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Tortuga Episode 3

[REPLAY] Tortuga Escape Episode 3 - Escape the Pirate Town is thethird part of Tortuga Episode 1 point and click type room escape game created by Mateusz Skutnik and Marek Frankowski for pastel games. In Tortuga 3 you have successfully escaped the pirate ship you were imprisoned on, only to find that the pirates have taken over the whole town! Strain your brain as you solve clever puzzles and fight for your freedom! Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Tortuga Escape 3

Tortuga Escape 3 Walkthrough

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  1. those pirates keep hitting me

  2. Use the nail to unlock the boat

  3. i have a nail, two pieces of map, two boards and a pouch with money... and i get beaten by the pirates...

  4. I want to go in the pub, but what is the code ?

  5. Hi, I went to other island side, where money, keys and found ink-makin

  6. I need a rope to climb the monastry wall, I think...

  7. Sylli, I only found one key, are there more?

  8. found a lot of items, have no idea where to use them. used only the nail and 2 boards so far.

  9. used key, boards and nail. I rung the churchbell tower, that's another black eye....

  10. it makes the people on the square walk to the church tower, but don't know why

  11. I now look like a pirate

  12. connected the anchor to the rope and climbed up the monastry wall, where an angry dog awaits me. he didn't even want my sausage....

  13. There's a grinning pirate on the flag at dust corner....

  14. Truus, where's you find a rope, Ive been looking for it!

  15. jitta, after you find all the items, it tells you, you look like a pirate

  16. i think the rope was in a cellar in the dark alley

  17. the music box makes the dog fall asleep

  18. it said my mission is not complete, i must find the pirates flag!!

  19. ooh, is this still live?

  20. Gave my saucice and sardines to a rat and received a yellow key
    Code for the pub ,
    all in rat corner

  21. stuck!! did anyone get into the pub yet?

  22. Code for pub in rat ally. Where did my flag fly away to?

  23. many things I did not need....

  24. There are two ways to enter the monastry, at the dog side or simply using the key. Isn't trade fantastic....

  25. jitta, where did you find the flag? I think i used the sword to cut it loose, but don't know where it is now

  26. My flag landed on a roof near the monastary

  27. it's at the monastry gate, flew away I guess....

  28. thanks dan, i will look for it there

  29. Oh, maybe the flags can be at different places, possibly according to where you entered the monastry?

  30. And "to be continued". Great game.

  31. still can't find it. not on a roof nor at the gate

  32. Sorry Truus, I don't know then...
    Finally a proper escape game again!

  33. i like the game too, only wish i could find that flag! lol

  34. how do you get to rat alley. i keep getting punched

  35. Yesss, I know where the flag is, only getting it seems a problem... It's above the pirate with the gun, look all the way up

  36. thanks granny, but after you cut it loose, it disappeares.

  37. gcbrochu, if a road is blocked by pirates, you have to find another way or give an item.

  38. how do you cut loose the flag? i thought i had, with the sward, but now the sward is gone and the flag is still in its place...
    any ideas?

  39. The banner will be on the other side of the island, take a boat where there was inkwell

  40. sylli, you mean at red gulf?

  41. ff i cut the flag with the sword and then they both were gone

  42. @truus,
    unfortunatelly my sward is gone, i used it i=at the scene withthe smiling pirate and the flag, bu the flag is still in its place...

  43. hmmm, buggy ???
    I think i'm giving up. i looked everywhere for that flag. it was a nice game though, too bad i couldn't complete my mission....

  44. @truus,don't give up yet,
    did you try the walkthrough?

  45. thanks ff, you've giving me new hope!!
    there are 3 places to find the flag.....
    let's search one more time

  46. Truus;
    Flag is closed at the gate, where at the beginning of gray keys and inkwell found...go with the boat and back again, then mission completed

  47. i found mine and i am out, not thanks to my abilities i'm afraid.
    a grate game though, i enjoied it immensly!

  48. you are all sooooooo kind trying to help AND i feel soooooo stupid for not finding it....

  49. i did cut the rope loose before giving the grog to the pirate, maybe that was my mistake??

  50. anyway, I'm giving up now. big thanks for all the help!!

  51. What is the last name of Captain Jack..?

  52. Can't find flag, gotta quit.

  53. flag lies on the ground somewhere where also the pub is...

  54. still cant find my flag..-.-
    i already read the official walkthrough but still.. maybe im blind.. -.-
    any tipps?

  55. Yep, it's been a great game, but I cannot find the flag either, cant finish without that little flag

  56. How can i go to the dark alley? There are Pirates..

  57. Drehmoment, you have to go into the church and pull the rope/cord to ring the bell..all the people will gather..

  58. @vbranam 1

    Thank you! I found it

  59. how can we go into the pub?

  60. Yw, look at papers on wall above the rat..Follow skull pattern on pub door

  61. I think I won't find the flag because I cut the flag loose before trading with the pirate..Guess I shoulda traded first..Gotta go for now..Will check back later to see if there is a remedy for this...Good Luck Drehmoment

  62. vbranam 1

    i found the flag on the other side of the sea.
    Where you have to use the black key, where you´ve found the ink!

  63. vbranam 1, ok thank you. :)

  64. yay!!! i love games by Mateusz Skutnik!!! thank you! thank you! thank you!

  65. Thanks Drehmoment,,but my flag is not there, nor the other places in WT..I actually started over, and traded grog with pirate first...Still cant find that darn flag..Guess mine flew clear across the give up!!!!

  66. Went back over the whole place for a final time,,and there it was .sitting on the pub's roof...Took it a long time to done..Great game..Thanks Megipoland

  67. My flag was at the gate to the Monastery at the Red Cove when I unlocked it with the key the pirate gave me in the bar. Great game Mateusz! Took me a couple of replays to get the correct order of using the items, mainly to use the music box in the pirate bar first. The pirate gives it back with another item. Found the playing cards in a chest that I unlocked with a gold key, I think on a pier somewhere. Can of sardines for the rat, ink and a couple other items are when you land at the Red Cove and go inside shipwreck.

  68. I think I found a bug. I picked up the ink and now i cannot put it down.

  69. I can't figure out what to do- everywhere I go I get punched or shot. where is walkthrough

  70. oh thanks prid

  71. My walkthrough. This is the order I did things, but it may not be the most efficient way.

    Take the broken wood plank
    Take the bent nail by the barrel
    Click the bottom of the screen to turn around
    Click the wood board to move it and take the coin
    Click the right side of the pier where it is lighter below the lock to take a piece of wood
    Pick the lock with the nail to free the boat
    Drag the two pieces of wood to the boat (in the U shaped metal pieces) to serve as oars
    Click the boat and then scan right in this overhead view to go the Red Gulf
    Take the old key from the left of the screen
    Take the sardines from by the right rock
    Click on the crashed ship to zoom in
    Take the ink and the coin (inside the leather pouch on the ground)
    Back up to see the gate
    Go to the monastery (note the key you have doesn’t work)
    Turn around and take the coin from the green box next to the broken ship
    Go back to the overhead view and then go left to Skull Gulf
    Take the anchor
    Go right to Oliver House
    Take the shirt and pants and back up
    Go to Brandy Street and then left to Monk Square
    You can pivot 360 degrees here
    Go to Monkey Corner and see the man in the fountain
    Take his ring
    Back up and turn until you can get back to Brandy Street
    Go to Church Tower
    Use the old key on the door
    Scan right and pull the bell cord to ring the bell and call the mob
    Sneak out to Monk Square again (don’t go back to Brandy Street)
    You can now safely go to the Dark Alley
    Go into the broken window
    Take the sausage, wine, and rope
    Also take the coin by the bags, the cheese, and the hat (you now look like a pirate!)
    Go back to Monk Square, to Brandy Street, and then to rat corner (under the street light)
    Give the poor rat the cheese and sardines
    Get the key from the hat
    Back up and note the posters on the wall
    See the faces on the skull poster (mines were frown, smile, scared, frown, scared, scared)
    Go to 3 Skull Pub
    Repeat the poster order on the faces on the door and then enter
    Click the guy leaning on the bar on the left and give him the ring
    Take the barrel in exchange
    Click the writing guy and give him the ink
    Get the completed map
    Click the other men in the pub to see what they need
    Leave the pub and you are in Fargo Square (note Fargo is the name of the dog)
    Click the monastery wall and look up to see the stars
    Combine rope and anchor for grappling hook
    Use it to scale the wall
    Meet Fargo (take the coin on top of the wall by the green grass)
    Go back down
    Click by the wagon to see another view of Fargo Square -- take the coin under the wagon
    Click to go to Fog Alley
    Click the foggy well and take the rubber duck
    Note in dust corner the man wants to shoot you (he guards the flag)
    Go back and then go to Tortuga Port
    Take the music box
    Use the gold key on the chest to get the cards
    Go back through Fog Alley to Fargo Square and then to the Pub
    Give the left guy at the table the cards and get the tobacco
    Give the man the music box for the sword
    Buy the music box back (yep, you need it)
    Give the tobacco for the grog
    Click by the wagon and then click to go to Fog Alley
    Go to dust corner and give the man who wants to shoot you the grog (he flies off)
    Use the saber to cut the flag free
    Take the pistol
    Go back to the pub
    Trade the pistol for the key (note this key is another way to get into the Monastery -- through its gate versus over the wall with Fargo)
    Leave and look for the flag (mine was in Brandy Street)
    Go back outside and then to the wall
    Use the music box to make Fargo sleep
    Go inside
    You’re out (I had unused things in my inventory including the duck, wine, and sausage)

  72. This game was excellent! More more!!!!


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