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The Labyrinth Phase 1 - The Cube

The Labirynth Phase I - The Cube is a new point and click type escape the room game by Kadisbel. This game is a sort of Labyrith mixed with an escape game, you have to escape from it by making rotate each room. Some doors are locked, so you must find the keys to open them. Good luck and have fun!

Play The Labyrinth Phase 1

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  1. don't understand this game

  2. Um,yes, it is a maze...what the heck are they thinking?

  3. i'm in too, but i may not get out

  4. I actually found a red stone! I do not have any idea what next!!!!

  5. I found a number 1 so I could mark the chamber for future reference. I'm AWFUL with directions!

  6. i found a red stone too... i think i'm gonna give up on this one.. that sound is driving me nuts.

  7. I can't get anywhere! Now I'm dizzy!

  8. hey zoz how do u do?
    get a yellow stone dont even remember from where, & some cubes have numbers

  9. now i have a not ask me how! round and round...ha ha heh heh

  10. What the heck is this ?
    I am getting nausea :( and i thought that we can play a new cool game together.
    BTW hi Zoz :)

  11. hey youcef, zazie, every1. I found what looks like a map, but don't ask me how I got there. I think this one is going to be impossible to play as a team

  12. hi Debra! lol, and bye thatjust...

  13. see the #1 but it is so tedious. No yellow yet...

  14. Yes i understand you zoz, i am getting sick, i will drop thisone, no logic, nothing intersting....
    Such a pity :(
    Hopefully i see you all soon at the next one :))))

  15. I recognize a dead end but after that I am lost...

  16. by the looks of the map, you must pay attention to any pattern of dots in the corner of a room. the map could go any direction cuz it's just a grid with arrows in it, but the outside corners are marked with dots. I'm trying to copy it down now.

  17. If anyone gets anywhere i'm in...looks like the room is this game!Zoz is the map helping?

  18. How do you know it is #8 Plasma?

  19. i am able to put the diamond onto different wheels...
    but nothing happens

  20. there´s a number on the door...8

  21. yeah zoz got the map & yellow key neer cell #4
    tried to draw the way I took but it seem to be tridimentionnel

  22. Just got here and am already dizzy :)

  23. after putting the diamond into another wheel i got to cube number 5

  24. I'm an idiot! Of course the #8 is there. I am giving up!
    Keep getting dead ends...

  25. new game now I have to catch up

  26. Omgosh, this makes me dizzy...Good luck all

  27. found a map near cube number 5

  28. i'm not doing so well with the map, but that's not too surprising! My strategy is to try to navigate between rooms that have the dot pattern in one corner. I found a key, but I don't know what it goes to

  29. Good luck all! totally lost on this one!BYE!

  30. also found key on the right (cube 4)

  31. ooh, a new symbol where the numbers usually are; looks kind of like a J

  32. according to the map small dots, some black, some white mark the cubes but i do not quite understand

  33. Plasmacytoid if you needed a diamond to get to cube 5 that may mean every game starts in a different cube, which would be diablolical!

  34. oh DOH, the J became a 4 when I rotated the cube, lmao

  35. plasma, if we could get to the same cube, we could maybe help each other. can you get back to 4?

  36. cube number one... who can interprete the dots?

  37. cannot find 4 any longer i am trying

  38. a+e=c near #4
    cant understand the dots code

  39. when you left 4, was the number right side up?

  40. I'm sea sick, and all I can find is a spiderweb.

  41. ok cube 1 with 1 showing to left is a dead end both ways

  42. lol niece, and I'm home sick with nausea; go figure

  43. I don't understand this game I just go around and around from one box to the next don't see anything at one place a get a door open in the next box but when I click it goes away what am I doing wrong can someone HELP me with the start of this game

  44. Have fun. I'm going to look for something less nauseating!

  45. leave cube 1 to the right turn twice go left turn again and you reach cube 8 to the right

  46. i actually like the deadends - only one choice to make

  47. i found a+e=c! yousef are you near???

  48. ok I think I'm getting some were I have a red stone

  49. not any more zoz would be nice meeting u their ;)

  50. used the key in a lock it clicked but nothing happenend...and the key vanished

  51. this may or may not help anyone, but if you're in the cube with a+e=c, the only way to go without a dead end is to the left when the writing is in the upper left corner of the cube

  52. found a spider after using key...strange...

  53. think cells without dots r dead ends

  54. I found a key (used, but I don't think it got me anywhere), a red pentagonal jewel, a round, gold jewel with a green center, a map I don't understand, the numbers 0, 1, 4, 5, and 8, and the equation a+c=b+e. I found a door with a five digit code, and if I exit one of the ways it puts me in a room without a door back to the code room. I've seen all sorts of dots in corners, but I don't know what they mean. I also saw a moving spider in a web, a skull and bone, and I think something else I don't remember. Unfortunately, I don't remember where all these things were.

  55. wow, Lialke you sure get around

  56. I am repeating my rooms, i think. Using the spider web room as a kind of central room to keep my location, I have been able to find the red with a number in the top middle(2 or 4?) with 3 dots with 4 dots and lots of dead end rooms...How do I get to the key room?

  57. I think I'll follow Lialke around, LOL.

  58. good night every one have to leave good luck !!

  59. I found these things, but I don't know how to use them. Hopefully it'll help some of you knowing that these things are even there. I didn't find the a+e=c equation, but provided that it's in my game but I just didn't find it, I figured out the following...

    a=4, b=8, c=5, d=0, e=1. So I guess the five digit code is from these numbers? But I can't get back to that room.

  60. OK, that's not a 2 or 4 it's a keyhole...where's the key?

  61. neicey i wish i could tell you where i found it

  62. no the one i'm seeing is a four and my key does nothing ;(

  63. I think the key gets you to the room with a 0.

  64. the real equation is a+c=b+e

  65. am n a room where u can input five #'s and each turn opens a door. have a red gem and a green and gold something. hmmm. please dont ask how i randomly got here lol

  66. think ill stay in this room for days till someone breaks the code lol.

  67. inserted key in room next to spider web but nothing happened

  68. Yeah! I found skull and crossbones. lol

  69. .....o u t !!
    dont know how: found the 5 digits cell, entered 48501 moved to an other cell (dont remember in which direction) & got: to be continued

  70. Good job, youcef! Do you remember how you got to the 5 digits cell? I can't find it again.

  71. Is easy but complicated!(: ..I found a map,codes,red stone,ect!

  72. wrong code for me unless i went into the wrong hole

  73. Lialke
    dont remember well but it was near the #8.... hope this can help

  74. out...hello? help me...etc. never used any item

  75. I found where to put the red gem!! In one of the rooms off of the 4, there's a little grey dot in the center of one of the edges of screws. I put the red gem there, and it ate it, and led me to the a+e=c room (which some of you have already found).

  76. you must get closer to the code room with your extras. i found itr shortly after the abc room

  77. Nooo! I found the code room only to stray and now I can't find my way back.

  78. What a dirty game!! If you have 2 directions to go and you go the wrong way, when you return, the other direction won't reappear unless you completely rotate the room. At least this is what I found in the room with the keyhole.

  79. Is it just me or is this one of those places that can only be found by those who aren't trying to find it.

  80. aaaaaaagggggggghhhhhhh! no more spinning. barf!

  81. omg i finally got out. the room with the code: put in 48501 and rotate three times, then go out the right. If you exit after only one or two turns, the door behind you disappears and you have to find it all over again.
    what a diablolical game!!!

  82. since there's no new game i'm going to plunge back in an see if i can make any sense of this. If only we could use breadcrumbs...

  83. OK, I restarted and this time I found the a+e=c, but last time I found a+c=b+e. Did the codes change or are there just two different rooms?

  84. I found the other code again so the are two rooms with codes.

  85. If i remember right from the movie the cubes are moving over time....

  86. i give up! getting out once was punishment enough for me. good luck gordo!

  87. i found spider web, skull with bone and door with one, but i'm so dizzy so 'm moving on to other games...

  88. How do i pick up items?

  89. I found a key,red stone, and what i think was a emerald ring on one of the handles don't ask me which one got to be continued never used either jewel

  90. this game is too complicated. its like a rubix cube escape game! too much for me.

  91. Walkthrough:

    Rule 1) Rooms rotate clockwise.
    Rule 2) Any room without dots in the corner or any other form of landmark is a dead end, meaning you can rotate all you want but it will only have a door where you first entered it.
    Rule 3) Any dots that appear in a room will always be in the upper right (UR) corner when you first enter the room. These rooms can be rotated to see additional doors. To retrace your steps, rotate the room so that the dots are back in the UR corner. I will label each room like this: 2bL-2bR. This means there are two black dots left of the corner and two black dots right of the corner. “h” means a hollow dot.

    1) You begin in the room 2bL-2bR.
    2) Rotate the wheel once and go out the door (right). You'll enter the room 2bL-1bR.
    3) Rotate once and exit left. You'll be in the spider room – the spider in its web is in the UR corner.
    4) Rotate three times and go left into room 1bL-2bR, and collect red gem.
    5) Exit right into spider room, rotate once, and exit left into the key room (1hR) -- there's a keyhole in the middle of the top edge. You will need to find a key for this room.
    6) Meanwhile, rotate once and exit left into the skull & bone room – bones in lower right (LR) corner.
    7) Rotate once and exit right into a room 1hL.
    8) Rotate once and go left into the room 1hL-1bR with the number 1. Remember this number.
    9) Go back right, rotate twice, exit left into room 1hL-1hR whose wheel has a black center. Remember this room.
    10) Go left into room 1hL-2hR.
    11) Rotate once, go right into room 2hL-2hR with a green and gold gem in the center of the wheel, and the number 8. Collect gem and remember number.
    12) Go back left, then left again into room 2hR.
    13) Rotate once and go left to room 1hR with # 5 -- remember #.
    14) Go back right, rotate once, exit right into map room (1bL-2hR). I have no idea what this map means, so any help is welcome! You can take a screenshot of the map if you want.
    15) Rotate twice, exit left into room 2bL-2hR.
    16) Rotate once, go left into room 2bL-1hR and collect golden key.
    17) Exit left into room 2bL with number 4 (remember).
    18) Rotate three times, exit right into room 1bL with a grey dot in the center of the top edge. Put the red gem on that grey dot.
    19) Rotate once, exit right into 1bL-1hR with equation a+e=c. You have three numbers so far: 1, 8, 5, and 4. 1+4=5, so c=5 and a,e=1,4 (but you don’t know which yet).
    20) Retrace your steps: exit left, rotate three times, exit left (4 room), rotate once, exit right, exit right again, rotate three times, exit right into map room, rotate twice, exit left, rotate twice, exit right, rotate until 1hL-2hR is in the UR corner, exit right into room with black wheel center (1hL-1hR). Later we’re going to use the other gem here, but for now exit right, rotate once, exit left into skull room. Rotate three times, exit right into key room (1bR).
    21) Rotate until the keyhole is at the top again, then put the golden key into the keyhole.
    22) Rotate once, exit right into 2bR with the number 0, and remember the number.
    23) Rotate three times, exit left into skull room, rotate once, exit right, rotate three times, exit left into black wheel room.
    24) Put the green & gold gem in the center of the wheel, rotate once, exit right into 2hL-1hR.
    25) Rotate three times, exit right into 2hL and find the equation a+c=b+e. Remember that c=5, and a,e=1,4. 0 can’t be anywhere in this equation because 0+x=x; therefore d=0. Play around with the numbers and notice that 4+5=8+1, so a=4, e=1, and b=8.
    26) Rotate twice and exit left into 2hL-1bR.
    27) Rotate twice and exit right into 2hL-2bR.
    28) Rotate once and exit left into the code room (1hL-2bR). Remember the five digits we solved earlier? abcde= 48501, so enter that into the panel.
    29)Rotate three times, exit right, and enjoy the closing message. You’re done!

  92. I figured out the map!!! In case anyone cares, this is a map of the square you're in. Outside the perimeter of the map are dead end rooms without dots. Each square is one of the interior rooms with dots, and the dots are coordinates. The arrow inside each room indicates the orientation of the room when you first enter it. This map can help you orient yourself if you've been keeping track of where you've gone, and you can use it to figure out which rooms you haven't seen yet. However, it doesn't actually tell you where anything is or how to get there (you can't get to any room from more than one room).

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Lialke Thank you so much for the Great Walkthrough I could never finish the game with out it. That is not a easy Walkthrough to make did a wonderful Job :)

  95. Wow! I commend you for your tenacity and attention to the minutest detail. I didn't have it in me to stay and neither will I even be able to follow the walkthrough without a headache. Lialke, BRAVO!!!

  96. Thanks again Lailke! I followed the w/t and never in a million years would I have had the patience to do it myself!!!Interesting...but I think I'll pass on the sequels...

  97. Hello,

    I am the diabolical person who has created this "diabolical" and "illogical" game :) Well I thought you'll take much more time to get out of the maze, congratulations ! And also congrats to Lailke for the perfect walkthrough ! I am astonished :))

    And of course.... sorry everybody for the headaches ;)

  98. Lialke: would never imagine somone will understand it!!
    Kadisbel:not usual game, will wait for "the maze" but will not play it unless Lialke do. ;)

  99. Lialke, you watched The Cube one too many times. :)

  100. hi peoples anyone playing?

  101. Hi, if anyone's still watching -

    Kadisbel: I like the game, but yes it's very frustrating... there's no way of mapping my progress!. Figured out that no dots means dead end, but could not help checking each time anyway. Shame about the ending - it should be more obvious that was the correct ending, and not a 'bad end' like you get in a lot of games.
    On the whole though, very inventive and nice that it was different - well done.

    Lailke, that was awesome. I might have given up without the walkthrough (unbelievable that you did it)... it never occurred to me to put the gold/green gem in the black wheel, even though I'd seen the wheel was different from the others. I worked out the gem and the key alright. I couldn't see the point of the 'map' either.

    Thanks then to both of you.

  102. Hi Anthea,

    Thanks for the comment, I take note for the second part of the game :)

    Yes, I know, it's quite difficult, but I wanted to do something a little different from what I've played so far. Some people liked it, others called me "demoniac" and "mentally ill" (even some of my best friends lol)

    And you are right, maybe the end was not the best one, I'll try something different for the next one :) Thanks again, it's with comments like yours that I can do better games :)


  103. what a nice community you have here. a nice break from the asinine youtube community. been really enjoying these escape games, though i'm terrible at it, and i always come back to these discussions for help haha

  104. working link:


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