard of dark room
    - after put acid in one of the basket in darkroom & filmstrip, it wrote "RING"
    what's next?
    @aleyah: where did you find the rope?

  19. found ring on floor next to dead body

  20. what are these stupid keys supposed to open?! i hope its not the cabinet because i've tried that 5 times already. everything else seems to open.

  21. it opens the cabnet to get acide in the kitchen and rope is in the room with the keys

  22. found keys a red ring and rope

  23. tried used the bunch of keys on one of the cabinet in kitchen, then it's gone. damn. hav to restart.

  24. opened armoire in bedroom with key i found on dead body found some sort of code box

  25. cherry udon't have to ore start just open cbinet and getthe acid

  26. what code box

  27. okay put the word ring in code box and it opened got smallstrip of film going back to microscope with it

  28. got a single piece of film from code box. put it in acid and looked at it with microscope.

  29. where is the code box

  30. once you put filmstrip on acid, and you found the word "ring"
    put that into the code in the bedroom closet

  31. code box in bedroom left closet
    once you open the code box, you'll get 1 stripfilm.
    put that in acid water again. then put into microscop
    you'll see a pic of woman being strangle with ring on it

  32. how do u open the closet

  33. put film in pan, to develope, put strip onto microscpe and it showes women being choked nby hand with ring

  34. codebox is in the armoir.

  35. open closet with key found on dead body

  36. the word code for the box in the bedroom is RING the word found on the film strip....if that helps anyone (=

  37. open closet with a key from body. It is on right leg pocket. zoom in on leg first.

  38. so easy.
    once you saw that photo, go to bathroom in the bedroom, click window, it'll open.
    put rope on left pipe, climb down.
    it'll say "you've escape with necessary evidence"

  39. so do i get to keep the ring? ruby i think and i LOVE jewelry!!!!

  40. out (= if anyone needs help just ask...

  41. I absolutely cannot find the hot spot for the key on the leg pocket...any help please?

  42. i zoomed in on the right leg and then clicked on towards the outside of the hip.

  43. Got it right after I posted, lol.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Back up from door and turn left
    Zoom in on plant to left of couch get pin
    Turn left and use pin to open storage room door
    Inside, get rope and move the box in the back of the room to get keys
    Laugh because the rope shadow stays when the rope is gone
    Go to the door on the right (to the left of the couch) and enter kitchen
    Click on first cabinet and use keys to get acid
    Leave kitchen and click to right of couch at the base of the stairs to face upstairs
    Click on door in front of you and enter darkroom
    No it’s not my fault that you can barely see anything in here
    Note microscope to the right
    Click on body on the ground and then again on his left arm to get ring
    Back up to the zoomed view of the body again and click his right leg
    Click leg pocket to get key
    Back up to see the whole room again and click on the cabinets on the left to get filmstrip (about 3rd cabinet from the end away from you)
    Click on the left pan on the counter to zoom in
    Add acid and then filmstrip -- note the word ring
    Leave the room and turn to the right door
    Enter bedroom (note second door)
    Click on the tall cabinet and use the key to open the left side
    Click on code box and spell RING
    Click in the box to get the new filmstrip
    Go back to darkroom and put new filmstrip in the acid bath
    Click to take it back and then back up to see the whole darkroom
    Click the farthest microscope and add filmstrip to the microscope stand
    Click on filmstrip to see the murder’s hands
    Go back to the bedroom and enter the other door to the bathroom
    Click on bathroom window and then click the window to open it
    Look out the window and add rope to the left pipes to leave with the ring
    (Seriously hope you were wearing gloves there)

  46. kitkat- u rock for doing this walk thru! i thought about it, but didn't have the patience- u go girl!!!!

  47. just trying to see if I can now leave a comment.

  48. Michelle-with-pug; if you love jewelry, check out my website:

  49. Well CBox is gone I see. Too bad.

    Anyway this game is full of glitches.

    For one I never used the tack on the left most door.

    In order, I collected




    opened armoire

    went back downstairs and was able to open first cupboard door for acid.

    developed film and got RING password.

    Collected film.

    Developed film.

    Went downstairs and found the leftmost door open. Found keys and rope.

    Went back upstairs and checked film under microscope.

    Clicked on bathroom window and left.

    Glitch after glitch.

    So I was supposed to use the tack on the leftmost door and use the keys to open the kitchen cupboards? lol so much for that.

  50. no catalyst it's not gone just moved look at the upper right of the home page

  51. michele, there's nothing there. Just something for facebook. And I'm not a fan of social networking sites.

  52. Oh....nevermind.

    You could have said it was a link in the menu! lol

  53. i just about got done and it was all like you have to play full versionnnn.>:[

  54. Buggy game. I put pin in wardrobe & lost it!
    I put rope on outside door & now it floats in mid-air in EVERY ROOM!

  55. Now the rope is floating in the dead girl's mouth. LOL

  56. And the rope followed me all the way to the bathroom.
    LOL. Save me thinking.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. anyone still playing?

  59. Walkthrough:

    1. Click Down Arrow To See The Rest Of The Room

    2. Go Left, And Zoom Into The Pot With Flowers In. Once Zoomed In, Take The Pin!

    3. Zoom Out, And Click The Door, Left-Side Of The Screen, And Use Pin To Open It! Enter!!!

    4. Click The Big Red Locker, To Zoom In. Click Again To Move It, And Get Some Keys!

    5. Before You Leave, Also Take The Rope On The Right Side. Leave The Room! (Weird! The Shadow Is Still There, Even After Taking The Rope :S)

    6. Click On Door Next To The Flowers, And Enter! Click On The First Cupboard From Left, And Open The Left One With The Keys You Got! Take The Acid Bottle, And Leave The Room!

    7. Click On The Stairs Behind The Sofa, And Enter The Door! Once Inside, Enter The Door Right In Front Of You!

    8. Click The Dead Man To Zoom In! Click His Left Elbow [From Out Point Of View], To See A Ring, Take It! Zoom Out, And Click His Left Pocket [From Out Point Of View]. Once Zoomed In, Click Somewhere In His Pocket To Get A Key!

    9. Zoom Out Until You See The Whole Room. Click The 4th Cupboard From Left, On The Left-Side Of The Room. Once Zoomed In You’ll See 2 Doors, Open The Right One, And Take The Filmstrip!

    10. Zoom Out, And Click On The First Tub From Left, On The Left-Side Of The Room! Dip The Acid Into It, And Then The Filmstrip. You’ll See A Word: “RING”, Remember It!

    11. Leave The Room, And Enter The Door On The Right-Side! Click The Closet, And Open It With The Key You Got From The Dead Man. Click On The Code Box, And Enter ” R I N G ” On It. Once Opened, Take The Film Film In It!

    12. Leave The Room, And Enter The Dark Room Again!

    13. Dip The New Film In The Tub, And Take It Back. Zoom Out, And Click On The Microscope Farthest From You. Put The Film In The Microscope, And Look At It!

    14. Leave The Room, And Enter The One On The Right-Side!

    15. Get Inside The Door In The Room, And You’re In A Bathroom. Click The Window To Zoom In Until You Only Have The View Outside, And Then Use The Rope Pipe, Left-Side Of The Screen. Click The Rope To Escape With The Needed Evidence!

    Congratulations! You Escaped Yet Another 123Bee Game, Which Is Getting Worse For Their Every New Games, And As Always Full Of Glitches!


  60. yay the 1st one from 123 bees that i did on my own :D

  61. working link:


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