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Captain Duck

Captain Duck is another new point&click type escape the room game from Kagiana. You are trapped in a kids' room and you need to get out of the room by searching, finding and using items with clues. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. woo hoo!! lets get going?

  2. wow first hahahah never been first had to say it lol

  3. have remote that needs batteries, one battery and a rubber duck and i hope im not alone cuz im super stuck lol

  4. ok had to use tab. STUPID!!!

  5. crap wrong game folks lol.. i cant be alone though!!!

  6. yeah, i have 2 duckies, one battery and a remote, stuck 2

  7. Lol. whered you get the 2nd duck?

  8. in the cabinet, the key was on the sofa when you look at the door

  9. I put both ducks in the tub, but I am not sure what to do next.

  10. OK, need second duck, too. Please?

  11. Oh, ok! Lol! Searching for second battery...

  12. oy, found another key taped to wall, when you click to the left of the yellow drawers

  13. Same here!! cant find key for one door though!

  14. i have got 1 battery 2 ducks and a remote wt do i want to do next

  15. ??? i just clicked every where no key

  16. Pik, where did you click to get the second key? Zoomed, facing drawers, or not?

  17. hi, sorry but where did you put the 2 ducks??

  18. I am not sure what caused this to happen, but I am out now.

    The key to the bathroom is about halfway up to the right of the drawers.

  19. well, when you click the wall next to the middle part of yellow cabinet with drawers, you get key for bathroom

  20. OK, found a key taped to the right of drawers. Click more to top part.

  21. weird.. talk about pixel hunting huh?

  22. Pik, yes, but to the right of drawers, not left. :)

  23. my mistake, right, on the right, lol, sorry

  24. and now i'm stuck with 2 duckies in the thub,

  25. got the code for the bathroom...

    blue purple yellow orange blue orange
    water turns hot,

    I placed the two ducks in the water, Come back and they've multiplied into 4 baby ducks.

    I turned the ducks over and there is 4 numbers

    go back to the dresser click on the drawers as to the order of the hats or bows of the ducks.

    blue cyan green purple,

    out pops a key


  26. i got the water running got 2nd battery ducks in tub and the cabinets arent moving hmmm

  27. OK, I put the ducks into water and... How do I get out of here?! My door needs a key? Where is it? Help!

  28. Tiffany, my ducks refuse to mate? No baby ducks for me...

  29. Hey, alkmar! Got any baby ducks?

  30. thank you tiffany, lol, I got out, apparently duckies are alive... :)

  31. no....but got a message for you in the c-box.....:P

  32. :-( mine dont make love.... have no babies, came back 3 times lol

  33. Eeek! OK, now I have baby ducks. I had to input the TV code again, after putting ducks in water. Also turned TV on again, not sure if needed.

  34. Alkmar, OK Going to check it as soon as I escape from here! Lol!

  35. just start the game...sweet duckies....

  36. thx feline, got it now. cute babyducks and out

  37. i cant get my ducks to have babies either... i tried puttin the code back in but no luck

  38. yay!!! baby duckies!! so you have to put the code in and then leave and turn the t.v. on!

  39. Walkthrough!
    In first view click on dresser.
    Open 3rd drawer take remote
    Double click remote and then click it again when its centered on your screen. You need batteries.(of course)
    Click to the bottom right of the dresser. your first battery.
    click between the 1st and 2nd drawers on the wall you get key for bathroom
    Back up so you see first view again. click the left bottom side of the couch to find a duck
    click left 2 times and click on the door
    in door view on the left side theres a key.
    turn around and face t.v. theres a locked cabinet and the key from the couch is the one for that. Another duck
    now go to the hallway see door thats locked. use key you found from beside drawers and your in the bathroom
    click the stool you get another battery put your batteries in your remote
    click the gray box behind the tub. you see you need a code. go to t.v. view and click the t.v. again so its big on your screen. click on the remote in your inventory and BE READY it goes quick if you really need help is blue purple yellow orange blue orange
    go back to bathroom put that code in and you get hot water.
    put duckies in tub. now input that same code on the box click the button on top(dont know if that matters though) now go back and turn the t.v. on again. when you get back to the bathroom you will have baby duckies!!
    click on them and when they enlarge click them again you'll get 4 numbers. notice the colored hats. the drawer handles match..go and open the drawersin the order of the colors
    Dark blue 1 Light blue 2 Green 3 pink 4
    open 4th drawer and you get key for door go to door use key your out

  40. You can get 'COMPLETE CLEAR' end with a bunch of child ducks once you escaped and replay the game.

  41. cute little game. nice change from all the pixel hunting games on offer lately ;)

  42. Tried everything but no little duckies for me. :-(

  43. same here... tried everything but still no baby ducks! :(

  44. And me sue and colleen...our ducks obviously aren't feeling very frisky!

  45. i am not sure how i got the baby duckies..but i got out of the bathroom and just went through the room again.went back in and there were duckies!!
    lol cute game :)

  46. I didn't get the duckies first. I went back into the room, put the TV on again, clicked all the hotspots again and then went back in the bathroom and they had appeared.

  47. For the complete ending:
    --on the replay screen:[first ending]check the ducks of top row and bottom row to get color order
    --press replay button to get into the game again
    --press the buttons of the drawers by color order to get a duckhead key in the first drawer
    --use the duckhead key to open the bathroom. see lots of ducklings
    --click the dadyduck and see it flew through the window

  48. No baby duckies for me either...:( Trying everything from entering code again, then turning on tv again, to going out and clicking hot spots luck.

  49. IN case anyones wants the lil ducks I found once you place mom and dad you dont have to play with the water or tv anymore, just exit the bathroom and open all the drawers (I did bottom to top) then go back for your new family.

  50. oh god... thanks matthew! I'm finally out!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Nothing I do makes baby ducks. I have been back to every hot spot, opened the drawers 289 different ways, turned the tv on about 67 times - no baby ducks!!!

  53. @cathy,
    --leave the bathroom and then just go back to the living room
    --turn Left three times and then go to bathroom again and u will see 4 baby ducks


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