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Battle of the Intrusive Father

Battle of the Intrusive Father is another Japanese point and click type escape the room game by Zerosiki Kai. In this game, you have to solve puzzles and find items to escape the room. Language barrier may be a big problem. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. hey! anyone around to play with?

  2. 3 keys used, not sure what the last one did, now stuck

  3. ai yi yi, language a BIG problem here! founf a key, but no clue as to how to solve the codes...Shuchun!!!! where r you!!!!!! :)

  4. rebecca, where did you used the key?

  5. found a second key, then was clicking around and lost it, but not sure why or where ;(

  6. ok just starting..hopefully i can catch up.I tried playing 20min. but the language barrier was a big problem

  7. desperately seeking a translator......

  8. oh YEAH!!!!! the avatars are back!!! thx facebook team! :), thx Yalcin :)

  9. spoiler for keys

    1st one found in box, used on another box to get another key, used that one on the blue box above vase, it disappeared and now stuck

    *what could the star x diamond thing mean below the numbers in the note on the wall

  10. this site is a good translator but only really works if you copy the text

  11. @Michele
    big problem for me too cant read those hints very well ><

  12. and glad to see ur pug back again

  13. oh Hi shuchun!!!!!!! i know, i'm completely stuck. don't understand what to do with the code from the bulleton board

  14. Shuchun, our avatars r back, i'm soo glad!

  15. thx for the info Kendra, but i don't think i want to work that hard :)

  16. too much of a language barrier, and can't copy and past for translations for the hints. Don't think there's a way to finish this one until we all learn japanese...

  17. Haha, when I first read the title I thought it said The Battle of the Intrusive Feather!!! lol

  18. There's a keypad on the vase that will take 4 digits. Tried 2612, 3515 & 6127(2 number added). no joy. I can't get to the key pad after using the second key.

    I restarted the game a few times and get the first key in different places. The middle picture, the flowers on the left and the top box so far. It says:

    Problems emerge during the games, puzzles, so the content changes randomly, but that is not always the same answer.

    This is also a timed game.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. These 3 games are not easy because they were originally created as cellphone games for the Japanese natives. And moreover clues and codes may be different in every game. You have to do things in order.

    --- translation and clue ---
    1.One of three pictures is a "Liar". clues are on the cork board.
    if 57★◆ is a liar
    5x7=35 -> 3x5=15. 15 is the code for the jar.
    try all 3 possibilities:)

    2.note in the jar.
    no language barrier!! good luck:) note
    "Truth is right/left/above/below/ of the "TV"
    -> find words right/left/above/below T and V.
    in my case ばにら or きなこ

    you have S yen(money). S is 1st number (ex. 1600, 2000, etc)
    candy A is X yen. X is 2nd number. (ex. 30)
    candy B is Y yen. Y is 3rd number. (ex. 60)
    candy C is Z yen. Z is 4th number. (ex. 80)

    Buy candyA,B same pieces as many as you can, then buy candyC.
    If there is no change how many pieces of candys you can buy in total?

    But I don't know it's helpful or not....

  21. @xenon
    thx for ur tips that help me a lot.

  22. Maybe I am a little slow, but I don't get how 14=RUN.....

  23. Stuck with the RUN clue too. I don't see the connection or any pattern in the numbers.

    Now when I click on the rabbit, there's a place for a 3 letter code, I assume this is where the RUN clue goes.

  24. As for "RUN".
    7-3 is "R". See your cellphone:)

  25. Xenon was a huge help...had trouble with the red paper. out tho, thanks.

  26. Xenon, thanks for the tips. I thought I'd try again, and managed to get out this time.:)

    The 3 character code from the red paper was difficult because I couldn't see the characters properly they were cut off at the bottom.

  27. Walkthrough.

    You can get timed out on this game.

    Codes, clues, the order of doing things and places you find the keys are different each game.

    Click around to find the first key.
    This can be around the boxes, in the flowers on the right hand side,
    I also think I've found it in one of the 3 paintings too.
    Use the key on the top box to get another key.
    Click on the right paper on the notice board.
    Click on the left paper, notice the clue.
    Click on the lower vase on the right side, you get somewhere to enter a code.
    If you don't see a keypad, try clicking on the paintings first or try using the 2nd key on the blue right key pad above the vase.

    Thanks to Xenon for help with this.

    Click on each of the three paintings, the text in the comment box changes.
    Amongst the Japanese text you'll see a two digit number.
    For each painting, multiply the two digits together, this will give you another 2 digit number.
    Multiply these two digits together, this gives you a new 2 digit number.

    Do this for each painting. Try each of the 3 results on the number pad for the vase.

    When you have the correct one you'll get another clue.
    The top line is always the same, the bottom line changes.


    These correspond to the numbers and letters on a phone's key pad.
    7-2 is number 7 the 2nd letter, which is R.
    8-2 is the number 8, 2nd letter, which is U.

    Look at the phone keypad and you'll 3 letters.
    The example above gives JIS.
    This is the code for the rabbit.
    Click on the rabbit, you have to click a couple of times to get the place to enter the code.
    If it doesn't work and you haven't used the 2nd key yet, use it on the blue keypad on the right.

    Enter the 3 letter code.
    The rabbit will now display a red note with another clue.
    Click on the red note.

    Thanks to Xenon.

    The black text at the bottom, says "Truth is right/left/above/below/ of the "TV"
    On the black text look for 2 of these characters.


    On the white on red text, look for the letters T and V.
    Then look for the characters next to the T & V that are in the positions.
    Then click on the blue key pad and scroll each position until you find the characters.
    There is only one possible order for the 3 characters.
    If you can put the same character in more than one position, do the other characters first.
    Click enter and you get a remote.
    Use the remote on the TV.

    You now have to solve the maths problem.

    From Xenon.

    you have S yen(money). S is 1st number (ex. 1600, 2000, etc)
    candy A is X yen. X is 2nd number. (ex. 30)
    candy B is Y yen. Y is 3rd number. (ex. 60)
    candy C is Z yen. Z is 4th number. (ex. 80)

    Buy candyA,B same pieces as many as you can, then buy candyC.
    If there is no change how many pieces of candys you can buy in total?

    The easiest way I found was to add the cost of A+B.
    Work out 1 x (A+B), then 2 x (A+B), 3 x (A+B) and so on.
    Each time take the result away from the big number, when what's left divisible by the cost of C you stop.
    Whatever you've multiplied A+B by, double it and add it to the number from dividing by C.

    When you've worked out the number of candies,
    this is the code for the door and you're out.


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