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Ski Chalet Escape 2

Ski Chalet Escape 2 is the sequel to Ski Chalet Escape 1 point and click type room escape game from Can you figure out how to escape this chalet located in the Swiss Alps?

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  1. 3 keypad number on right behind drink machine
    they glued the money down, lol!

  2. placed 3 and 4 on keypad by door, key fits door, but we need a code to open it

  3. cant break window with stone, found stone in shoe. Thank for the 4

  4. okay, broke window. now what?

  5. cannot find 3 keypad number behind drink machine

  6. great, i broke it now..... left under

  7. found a card(?) in the machine

  8. used the spanner on the tap

  9. how do you tesr the slot?

  10. that clock is a red herring!

  11. filled plastic with water, freezing now....

  12. oh lol, i am too late.....muse, you are too quick for me!

  13. click on clock a few times to advance time then get ice coin

  14. I´m out! walkthrough anyone?

  15. making an ice coin, tricky!

  16. still cannot find the three.
    Muse, upper left is the plastic, but cannot find the 3

  17. The 3 was behind the sodamachine....down right side...

  18. Clock is not a red herring. You got to move the clock to make the water freeze.

    And... out!!!!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. once you get the ice coin, get a soda that's empty but has a door code on it.

  21. leave it to jon to find a use for the clock, lol. kkf dedicated a walkthrough to you jon!

  22. thanks muse now what to do to clock i have been clicking it forever and nothing?

  23. Helloooo .. .. Any one still here?

  24. Only just joined! Going to have a try at this :S

  25. got it and out. anyone need help?

  26. good game.thnx for the hints :)

  27. hi everybody ! where's the 4 please ?

  28. grandbaygal : clicking on the clock it's just a way to let the water freezes... (sorry for my bad english).

  29. However much I click the clock, the water won't freeze...

    Is there a specific place to click?

  30. Well, I'm happy for you Mariguil...but how did you freeze the water?

  31. Always so wonderful when people answer your polite...Always such a joy when people who are out first wait up for the rest to help them out...really...what a social, warm-hearted gamers community this is...

  32. I have found a stone and broke the window with it.
    I have got a spanner and used it on the tap.
    I have 2 cards (#3 and #4).
    I can change time on the clock, but it does nothing.
    I can't do anything with the vending machine.

    So... I'm stuck !

  33. I have also put a blue plastic sheet in glue (don't know why !)

  34. The walkthrough on the site helped me, I'm out !

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. in the same place you are and cant do a thing with it all :( helpppppppp people ...dont juste leave quietly tk

  37. You can freeze the water by putting it outside the broken window.

  38. Note that the door keypad is missing numbers
    Click on the purple snow boots and then the black ones to zoom all the way in -- get the stone from the blue boot
    Zoom in on the clock and see that you can waste time
    Zoom in on the green snowboard and get the keypad number from under the front corner of the drink machine
    Note the drink machine has a place to put a coin
    Zoom in on the part of the machine where you would take your drink out -- click in the upper left corner of the slot where it is a touch lighter blue and you will get the plastic
    Turn right and note you can’t turn on the faucet by hand
    Turn right so you are facing the bench and window
    Use the stone to break the bottom left corner of the window
    Zoom in on the red snowboard on the bench -- get the lighter from the farther boot lock
    Click under the bench and then click at the far end -- get the key beside the locker base
    Turn right
    Zoom in on the table and see the coin is glued
    Place the plastic from the drink machine over the coin
    Use the lighter on it to melt the plastic
    Zoom in on the right side of the lockers and get the keypad number from behind it
    Zoom in on the gray ski in the line of skis on the wall and get the spanner/wrench from behind it
    Turn to the faucet on the wall and use the wrench to turn it on
    Use the plastic on the dripping water to fill it (while still zoomed in on the faucet)
    Turn to the window and place the plastic with water on the shelf outside
    Go to the clock to waste time and then come back to get the ice coin
    Use the coin in the drink machine and click the button for a soda -- get the soda from the slot
    Click the soda can to read the number on it
    Replace the missing keypad numbers, enter the number from the can (1538), and then use the key you have to escape!

  39. You don't need a number 4 card. All you need is the key from under the locker and the number 3 card from under the vending machine. You have to click on the green board beside the vending maching so u can get the card. Put the card on the padlock and enter the number 1538 the go back click on the key then click on the door and your out.

  40. Go to the keypad near the door and put both tiles in the right place.

    Go to the vending machine where the drinks come out.... the corner of the inside bit is slightly peeling... click it to take the purple plastic sheet.

    Go to the red snowboard on the bench... there's a lighter hiding just behind the foot grip near the back of the board.

    Look at the euro coin stuck on the table.. put the plastic on the coin... use the lighter to melt the plastic.. then pick the melted plastic mold back up

    Look near the ski rack... click on the closest ski to the table with the coin on it...

    You should get a view of behind the ski facing the door... click the wrench hiding in the bottom left corner of the screen against the ski rack.

    Go to the tap, and use the wrench to turn it on..

    get the plastic mold, hold it under the dripping tap and click to fill it up.

    Look at the sets of ski boots in between the door and the vending machine

    Zoom in on the black pair in the middle... when zoomed in, click the rock just poking out of the boots on the right.

    Go to the window... use the stone/rock on the crack in the bottom left corner.... it will crack more... click again to break it open

    Put the plastic tray filled with water outside of the shelf through the hole in the window

    Go to the clock and click it to advance time

    Go back to the shelf and click the tray to get the ice out of it... it will be an ice coin from the mold.

    Go to the vending machine.. put the ice coin in the machine.... and click the button for a soda

    Look where the drinks come out and pick up the can.

    Click the can in the inventory and it will say the code for the keypad...

    Use the code on the keypad, the light will go green on top

    Go to the lockers and click under the lockers on the gap between the bottom and the floor

    Find the key under the locker unit..

    Use the key on the door


  41. Your welcome I just solved every problem :L

  42. Done in 13:39! Thanks kitkatfox! BIG help! That was a such a fun game! Now i'm going to play ski chalet 1! Woo-Hoo!

  43. Put plastic on ring on the table with the glue than use lighter to melt the plastic with hole shaped as a ring

  44. working link:


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